Natural and unnatural types of birth control

The natural type of delivery is when the baby comes out head-first, with the head lying directly against the mouth of the uterus, without deviating to the side, and the arms are extended along the hips. All other types are unnatural, and the closest to natural is the type when the child walks forward with his foot, and his arms are extended along his hips. If the head moves away from confronting the uterus and the arms move away from the hips, or both legs come out and the arms get stuck, this is not good. Bad types of fetal exit sometimes kill the fetus and the mother, and sometimes the mother is saved, but the fetus dies due to the efforts it has undergone and the external swelling that occurs, if it lasts and does not go away within three days. Sometimes the unnatural birth of a child leads to deadly tumors of the uterus, and the fetus is saved and the mother dies, but often a child with such tumors suffocates and dies from suffocation.