Smoothness and slipperiness of the stomach

Sometimes it occurs from a hot nature in the presence of burning matter, which makes the food slide, producing a burning sensation in the stomach. In rare cases it occurs due to a simple disorder of the hot nature, when the heat reaches a degree that exhausts the holding power. This also happens from a disorder of the cold nature in the presence of matter that makes food slide, or without matter, and it also happens due to ulcers in the stomach; the stomach is then irritated by the juices reaching it and moves to expel them. And sometimes this happens due to weakness affecting the holding power. When, with the slipperiness and smoothness of the stomach and intestines, a sour belch appears, then this, as Hippocrates says, is a good sign, for it indicates the awakening of frozen warmth: after all, if there is at least some warmth, then there are no winds and, therefore, there is no belching.

Treatment. If the cause is a hot disorder of nature in the presence of matter, then you should carefully remove the bad juice and then drink thickly brewed juices of astringent fruits, as well as the juice of barley oatmeal boiled with millet. If the illness drags on, then you have to drink, for example, skimmed cow's milk, which has been boiled or in which iron or stones have been quenched; astringent medicines are mixed with it, for example, bamboo concretions, rose, amber, pomegranate color, caraz, tarasis. Five dirhams of medicine are placed on half a liter of skim milk. Medicinal dressings on the stomach area, mentioned in the "Canon", are also used, and peeled lentils, rice or millet with squeezed juice of astringent fruits, for example, the juice of unripe grapes, sour pomegranate juice or sour quince juice, are prescribed as food. If we do not have the opportunity not to feed such patients with meat, then we feed them, for example, with the meat of chickens, partridges, pheasants, deeply fried and sprinkled with the mentioned sour juices. The treatment of such a disease is close to this, if it, which is most rare, comes from a simple, without matter, disorder of a hot nature; it is treated with the means that you have already learned from the general paragraph.

If the disease arose as a result of coldness, then it is treated with warming medicines in the form of drinks or bandages, the composition of which is described in its place. Roasted larks and sparrows, as well as chickens, are prescribed as food for such patients, because they remain in the stomach for a long time, and they are seasoned with spices that are fragrant, hot and astringent, or hot and together astringent. If matter is present, you deduce it in the ways explained above. Induce vomiting in the patient weekly and prescribe Khuzistan juvarishn or juvarishn made from myrtle berries and juvarishn with iron scale; such patients are also given old, strong nabeez to drink.

If the disease comes from ulcers, you treat the ulcers as they should be treated, and then take measures to strengthen the stomach. When the disease occurs due to weakness of the holding power, then the treatment consists of drinking strongly astringent medicines along with fragrant warming substances, which are given to drink or used as a bandage. Useful remedies include the well-known juvarishn made from horns with fresh buckthorn juice, or a medicine made from sumac and the juice of fresh horns, or powders from pomegranate seeds with thickly brewed pure sour quince juice, or Khuzistan medicine with thickly brewed myrtle juice. Among the remedies that are of great benefit for this disease are cakes made from hiyufastidas, cakes made from pomegranate flowers and a bandage of wormwood with astringent medicines. As for the diet, it is close to what we mentioned in the paragraph on hot wet nature; Such patients are also given meat fried in ash, on coals or in a frying pan, and thickly brewed fruit juices. Know that barley water with tamarind helps relieve nausea in such diseases.