Aevit for dry skin

Pharmacies sell drugs that are ingenious in their simplicity, cost mere pennies, and can transform the skin better than an expensive cosmetic procedure. One of the pharmacy miracle drugs is capsules with vitamins A and E in oil. Aevit for facial skin can work wonders, and now you will see for yourself.

While we are running around boutiques with expensive cosmetics, there are products in the pharmacy that actually work. These include vitamin aevit. There is nothing unusual in this product - just a mixture of vitamins A and E in oil, since these are fat-soluble vitamins, they are useless in another environment.

How is Aevit beneficial for facial skin?

To maintain youth and beauty, the skin needs all vitamins and microelements, but it is A and E that are responsible for its elasticity and firmness. These 2 vitamins are among the most powerful antioxidants.

Release form

Aevit is available in soft capsules, which are packed in 10, 20, 30 or 50 in one pack. Another form of the medicine is 1 ml ampoules for injection, but this Aevit is used less frequently.


Each Aevit capsule contains the following two active compounds:

  1. Retinol palmitate. This is a form of vitamin A that comes in a dosage of 100,000 IU per capsule.
  2. Alpha tocopherol acetate. Each capsule contains 0.1 g of this form of vitamin E.

They are supplemented with soybean, sunflower or corn oil, and the capsules themselves are made of glycerol, gelatin and dyes.

You can learn about the benefits of vitamin A for human organism from the program of E. Malysheva:

Retinol palmitate (form of vitamin A):

  1. Regulates metabolism in tissues;
  2. Increases cellular immunity;
  3. Stimulates the proliferation of epithelial cells, thereby rejuvenating the skin;
  4. Necessary to strengthen the protective functions of tissues;
  5. Helps retain moisture in skin cells;
  6. Taking retinol internally and using it externally can cure simple forms of skin cancer;
  7. Inhibits the development of viruses and bacteria, protects the skin from the adverse effects of the external environment;
  8. Improves capillary blood circulation;
  9. Increases the antioxidant properties of vitamin E, which in turn prevents retinol from oxidizing.

Alpha tocopherol acetate is a fat-soluble vitamin:

  1. Has a pronounced antioxidant effect;
  2. Regulates metabolic processes in tissues;
  3. Stimulates microcirculation and normalizes tissue trophism;
  4. Penetrates deep into the layers of the epidermis, moisturizing and renewing the skin;
  5. Whitens and eliminates age spots;
  6. Rejuvenates the skin and stimulates the regeneration of new cells.

These 2 components interact well and complement each other. Vitamin A is necessary for facial skin, and vitamin E prevents it from oxidizing and having a positive effect.

Together they are primarily:

  1. Have a rejuvenating effect;
  2. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, and deep ones become less noticeable;
  3. Improves complexion;
  4. Facial skin is more elastic and elastic, less sensitive and easier to recover;
  5. Pores are tightened and acne is cured.
  6. Thanks to the enhanced regenerating effect, acne marks disappear quite quickly.

Aevit for the skin around the eyes in homemade anti-wrinkle masks: effective recipes

Aevit is an excellent cosmetic product for caring for the skin around the eyes, it gently cares for, eliminating harmful crow's feet under the eyes. You can buy a ready-made gel with vitamin A and E in the composition (see photo), or you can use the recipes outlined by PhotoElf magazine below.

In its purest form

Squeeze the oily liquid from the capsule onto your finger and rub it along the massage lines along the lower and upper eyelids.

Lifting mask: potato + Aevit

To prepare this mask, you can use boiled potatoes: mash them and add Aevit. A teaspoon of potatoes will take 1 capsule of vitamins.

For the same purpose, you can grate fresh, young potatoes and combine them with our oil in the same proportion. The lifting effect is guaranteed in both cases.

Refreshing mask: greens + Aevit

Fresh parsley should be chopped until the juice is released. Mix this fresh pulp (2 teaspoons) thoroughly with the oil squeezed from 2 Aevita capsules.

This refreshing and toning mask is good to do in the summer mornings, when dark circles, bruises or puffiness are found under the eyes.

And the redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes will disappear after such a remedy. Be sure to try this mask - you won’t regret the results.

Anti-wrinkle mask: Aevit + oatmeal

Cook oatmeal in milk and cool to room temperature. Mix 2 teaspoons of the prepared product with oil from 2-3 Aevita capsules.

Oatmeal is a time-tested product recommended by all cosmetologists that does an excellent job of removing crow’s feet in the corners of the eyes.

Moisturizing mask: Aevit + cream

In principle, any dairy product is suitable for preparing this mask, but heavy cream is just the perfect ingredient for it. Mix 2-3 teaspoons of cream with the contents of 2-3 capsules and apply to the skin around the eyes.

This remedy is especially suitable for those who suffer from excessive dryness of the eyelids, even to the point of flaking.

The cream in this recipe can be safely replaced with cottage cheese, milk, yogurt without dyes, but under one condition - all these products must be as fat as possible.

Mask against dark circles: Aevit + banana

Mash a fresh, unspoiled banana. Mix 2 teaspoons of banana puree with the contents of 2 Aevita capsules.

With regular use of this miraculous mask, in the morning you will stop seeing unpleasant dark circles, bruises, bags and other cosmetic defects under your eyes.

Now you know how to use Aevit pharmaceutical capsules around the eyes at home to eliminate wrinkles, crow’s feet, ptosis and other troubles. This effective vitamin preparation will perfectly cope with any problem in this area of ​​your face if used correctly and regularly.

Even if it seems to you that you have already tried all the products, and everything is useless, do not despair: Aevit is an ideal product for caring for the skin around the eyes. See this for yourself.

Aevit for dry and aging skin

Vitamin A for aging skin will prevent premature cell death and rejuvenate the epidermis in a matter of minutes. Masks with vitamin A improve complexion, promote hydration and regeneration of the skin, improve blood flow to facial cells, relieve dryness and flaking, restore firmness and elasticity, and remove wrinkles.

Mask with yolk and honey

The yolk is mixed with melted honey (5 grams) and olive oil (5 grams). Then add aevit (1 ampoule) and apply the mixture to the face. Remove the mask after 15-20 minutes.

Clay mask

Yellow clay (20 grams) is dissolved in warm milk (20 milliliters). Add the yolk and chopped mint leaves (2 pieces). Mix everything thoroughly. The mask is left on the face for a quarter of an hour.

Beeswax mask

Butter (40 grams) is mixed with beeswax (5 grams) and placed in a steam bath. Add olive oil (20 grams) to the mixture. Then remove the dish from the heat and add aevit (2 ampoules) and grated strawberries (20 grams) into its contents. The thoroughly mixed mixture is applied to the face. Remove the mask after a quarter of an hour.

Honey and lemon juice mask

Lemon zest from two lemons is poured with boiling water (250 milliliters). In another bowl, mix butter (100 grams), olive oil (60 grams) and honey (5 grams). Then add lemon juice (10 drops), aevit (2 capsules), mayonnaise (20 grams), camphor alcohol (20 grams) and lemon zest infusion to the prepared mixture. The mask is placed on the face for a quarter of an hour.

Mask with salt and yolk

Add yolk and a little salt to the contents of 4 capsules of aevit. The mask is applied to the face in layers: each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has dried. Remove the mask 5-10 minutes after the last layer is applied.

If you regularly use vitamin masks, they will have an amazing effect. In particular they:

  1. tighten facial skin and smooth out wrinkles;
  2. even out complexion;
  3. will make your facial skin smooth and velvety.

Thanks to the antioxidant effect of vitamins A and E, masks will prevent the action of free radicals, remove toxic substances from cells and prevent skin aging.


The only contraindication for use is individual intolerance.

How to use Aevit for facial skin

Only a doctor can decide whether or not to take Aevit orally, because the dose of vitamins is quite large and you should take as much as the body needs, no more. Let’s not forget for a second that an overdose of even the most beneficial vitamins can lead to serious health problems.

Well, if we use Aevit externally on the face, then apart from possible allergic reactions, this activity is absolutely safe.

Aevit is recommended for use on the face when:

  1. Oily and problematic skin, presence of acne and traces of acne
  2. Dry, aging skin.

Dermatoses, psoriasis

Aevit increases the local immunity of the skin, thanks to which you can get rid of many skin problems;
Seborrhea and hair loss. This is a facial skin problem that can also be treated by applying Aevit locally.

There are several ways to use a mixture of vitamins A and E in oil:

In its purest form

One capsule is pierced with a needle, the contents are applied to the face with light massaging movements until the oil is absorbed into the skin. It is best to do this at night, at this time the skin absorbs nutrients more easily, and it has more time for this. If you do this every evening, you will see the first results within 10 days. According to reviews, Aevit relieves acne, wrinkles and aging skin.

As an additive to night cream

Here you can do it differently. The first option is to add a couple of drops of vitamin oil to your night cream, the other is to apply Aevit to the skin half an hour after applying the cream. In any case, the effect is approximately the same.

Aevit for wrinkles - face masks

Since vitamin A and E in oil in tandem have a powerful rejuvenating effect on the skin, it is primarily used to combat premature aging and wrinkles.

Add the contents of one Aevit capsule to any anti-aging masks or masks for aging skin. I add this oil to my coffee body scrub (coffee, sugar, oil, aevit) - the skin after it is divine.

Believe me, this vitamin oil costs mere pennies, and the effect exceeds any expectations.

Aevit for acne

Of course, it is believed that vitamin A is beneficial for acne, however, as I already noted, vitamin E improves the functioning of retinol and prevents it from oxidizing, so always try to use these 2 vitamins together.

To get rid of acne, lotions are made with aevit. Soak a cotton pad with the contents of one capsule and apply to the face. The good news is that it won't clog pores, but rather tighten them.

After a week of daily use, you will see significant results.

Can Aevit cause my face to turn yellow with constant use?

I decided to answer this question since it is asked very often.

Answer: Of course not! You look at the pictures and see yellow capsules, but the fact is that inside is ordinary vegetable oil enriched with vitamins, and the yellow color is not from the oil, but from the enteric membrane in which it is contained.

Methods of using Aevita for nails and hair

For nail growth

Usually they simply pierce the capsules and massage the contents into the cuticle and the nail itself. Judging by the reviews, this product works quickly and effectively. Nails become more elastic after the first use, and if you apply oil 3-4 times a week before bed, your nails will stop peeling and breaking and will begin to grow faster.

For seborrhea of ​​the scalp and hair loss

In its pure form, aevit is difficult to use on the head, so it is recommended to add it to hair masks:

A few tablespoons of olive, castor or burdock oil and the contents of 2 capsules of aevit. Apply the mask first to the scalp, leaving it on the hair. It is advisable to wrap your head in a towel and hold it for at least 30 minutes. Make a mask 1-2 times a week for 1 month.

Mask with yolk

Yolks from 2 eggs, 2 capsules of aevit. Keep the mask for 30 minutes, repeat once a week.

However, Aevit for facial skin, as well as for hair, can be used as an addition to any home remedies and masks. This is the easiest way to get its effects without much effort.

Take care of yourself, dear readers of Foto-elf magazine, and be beautiful!

The manufacturer Aevit has several products that will help maintain radiance and youth. An integrated approach will provide a quick effect, so you can combine different formulations. But these drugs should only be used by adults. First of all, we need to figure out why Aevit vitamins are so good for the skin, how they affect the aging-rejuvenation process. But they must be used wisely to avoid vitamin intoxication. We will discuss these issues in detail and give recommendations on how to take Aevit for health and beauty.

The importance of vitamins for the face

After 30 years, and for some women even earlier, the skin loses its elasticity and radiance, takes on a flabby appearance, and begins to peel off. But the most unpleasant manifestation of age-related changes is the formation of wrinkles. At first they are invisible, located in a fine mesh around the eyes, then more noticeable changes appear, the so-called crow's feet. And off we go: folds on the forehead, wrinkles from the wings of the nose, on the neck. Lips become faded, dry and crack. So gradually the beauty turns into a middle-aged lady. Many are sure that nothing can be done about it.

Of course, it is impossible to completely stop aging, but it is quite possible to slow it down. You can even smooth out fine lines and reduce their number without resorting to surgery! To do this, you need to use less decorative cosmetics, lead a healthy lifestyle, spend more time in the fresh air and eat a balanced diet.

These tips will seem impossible to many, especially for women living in big cities. They don’t even have time to think about their diet, not to mention sports and trips to nature! But the body’s vitamin balance directly affects the condition of the skin, hair and nails. What to do in this situation?

Several products from the Aevit line have been developed especially for such cases, all of them contain vitamins A and E necessary for beauty. The multivitamin has a multidirectional effect. It strengthens the immune system, fights vitamin deficiencies, and supports visual function. But we will talk in detail about the effect of the drugs in this line on the health of our skin.

Vitamin A

Retinol has long been used in complex therapy for the treatment of skin diseases. This compound is fat-soluble, so women on diets with a low percentage of fat in their daily diet experience a particular deficiency in it. The main effect of retinol on the skin is as follows:

  1. supports metabolic processes in the deep layers of the epidermis;
  2. stimulates cell division and tissue renewal;
  3. maintains water balance, which affects elasticity;
  4. improves blood circulation and oxygen saturation of skin tissues;
  5. protects the epidermis from adverse environmental influences (ultraviolet radiation, toxins, etc.).

As a result of vitamin A deficiency, blood circulation in the skin layers deteriorates and nutrients are distributed unevenly. Because of this, small wrinkles appear, the face begins to peel off, and takes on a puffy appearance. Aevit vitamins will help you avoid deficiency conditions and maintain attractiveness for as long as possible.

Vitamin E

Alpha tocopherol is another fat-soluble substance that helps maintain the beauty and well-groomed appearance of the face. Its functions are as follows:

  1. fights skin hyperpigmentation (freckles, age spots);
  2. moisturizes the skin layers;
  3. regulates metabolic processes in the dermis;
  4. stimulates cellular regeneration.

With E deficiency, brownish pigment spots often form, the skin becomes dry, and deep wrinkles appear. Aevit drugs slow down all these processes.

Complex action of Aevita

Vitamin products contain retinol and alpha-tocopherol as the main active ingredients. These compounds are necessary to maintain the elasticity and youth of the epidermis; they enhance each other’s action. Therefore, Aevit has been used in cosmetology for several years now.

The line of multivitamins includes swallowable capsules, an injectable solution, as well as gels, oils and creams for topical use. Sometimes combinations of preparative forms are used to achieve a better effect. For example, Aevit in ampoules is used to maintain the general health of the body and combat vitamin deficiency, and creams or oils are used with it. But you cannot take capsules and do intramuscular injections at the same time - this approach is fraught with overdose.

Aevit vitamins will help achieve the following results:

  1. Moisturize facial skin inside and out, maintain its elasticity.
  2. Narrow enlarged pores.
  3. Get rid of skin ailments - pimples, blackheads, cracked lips.
  4. Prevent the appearance of hyperpigmentation.
  5. Remove the “stars” from the blood vessels on the face.
  6. Slightly rejuvenate the skin and stop the development of wrinkles.

For safe and effective use, you need to know how to drink Aevit, how to use external agents and which ones to choose.

Review of skin products

All medications in the line under consideration can be divided into external and internal. Drugs intended for oral administration act on the entire body as a whole. These include:

  1. Aevit in ampoules: it is injected intramuscularly;
  2. Swallowable capsules: These are taken orally.

These drugs are not used together, but their action can be supplemented with the help of external agents:

  1. Aevit cream: helps reduce wrinkles, reduce pigmentation, moisturizes and nourishes;
  2. Aevit gel for lips: moisturizes, has healing properties, prevents cracking;
  3. Libriderm lip oil in the form of a roller pencil: deeply nourishes, softens lips, gives them a well-groomed appearance.

Interestingly, Aevit can be used externally not only as creams and gels. Regular capsules are also suitable for this purpose. With their help you can prepare various masks. We'll talk about ways to use multivitamins for beauty below.

Using a vitamin complex

Not everyone knows how to drink Aevit to preserve youth. Improper use of the drug can be harmful and cause undesirable consequences, ranging from skin peeling to severe muscle spasms and problems with the cardiovascular system. This situation occurs in case of overdose. In order not to harm your body, you must follow the instructions for using medications for the skin. Moreover, the dosage and duration of the course of treatment differs for different drugs. Let's take a closer look at multivitamins used externally.

The multivitamin cream, which contains many natural ingredients, has earned good reviews from women who have used it. It is intended for mature ladies, as it has a pronounced tightening and light rejuvenating effect. Cream with multivitamins is produced in tubes and bottles with a dispenser; the price varies from 70 to 350 rubles. respectively.

At first glance, the product may seem very greasy, however, it is well absorbed and deeply nourishes the skin layers. Aevit cream is applied to the face along massage lines and left until completely absorbed without rubbing. In this case, the drug can be applied only to clean and dry skin once a day, preferably before bed. The duration of the course is no more than 8 weeks.

There is also Aevit cream for the skin around the eyes. It contains blueberry extract, helps reduce crow's feet, reduces puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. A 20 ml tube costs about 300 rubles. This product can be applied along with face cream before bed.

Aevit lip gel includes many natural ingredients; in addition to retinol and alpha-tocopherol, it contains pantothenic acid, which promotes the rapid healing of cracks and relieves inflammation from the sensitive skin of the lips. It reliably moisturizes sponges, returns their natural bright color, and makes them soft. It is especially important that it does not have a sticky effect.

They produce a lip softening gel in small tubes with a narrow spout, which allows you to use the product sparingly (by the way, it is white). A 20 ml tube costs about 200 rubles. Can be applied twice a day.


For especially sensitive lips, it is better to purchase a softening oil. It eliminates cracks in the corners of the mouth and softens the skin of the lips. Aevit lip oil has a pleasant but unobtrusive fruity aroma thanks to the natural ingredients included in its composition. It is easy to apply using the built-in ball in the bottle, and is absorbed quickly, despite the oily structure. The cost of a 20 ml bottle is 160 rubles.

Women note the ease of use and quick effect of using this vitamin product. You can smear your lips with it 3 times a day.


Vitamins in capsules can be taken orally, 1 piece per day. But some use them as an external remedy, simply squeezing them onto the face or making ointments and various masks. Gelatin pills can be purchased in blisters or glass jars; the cost depends on the number of capsules in the package. For example, a blister of 10 tablets costs from 25 rubles.

DIY fortified masks

So, let's talk in more detail about the use of Aevit capsules for facial skin. It is very easy to prepare a vitamin ointment or mask from them using healthy products and cosmetics. But you can simply apply the contents of the capsule to the skin. To do this you need:

  1. wash your hands and face well;
  2. pierce the gelatin shell with a needle;
  3. squeeze the drug contained inside onto your fingertips;
  4. Apply the drug to the skin with light massage movements, without rubbing too much.

This procedure is best done in the evening.

There are other options for using capsules. Many women like to make a healthy ointment by adding vitamins to their favorite night cream. Cosmetologists do not recommend preparing the drug for future use; it is better to prepare it fresh every day. Here are simple instructions for using capsules and any cosmetic cream for the face:

  1. First of all, you need to rinse your face and hands.
  2. On the back of your hand you need to squeeze out or place the amount of night cream that you usually use.
  3. Pierce the vitamin capsule with a needle.
  4. Squeeze a couple of drops of the drug directly onto a portion of the cream.
  5. Mix the cream and fortified oil with a match, a small spatula or your finger.
  6. Apply to face along massage lines.
  7. If by the time you go to bed the ointment is not completely absorbed, you can blot off the excess with a napkin.

If you don’t like using creams or leaving them on overnight, we advise you to pay attention to natural masks that are applied for a short time. They are quite varied, easy to prepare, and the skin after them is smooth and soft.

Potato mask

Cleanses pores, moisturizes, softens the skin, helps get rid of swelling. To prepare it, follow the following instructions:

  1. wash a medium-sized potato with a brush;
  2. cook directly in its jacket until done;
  3. Mash the hot potatoes well with a fork without peeling them;
  4. add the contents of three Aevit tablets to it;
  5. stir;
  6. While the mask is warm (but not hot), apply it to your face;
  7. after 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

This mask is good because you don’t need to apply cream after it, the skin remains moisturized.

Yolk mask

This is a folk remedy for deep skin nourishment; it is suitable for women with combination and oily skin, but not dry skin! It's easy to prepare:

  1. Separate the yolk from a chicken egg.
  2. Add 5 ml of vegetable oil (any) to the yolk.
  3. Add a teaspoon of liquid honey there.
  4. Squeeze the contents of 1 Aevit tablet into the mixture.
  5. Mix.
  6. Apply to skin for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Despite the many fat-containing components, this mixture can dry out the skin a little due to the yolk included in the composition. Therefore, at the end of the procedure, you can use a cosmetic cream.

Bleaching mixture

A vitamin scrub with the addition of lemon juice will not only nourish the skin, but will also help slightly reduce the brightness of freckles and age spots (with periodic use). Lemon zest will perform the exfoliating function. And here is the scrub recipe:

  1. Wash the lemon with a brush, remove the zest from it;
  2. place the zest in a cup and scald with boiling water (30 ml);
  3. leave for half an hour;
  4. then add to the zest the yolk of 1 egg, a few drops of vegetable oil, the same amount of camphor, a teaspoon of liquid honey and lemon juice;
  5. now take a couple of multivitamin capsules and squeeze them into a mug;
  6. stir, you should get a paste;
  7. apply it to the skin for 20 minutes;
  8. After this time, massage your face and rinse off the scrub.

Just as in the previous case, you can apply moisturizer.

Clay mask

Perfectly moisturizes and helps fight swelling. To prepare a vitamin product, you can use cosmetic clay sold in a pharmacy or sapropel. You should add a little hot milk to the clay so that it becomes soft (but not to the point of liquid porridge). You should also add the yolk of 1 egg and the contents of 1 multivitamin capsule. The mixture can be applied for 25 minutes.

There are other masks that ladies use to moisturize their faces and rejuvenate, but they have one thing in common: they all contain Aevit vitamins. We have listed the most effective and affordable masks that can be prepared quickly from products you have in the kitchen or cosmetic cabinet.

Thus, Aevit vitamins help maintain a healthy face, remove swelling from the eyelids, crow’s feet and other wrinkles. The complex will help cope with acne, peeling, age spots and other skin defects that arise due to vitamin deficiencies A and E.

How can vitamins help treat psoriasis?

  1. What vitamins are deficient in psoriasis?
  2. What vitamins are required in the treatment of psoriasis?
  3. B vitamins and their benefits
  4. The most effective vitamins in tablet form
  5. Aevit
  6. Decamevit
  7. Acitretin
  8. Undevit
  9. Methionine
  10. Effective ointments with vitamin
  11. Daivonex
  12. Calcipotriol
  13. Cream Zorka
  14. Daivobet
  15. Tazarotene
  16. Akriderm
  17. Other vitamins against psoriasis
  18. Reviews on the use of vitamins against psoriasis
  19. How to start taking vitamins?

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Vitamins for psoriasis are one of the components of therapy to eliminate the disease.

Preparations of this type can normalize the functioning of the immune system, improve skin condition and start recovery processes. Read the information provided about what vitamins to take for psoriasis.

What vitamins are deficient in psoriasis?

In case of skin diseases, the patient's body requires a certain amount of useful substances that can restore water and sebaceous balance, increase the tone of the epidermis and initiate cell regeneration. The most important vitamins for a patient with psoriasis are presented in the table.

Vitamin A Its scientific name is retinol. The main effect is on the scalp. Improves cellular metabolism and increases tone. Vitamin D Actively regulates phosphorus and calcium metabolism in cells and has a positive effect on all systems of the body. Vitamin E A natural antioxidant that has a beneficial effect on all cells. Launches regeneration and renewal processes. The vitamin is usually not injected, but taken in the form of an oil solution or applied externally. B vitamins They have a general beneficial effect on the body and are involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Lecithin is very important for psoriasis, since the liver does not produce this substance that is useful for it. Lecithin cleanses the organ, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Increased fatness or dryness disappears, cellular metabolism improves.

Vitamins in the treatment of psoriasis

Attention! Vitamin preparations must be included in the treatment of psoriasis, but precise doses of active substances are required. Insufficient or increased amounts of the drug can lead to ineffective therapy and intoxication of the body.

What vitamins are required in the treatment of psoriasis?

A product that will cleanse your skin and get rid of psoriasis forever. Doctors began secretly recommending it to their patients!

In addition to the vitamins listed above, when treating skin problems and especially psoriasis, you also need to drink the following beneficial substances:

  1. Nicotinic acid, which can cause cell renewal and have a beneficial effect on the patient’s nervous system;
  2. Folic acid, which has a positive effect on the entire body, skin, nails and helps in the production of collagen;
  3. Succinic acid, which helps in the process of skin regeneration and better nutrition;
  4. Magnesium sulfate, responsible for a stable psycho-emotional state;
  5. Calcium chloride, which strengthens cell membranes, promotes proper nutrition of cells and their rapid restoration.

The described beneficial substances are available in the form of injections, solution and tablets. The specific form is determined taking into account the complexity of psoriasis and the age of the patient.

Attention! Despite the real benefits, it is impossible to carry out only monotherapy with these elements, since vitamins A, E, B, D are of greatest importance.

B vitamins and their benefits

This group of vitamins is of particular importance for patients with psoriasis. It has a major stimulating effect and guarantees recovery:

  1. Vitamin B1, it needs to be injected every other day, the recommended course of therapy is 10-15 injections, after use the water-salt balance is established;
  2. Vitamin B2, is involved in cell division, starts metabolic processes, the course of treatment is 10-15 injections;
  3. Vitamin B5 is involved in redox processes, treatment is continued for three weeks;
  4. Vitamin B6, removes bad cholesterol from the body, vitamin injections are required every other day for a month;
  5. Vitamin B12 normalizes blood composition, triggers the production of amino acids and nucleins, regulates metabolic processes, the course of treatment is strictly individual;
  6. Vitamin B13, responsible for the proper processing of proteins, is available in tablet form, the exact doses are determined by a specialist, the course of therapy is 4 weeks;
  7. Vitamin B15 is used to saturate cells with oxygen, while at the same time glycogen and creatine phosphate are produced. The vitamin also reduces skin irritability in psoriasis from exposure to chemicals. The duration of use of the drug is one month.

Attention! B vitamins must be taken according to a strictly individual regimen, since it is necessary to take into account the intensity of the disease and the patient’s sensitivity to the active substance.

The most effective vitamins in tablet form


Also available in capsule form. The main active ingredients of the drug are vitamins A and E. They have an immunostimulating effect, due to which skin tone increases, peeling disappears, and the inflammatory process gradually goes away.

Suitable for complex use only. Aevit requires taking one tablet for a month.


The most suitable vitamin complex for the treatment of psoriasis, which includes vitamins A, C, B, folic and nicotinic acids.

When using Decamevit, a rapid decrease in psoriatic rashes is observed, the inflammatory process goes away, and cellular nutrition is improved. It is better to check with your doctor how to take it for psoriasis, since unlike Aevita, this complex can cause strong skin reactions.


The drug is available in capsule form and is prescribed exclusively for severe forms of psoriasis. The drug also fights psoriatic erythroderma and psoriatic pustules. The dosage of the drug and the course of administration are selected under the supervision of the attending physician.

When using Acitretin, careful use of contraceptive methods is required, as the active substance has serious negative effects on the developing fetus.


Also a strong medicine against psoriasis. Prescribed only in the absence of problems with the liver and stomach.

Undevit contains vitamins A, B, C, D, and nicotinic acid. The drug has a general strengthening effect on the body, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, and relieves dryness of the epidermis.

You need to take Undevit once a day for a month.


The drug is prescribed to support the liver in order to reduce the manifestations of intoxication and start the process of cellular renewal. After entering the body, Methionine saturates cells with amino acids, which not only inhibits psoriasis, but also skin aging.

Dosages of the drug are selected individually, taking into account the patient’s complete medical history.

Effective ointments with vitamin


The main active ingredient of the ointment is vitamin D3. Thanks to the direct effect on keratinocytes and their rapid suppression, it is possible to start the process of restoring the skin and saturating it with essential minerals and nutrients. Daivonex is applied morning and evening; no prior cleansing of the skin is required.

Therapy continues for six months; in severe cases, treatment is best carried out for 9 months.


The medicinal ointment contains vitamin D3, which helps reduce flaking and itching. Calcipotriol should not be used if psoriasis has covered more than 40% of the body, as this can cause severe intoxication of the body.

For treatment, the active substance is applied to the affected areas in the morning and evening.

A positive effect will be achieved within the first 10-14 days, the duration of therapy is two months.

Cream Zorka

The drug was originally created for the treatment of animals, but the presence of vitamin D and floralizin in the composition allows it to be successfully used for the treatment of patients with psoriasis.

The ointment has a fatty structure, thanks to which it is possible to quickly moisturize the skin, relieve flaking, itching and start the regeneration process.

Apply the cream 1-2 times a day until a lasting effect is achieved.


It is an analogue of Daivonex. It additionally has a good vasoconstrictor effect, completely suppresses itching, and prevents peeling from spreading to healthy areas of the body. Daivobet can be applied only if psoriasis has not affected more than 30% of the patient’s body.

Use the ointment daily for one month. Apply to the face only with the permission of a doctor, if a more gentle remedy cannot be found.

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The main active ingredient of the drug is third generation retinol. Vitamin A in this form can only be used if psoriasis does not affect more than 20% of the body, in sensitive patients - no more than 10%.

The product is applied daily, positive dynamics are noticeable from the seventh day of therapy.

The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks, unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor. Severe allergic reactions in the form of irritation and itching are possible.


This ointment can only be used as prescribed by a dermatologist. Akriderm contains vitamin D and a corticosteroid. Taking into account the complications of psoriasis, the drug is applied one to three times a day.

The recommended duration of therapy is three weeks and can only be used on the face with great caution. During therapy, the inflammatory process completely goes away, the skin is restored, peeling and itching disappear.

Attention! Fortified ointments can be combined with multivitamins if there is no risk of overdose and intoxication. You should check with your doctor about such a combination, eliminating all risks.

Other vitamins against psoriasis

In addition to specific complexes against psoriasis, you can use general strengthening complexes and substances.

Feature and dose

Fish oil Normalizes the sebaceous balance of the skin and causes regeneration. Take 1 capsule for 4 weeks Complivit Complex of 11 vitamins and 8 minerals. Taken daily for a month. Ascorbic acid Doses are prescribed taking into account the form of the drug. Esliver Forte has a healing, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect. It contains B vitamins and substances to support the liver. Prescribed against intoxication. Dose for psoriasis: 2 capsules three times a day for 2 weeks. Hexavit Multivitamins with vitamins A, B, C. Do not take during pregnancy. For psoriasis, the dosage is one tablet daily for a month. Revit Classic complex, contains vitamins A and B2. C has an immunostimulating effect. Dosage: 1 tablet three times a day for a month.

Attention! These drugs and substances can be taken in courses 2-3 times a year. This will not only improve the condition of the skin, but will also have an excellent immunostimulating effect.

Reviews on the use of vitamins against psoriasis

How to start taking vitamins?

Before starting therapy, the dermatologist is obliged to assess the condition of the patient’s skin and the presence of associated complications, including those with internal organs. General and biochemical blood tests may be recommended to determine the exact level of vitamins in the body. If problems with the liver are suspected, a parallel course of therapy may be carried out to improve its health.

Attention! Preliminary examination is mandatory for children, pregnant women of any stage and patients over 65 years of age.

Vitamin complexes in rare cases show a negative effect on the body, since their doses are strictly regulated by the instructions. But despite this, it is advisable to first consult with a dermatologist in order to select the optimal drug for a particular patient. This will allow you to get the best effect and quickly transfer the disease into remission.

Now a little about the secrets of fighting psoriasis

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that all your attempts to fight psoriasis have not been successful...Have you even read anything about medications designed to defeat the infection? And this is not surprising, because psoriasis is very dangerous for humans.

  1. You try to leave the house in open clothes...
  2. And wearing revealing clothes in front of people is out of the question...
  3. Since the appearance of your skin does not at all add confidence to you...
  4. And for some reason the well-known advertised remedies for psoriasis are ineffective in your case...
  5. And you have experienced everything: creams, ointments, gels, cauterization with iodine...
  6. Therefore, now we are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will help you...

Surely you know this firsthand. But is it possible to defeat the infection without harming yourself? Read the article about effective, modern ways to effectively combat psoriasis...Read the article...