Javshir - opopanax

The leaves of this plant rise low from the ground, similar to the leaves of a fig tree; they are bright green, five-lobed, cut-out, rounded. Its stem is long, similar to the stem of a kiss tree, and covered with fluff, like dust, and its leaves are very small. At the end there is a corolla, similar to the corolla of dill; its inflorescences are yellow, and the flowers smell pleasant. It has many roots that branch off from a single stem, covered with a thick bark, with a bitter taste and heavy odor. Gum is extracted from it by making cuts on the root at the very beginning of the stem. The color of this gum is white, but when it dries, it becomes saffron-colored on the outside. Panakis irakliyun belongs to the same genus and is considered one of the species of Opopanax. Its trunk is thinner; it rises to a cubit height and then branches. Its leaves are like those of fennel, and it acts weaker and more slowly than panakis. There is also filusharbiyun; "" this is the species in which the leaves are similar to the leaves of white chamomile, and the flowers are golden.

Its best root is white, scalding, not wrinkled and with a pleasant smell, and its best fruits are located on the stem, in the middle part. Its best gum is very bitter, it is white inside and saffron outside, it crumbles easily and dissolves in water. Black and soft opopanax - with an admixture; ammonia is mixed with it - resin and wax.

Hot, dry to the third degree.

Actions and properties.
Dispersing winds, softening, cleansing.

Tumors and acne.
Opopanax softens hardening, and its inflorescences are good for softening acne.

Wounds and ulcers.
Opopanax root is good for treating exposed bones, and with honey it helps with chronic ulcers and “Persian fire”; Its inflorescences are also useful for treating wounds and acne. In general, all its parts are useful for malignant ulcers and are used with honey when corroded.

Tools with joints.
Opopanax is drunk with water sweetened with honey or with wine for weakened muscles due to beatings.

Some doctors say that opopanax is bad for nerves, but this seems to apply to healthy nerves, not wet ones. Opopanax helps against inflammation of the sciatic nerve; for this disease, they also drink its squeezed juice. Opopanax eliminates exhaustion and, in the form of a medicinal bandage, helps with all kinds of joint pain and gout.

Organs of the head.
Opopanax, if you fill a hollow with it, is useful for caries in the teeth and soothes toothache. It is also useful for headaches, epilepsy and birthmarks.

Organs of the eye.
Opopanax sharpens vision when applied to the eyes.

Breast organs.
Opopanax leaves are used to make a medicinal bandage for pain in the side. Opopanax also helps with pain in the sides and cough, if the pain and cough are cold.

Nutritional organs.

Squeezing the juice of opopanax as a medicinal bandage or drinking it with vinegar helps with hardening of the spleen. Ten darakhmi of the squeezed juice are placed in a cup of grape must and filtered after two months. This composition is very beneficial for the spleen. Squeezed opopanax juice also helps with dropsy.

Eruption organs.
Opopanax softens hardening in the uterus and helps with difficulty urinating. It is drunk with hot water in the amount of one bunduki to cause the separation of urine and menstruation, and when the uterus is cold. Opopanax fruits also drive menstruation, especially with wormwood, and kill the fetus. Opopanax root is particularly potent; in the form of suppositories or in drinking it causes miscarriage. It also helps with “suffocation of the uterus” and destroys swelling and hardening in it, is useful for kulanja, removes immature juices and helps with itching in the bladder.

Opopanax is given to drink in water sweetened with honey for stunning chills and periodic fevers.

Opopanax with Zift makes a good plaster and sticky ointment for the bite of a rabid dog, and Opopanax with Aristolochia in the form of a drink or squeezed juice is an excellent remedy for the bites of poisonous reptiles.

Opopanax is replaced by galbanum, and I believe that black ushshak is also close to it.