Qualities different or common to individual putrefactive fevers

Fever from the putrefaction of yellow bile moves like a three-day fever, no matter whether the movement marks the beginning of an attack or the beginning of a period of intensification. The only exception is its variety, called burning, the movements of which are very imperceptible; it is like an incessant or continuous fever.

Pure three-day fever is acute due to the rarefaction of matter, and its heat is great and burning, since the bile is strong, but this fever is safe, because yellow bile is easy for nature, and the disease gives rest, and does not torment constantly. An unclean three-day fever lasts longer than a pure one, and a pure one rarely progresses beyond Nine attacks - unless from an error in treatment; a constant three-day fever sometimes ends in a week.

Fever arising from blood putrefaction is inseparable and constant. Its fever is large and general, but mild, not as burning as with yellow gall fever, and it often reaches a fever limit of four days.

As for mucous fever, which persistently recurs every day, its heat is mild compared to yellow gall fever, but it lasts a long time due to the viscosity, coldness and abundance of its matter. It is very dangerous, because it passes or weakens only for a short time and is inevitably accompanied by damage and weakness of the mouth of the stomach, and this is one of the reasons leading to bad phenomena: fainting, interruptions, loss of appetite. The persistent mucous fever would most closely resemble tabes, were it not for the softness of the pulse, which, however, sometimes hardens. The less pure such a fever is, the shorter its attacks, unless the low purity makes it gradually black and bilious.

But a four-day fever is not acute, because its material is cold, and for the same reason it is long-lasting. A pure fever of this kind sometimes lasts a year, and not a pure fever that is shorter in duration, but there is no danger in it, because it gives rest for a long period and is not so acute that it is followed by severe phenomena. Four-day and three-day fevers, constant and weakening, end with vomiting and release of nature or perspiration and increased urination; As for burning fever, it ends with the same phenomena and bleeding from the nose.

Know that the initial period is prolonged with a three-day fever, the limiting period with a continuous fever, and the decline with a burning fever; the limit and decline are long with continuous fever; however, it is rare that persistent quartan fever and continuous fever are completely eradicated. Fevers, if not treated properly, and especially tumor fevers, lead to wasting. This happens especially often in acute fevers, when the patient must be fed, but he is not fed in order for nature to turn against matter, or he must be given cold water to drink, but he is not given water in order to prevent the water from making the matter immature, and do not use other methods of extinguishing the fever. When the goal pursued by feeding and drinking cold water, which we will talk about shortly, is more important than the two mentioned goals, then it is given priority over them and the implementation of those two goals is neglected.