Anti-cellulite cooling cream reviews

Our impressions are the most positive: this cosmetics really works! Each girl who took part in the testing honestly tried to follow the instructions for use, and if not move towards an ideal body, then at least lie in the direction of it.

1. Anti-cellulite wrap, Collistar, RUB 4,649.

Efficiency: 5 out of 5

The system of this tool is very interesting. Included with the jar of the mixture are knee-length thermal pants. The product itself is mud, somewhat similar to algae, without any particular odor.

The first thing that confuses me is whether the pants will get dirty during use, and how to wash them later, what if their thermal properties suddenly disappear? Before the experiment began, we even had the idea of ​​wrapping the smeared body in film and only after that putting on the pants. But it turned out that the film was not needed. The product dries almost instantly, like a clay mask!

After applying the product, you can do household chores for half an hour, sit on the couch and not worry about getting it all over. After 30 minutes, the wrap should be washed off. Thoroughly! Dried dirt cannot be removed with water without using a sponge. But this is only a plus, since in this way you can not only remove the miracle remedy, but also give an additional body massage.

2. Cream massager for cellulite correction, Payot, 2600 rub.

Efficiency: 5 out of 5

Has a light mint aroma. Convenient to use as you don't have to get your hands dirty. The massager distributes the product over the skin while massaging problem areas. The balls glide pleasantly over the body, exerting little pressure.

Another advantage of this product is that everyone can adjust the pressure on the massager - it all depends on the pain threshold and the desire to quickly achieve ideal skin.

You need to use it twice a day, morning and evening. Unfortunately, there are no instructions on how long to apply the product: 3, 5 or 10 minutes, maybe longer? In general, this, as it turned out, does not matter! Even 10 minutes a day (5 in the morning and 5 in the evening) is enough to get stunning results!

The skin tightened literally after the first use. A week later it became so even and smooth that it was impossible to believe my eyes - I had to ask a man for his opinion. The verdict was pleasant: butt like a nut!

3. Scrub, Alina Zanskar, 1600 rub.

Efficiency: 5 out of 5

The smell of this product is amazing: it’s as if “Zvezdochka” balm and horseradish extract were mixed. But no matter how strange it may sound, you want to inhale it again and again, it is so unusual and attractive.

The texture of the product is slightly viscous with small inclusions of “abrasive” particles. The color of the mixture is a soft green hue. When you apply the product to your legs and butt, you get a feeling of warmth and the skin burns slightly. After using the scrub, the skin feels polished and becomes smooth and silky.

A nice bonus is minus 0.5 cm in problem areas in just a couple of weeks of use.

4. Anti-cellulite patch, Skinlite, approx. 474 rub.

Efficiency: 3 out of 5

A special activating gel, which has a light texture and does not stick to your hands, is applied to the patch. Then, having removed the protective film from the edges, you need to glue it to one of the problem areas and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then wash off the remaining gel with water. The procedure is very simple, anyone can do it.

The convenience of this patch is that while using it you do not need to fix yourself in one position, you can safely continue to go about your business. A slight tingling sensation in the area of ​​application indicates that the process has started, and immediately after rinsing off, the skin becomes moisturized, tightened and elastic. Another advantage of the patch is that it is convenient to take with you on trips, because the remaining gel can simply be wiped off with wet wipes.

But be prepared for the fact that one use will not produce a pronounced effect - you need to do several approaches (use at least 3 patches).

5. Essential oil concentrate for weight loss Concentré Essentiel Minceur, Caudalie, RUB 1,420.

Efficiency: 5 out of 5

The concentrate has a pronounced aroma of the oils that are included in its composition. The skin after it becomes silky and elastic. The best results can be achieved if you apply the product some time before training or immediately after taking a shower, rubbing with intense movements.

The effectiveness of this product exceeded all expectations. After a week and a half, 2 centimeters were removed from the waist and hips!

6. Anti-cellulite oil Body Refirm, Biotherm, RUB 2,920.

Efficiency: 5 out of 5

The oil smells nice. The color is not red (this is the packaging), but orange. Instantly absorbed and leaves no marks on clothes.

It should be applied following the instructions using massage movements. The effect after two weeks of proper nutrition, training and use of oil - the skin tightened, and the orange peel simply disappeared.

7. Intensive care for figure modeling CelluDestock, Vichy, RUB 1,816.

Efficiency: 2 out of 5

Has a pleasant citrus aroma. The texture is similar to sour cream, not gel. When applied to the skin, it is slightly sticky, does not absorb well, and leaves an oily sheen. After using it, you must wait until it is completely absorbed, or even better, blot it with a dry cloth so as not to stain your stockings.

There is a result - the skin becomes moisturized and velvety to the touch immediately, but the orange peel will disappear no sooner than after a couple of months of use.

8. Course for problem areas “Plant Code of Slimness”, Yves Rocher, 1079 RUR.

Efficiency: 5 out of 5

It has a convenient applicator, is absorbed instantly and leaves behind only pleasant memories: no stickiness, no greasiness.

Outwardly it looks like a gel and has a neutral smell. As for sensations, during use you feel a slight tingling, pleasant tingling sensation. After 7 days of use (regular application of the product to problem areas in the morning and evening), the volumes decreased noticeably - almost two centimeters were lost.

The only negative is the small amount of product. By about the 6th day of use, the gel was almost gone.

9. Anti-cellulite gel Optimals body, Oriflame, 640 rub.

Efficiency: 1 of 5

The cream itself is in a very convenient tube with three rollers - this packaging eliminates unnecessary effort: thoroughly rubbing the cream into the skin and massage occurs by itself. Save your energy, you will need it for more interesting activities.

In short, this product is convenient to use and take with you on trips. The cream itself has a slight cooling effect, has a subtle aroma, is absorbed quite quickly and does not stick. There will be an effect, but not too pronounced: the skin smoothes out a little and becomes pleasant to the touch.

10. Anti-cellulite oil, Elemis, RUB 4,450.

Efficiency: 5 out of 5

This is a magic oil for cellulite. The requirement to apply 2 times a day is doable, but only for pedants! We used this product as we pleased: once, twice, or even three times a day. But the effect was noticeable! Literally after 1.5 weeks, my stomach and legs became a couple of centimeters smaller. Only the butt held a strong defense, but sooner or later it would give in.

So, the problem areas began to look better, it’s hard to call them problematic anymore. The skin was transformed and became velvety. If you use this product, you will be satisfied!

The only drawback of the product is the lack of a dispenser. The oil is greasy, the bottle is glass, and the cap is not so easy to screw on with oily hands. We ask the manufacturer to “reflash” the packaging of such an excellent product.

11. Anti-cellulite cream “Freedom from cellulite 5D”, Avon, approx. 250 rub.

Efficiency: 2 out of 5

Cream with a pleasant texture, simple aroma, white color. It is absorbed quite quickly, with it you don’t have to walk around the room for half an hour in your underpants. It doesn’t cause any discomfort (we know, there are creams that make everything itchy and that “burn” the skin badly). Nothing like that happens with Avon.

There is an effect, but it is minimal: the skin has become silkier to the touch. But to get a similar result, you can simply use body milk after a shower. In general, the battle against cellulite is lost. White flag.

12. Body sculpting anti-cellulite body lift Cellulite Control, Clarins, RUB 2,990.

Efficiency: 4 out of 5

Like many anti-cellulite creams, Clarins has a specific scent that implies a cooling effect. Honestly, in winter the last thing you want is cooling, but this particular cream “cools” very pleasantly and not at all too much. After using it, the skin became noticeably firmer and smoother.

By the way, if you use Clarins cream after training in the gym, you will get rid of tension and fatigue.

13. Anti-cellulite gel, Thalgo, RUB 3,857.

Efficiency: 4 out of 5

Suitable for girls who already have a slim and beautiful body - and want to maintain the result. The product can be used morning and evening. But it is more comfortable to apply it before going to bed, since in a hurry before going to work you are unlikely to wait for it to be completely absorbed into the skin.

The effect of use is noticeable, even if you use it only once a day: the skin seems to have been ironed, smoothed and filled with moisture.

14. Anti-cellulite cream, Vivax. 990 rub.

Efficiency: 5 out of 5

The effect is visible immediately after application: as if the skin was smoothed with a beauty iron.

The cream has a pleasant texture and snow-white color. This product is a pleasure to use. There is no stickiness, greasiness or other discomfort. In addition, the cream has a subtle aroma, which means that the most picky “noses” who do not like perfumed products will make friends with this product.

Another plus is the loss of extra centimeters. If you use the cream on the waist and abdomen, then in just a week and a half, graceful contours are guaranteed! This product can be safely recommended to all girls who have problem areas.

15. Laser Eraser Cellulite Intelligent Solution, NuBo, RUB 13,200.

Efficiency: 5 out of 5

This product melts on the skin like ice cream, pleasantly enveloping it - a real dessert! A pleasant citrus aroma in the evening relaxes you and prepares you for sleep, and in the morning, on the contrary, invigorates and energizes you.

It is no coincidence that the product name contains the word “laser”. The product hits exactly the target - the terrible tubercles and flabbiness. The skin after 5 days of use is noticeably tightened.

16. Anti-cellulite cream Cellulite XT-M Biological, Cellcosmet, RUB 13,100.

Efficiency: 5 out of 5

The cream, like thick sour cream, spreads pleasantly over the skin, is instantly absorbed and provides almost instant results. The effect of its “work” is really noticeable right away: the skin tightens, becomes moisturized and silky. No stickiness or discomfort - so you can put on skinny jeans straight away.

17. Anti-cellulite gel Silhouette Anti Cellulite gel, Toitbel, approx. 400 rub.

Efficiency: 5 out of 5

The caffeine and forskolin in the composition act effectively: the skin condition noticeably improves. The cream with a gel texture is easily absorbed and applied. A lasting and obvious result is achieved after a month and a half of regular use.

18. Anti-cellulite remodeling patch, comfort zone, approx. 3260 rub.

Efficiency: 5 out of 5

A godsend for the lazy person! I pasted it on and go and be happy. Yes, yes, you simply glue this patch onto the problem area and wear it for 24 hours. You can safely take a shower with it, go to work and meet with friends. And while you are washing away the fatigue of the day, writing letters to colleagues or enjoying a smoothie in the company of friends, the baby patch is actively working. The next morning, repeat the procedure: remove the old patch and apply a new one.

The result is tightened and elastic skin, as well as minus a couple of centimeters in the “wasted” area - beauty!

19. Intensive anti-cellulite body cream Cellulinov, Sisley, RUB 9,440.

Efficiency: 5 out of 5

Its specialty is a pleasant marine aroma (something like seaweed and sea foam). It is well absorbed and behaves well after working out in the gym - it improves training results by a factor of one. The orange bumps disappear after several applications of the cream.

20. Anti-cellulite scrub, Organic Shop, 635 rub.

Efficiency: 5 out of 5

Saves time, money and effort. First of all, it is convenient: apply it in the bathroom before turning on the water - strictly on dry skin, rub it, enjoy the pleasant aroma and only then wash it off.

Despite the fact that this is a scrub, it does not dry the skin at all and does not require the application of moisturizers afterward. To see the result, just look at yourself in the mirror after the first use. The reflection will make you happy.

21. Body Sculptor anti-cellulite wrap, Lundenilona, ​​RUB 3,000.

Efficiency: 5 out of 5

If you have time, use it to make this wrap. It’s a pity that the kit doesn’t include film, but you can buy it at any store (even regular food film will do). Why is it needed? Firstly, you risk getting everything dirty. Secondly, you will be very cold (the mixture has a strong cooling effect). So you will have to turn around, put on thermal pants or regular pants, if desired, lie under the blanket and watch a movie with goosebumps, or start moving actively - do exercises, wash the floors.

“Frosty” wrap guarantees a visible improvement in skin condition. An additional plus is that this wrap can be done even by pregnant women, so girls in an interesting position can easily keep their skin in perfect condition.

22. Modeling gel-cream with massage attachment, The Body Shop, RUB 1,530.

Efficiency: 5 out of 5

This modeling gel-cream with a massage attachment will provide an unforgettable experience during its use, as well as pleasant emotions and a charge of positive thoughts. As for the professional characteristics of the product, they can be described in one word - cool! This product is instantly absorbed and does not leave greasy marks, stickiness or even extra centimeters. There are no more unwanted volumes. But velvety, impeccably smooth skin goes from a dream to reality.

Girls, please tell me what anti-cellulite cream or gel you use? I just read about red pepper cream that you can make at home. experts

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Zubkova Anna Andreevna

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Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Why is everyone silent? interesting too

I heard that a hot scrub in an orange jar helps a lot, I don’t know the brand, they also have the same cream. I saw it for sale at the pharmacy. I want to try

I heard that a hot scrub in an orange jar helps a lot, I don’t know the brand, they also have the same cream. I saw it for sale at the pharmacy. I want to try

I heard that a hot scrub in an orange jar helps a lot, I don’t know the brand, they also have the same cream. I saw it for sale at the pharmacy. I want to try

I made this cream and tried it. rubbed it into the skin of problem areas - thighs, abdomen and sides. and then wrapped herself in plastic and put on warm clothes and went to bed. I really liked it, the effect is obvious. I will continue.

I agree, these red jars with masks and creams do not help, and other creams too. Buy a vacuum jar for massage at the pharmacy for 100 rubles, oil like Johnson with baby, and you can also use orange essential oil. Add essential oil to Johnson, spread it on the butt and do a massage with a jar. Very effective and simple, these cups are a super thing, the hand does not get tired at all from the massage and it takes little time to massage. However, bruises may appear first

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I have Sisley for cellulite - it cost 240 euros *** - but it helps. But I still can’t bring myself to apply it on myself every day - majeshb - the effect is visible - you stop - the effect disappears over time. In general, the best thing for cellulite is to walk a lot, drink a lot and pee a lot.

I won’t write about the cream that I’m currently testing for now, since I just started using it and can’t evaluate the result. But I don’t want to do undeserved advertising. But if it really helps, I’ll write back in a month.

wow, they're all so chubby. bad

They sell a cream with pepper from the Belarusian company Biolita, it seems - it costs a penny but is effective... if you massage it into someone and then apply cling film and hold it on yourself, you will feel the warmth and how the blood circulates - the effect is great!

They sell a cream with pepper from the Belarusian company Biolita, it seems - it costs a penny but is effective... if you massage it into someone and then apply cling film and hold it on yourself, you will feel the warmth and how the blood circulates - the effect is great!

I liked the fitness body, but I just need to use it regularly)

I agree with the author 7, Sisley is the best cream for cellulite, this cream has one drawback - the price, but the resulting effect justifies the cost of this cream.

PEOPLE, I CAN SELL A NEW BOTTLE OF ANTI-CELLULITE CREAM VITEX! AND AS A BONUS I WILL GIVE YOU A HALF USED ONE. I’ve become allergic to it, but it’s already starting to help! :((( Costs 100 rubles in total. I’m in Moscow, email [email protected]

I ordered a gel with pepper from China, a friend recommended it. I applied it yesterday after a shower, after a while the skin began to burn, or rather not even the skin, but inside, the subcutaneous layer, because to the touch I remained at normal temperature :=)) At night I woke up several times in order to cool down. Almost a day has passed, the subcutaneous layer continues to warm up, burn in places, the temperature has risen a little. Moreover, the heat spreading is somehow interesting, then the legs are burning, then the stomach, at night the legs were burning, this afternoon the stomach was on fire, although yesterday there was no sensation at all in the abdominal area. I don’t know when this will stop, and it’s not clear whether it’s good or bad, but it’s clear, THERE IS AN EFFECT! I don’t know if I’ll dare to do this again or if I won’t dare anymore. Although I did not experience severe pain, there was no irritation, I was just tired of this feeling. I would like to note that the skin feels like after a massage with wrap, increased blood circulation has done its job. Before this I tried many different products, I think the effect was the most significant from this, the previous one was a scrub with ginger, like Oriflame or Avon, I don’t remember exactly, but it really caused terrible irritation and it burned very painfully.

In general, if I remember, I’ll write about the results later, the gel is called Li Yi Beiluo BALO


The only cream that I can recommend: Anti-cellulite cream from Bio Aroma Greece jar 200 ml glass Ingredients: rosemary, cypress, black pepper There is no one way out in Russia - order for those who are going on vacation. The island of Crete was brought to me from Hersonissos

Girls! I recently bought a jar of Apsara anti-cellulite cream! Very pleased! The result is very high! The skin became velvety and soft! Here is the link:

A friend used an anti-cellulite based on bitter ORANGE, not pepper. The effect is amazing, it doesn’t stick into your eyes like pepper (during training). The effect became visible after a course of use (about 1.5-2 months). No “miracles in a week”, naturally I had to work on myself a little :)

Girls, can you use such creams if you have varicose veins?

Girls, can you use such creams if you have varicose veins?
I read that it is better to take creams with a cooling effect! i.e. on the contrary, the “work” is not about warming up, but about “fighting cellulite against the cold.” I can’t say for sure, something like that))))

If you suffer from varicose veins, and there is something feminine, then it is better to exclude warming procedures. There is a French cream, the reviews are positive, but I haven’t tried it myself yet, I haven’t been able to order it yet, if I don’t order it, it’s not in stock. Ingredients kelp seaweed extract, which accelerates metabolic processes and promotes weight loss, Caffeine has a drainage effect and removes excess fluid, grapefruit essential oil, which smoothes the skin. I really want to order it as soon as it appears, it costs 550 rubles, and now it’s 430. My phone number in St. Petersburg: 8-921-3759708, if anyone else

Girls, can you use such creams if you have varicose veins?

Why is everyone silent? interesting too

Any cream is good if done by a professional with a massage! I lost 5 kg, although I also took a galvanic bath! very cool thing: 20 minutes in the bath and the effect is super, like 40 minutes of fitness!

I use Anti-Cellulite Cream Before and After. The result is pleasantly surprising every time. First I massage the problem areas, then apply the cream. The skin has become smoother, the “orange peel” disappears))))

Girls, at one time these creams helped me a lot, when I lost 13 kg in just 2 months at a weight of 87, I applied one Biot m Celluli Laser Intensive Night at night, and in the morning before work this ROC Anti-Cellulite Intensve. Some of the most recommended

Girls, at one time these creams helped me a lot, when I lost 13 kg in just 2 months at a weight of 87, I applied one Biot m Celluli Laser Intensive Night at night, and in the morning before work this ROC Anti-Cellulite Intensve. One of the most recommended [url=][/url]

Red pepper should not be used, it has zero benefit, it’s just a good marketing ploy)
It is best if the cream contains vitamins, especially retinol, this is vitamin E, because they are needed for the normal functioning of body cells, and vitamin E also helps cells “recover”; essential oils and plant extracts, they are needed for normal metabolism. Well, herbal ingredients to maintain skin tone and turgor)
In terms of price-quality ratio, it is better to choose cream from Garnier. Not expensive, but contains the same as other creams)
But if you don't like this brand, you can choose something else)
I found the best selection here
Biotherm, Clarins. Not for everyone, to be honest) Too expensive to buy them often)

I have tried a huge number of creams. Complete nonsense. The only thing that helped was paraffin capsules and RF lifting. I took a course at the RHANA clinic with Malusina. Don't do nonsense, go to specialists.

Girls, please tell me what anti-cellulite cream or gel you use? I just read about red pepper cream that you can make at home.

Girls, please tell me what anti-cellulite cream or gel you use? I just read about red pepper cream that you can make at home.

I had an excellent result after using the Mandarin-Grapefruit massage oil from Iris. And essential oil mixture No. 25 Calorie burner

For two months I smeared my thighs and butt, well, where there are problem areas, with Twins Tak anti-cellulite cream Before and After, once a day, it no longer worked. The effect appeared in the first month. The tubercles are gone, don’t think that I’m completely cellulite. My height is 172, and my weight is 67, which is a bit much, and my legs, especially my thighs, are really insulated for the winter. In general, the orange peel went away in the second month of use. The cream removes stagnant fluid well and stimulates the subcutaneous breakdown of fat. my legs are smooth and toned. I like myself

I use serum from Eveline. I can’t say the result is great, but the skin is much smoother and softer. I also do anti-cellulite wraps with blue clay and 2-3 drops of orange essential oil, I really like the effect! )
Here is a review of the serum, read it if anyone is interested)

Girls, I can only say one thing: - if you smear yourself with cream and at the same time eat cakes, then of course nothing will help. A healthy diet is a must.

Homemade creams are much better than store-bought ones.

I use Anti-Cellulite Serum Before and After, first I massage, then I apply the serum. It contains natural ingredients that slow down fat synthesis and eliminate the “orange peel” effect.


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Despite anti-cellulite diets, fat-burning shorts, weight loss baths, expensive salon treatments and other ideas of beauty industry innovators, the most effective means of combating the notorious “orange peel” are still massages and wraps. Fortunately, they don’t require much: a pair of hands or a massager, cling film, and, of course, a high-quality anti-cellulite cream. And this is where doubts begin: which product to choose?

Top 10: rating of popular products (with before and after photos)

They say that there is no more reliable way to find a hairdresser or manicurist than to turn to word of mouth. Gossips-talkers are good at not only spreading gossip, but also doing high-quality, and free, advertising for real craftsmen in their field. It’s a pity, it’s impossible to find friends who have tried fifty different anti-cellulite creams on themselves and given a review of each of them. But on the Internet, young ladies tirelessly post their angry or laudatory reviews of this or that product! Even if we assume that some of the girls turn out to be “sent by Cossacks,” the overall picture turns out to be quite trustworthy.

Anti-Cellulite Body Cream from Mulsan cosmetic

The absolute winner of the rating was Anti-Cellulite Body Cream from Mulsan cosmetic, which produces products only with natural and safe ingredients.

Anti-Cellulite Body Cream from Mulsan cosmetic is the best choice for combating cellulite

Natural composition. The only anti-cellulite cream with the safest composition. Anti-Cellulite Body Cream is suitable for use on skin prone to allergies and even during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In this product you will not find parabens, animal fats, dyes, which adversely affect the condition of the skin of the body, causing unwanted reactions.
Effective. The girls who used this cream daily felt the difference after just a week, noting that the skin became smooth, tightened, and the hated “orange peel” had practically disappeared. Also, without any effort, it was possible to reduce the volume of the hips and correct the figure in the buttocks area. The cream well moisturizes, nourishes and saturates the skin with all kinds of useful microelements.
Convenient to use. The bottle is equipped with a convenient dispenser. The product is easily distributed over the skin, does not stick and does not leave marks on clothes, and is easily and quickly absorbed. The aroma is light and pleasant, due to the natural ingredients included in the composition.
Economical. The packaging of this cream is large - 200 ml, a convenient dispenser, as a result of which the consumption is small, and the product, according to customer reviews, lasts for a very long time of use.
The Mulsan cosmetic company is a repeated winner of various ratings of natural and effective cosmetics. All products of this brand do not contain any aggressive components. The range includes products for both adults and children. We confidently recommend visiting the official online store of the company

Anti-cellulite massage cream “Belita-Vitex” from the “Bath, massage, sauna” series

Pleasant combination of price and quality

Oddly enough, at the top of our rating were not products from a world-famous brand that will smooth out and tighten everything you need in no time, but a more than modest product from a Belarusian manufacturer. The cream from the Belita-Vitex company is a successful combination of low price and good quality.

  1. Easy to use. Thick, oily, but at the same time quite light, the cream is easily applied and distributed over the skin, but is not absorbed too quickly. This is a plus for massage - you will have time to thoroughly treat your feet before you have to squeeze out a new portion.
  2. Economical. A 200 ml tube is enough for two full ten-day massage courses or a month of procedures if you use them every other day. And this rather impressive tube of cream costs nothing - from 80 to 110 rubles.
  3. Effective. According to most reviews, after regular use of the product, the skin becomes smoother, more elastic, and in the most stubborn and hardworking, the hips decrease by a couple of centimeters in girth. Naturally, the cream does not perform all these miracles on its own, but in combination with diet, exercise and massages.

Many young ladies note the unobtrusive and pleasant orange-mint smell of the product.

If you rummage through the reviews, you can find entire mini-poems about buttocks burning with fire, hellish frying pans and self-immolation, which are left by girls impressed by the effect of the cream. Indeed, the test is not for thin-skinned beauties! Do you also react sharply to masks with mustard and similar burning substances? It’s better to avoid this cream or at least don’t use it for wraps. Only massage! However, for those whose thighs, weighed down with orange peel, have seen other things, the path is open.

Effective? Not that word!

The cream not only helped me in the fight against cellulite! It made my skin soft, smooth, velvety, elastic!


With regular use, the cream visually evens out the skin, makes it smoother and reduces the appearance of cellulite. It also helps reduce fat deposits and volume where necessary. Now he is one of my favorites!


Have you ever dived into a deep fryer? Did you sit in an anthill? Have you set your tights on fire? All this happened to me at the same time! I wanted to run out into the street in my underpants and sit in a snowdrift! The next day I repeated the procedure (I’m desperate!) - it was already more bearable. I did 10 wraps in total. I am very pleased! It’s so nice to see smooth skin and not nasty bumps!

Natalia Lukyanchikova

Video: Anna Kurkurina's advice on how to achieve the desired effect

Thermoactive cream-gel Slim 3D from Eveline

Who's the latest to "lazy" lose weight?

  1. Effective. According to some young ladies, the cream works even in case of “lazy” use, that is, without active massage and body wraps (but, alas, not without diets and sports). For some, it was enough just to vigorously rub it into the skin every day after a shower to see the result within a couple of months.
  2. Pleasant to use. Although the Polish product causes a rush of blood to the treated areas of the body, sometimes quite noticeable, it was not noticeable in the strong burning sensation inherent in its Belarusian competitor. Many even call the warmth from using the product pleasant.
  1. Girls with delicate skin may still feel a burning sensation, especially if they apply the cream under the film.
  2. The product cannot be called economical. A 250 ml tube is enough for a month of daily use, and it will cost you about 385 rubles. If you do not use the cream in courses, but smear it on your thighs every evening for the purpose of prevention (as some do), a significant amount will accrue.
  3. Many people find the smell of the product unpleasant and chemical. But, as they say, it depends on the taste and color...

Unfortunately, the photograph of the hips before using the cream was not preserved. But what is the effect after use!

I apply the cream after a shower in the morning and evening using massage movements. It’s important not to overdo it, otherwise it won’t be very comfortable. I’m happy, the effect is noticeable, the cream is able to adjust the volume, if everything is not very neglected. The effect increases with physical activity.


The bottle lasted me 3 weeks, although I used it once a day, in the evening. Pre-rubbed the skin with a washcloth or scrub. It started baking almost immediately, baking for quite a long time - 20-30 minutes. After 3 weeks of use, the skin became very soft to the touch. There is an anti-cellulite effect, but it is insignificant: the tummy is slightly tightened and the sides are slightly smaller. Although, it seems to me, if I had used it with some physical exercise or massage cupping, the effect would have been greater. In general, I recommend it.


Honestly, I smeared it 2 times a day, I really felt how the skin was smoothing out and the centimeters were going away... But after 3 weeks of use, it turned out that the problem was still there. Zero changes. However, after I went on a diet, started going for massages and going to the gym, while using the same cream, the process went very quickly. So by itself it makes no sense, but taken together it gives very good results. I liked that the packaging is large - as much as 250 ml, which lasts a long time.


Anti-cellulite cream-sculptor from Faberlic

If desired, you can use the “2 steps” care program

In an honorable third place is a cream from the Russian company Faberlic, one of the largest cosmetics manufacturers in our country, which occasionally cooperates with France, but often manages to produce products on its own. Pros of this brand:

  1. Efficiency. Visible results appear after the first or second application of the cream, especially in not too advanced cases. True, this will be more of an optical illusion than a real getting rid of the “orange peel”, but, you see, the illusion is pleasant. And useful if you need to quickly prepare your feet for the beach season. However, the real result will not keep you waiting either, if only you have enough perseverance and patience.
  2. Ease of use. The cream is liquid and light, but does not flow. The tube is equipped with a massage nozzle with three balls, which allows you to thoroughly work out the tubercles under the skin, as well as a “stop mechanism”. This means that, having squeezed out the required portion of the product, you can roll the balls back and forth across your legs to your heart’s content, without fear of using up too much - the “closed lock” position will not allow the cream to leak out.
  3. Variability. If buying a tube with a massager will make a noticeable hole in the family budget, you can choose a simpler and cheaper product, without an attachment.
  1. Alas, the Faberlic product is noticeably inferior to previous products in terms of price. A tube without any frills costs from 350 rubles and above, a tube with a massage attachment costs up to 600 rubles. And if you want to use the cream together with the anti-cellulite activator recommended by the manufacturer, the price will increase by another 400–500 rubles.
  2. The product can “scare” delicate skin, causing a burning sensation or causing it to become covered with spots and swollen tubercles (as with hives).
  3. Finally, Faberlic prefers to distribute its products exclusively through catalogs, which is not to everyone’s taste.

Many girls complain that when they give up the cream, the achieved effect gradually begins to disappear, so for preventive purposes the use of the product must be used on a regular basis - 1-2 times a week.

The orange peel has smoothed out

After the first use, the skin is smooth and pleasant to the touch, tightened. After the third cellulite became noticeably less, now I have almost none left. I liked that the cream has massaging balls; they distribute the cream well over the skin and enhance the effect with massage.


Three weeks of regular use gave excellent results. I am very happy with my thighs: smooth and elastic skin without fat and cellulite! My advice: use the cream every day until you achieve the desired result, and then switch to a maintenance regimen - 2 times a week. Do not give up the cream completely, otherwise all the results will go down the drain!


The product is very strong, if you don’t like it when it bakes too much, it’s better not to use it, although personally I feel its effect better this way. After a month of using it twice a week, I saw results, and I wasn’t the only one. That's why I rate this product a 5! And I recommend it.