Amaranth oil against wrinkles

Most often, the seeds of this miraculous plant are used to obtain amaranth oil, but flowers, leaves and stems are also suitable for this purpose. Amaranth has a beneficial effect on human health, increases immunity and prevents the development of various diseases. We have already talked about the beneficial properties of amaranth for women’s health and in the treatment of diabetes in other articles. This article will discuss the use of amaranth oil in cosmetology and its positive effect on a person’s healthy appearance.

Properties of oil and effect on skin

Amaranth oil has the following features:

  1. nice smell;
  2. original taste (with nutty notes).

The rich composition of the oil, in which squalene plays a major role, has a positive effect on the skin. The squalene content in amaranth oil is 8%, which is much more than in any other cosmetic product. The effect of squalene on human skin is truly magical. He:

  1. moisturizes;
  2. restores damaged covers and cells;
  3. accelerates regeneration;
  4. protects against negative atmospheric influences;
  5. increases the flow of oxygen to cells;
  6. blocks the appearance of cancer cells.

Along with squalene, amaranth oil is rich in vitamin E, which has an equally beneficial and important effect on the skin:

  1. slows down aging;
  2. prevents the negative effects of free radicals, completely neutralizing them.

Other beneficial vitamins and minerals contained in amaranth oil that have a beneficial effect on the dermis include:

  1. vitamin A;
  2. polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  3. vitamin D;
  4. B vitamins: B1, B2.

Phospholipids regulate skin oiliness. Amaranth is suitable for all types of skin, but it has the most noticeable effect on mature and tired skin that has lost its vitality. The oil nourishes, moisturizes, softens skin cells, smoothes rough areas. Daily application of amaranth oil to the skin has a strong antibacterial effect.

Using amaranth oil in skin care

The oil is actively used to treat skin diseases of various etymologies. Positive reviews about the use of the product prove the effectiveness of the oil in the treatment of psoriasis and eczema.

Amazing results can be achieved by regularly treating small wounds, insect bites, burns of any degree, and cuts with oil. The product reduces pain and accelerates the healing of damaged skin areas.

Rub the product directly into the affected area 2-4 times a day. The procedure is carried out using a cotton pad gently and without pressure.

For facial skin care, it is recommended to use exclusively cold-pressed oil.

How is amaranth oil used in cosmetology?

Being a product of natural origin, amaranth can make your appearance irresistible due to its rejuvenating and toning components. The use of amaranth esters in body and face care helps achieve the following results:

  1. protection of sensitive skin;
  2. giving a velvety effect;
  3. alignment of tone and complexion;
  4. softening and nourishing the dermis;
  5. getting rid of wrinkles, regardless of the reasons for their appearance;
  6. giving aging skin elasticity;
  7. treatment of acne and blackheads, drying of the skin;
  8. reduction of scars from small wounds and bites;
  9. protection against bacteria and candida;
  10. vitaminization of skin cells;
  11. strengthening hair and nails.

To improve and improve your appearance, oil can be added to any cosmetic product: shampoos, creams, masks. To do this, you only need 5-7 drops per serving.

It’s even better when the cream is prepared independently, with the selection of the necessary components depending on the desired effect. Thus, you can achieve the maximum effect by freeing yourself from treatments (thermal and chemical) and be sure that you have a 100% natural product in your hands.

Cosmetic recipes for facial products with amaranth oil

Regular use of amaranth products allows you to achieve excellent results, repeatedly improving the beauty of your skin. And making your own cosmetics based on amaranth also allows you to save money, effectively replacing most expensive creams from well-known cosmetic brands.

Recipe 1

Complex cosmetology allows you to use amaranth oil in its pure form. To do this, apply the product with light massage movements using a soft disc until it is evenly distributed over the desired area. The product should be left for 30-40 minutes, then rinsed off with warm water.

Recipe 2

For dry skin, you can prepare a mask from the following ingredients:

  1. 2 tsp amaranth oils;
  2. 1 tbsp. honey;
  3. 1 yolk.

Mix the ingredients into a homogeneous mass and apply to the face. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes. This procedure provides the following effect:

  1. nourishes dermal cells;
  2. reduces peeling;
  3. relieves irritation.

Recipe 3

This recipe is suitable for sensitive skin and is prepared from the following ingredients:

  1. 4 tbsp. homemade fat cottage cheese;
  2. 2 tsp amaranth oil.

The mixture is applied to a clean face for 10-20 minutes. The recipe gets rid of:

Recipe 4

For those who are concerned about acne and uneven complexion, the following recipe is suitable, in which the following components are mixed:

  1. 2 tbsp. freshly squeezed orange juice;
  2. ½ tsp. lemon juice;
  3. 1-2 tbsp. oils

The tonic must first be applied to the most problematic areas of the face, then with a thin ball over the entire face. After waiting until the product has completely dried, it should be applied again. The procedure is repeated several times for 15-20 minutes.

Recipe 5

For skin suffering from chapping and flaking, the following recipe is suitable:

  1. 3 tbsp. homemade high fat sour cream;
  2. 2 tbsp. amaranth oil.

The ingredients are brought to a homogeneous mass, then applied to the face for 10-20 minutes.

Recipe 6

Anyone who wants to make their skin more elastic and firm can prepare a compress by mixing:

  1. 15 ml. cow's milk;
  2. 15 ml. amaranth oil.

This compress is applied with gauze for 15-20 minutes. The recipe is also suitable for tightening baths. For one bathing procedure, it is enough to use 50 ml. each product in equal proportions.

Recipe 7

Those with a naturally smooth and clear face can mix the following components to keep their skin toned:

  1. 1 tbsp. amaranth oils;
  2. 1 tsp cosmetic clay.

The mask is recommended to be used twice a week for 20 minutes.

Recipe 8

This recipe is used to prevent age-related wrinkles and smooth out facial expressions. To prepare, mix the following ingredients:

  1. 2 tbsp. lemon juice;
  2. 2 tbsp. amaranth oils.

The mask is applied to the neck and face area, where wrinkles most often form. Regular use of the product gives the face a fresh look, smoothes out all unevenness, makes the skin soft and velvety.

Recipe 9

If your skin is prone to irritation, you can prepare a mask of amaranth, banana and fresh cucumber in the following proportions:

  1. ¼ part of a mashed medium-sized banana;
  2. 1 tbsp. grated fresh cucumber;
  3. 1 tsp amaranth oils.

The product is applied for 30 minutes.

Recipe 10

The recipe is used to lighten skin color. To do this, take the following components:

  1. 6 pcs. boiled beans;
  2. 1 tsp lemon juice;
  3. 1 tsp amaranth oils

The mask is applied for 20 minutes. In addition to brightening the face, there is also a nutritional effect.

The use of amaranth in other areas of cosmetology

Amaranth oil is beneficial not only for healing the skin of the face and neck. Products prepared on its basis are also used for:

  1. hand skin and nail care;
  2. massage;
  3. tanning;
  4. nutrition and hair health.

You can read about the effect of oil on hair and the most popular nourishing hair masks in the article “Amaranth oil is an ideal assistant in hair care».

But amaranth with lemon juice will help to strengthen your nails. The proportions are as follows:

  1. amaranth oil – 2 tbsp;
  2. lemon juice – 1 tbsp.

Baths are made from the resulting mixture for 20 minutes. It is best to carry out the procedure in the evening, just before bed. After this, gloves are put on for better absorption.

Rubbing the nail plates with pure oil will help prevent brittle nails.

Amaranth oil is an excellent protector against ultraviolet radiation. It protects the skin from sunburn, makes the tan deeper and longer, giving it an even shade. Numerous scientific studies have proven that under the influence of sunlight, squalene is converted into vitamin D. This is the secret of a perfect tan using amaranth oil.

Massage procedures with amaranth oil have an excellent therapeutic effect:

  1. increase skin elasticity;
  2. help get rid of cellulite.

The oil is recommended for massaging the following areas of the body: buttocks, thighs, chest, abdomen. To obtain the desired effect, massage must be performed at least 2-3 times a week for 1 month.

For the best cosmetic effect, additionally take 1 tsp of the oil orally. 2 times a day. After all, it’s no secret that cosmetic problems associated with skin, nails and hair directly depend on problems inside the body. You can also prepare delicious and healthy dishes from amaranth. Read about the culinary properties of amaranth “Amaranth recipes: part 1" And "Amaranth recipes: part 2».

Professional athletes, experienced yogis, losing weight girls and rocking men - they are all trying to find the perfect diet. One that would not harm your health and at the same time allow you to have a sculpted, beautiful body. Some prefer separate meals, others limit the consumption of carbohydrates and fats, and others completely refuse food of animal origin. However, there are foods that are suitable...

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Amaranth oil and amaranth extract have been used in cosmetology for a long time. It is noteworthy that these ingredients are loved by manufacturers of both fairly budget cosmetics and the most elite ones. The main reason why amaranth is so interesting to cosmetologists is that it contains a large amount of squalene, a component that can maintain optimal skin moisture, enrich cells with oxygen and protect...

Amaranth oil has a special composition and characteristics, which allows it to be classified as a special oil of natural origin. Even in ancient Rome, the plant was used to successfully treat a large number of diseases. In the modern world, oil is obtained by cold pressing. This allows you to preserve all its beneficial properties as much as possible. The most popular traditional medicine recipes can be found in the sections...

Amaranth is the most famous plant around the world, and what gives it such fame is not only its beneficial properties, but also numerous prohibitions on cultivation, as well as impressive numbers of research and institutes specializing in ways to introduce this product into the food industry, medicine, cosmetology and other industries. Amaranth has been popular since ancient times, as evidenced by the findings...

Amaranth oil is a fairly popular product in cosmetology; it contains vitamin E and squalene. These substances improve metabolic processes in skin cells and slow down the aging process. It’s worth talking in more detail about the more detailed characteristics of the product and how amaranth oil is used for the face.

Key Aspects

Amaranth (schiritsa) is an annual unpretentious plant that was discovered in South America and Mexico. It ripens quickly and can be used within a month after sowing. Amaranth is used to prepare oil, which is used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology.

The oil has a pleasant nutty aroma and taste. Its use in cosmetology allows you to eliminate acne, stretch marks and cleanse pores. The oil saturates the skin with nutrients, makes it soft, smoothes existing wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones. Amaranth oil also has a pronounced regenerating effect.

Composition and use in cosmetology

Amaranth oil is effective because it contains fatty acids, squalene and tocotriene. Squalene accelerates metabolic processes and restores water balance, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and suppresses skin aging. The substance has a positive effect not only on the superficial, but also on the deep layers of the skin.

Tocotriene is a source of vitamin E, a natural antioxidant that is responsible for the restoration of skin cells and the elasticity of the vascular wall. It perfectly fights irritations and imperfections of the skin throughout the body.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are responsible for moisturizing and nourishing the skin and improving its elasticity.

No less valuable is the content in amaranth oil:

  1. serotonin;
  2. xanthine;
  3. carotenoids;
  4. phytosterols;
  5. provitamins;
  6. choline;
  7. quercetin;
  8. minerals;
  9. bile acids.

This composition increases skin elasticity and resistance to negative environmental factors. The best results can be achieved by combining amaranth oil with other cosmetic products and even salon procedures.

Benefits of amaranth oil for skin

Amaranth in cosmetology for skin care promotes:

  1. filling cells with oxygen;
  2. removal of oxidants;
  3. increasing local skin immunity;
  4. nutrition and softening of the skin;
  5. accelerating the regeneration process.

The product has a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. These properties of amaranth oil make it unique in the fight against peeling and irritation of the skin, comedones, acne and other dermatological diseases.


Despite its natural origin, the product has its contraindications for use. It can be harmful if used if you are hypersensitive to the product.

It is recommended to follow the storage rules for the product. If they are not followed, the oil can negatively affect the condition of the skin.

Using amaranth oil for the face

Amaranth is actively used for facial skin care; its oil is applied in pure form or added to masks, scrubs, peelings and balms. Thanks to its composition, it moisturizes the skin, protects it from chapping, and also helps restore the skin after sunburn.

In addition, the product is an excellent facial massage product. It can be used alone or in combination with aromatic oils. Regular use of amaranth oil helps to quickly get rid of dermatological diseases, such as acne.

Homemade face masks with amaranth oil

The easiest way to use oil is to apply it to your face in its pure form. It is left for 30-40 minutes, after which it is washed off with water. In this case, cold-pressed oil is best suited. It can also be made by pressing, then it is recommended to add it to night cream or other mixtures. But you can make homemade face masks from it.

Anti-wrinkle mask

Amaranth oil against wrinkles is especially effective as part of a mask:

  1. 14 drops of amaranth oil;
  2. puree one banana;
  3. 22 g yogurt;
  4. a drop of cassé essential oil.

To achieve the best result, it is recommended to steam the skin with a compress of medicinal herbs before applying the mask. The mask is spread on the skin and left for 40 minutes, then wipe the face with a paper towel and apply peach oil. This procedure helps restore the elasticity of the skin, after which a gradual disappearance of wrinkles is observed.

Rejuvenating mask

For preparation you will need the following components:

  1. 18 drops of amaranth oil;
  2. 20 g gelatin;
  3. 12 drops almond oil.

On the eve of the procedure, it is necessary to pour green tea into the gelatin and stir until completely dissolved. After this, oils are added to the still warm mixture.

The mask is applied to cleansed skin with a wide brush in layers (the more layers, the better the effect), left for half an hour and removed from the bottom up, like a film mask. Such procedures are recommended to begin after 30 years: they help maintain collagen levels at a natural level.

Mask for oily skin types

A mask with amaranth oil is an excellent option for caring for oily skin. It helps reduce the intensity of inflammation, eliminates acne and cleanses pores.

Preparing a mask is not at all difficult, you need to combine:

  1. 12 drops of amaranth;
  2. 5 g yellow clay;
  3. 7 g black clay;
  4. lemongrass essential oil.

Before applying the mixture, it is recommended to carry out a light cleansing peeling. The mask is left on the skin for 10 minutes, after which it is washed off with nettle decoction. In addition to all these positive properties, homemade masks with amaranth oil slow down the aging process of the skin.

Nourishing amaranth face mask

Almost all masks based on amaranth seed oil replenish the skin with vitamins and minerals and increase local immune defense. A simple nourishing procedure - applying the product to the skin in its pure form. To do this, use a cotton pad moistened with oil. Leave it on for half an hour and wash off with warm water.

You can prepare a nourishing mask using another recipe:

  1. 22 drops of amaranth oil;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. cream;
  3. 25 g cheese;
  4. 1 ampoule of retinol.

Mix cheese with cream, then add retinol and nourishing oil. Apply the mask to cleansed skin (for this it is best to use plantain decoction with the addition of citrus juice) in a thick layer, leave for 20 minutes and rinse with water. Such procedures not only nourish the skin, but also soften it and restore its structure.

Mask for dry skin types

There are several options for masks for dry skin. Below are the most popular recipes.

Recipe 1

For preparation you will need the following components:

  1. 2 tsp. amaranth oil;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  3. yolk of one egg.

All ingredients are mixed and the mixture is applied to the skin of the face, left for a quarter of an hour, then washed off with warm water. Do not use soap for this.

Recipe 2

To prepare the mask, you need to mix:

  1. 25 drops of amaranth oil;
  2. avocado pulp puree;
  3. 12 g starch.

It is recommended to cleanse the skin with micellar water before application. The mask is applied with a plastic spatula along massage lines, starting from the chin. The use of such masks will help enrich the skin with moisture and organic acids, making it velvety and pleasant to the touch.

Mask for sensitive skin

Persons with sensitive skin are recommended to use a mask prepared with 2 tsp. amaranth seed oil and 4 tbsp. l. cottage cheese. The ingredients are combined and ground to a homogeneous mixture, then applied to the face for a quarter of an hour. Remove the mask using a cotton pad with warm water. For best results, it is recommended to carry out the procedure twice a week. The result is that the skin becomes more resistant to adverse environmental factors.

Mask for acne and skin smoothing

To reduce the risk of acne, it is recommended to use a mask that has cleansing properties. To prepare it, it is recommended to combine:

  1. 20 ml. freshly squeezed orange juice;
  2. 1 tsp. lemon juice;
  3. 1 tbsp. l. amaranth ether.

The resulting mixture is applied to the face using a cotton pad and left for a quarter of an hour. Regular use of the procedure also helps to even out the tone of the face.

Anti-aging mask for wrinkles

To prepare the mask, you need to mix equal amounts of lemon juice and amaranth oil. Apply the product with light massage movements not only to the face, but also to the neck. Leave for a quarter of an hour. Systematic use of the mask significantly reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as cleanses pores, evens out tone and makes the skin smoother.

Skin whitening mask

For skin whitening, a mask made from:

  1. 1 tsp. amaranth oil;
  2. 1 tsp. lemon juice;
  3. 6 cooked white beans, mashed.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, applied to the skin and left for 20 minutes. After this, the face must be washed with warm water. The mask has the ability not only to brighten, but also to nourish the skin.

Reviews of amaranth facial oil

Amaranth oil is a highly effective cosmetic product. This is confirmed by positive reviews not only from cosmetologists, but also from women who used it.

Natalya, 29 years old, Vladivostok

I am simply delighted with amaranth oil; it is a real elixir of youth for the skin of the face and body. For me, the product has become a real salvation in the fight against oily skin and pimples. I have oily skin, so I use this product to make masks. Another positive thing for me was that after several procedures my complexion became much better and more natural.

Maria, 45 years old, St. Petersburg

From a young age, I was instilled with a love for natural things, so I try to use products of natural origin to care for my facial skin and beyond. Recently, amaranth oil was added to my collection; I heard positive reviews about it from my friends. I apply it in its pure form to cleansed skin, I noticed changes within 5-7 days from the moment of first use. Wrinkles become less intense, and the skin looks fresh and youthful. I really liked the product, so I recommend everyone to try it.

Amaranth is a herbaceous annual plant that is grown for both industrial and decorative purposes. The plant has beautiful “carved” leaves, so it can often be seen in flower beds. The healing properties of amaranth have long been known, because it is not for nothing that its name translated from Greek means “immortal”. Oil prepared from the seeds of this plant is used both in medicine and in cosmetology. Amaranth oil is especially effective against wrinkles.

Product Description

Oil made from amaranth seeds is a real elixir containing a lot of healthy substances. Almost 70% of the oil is represented by valuable polyunsaturated acids, most of all in the product of linolenic acid; it also contains arachidonic, palmitic and other valuable acids.

Slightly less than 10% of the total composition of the oil is represented by phospholipids, about 8% is squalene, in addition, it contains a lot of vitamin E and phytosterols. The product contains other vitamins and minerals in smaller quantities, including magnesium, copper, calcium and potassium.

Each of these components has a beneficial effect on the skin. So:

  1. Polyunsaturated acids saturate the cells with useful substances, as a result of which the epidermis becomes softer, acquires elasticity and an even healthy color.
  2. Squalene – This is one of the most valuable components of amaranth seed oil. Its main property is the release of oxygen when it reacts with water. Due to this, the oxygen supply to cells is improved. Squalene has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect on cells.
  3. Tocopherol – a very important vitamin for maintaining youthful skin and its health.
  4. Phytosterols provide effective cell restoration in case of damage.
  5. Microelements necessary to ensure metabolic processes and maintain cell health.
  6. Phospholipids ensures the health of the epidermis, normalizing metabolic processes.

Chinese Candy Lo is a woman who has completely conquered aging. At 52 years old, she continues to act and make plans for her life. What is the secret of her eternal youth?
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Who is it suitable for?

The oil obtained from the seeds can significantly improve the appearance of the skin. This tool provides:

  1. protection skin, including sensitive skin, from irritation and inflammation;
  2. softening and additional nutrition;
  3. rejuvenation, elimination expression and age wrinkles, increased elasticity;
  4. cleaning contaminated pores and elimination of pimples.

The product can be used at any age and with any skin type, but this product will be especially useful for preventing the appearance and removing signs of age-related changes.

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A cosmetic product will only be beneficial if it is used correctly. Basic rules for using amaranth seed oil:

  1. you can apply oil undiluted or included in other cosmetic products. Since this product is not cheap, the second use option is optimal, then one bottle of the product will last for a long time;
  2. It is necessary to provide the product with optimal storage conditions. As a rule, oil is sold packaged in dark glass bottles with a tight stopper. This is the best type of storage container. The product can be stored at room temperature, the main thing is to protect it from direct sunlight and excess humidity. Therefore, do not store oil on the windowsill or in the bathroom;

  1. It is more effective to apply oil to warm form, but it is important not to overheat the product, as the beneficial substances in it will be destroyed. Do not heat the oil on fire, just leave the dishes with the product in a bowl of hot water;
  2. oil must be applied thin layer, do not try to apply a thick layer, this is a waste of product;
  3. Amaranth oil can be applied to any areas face and body, including around the eyes. Before application, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin;
  4. If the oil was applied undiluted or mixed with cosmetic cream, then it does not need to be washed off.

An hour after application, it will be enough to blot the skin with a paper napkin. When introducing oil into cosmetic masks, the mixture is washed off with water without the use of soap.

How to use?

The product can be used in different ways, namely:

  1. as a means of daily care;
  2. as massage oil;
  3. for compresses;
  4. for making homemade masks.

In a new interview, Sofia Rotaru shared her amazing secrets of beauty, long youth and creative plans.
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Evening application

You can apply amaranth seed oil to your skin in undiluted form, but since the product is not cheap, many people prefer to mix it with creams. You just need to mix your favorite cream with oil. Proportions – a teaspoon of oil per 50 ml of cream. Beat the mixture well, place in a glass jar with a tight lid, and store in the refrigerator. Use every evening for two months, then take a break.

Massage product

Cosmetic massage is a useful procedure if you master it self-massage, you can significantly improve the condition of your skin. And to make the massage even more effective, it is combined with the application of amaranth oil.

Warm oil is lubricated on cleansed skin, then massage begins. After completing the session, you need to remove any remaining oil with paper towels.


Oil compresses are recommended for flabby and dry skin. To carry out the procedure you need to prepare a piece cotton fabric with holes for eyes and mouth. This base is moistened in lukewarm oil and applied to a cleansed face for half an hour. Then you need to blot your face with a paper napkin.

It is useful to carry out such compresses using undiluted amaranth oil. But if this option seems too expensive, then you can use cheaper oil as a base, for example, corn or olive oil, to which amaranth oil has been added.

Compositions for cosmetic masks

Amaranth is often used anti wrinkle oil, including this product in cosmetic masks. Here are some popular recipes.


This composition rejuvenates, smooths out facial wrinkles, and brightens.

It is very simple to prepare; you just need to mix equal parts lemon juice and amaranth oil and apply it to the prepared skin of the face, excluding the area around the eyes. Wash off after a quarter of an hour.

Remember! This mask option is not suitable for skin prone to flaking and dryness. In this case, you can prepare the composition by replacing lemon juice with rose water.


The mask softens and moisturizes well. You need to slightly warm a tablespoon of honey and mix it with a teaspoon of amaranth oil. Then add the yolk and beat. Apply for half an hour.


The composition smoothes wrinkles and increases the skin's resistance to negative external influences. You will need 50 grams of fresh cottage cheese with a fat content of 5-9%, it must be ground with a teaspoon of sour cream or cream and the same amount of amaranth oil. Apply for a quarter of an hour.


The composition perfectly moisturizes and restores the elasticity of the skin. You need to mash half a ripe banana to a puree and mix it with a large spoon of yogurt or sour cream. Then pour in half a teaspoon of amaranth oil and add three drops of cassia ether (Chinese cinnamon). Apply for half an hour.


This composition perfectly smoothes the skin, saturating it with collagen. Prepared on the basis of edible gelatin.

First you need to prepare the base:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of gelatin with cold water (eight tablespoons), leave until it swells;
  2. then heat the composition until the gelatin is completely dissolved, cool;
  3. pour a teaspoon of almond and amaranth oils into the prepared base, beat;
  4. Apply with a brush in two or three layers.


The basis of the mask is natural village sour cream. A spoonful of fermented milk product should be mixed with a teaspoon of amaranth oil and applied for half an hour. This composition is especially recommended for softening chapped, rough skin that is prone to flaking.

With avocado

The composition is ideal for dehydrated skin prone to flaking.
You need to take a ripe avocado (half the fruit is enough) and grind it into a puree. Mix with a teaspoon of amaranth seed oil, add a little starch, achieving the consistency of sour cream. Apply for twenty minutes.


The cosmetic composition is especially recommended for skin with enlarged pores and prone to inflammation.
You need to take black cosmetic clay and dilute it with boiled water until you obtain a cream consistency. Add half a teaspoon of amaranth oil and three drops of lemongrass ether. Apply for half an hour.


The basis of this cosmetic composition is boiled white beans.

It needs to be mashed until it becomes puree. Add a teaspoon of amaranth oil and the same amount of milk to the beans. Apply to face for a quarter of an hour. This composition perfectly nourishes the skin.

Application for eyelid skin

Amaranth seed oil can be applied undiluted to the skin of the eyelids. The procedure goes like this:

  1. remove makeup, cleanse the skin thoroughly;
  2. pour a little oil into your palm so that it warms up a little;
  3. immerse the pads of the middle and ring fingers in the oil and begin to “drive” the product into the skin of the eyelids, the massage should be very light;
  4. after an hour, you need to gently blot the skin with a dry cotton pad or paper napkin;
  5. After the procedure, we don’t wash our faces and don’t go outside for at least an hour.

You can also use masks for the skin of the eyelids. Thick formulations are recommended to be applied to skin of the upper and lower eyelids (the moving eyelid is left free) for half an hour. Then you will need to carefully remove the composition with a damp swab. Liquid and semi-liquid formulations are applied differently. Semi-liquid ones are spread on gauze napkins and applied to the skin; cotton pads are moistened in liquid ones and wrung out, applied to the eyelids.

Several options for cosmetic formulations:

  1. Oatmeal. Cook oatmeal in milk (without salt or sugar). Mix a spoonful of lukewarm porridge and 15 drops of amaranth oil and stir.
  2. Bread. Pour warm cream over the white bread crumb and knead, you should get a semi-liquid paste, add 10 drops of amaranth oil.

  1. Oily. Mix a dessert spoon of olive and flax oils, add half a teaspoon of amaranth oil. Add two drops of rose essential oil.

Who should not use it?

There are practically no contraindications to the use of amaranth seed oil. The only exception is individual intolerance, which is relatively rare.

However, it is not worth the risk; before the first use, you must do skin sensitivity test. Just apply a drop of oil to the area where the skin is thin (most often, a test is done on the bend of the elbow or on the wrist). If there is no negative reaction within 24 hours, then the oil can be safely used for cosmetic care.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Cosmetologists speak positively about the use of amaranth seed oil for home care. This product gives the skin a healthy look and perfectly fights wrinkles. However, experts warn that you should not overuse the oil, as you can “overfeed” the skin. It is recommended to apply the oil no more than once a day, and after 2 months of use it is recommended to take a break.

Do not forget about the possibility of developing allergic reactions, so you must do a sensitivity test before the first application.

Women's opinion

Women who use amaranth oil leave rave reviews about the product.

I confirm that amaranth oil is an elixir for the face. I use oil as part of masks, this product suits me very well, the results are pleasing. My complexion has become much better, the greasy shine has gone away (I have oily skin), and pimples have practically disappeared.

I love everything natural, I think that natural oil is much healthier for the face than creams with preservatives. I have many different oils, and recently I added amaranth to my “collection”. I apply the oil in the evening to cleansed skin, and after a week I noticed that my skin became much more beautiful and younger.