Favaniya - officinalis peony

This is the “tree of the cross”; it can be masculine and feminine. In the male, the roots are white, thick, like fingers, astringent to the taste, while in the female, the root and stems are highly branched.

Hot and dry, but not very hot.

Actions and properties.
It dries and knits and at the same time dissolves, opens and thins, tears and cleanses. If you chew it for a while, it then develops a pungency that reaches the point of binding.

It reduces black spots on the skin.

Peony is useful for gout.

Organs of the head.
Peony is useful for epilepsy, even if hung around the patient’s neck. We tried hanging the peony around the neck by itself and found that it was useful for epileptics, because with the removal of the peony the epilepticus returned. The Jew says: “Fumigating it with its fruit is beneficial for the insane and those suffering from fits and cures them; if you take its fruit and drink it with julanjubin, it also helps a lot.” But I say: it is possible that this is a Rumian type of peony, for the one that comes to us from India is not of great importance in this sense.

Its seeds are drunk in the amount of fifteen hubbs in water sweetened with honey or in wine, and it helps against nightmares.

Nutritional organs.
If it is boiled in tart wines, the peony strengthens the nature and retains the matter flowing into the stomach. Its seeds strengthen the stomach and soothe pain and burning in the stomach. Its root helps against jaundice and opens blockages in the liver.

Eruption organs.
If you drink peony in wine or with diuretics, it drives away your periods. Drinking peony also drives urine. If you drink fifteen habbs of its seeds in nina or water sweetened with honey, it helps against “suffocation of the uterus”, and if you drink twelve habbs of it in wine, it stops bleeding. If you give a woman in labor a drink of its root in the amount of one lauz, this will cleanse her of postpartum excesses, expelling these excesses. Its root in the amount of one lauz is useful for pain in the kidneys and bladder, and its decoction in wine strengthens the stomach and drives urine.