Alginate mask after chemical peeling

Many of our customers ask: is it possible to apply an alginate mask after peeling?

Properly selected alginate masks are ideal post-peeling care because:

  1. The peeling procedure is traumatic to the skin to varying degrees. After the procedure, the skin's ability to protect itself from harmful factors and bacteria decreases.
  2. After peeling, when our skin is renewed, it is much easier for it to absorb beneficial substances and react to them.
  3. Alginate masks increase the protective properties of the skin, stimulate the production of collagen and other beneficial substances, are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and therefore serve as a conductor for emulsions and serums. Suitable for any skin type and any age.
  4. In the post-peeling period, it becomes possible to nourish the deep layers of the dermis with useful components without the use of hardware or invasive procedures.

On our website you can buy an alginate mask specifically designed for facial skin care after light peeling.

How long after peeling can an alginate mask be used?

Now there are a huge number of types of peelings: mechanical, chemical, yellow, TCA, milk, gas-liquid, almond, fruit and others. The skin's reaction to them can be individual, so recommendations for applying alginate masks after peeling can be completely different.

Before or after a peeling session, the cosmetologist must tell you everything and give clear answers to questions about skin care after the procedure. Therefore, if you did not ask in time about the possibility of using an alginate mask, call the cosmetologist, after all, you paid enough for the procedure, let him work off the money.

General recommendations

If the rehabilitation period after peeling is over, the face has acquired its usual normal color and the skin feels comfortable, you can start using any alginate masks.

The time to use an alginate mask after peeling depends on its type:

  1. Superficial gentle peelings. These include chemical peels with a low concentration of active substances. In this case, only the uppermost layer of the dermis—the keratinized scales—is peeled off, and a layer of young cells is exposed. If the skin has undergone peeling as expected, immediately after it you can make a soothing, hypoallergenic alginate mask. Such a mask will help relieve irritation, redness and swelling, and will allow emulsions and serums used with the mask to penetrate deep into the skin, because alginate works as a conductor. In the future, if no complications arise, you can use any alginate masks 2-3 times a week.
  2. Medium and deep peelings. The use of alginate masks after these types of peeling is carried out after completion of the skin exfoliation process and only in consultation with a cosmetologist! At this point, it may be necessary to use anti-inflammatory masks with antioxidants to prevent hyperpigmentation, speed up skin regeneration, as well as alginate masks with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, regenerating, soothing, protective and moisturizing effects. When the skin comes to its senses, you can start using any alginate masks 2-3 times a week.

Summarize: Alginate masks can, and even should, be used after peelings. The main thing is not to forget to consult a cosmetologist - your face will look stunning!

In our online store you will find a wide range of Korean ANSKIN alginate masks.

Before purchasing products for use, or recommending them to my clients for home care, I prefer to try them on myself, on my own skin. Therefore, I decided to act as a model to demonstrate a superficial chemical peel procedure for the skin around the eyes, around the lips and the skin of the neck.

At the InerCHARM 2015 exhibition, I visited the stand of the Algologie company, which kindly agreed to demonstrate this procedure to me. I use Algologie cosmetics both in the office and for caring for my own skin and select them for home care for my clients.

My video of the chemical peeling procedure on YouTube:

Peeling procedure

The skin around the eyes is an area where signs of aging appear quite early. And many women are concerned about the question of how to slow down the appearance of wrinkles and smooth out existing signs of age.

I think it’s no secret to you that cosmetologists do many salon procedures for themselves. But how nice it is sometimes to be in the client’s place - to lie down on the couch, relax and put yourself in the caring hands of another professional.

Allergy test

Before the procedure, the cosmetologist does a test on my hand to check if I am allergic to the components of this peeling. If there is increasing redness, it means there is an intolerance to some components and this peeling cannot be performed.

But you can see that I don’t have any redness, so you can safely proceed to the chemical peeling procedure.

Skin cleansing

The first stage of peeling is cleansing with a special gel, which will not only cleanse well, but also degrease the skin before the procedure. After washing, the cosmetologist thoroughly blots the face with a napkin to thoroughly dry the skin before applying peeling.

Peeling application

Now the skin is ready for the procedure and the cosmetologist begins to apply peeling. This drug is called peeling for the area around the eyes, lips and neck, but you see that in fact the cosmetologist applies the composition to the entire face.

This is necessary, firstly, so that after the procedure there is no symptom of glasses - that is, so that there is no difference between different areas of the skin, and secondly, 1-2 procedures of such peeling can serve as preparation of the skin for more serious chemical peels.

That is, this peeling can become a full-fledged replacement for home pre-peel preparation, which, you see, is very convenient - it turns out to be two in one - peeling for the contours of the eyes and neck and pre-peel preparation for stronger peelings for the face.

Peeling composition

This peeling contains lactic acid, which is known for its moisturizing properties, and glycolic acid, which has a pronounced brightening and rejuvenating effect.

But the most remarkable thing that actually interested me in this peeling is that it contains argiriline, a hexapeptide that is a cosmetic alternative to botulinum toxin injections.

That is, it imitates the effect of Botox - it relaxes the muscle and thus helps eliminate small wrinkles and reduce deep wrinkles around the eyes, and of course it prevents the appearance of new ones.

As a rule, chemical peels are not applied to the area around the eyes and it remains untouched, although signs of aging in this area are usually the most worrying for women. And this peeling allows you to work on this area.

Feelings during peeling

During chemical peeling, itching and burning are felt to varying degrees, and to reduce the client’s discomfort, the cosmetologist usually uses a fan or fan. But this peeling is tolerated quite comfortably. Of course there is a slight tingling sensation, but it is so mild that I tell the beautician that there is no need for a fan.

Application of neutralizer

The exposure time is over and the neutralizer is applied to the skin. A neutralizer is necessary to stop the action of the acid. At this moment, a slight burning sensation is also felt. But after a few minutes everything is thoroughly washed off with cool water. The peeling is over, I feel great, but the best part is yet to come.

After washing, the cosmetologist wipes the skin with a soothing tonic. A moisturizing gel is applied to the area around the eyes, and a regenerating concentrate with Asian centella is applied to the facial skin. It helps quickly restore the skin after a chemical peeling procedure.

Alginate mask

Then the cosmetologist prepares a soothing alginate mask. This mask perfectly relieves irritation, swelling and redness of the skin after chemical peeling, and also promotes deeper penetration of the concentrate or serum that is applied after peeling, that is, it serves as a conductor.

Many women often make a rather big mistake - they skimp on post-peeling home care. But this is just not the case where you can save money. Firstly, because after a chemical peel, the skin is temporarily drier and dehydrated and needs good care more than ever.

And secondly, because after peeling, the skin, like a sponge, perfectly absorbs the active components that are contained in the cream or serum, and during this period there is an excellent opportunity to deliver useful components to the deeper layers of the skin without hardware or invasive procedures.

Therefore, if you decide to undergo a course of chemical peeling, this is the best time to purchase good cosmetics for home care - during this period you will get the maximum result from such cosmetics.

The alginate mask is applied to the entire face and neck, including the eyes and lips, and remains on the skin for 15-20 minutes. I really love alginate masks - they pleasantly cool the skin after any salon procedure and give a lifting effect.

After the cosmetologist removes the mask, you can see that the skin looks completely calm. Of course, there is a slight redness in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, but this is quite normal - after all, we did a chemical peel, and not a spa procedure.

At the end of the procedure, the cosmetologist applies a cream for the skin around the eyes and an anti-aging serum that matches my age. Then the serum is covered with a high SPF cream - sun protection is necessary after chemical peeling.


The procedure is over. Satisfied and rested, I get up and share my impressions with other cosmetologists who attended this master class.

If we talk about my impressions, I really liked this peeling. Firstly, because it is very comfortable to wear, because I have sensitive skin. But as you can see, she looks completely calm, although I'm not wearing any foundation.

And secondly, the fact that the effect is visible from the first procedure. I feel lifting, my nasolabial folds have smoothed out a little, and the skin around my eyes has tightened.

Clients often ask, “What will I look like after a chemical peel? Will I be red? Flaky? Will I be able to go outside at all?”

This peeling is quite gentle. I have very sensitive skin, but as you can see, I don’t have any foundation or powder on my face. I only put on a little eyelashes and lip gloss, but my skin looks calm.

So if the peeling is gentle, then there is absolutely no need to worry. Immediately after peeling, you can go to work or on a date.

Recommended reading:

Olga Fem

For more than 10 years, I have been helping my clients prolong the youth of their skin and give it a beautiful and well-groomed appearance. Now, with the help of my books “Self-instruction manual for skin care #1”, “55 mistakes in facial care” and self-massage of the face “Renaissance”, almost everyone can improve their skin condition!

Face after peeling: skin care, basic 6 questions to ask a professional

Why do you need skin care after peeling?
How to prepare for the procedure
What products to use after peeling at home
What does post-peeling care consist of?
Restrictions after peeling
Signs of skin recovery after peeling

If we are talking about peeling or peeling roll for face, women should know that care after the procedure is as important to obtaining the final result as the event itself. Which skin care necessary after peeling - this question is most often asked by clients to cosmetologists. Professionals will help you cover all the nuances of the procedure.

Why do you need skin care after peeling?

Facial skin care after 30 years of age should become a must for those who expect to keep their face fresh and youthful for as long as possible. Moreover, certain actions are necessary after such an active procedure as peeling, which involves the action of chemical acids on the surface layers of the skin. As a result of such trauma, the surface layer of the epithelium is exfoliated, tissue regeneration mechanisms are launched, which ensures improved skin quality and a rejuvenating, smoothing effect.
However, in order for the result to be fully achieved, while ensuring the absence of negative complications, after peeling a special one is needed facial skin care. This fully applies to both the salon procedure and its implementation at home. Special skin care is assumed and after cleansing your face at home.

How to prepare for the procedure

Peeling is a fairly active procedure, after which a recovery period is usually required. In order to obtain the desired result and eliminate any negative complications, not only rehabilitation measures are important, but also How is the skin prepared for peeling?. In some cases, washing with lemon juice may not be enough. A more serious program will be needed. To properly prepare the skin for peeling, before the procedure, it is necessary to consult with a specialist who will take into account all the clinical features, the nature of the upcoming impact, and, taking into account the identified factors, will draw up a program of action and select the necessary means.

What products to use after peeling at home

How to care for your skin after peeling , the cosmetologist who performed the procedure will advise you most competently. These may be products available in the salon, or that must be purchased in the public domain. If the procedure was carried out at home, then what products to use after peeling, It’s quite easy to decide by turning to the cosmetic brand PLEYANA. Its line includes a wide range of external products with both moisturizing and nourishing effects.

The most popular of them:

  1. Hydro-gel with Aloe Vera. Its components help restore water balance and have a healing and soothing effect. Since the product is suitable for all skin types, it is actively used at home;
  2. Biorevitalizer serum with peptides. Belonging to a new cosmetological direction, neurocosmetics, the product has a pronounced anti-aging effect comparable to collagen injections;
  3. For skin prone to oily skin, the ST-CONTROL sebum-regulating alginate mask with sea silt and essential oils is effective.

After peeling, this cream is better , which contains components aimed at moisturizing the skin and speeding recovery. The studies conducted indicate that they should contain the following compounds:

  1. Panthenol;
  2. Wax;
  3. Lanolin;
  4. Antioxidants;
  5. Ceramides;
  6. Phospholipids;
  7. Natural oils.

What does post-peeling care consist of?

Post-peeling facial skin care depends on what type of skin we are talking about, the individual characteristics of the client, his age. A very significant role in developing a rehabilitation program and choosing post-peeling products plays the version of the peeling performed, superficial, medium or deep. They differ in the nature of the damaging effect and its depth.

With a superficial procedure, which is most often carried out using glycolic, lactic, mandelic, and grape acids, the effect affects only the upper, stratum corneum of the epidermis. Medium peeling is characterized by the fact that the damage affects deeper layers, down to the basement membrane. The most popular options are the Hollywood peel or TCA peel. With deep peeling, even the papillary and reticular layers are affected. In this case, phenolic acid is used as active components.

Depending on the acid used and its concentration, the recovery period also varies. Post-peeling facial skin care after glycolic peeling lasts for a week. This is characterized by redness of the skin after the procedure, slight swelling of the face, and peeling of the skin. To speed up these processes and also avoid complications, you should follow certain recommendations:

  1. Refrain from washing your face during the day;
  2. Apply makeup products no earlier than 2-3 days later;
  3. Use external cosmetics appropriate for your skin type, which should have a moisturizing and nourishing effect;
  4. For at least 2 weeks, refrain from other procedures associated with trauma to the skin;
  5. Take active sun protection measures.

Post-peeling facial skin care after retinoic peeling shorter. Peeling of the skin will stop within 2-3 days, after which you can lead a normal life.

Rehabilitation after a mid-peel with trichloroacetic acid takes longer. Large-plate peeling ends on the 7-8th day, small-plate peeling can persist for another 2-3 weeks. Within two weeks after the procedure, there is also redness of the skin. At the first stage, moisturizing agents are in demand, which facilitates the process of peeling off the crusts. They should be of a delicate structure; gels are preferred.

After this stage is completed, the permeability of the epidermis will be as high as possible, and both moisturizing agents or antioxidants will be in demand, as well as targeted preparations: for sagging skin - containing stimulators of collagen synthesis, retinol, vitamin C, melatonin. In cases where the primary goal is to improve complexion and fight age spots - vitamin C, kojic acid. Very popular in this case post-peeling masks with active ingredients. The PLEYANA company has a wide selection of such products and can satisfy everyone’s needs. The product line also includes various peelings and means that are suitable for skin care.

Due to its high damaging effect and painfulness of the procedure, deep peeling is performed more often in a hospital setting. Under the supervision of a specialist, it is carried out and post-peeling care. In this case, not only external cosmetics will be relevant, but also antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Restrictions after peeling

In order for the recovery period to end without complications, there are certain restrictions, recommendations from specialists regarding what not to do after facial peeling. They relate to both the first day after the procedure and a longer period of time. It is quite natural that the nature of the recommendations depends on what type of chemical peeling we are talking about. With a deeper damaging effect, the restrictions are more significant. IN

Wash. To prevent water from entering, it is even recommended to use a sippy cup after deep peeling; during the day after peeling it is impossible following:

  1. Touch your face, wipe it with a towel;
  2. Apply decorative cosmetics;
  3. Stay outdoors, as exposure to sunlight, cold air, and wind are undesirable factors.

In the next 2 weeks after peeling it is impossible following:

  1. Use new cosmetics;
  2. Try to separate the crusts yourself or use auxiliary means for this, such as scrubs or film masks;
  3. Stay in direct sunlight without using reliable protection;

When implementing No post-peeling care engage in active sports, since increased sweating also interferes with skin healing. For the same reason, it is recommended to lead a measured lifestyle that excludes emotional stress and stress. Thermal procedures that promote blood flow, taking a bath, visiting a sauna, and tanning are also contraindicated.

After peeling TCA is not allowed use alcohol, as well as spicy foods, since such abuse will cause vasodilation and increase facial hyperemia. The duration of all these restoration measures will be longer than after a superficial procedure. However, the recommendations should not be neglected, since otherwise persistent hyperpigmentation or scarring may develop.

Signs of skin recovery after peeling

Deadlines skin restoration after peeling depend on the activity of the acid and its concentration. Varying degrees of tissue trauma also determine the duration of How long does your face peel after peeling?. At the same time, such signs as swelling, redness of the skin, and subsequently, its peeling are quite expected. With superficial peeling, they regress within a week.

It will take a longer period of time, 2-3 weeks, for the skin to recover after medium peeling. In cases where external remedies prescribed by a cosmetologist do not give the desired result, and the post-peeling period is characterized by a severe course, additional measures may be proposed for correction.

Medicines Troxevasin, Lyoton-gel, diuretics

Erythema (redness of the skin)

Medicine Lyoton-gel

Actively moisturize the skin several times a day, hydrate by drinking up to 3 liters of water orally

In some cases, the post-peeling period is characterized by atypical symptoms. Their development may be related to

  1. individual characteristics of the patient;
  2. non-compliance with recommendations during the recovery phase;
  3. unprofessional actions of a cosmetologist;
  4. ineffectiveness of preparatory measures.

Use of antiviral drugs for external and systemic action

To eliminate deficiencies, you should turn to hardware techniques, photorejuvenation, laser correction, and mesotherapy. External whitening agents containing antioxidants, tretinoin, arbutin, etc. will also help.

Use of systemic and local antihistamines

According to statistics, these manifestations are not so common. However, when turning to the peeling procedure, it is necessary to remember the possibility of developing such complications, and be attentive to both the preparatory measures and the quality of the procedure, as well as aftercare.