What happens if you tear off a papilloma on the neck?

Papilloma on the neck came off

The content of the article:
  1. Why did the papilloma on the neck come off?
  2. What happens if you tear off a papilloma
  3. What to do
  4. Rules for caring for injured papilloma
  5. What folk remedies to use

A situation where a papilloma on the neck has come off is an extremely undesirable and quite dangerous result of mechanical impact on growths, which can greatly harm health and provoke the process of malignancy. It is not possible to tear off a tumor on purpose or on purpose, but in any case this fact cannot be ignored. It is important to provide first aid in a timely manner and subsequently properly care for the affected area.

Why did the papilloma on the neck come off?

A papilloma on the neck came off during a massage

Papillomas on the neck are benign skin growths. Their appearance is associated with an increase in the activity of the human papillomavirus that has entered the body. There are several types of these growths, but the most common are hanging tumors. Hanging papillomas noticeably protrude over the skin. They have a thin stalk and a papillary or teardrop-shaped body. The stalk may lengthen, and the body may grow in diameter, forming small spherical tumors. It is because of this shape that these growths are more likely to be injured than others, and a situation may arise when the papilloma on the neck comes off.

Hanging papillomas on the neck cause not only aesthetic, but also physical discomfort. These growths are visible almost all the time, spoiling the appearance and interfering with hygiene and cosmetic procedures. Because of this, many people try to get rid of the growth in different ways. One of the most undesirable and quite radical is to simply deliberately disrupt the neoplasm. At the same time, many do not even think about what will happen if a papilloma on the neck is torn off.

Unintentional tearing of a growth most often occurs in the following cases:

  1. In case of careless shaving in the neck area;
  2. In case of careless cosmetic and hygiene procedures;
  3. During the massage;
  4. When wearing tight clothing, jewelry and various accessories;
  5. When combing hair.

Sometimes the reason that a papilloma on the neck comes off is the careless actions of strangers, for example, children or animals during play.

Some papillomas disappear on their own. In this case, the process is asymptomatic. This indicates that the human body spent a long time producing specific antibodies and was able to independently get rid of the pathogen. Strong immunity is the key to health.
  1. Read also: why warts come off

What happens if you tear off a papilloma on the neck?

Spread of HPV in the neck

Each body growth caused by HPV has blood vessels, so it is completely undesirable to try to remove it yourself, because even if a papilloma on the neck comes off completely accidentally, the consequences can be quite serious.

The most harmless thing that can happen subsequently is the formation of a small focus of inflammation, which is considered a completely normal tissue reaction to injury. Such manifestations in rare cases can be eliminated through the work of a strong immune system. Moreover, even if you use the most effective healing agents, an unattractive scar may form at the site of the former papilloma.

If the immune system is weakened, then events can develop in a completely different direction. So, as a result of the fact that the papilloma on the neck comes off, the consequences may be as follows:

  1. Bleeding. The first thing that most often occurs when a papilloma on the neck is accidentally or deliberately torn off is bleeding of varying intensity. Sometimes it's quite difficult to stop him.
  2. HPV spread. Due to damage to the growth tissue, new pathways are opened for the pathogen to infect new areas of the body. The virus will easily take root on nearby healthy cells, where it enters with the blood, and provoke the growth of new formations.
  3. Attachment of a secondary infection. Through an open wound, pathogenic microbes enter the body, which leads to the onset of an infectious process. Often the skin in the place where the tumor was located begins to itch and become inflamed. Without proper care, suppuration may develop, causing discharge with an unpleasant odor. Gradually the affected area increases.
  4. Blood poisoning. This rather dangerous consequence occurs if a person did not consider it necessary to find out how to treat a papilloma on the neck if it came off, and left everything to chance. Thus, general intoxication, fever, indigestion and other symptoms may develop. This disease very often leads to death.
  5. Degeneration of tissue into malignant. This happens if a papilloma on the neck breaks off, the growth of which was caused by an oncogenic strain of HPV. Evidence that the oncological process has begun is a sharp proliferation of tumors, pathological changes in their color and shape, and the appearance of specific discharge without repeated trauma. Sometimes you can notice that the growths have changed their structure, become coarser, cracks have appeared on them, and their color has changed to black. Nearby healthy tissues are also affected - itching and redness may appear.

Sometimes pathological processes occur in a more hidden form and may not be noticed by a person. Based on the above, it should be concluded that it is imperative to contact a medical specialist in a timely manner if the papilloma on the neck has come off. This will not only help reduce healing time, but in some cases, save lives.

What to do if a papilloma on the neck comes off?

Antibacterial patch on the neck for torn papilloma

Even if heavy bleeding did not follow after the papilloma on the neck came off, this is not a reason to blithely leave everything as it is, because even microscopic cracks can cause negative consequences. In any case, proper medical care must be provided.

How to treat the skin if a papilloma on the neck has come off:

  1. Hemostatic. The first task is to stop the bleeding. Hydrogen peroxide can help with this. Sometimes it is replaced with a solution of chlorhexidine applied to a cotton pad. The product is applied to the wound for several minutes and wait until the blood flow to the outside completely stops.
  2. Antiseptic. The best and most affordable option is rubbing alcohol. It is excellent at killing germs, preventing infection. Alternatively, you can use vodka. The use of iodine and brilliant green is acceptable, but due to the presence of pigment in them, it will be difficult to assess the healing process of the wound.
  3. Germicidal patch. At the end of the treatment, it is advisable to cover the affected area where the papilloma on the neck has come off with a bactericidal patch or bandage to prevent pathogens from entering the wound.

After this, it is advisable to go to the hospital so that the doctor examines the wound and makes a prognosis. The torn part of the tumor can be saved and used for laboratory research. If complications are suspected, additional tests may be prescribed, based on the results of which antiviral therapy and medications to maintain immunity are usually prescribed. If the papilloma on the neck has not completely come off, then it is possible that the doctor will prescribe its complete removal using laser, radio wave surgery or any other suitable method.

Rules for caring for injured papilloma on the neck

Preparations for the care of injured papilloma on the neck

The photo shows preparations for treating a wound if a papilloma comes off

At an appointment with a doctor, you can find out how to treat the places where the papilloma has come off on the neck in order to speed up healing and prevent unwanted complications. Usually, topical preparations are prescribed that contain antiseptic and healing substances.

Treatment of the wound should be carried out using a cotton swab or a special applicator, which must be disposed of after treatment. If you touch the affected area with your fingers, you can easily transfer the virus to other parts of the body.

The most affordable means for external treatment of places where papilloma on the neck has come off:

  1. Dioxidine. Excellently eliminates purulent manifestations and promotes accelerated epithelization. 1 ml of the drug is diluted with 50 ml of saline. Treatment should be done 1-2 times daily. Price - 400 rubles or 250 hryvnia.
  2. Levomekol. This ointment is applicable if suppuration has formed. Before applying, you should open the abscess, clean it, and then apply the ointment with a compress. Price - 110 rubles or 65 hryvnia.
  3. Furacilin. This solution actively kills pathogenic microbes. Used daily to wash wounds if a papilloma on the neck has come off. Price - 40 rubles or 25 hryvnia.
  4. Salicylic ointment or salicylic alcohol. Any of these remedies actively neutralizes the inflammatory process, relieving swelling and eliminating redness. Promotes healing. The cost of the drug is symbolic - 27 rubles or 13 hryvnia.
  5. Pantekrem. Apply from the moment the crust has formed. The medicine promotes accelerated tissue regeneration. Price - 150 rubles or 65 hryvnia.

Sometimes antiviral agents for external use may also be prescribed. It all depends on the clinical picture of the course of HPV and the degree of damage to the skin.

Among the effective medications, the most popular are the following:

  1. Viferon ointment. Accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissue in places where the papilloma on the neck has come off. It has a visible antiviral effect, reducing the activity of HPV. Prevents the enlargement of the lesion. Costs from 220 rubles or 130 hryvnia.
  2. Gel Panavir. It has high antiviral activity and has a positive effect on local immunity. Prevents the addition of a secondary infection. Price - from 130 rubles or 75 hryvnia.
The use of creams and ointments is contraindicated if the wound where the papilloma came off on the neck is bleeding. In this case, you can treat nearby tissues without touching the crust that has formed, or replace them with similar oral medications, but only after consulting a doctor.

During the healing period, when a crust has already formed, it is not recommended to cover the wound excessively to avoid the greenhouse effect. If there is no danger of re-injury, the bandage or patch can only be applied at night.

What folk remedies should I use if a papilloma on my neck comes off?

Wormwood tincture for caring for injured papilloma

If no serious dangers are detected, then you can agree with your doctor on the use of folk remedies to accelerate the healing of damage and prevent the re-formation of growths.

For local treatment of the skin in places where the papilloma has come off on the neck, you can use one of the following compositions:

  1. Tincture with celandine. Celandine flowers are infused in olive oil for 30 days. This infusion is used for daily five-fold treatment. It perfectly disinfects and softens the skin, stimulates local immunity.
  2. Herbal tincture. Alcohol is used as a base. They are poured with dry celandine grass, thuja shoots and young wheat sprouts. The ratio of alcohol and plants is 1:1. Infusion time is 14 days. Processing is carried out once a day. The product dries wounds, relieves inflammation, and nourishes the skin.
  3. Nut tincture. 200 g of green walnuts are ground in a meat grinder and poured with 300 ml of alcohol. Leave for 7-14 days, filter and use for local processing. The product actively fights pathogenic microflora, prevents infection and proliferation of inflammation, and promotes accelerated regeneration of healthy tissue.
  4. Wormwood tincture. The herb of the plant (100 g) is crushed and 400 ml of alcohol is poured. The product is infused for 2 weeks, then filtered and used for external treatment of the skin where the papilloma has come off on the neck and other parts of the body. Actively suppresses various microorganisms, including the human papillomavirus.

If a papilloma on the neck has come off, in addition to daily external treatment, you should take care of your overall health. It is recommended to use all suitable ways to strengthen immunity - normalization of nutrition, exercise, frequent walks in the fresh air. If necessary, you can take vitamin and mineral complexes or undergo antiviral and immunostimulating therapy.

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