How do face lift threads work?

The desire to maintain youth and be attractive at all times was natural for women. There were and are many ways to do this. Today there is a very effective and efficient method for such purposes.

This is a facelift using thread lifting. It is distinguished from all others by its durability and a wide selection of materials for its implementation. Today we will talk about what types of cosmetic threads for facelifts there are, how much they cost, what is best to choose to solve your particular problem, and what reviews clients leave about them.

Why do you need thread lifting?

Modeling the oval of the face using thin fibers is a relatively new type of cosmetic procedure. Something between traditional skin care methods and complex plastic surgeries. Over time, the facial structure begins to lose its elasticity and attractiveness, and unaesthetic sagging and deep wrinkles appear.


There are three types of lifting fibers. The first type is non-absorbable, they are made from platinum and gold. Partially absorbable and Teflon ones are also used, which dissolve over a very long time.

Previously, lifting bases were made using noble metals that have low chemical activity and are not rejected by the body; these were gold and platinum of the highest standard.

Now they are being replaced with more modern implants. They are made from lactic acid, caprolock and polypropylene and are well accepted by the body.

There are also biodegradable threads, which contain polylactic acid, the effect of which will be noticeable for about 2-3 years, as well as non-degradable ones, created from polypropylene, this composition lasts no more than 4-5 years. Rehabilitation lasts about 10-14 days, but within 30-40 days active facial expressions should be restrained.

Fastening methods

According to the method of fastening, facelift threads are divided into two types. The first type is fixed, they are attached near the temples or in the area of ​​the ears. They differ from stand-alone ones in that they not only eliminate sagging skin, but actively model the oval of the face.

The second type is autonomous, which do not have fixation and cannot provide strong tension to the skin, but simply eliminate sagging and give a certain elasticity.


  1. Smooth. This type is used when working with the area of ​​the cheeks, cheekbones, for lifting the chin and modeling the eyebrows. To fix them, it is necessary to make incisions up to 5 millimeters. Suitable for patients aged 45-50 years.
  2. Notched threads. The main feature of such implants is the presence of special hooks that help to secure themselves in the tissues, clinging like hooks. They are fixed in the subcutaneous layers at a depth of about 4–5 millimeters using micro-punctures.

There are several varieties for lifting different parts (hammock threads for correcting the chin and neck or spring threads, which are designed to shape cheekbones, cheeks and nasolabial folds).

Spiral threads. They allow you to achieve a fairly strong effect of modeling and tightening the oval of the face, this ensures the ability of the frame to take its previous shape after tension.

Spiral threads for face lifting are used both in combination with various types and separately. Their length is usually 40 or 50 mm.

Springs. They have an increased ability to keep the skin in a taut, healthy state. Due to its properties, this type of thread takes root well. Conical. This type was invented about 5 years ago and is popular among specialists. On these fibers there are cone-shaped nodules that act as fasteners, and after a year the cones completely dissolve.

Features of the use of absorbable and non-absorbable

Soluble threads will completely disappear after a few months, having fulfilled their function. Today they are produced using polylactic acid and polydiaxanone.

However, you should not expect particularly high results from biodegradable materials, as from insoluble ones. After all, they do not have a rigid fastening and are placed by a cosmetologist close to the surface. Such an implant dissolves within 5-6 months, and new connective tissue begins to form in this place, which subsequently performs a lifting function.

This process activates collagen synthesis and the skin looks more youthful and elastic. The result lasts for a year or two, after which it is recommended to repeat the procedure.

Such threads are installed using local anesthesia; the entire procedure takes about 1 hour. After installation, small bruises and some swelling may remain for approximately 7-9 days.

The polylactic structure of the implant is suitable for patients with thin skin without excess subcutaneous fat; they are also recommended for people with minor age-related changes.

Non-absorbable threads are very thin and have increased strength, usually made of polypropylene. They are fixed in the area of ​​subcutaneous fat, where they form a supporting frame and make it possible to effectively tighten the skin, maintaining the integrity of blood vessels and nerve endings.

The first such threads were smooth, and special return knots were made for fastening. Later they began to produce them from polypropylene with cones and special notches. Non-absorbable implants are carefully inserted under the skin and fixed in certain inconspicuous places.

Everything about ultrasonic facial cleansing: benefits, indications, contraindications and how the procedure works is here.

Photos before and after mechanical facial cleansing can be viewed by clicking here.

How long does the result last, before and after photos

Depending on the type of fibers used, it can last from 2 to 10 years.

The longest lasting effect is provided by a frame made of gold or platinum; it lasts up to 8-10 years.

See how your face transforms after a facelift:

The most popular varieties in cosmetology


APTOS Needle - used primarily in surgery, as they are made from non-absorbable fibers and are tightly fixed in tissues using micro-incisions.

Typically, this type of lift is performed in the area of ​​hair growth on the head for people with severe age-related changes, when other cosmetology products have little effect.

Non-absorbable or surgical - these are APTOS threads, which are produced using polypropylene, which are fixed in the subcutaneous fat layers.

The skin receives a good and high-quality frame. Threads can be completely smooth in structure, as well as with various notches and notches.

This type of lifting is effective in areas of pronounced sagging skin - these include nasolabial folds, facial contours, the area of ​​drooping eyelids and double chin. The results from a facelift last for quite a long time – up to 5 years.


The name 3D mesothreads was given because of a certain property of the invasive “guide” needle, which allows you to create full three-dimensional formation of tissue in all areas and directions. This property of the needle makes it possible, when forming contours, not only to produce high-quality tissue tightening, but also to simulate the contours of “youth.”

Such materials make it possible to create high-level relief.

The high elasticity of the mesothread gives the fabrics a good “springy” result, which increases significantly with the proper installation of several threads on one area of ​​the face.

The created volumetric frame adapts well to tissues and does not cause rejection, allergic reactions or discomfort.

Gold and platinum

Gold and platinum fibers are classified as non-absorbable. They usually take root without problems and are well tolerated by the body due to their low chemical activity.

Such materials were pioneers in thread lifting. But even now such implants are very popular.

Silhouette Lift Soft

The method of forming an oval using this type of retainer makes it possible not only to very quickly, but also quite successfully and without risk to health to eliminate unwanted age-related changes. This technique can only be compared with a full facelift using plastic surgery.

This tightening technique is one of the most modern trends in cosmetology.

It allows you to eliminate signs of age-related tissue changes efficiently and in a short time, while side effects are practically eliminated.

The recovery and rehabilitation period is also significantly reduced.

This method was first tested among cosmetologists in the United States and Spain and has now become widespread throughout the world. The use of Silhouette Lift involves fixing non-absorbable threads made from particularly strong compounds that are highly biocompatible; they do not cause an allergic reaction and are well tolerated by the body.

Average prices

The cost of a thread lifting procedure depends on various factors: the type and shape of the threads and their quality, the material from which they are made, the country and level of the manufacturer. Also, the cost of a face lift with threads includes the services of a cosmetologist, rent of premises and other expenses of the medical center. Their number and location on the body are also of great importance.

  1. The average price of a procedure using Aptos Needle for tightening the soft tissues of the face and chin is 50,000-60,000 rubles.

Materials from the Aptos Vizage series will cost more and this is approximately 70,000-80,000 rubles.

The price category for lifting using mesothreads in various clinics ranges from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles. The cost of gold threads in various beauty salons ranges from 30,000 to 70,000; a platinum frame will cost 80,000-120,000 rubles. A lift using Silhouette Lift and Silhouette Lift Soft materials will cost approximately 40,000-60,000 rubles.

You can find out how a facial cryomassage session works and what the prices are for this method of rejuvenation and cold treatment here.

And why they are needed, what are the indications and contraindications, and what are the features of cryosauna procedures, read here.

Customer Reviews

Valentina, 50 years old, accountant:

“As I got older, my face began to lose shape, and strong sagging appeared on my cheekbones and chin. I decided to have a lift using gold threads. The procedure was long and painful, but the effect was wonderful. The double chin has disappeared, the oval of the face has straightened out and become much younger. The cost of the entire session cost 50,000 rubles.”

Angela Ivanovna, 45 years old, sales manager:

“A year ago I had a cheek and cheekbone lift using mesothreads; a friend recommended a good specialist. Almost all the wrinkles on the forehead and in the corners of the eyes were gone; there was some slight pain during the session. The only drawback is restrictions during the recovery period. I’m happy with the result, I recommend it to all my friends.”

Natalya, 37 years old, housewife:

“I made the frame using Silhouette Lift, there were sagging and strong folds on the forehead.

The problem was corrected, but after the procedure there was severe swelling and bruising.

The doctor prescribed several healing medications.

They helped remove all the consequences of the operation and now everything is great, the skin has become smooth and elastic.

Of course, this is quite an expensive pleasure, but the effect is good and lasts for a long time.”

Margarita, 53 years old, director:

“The use of mesothreads left a good impression. The procedure itself lasted three hours, I did not feel any pain. But the recovery period was long, there was a feeling of tightness, and slight swelling arose. A month later it all went away and now I’m very happy with my face, it has become much more beautiful and younger!”

Conclusions, video

The choice of materials for this procedure is indeed very wide and it is not so easy to figure it out, but for an initial acquaintance this review will be quite enough. All further and detailed recommendations should only be given by a cosmetologist; he must also competently study your body and select materials that are optimally suited for your problem and will not cause rejection or allergies.

Before deciding on such a rejuvenation method, you need to try other options. If such a procedure cannot be avoided, then you need to undergo a thorough examination and pass all the necessary tests.

Before the procedure, you must exclude all contraindications, and after it, strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations for care during the rehabilitation period. Be healthy and beautiful at any age!

Here's what experts say about tightening threads:

In modern cosmetology, mesothreads have been used for face lifting for more than 40 years. The thread rejuvenation procedure continues to be constantly improved - lifting techniques, types and materials of threads are changing.

Lifting with mesothreads is a real salvation for women whose skin has been subjected to age-related tests. In cases where the signs of wilting are very obvious, the popular Botox injections and biorevitalization procedure may not cope with the situation. All layers of the dermis require significant tension and, as a result, visual rejuvenation of the face. It is for this purpose that special anti-aging threads were created. The developers of the latest generation of mesothreads are considered to be specialists from South Korea. What are these materials? And how does the procedure of implanting threads into the dermis take place?

What is mesothread?

Mesothreads for face lifting are special hypoallergenic devices made from polyoxanone. The latter is considered a self-absorbable suture material, which has been used in medicine for more than 30 years. This material is considered completely safe. The threads are coated with polylactic acid, which provides the skin with a moisturizing effect in the places where the material is implanted. The thickness of the needle and thread does not exceed 0.3 mm. The needle is made of high quality medical steel and is very flexible. This allows the doctor to work in different layers of the dermis.

What are these mysterious mesothreads for a facelift?

Types of threads

To get the maximum effect from the thread lifting procedure, it would be useful for the patient to find out what kind of mesothreads there are for face lifting. After all, for each client the doctor selects a specific type of materials, taking into account her age and skin characteristics. Thus, in cosmetology practice, 3 main types of threads are used:

Linear (smooth) thread type. It is considered the main, basic type of mesothreads. They are used to increase the level of skin elasticity by stimulating collagen production in the space around it. In other words, such threads are considered preventive because they slow down the aging process of the skin. Most often they are used for:

  1. increasing the elasticity of the dermis;
  2. correction of small circumlabial wrinkles;
  3. changes in lip shape;
  4. elimination of double chin;
  5. strengthening some areas of the neck.

Such surgical materials for face lifting are characterized by virtually painless insertion. The length of linear mesothreads is 25-90 mm.

Screw (spiral) threads for face lift. The use of such threads allows you to achieve the best results in tightening your facial skin. This effect is achieved due to the ability of these materials to take their original (spiral) shape after injection. Screw threads are used when necessary:

  1. double chin correction;
  2. raising eyebrows;
  3. elimination of linear wrinkles;
  4. changing facial contours;
  5. correction of deep nasolabial folds.

The average length of the threads varies from 50 to 60 mm. Mesotherapy can be carried out either separately with screw threads or in combination with other types of materials.

Serrated threads for face lift. In another way, these materials are called needle threads with notches. They are considered the most powerful threads that provide the maximum degree of face lift. The peculiarity of such threads is the presence of bidirectional teeth located along the entire length of the material. Since the notches are directed in different directions, this allows the products to reliably fix and strengthen the fabric frame of the face. Such materials are perfect for:

  1. lower and middle face lifts;
  2. stretching the lateral lines of the neck;
  3. contouring not only of the face, but also of the body;
  4. eliminating facial asymmetry.

The introduction of such threads is considered the most effective, but also the most painful. Often, when using these threads, additional anesthesia is used for the treated areas. Many patients claim that mesotherapy with barbed threads takes about half an hour. However, the procedure time is relative and depends on the skill of the cosmetologist, the type of threads used and the individual sensitivity of the client.

Indications and contraindications

The following skin problems are considered indications for the use of mesothreads for face lifting:

  1. Folds in the ear area (often the result of sudden weight loss).
  2. Vertical and horizontal wrinkles on the forehead (when eliminating them, mesothreads act like Botox, only with a longer action).
  3. Deep nasolacrimal grooves.
  4. Pronounced creases in the nasolabial folds.
  5. Ptosis (drooping) of skin tissues - chin and cheeks.
  6. Periorbital wrinkles (“crow’s feet”, folds on the eyelids).
  7. Deep wrinkles on the chin, neck and chest.
  8. Sagging skin on the stomach, arms, buttocks.

At the same time, the procedure for implanting threads has a number of contraindications. Thus, you cannot resort to thread mesotherapy in cases where:

  1. Infectious diseases (chronic and acute).
  2. Skin diseases or inflammatory processes in the treated area.
  3. Oncological diseases.
  4. Problems with blood clotting.
  5. Pathologies associated with problems in the formation of connective tissue (lupus erythematosus, scleroderma).
  6. Pregnancy and breastfeeding period. During this period, the body may react ambiguously to the intervention and bioreinforcement will not bring the expected result.
  7. Excess fat in the problem area. A thread lift in such situations will not eliminate the problem; the collagen frame simply cannot withstand the pressure. Initially, you need to get rid of subcutaneous fat.
  8. Diabetes.
  9. Individual intolerance to anesthesia.

This is interesting. Many women are interested in the question - From what age Can I do a facelift with threads? The aging process of each dermis is individual, but on average, age-related skin changes begin to appear after 25 years. Thus, you can use mesothreads for skin rejuvenation starting from 30-35 years old.

How is the procedure done?

If we talk about the procedure time, the doctor will work on the problem area with threads for an average of 40 minutes - 1.5 hours. The procedure consists of 2 main stages.

Preparatory. Includes consultation with a doctor. The specialist determines problem areas and the required number of threads, and announces the cost of the work. In addition, the master must explain in detail to the patient the course of the procedure and the intricacies of the rehabilitation period.

Important! In the preparatory period, the patient must undergo a series of tests. This will help the doctor determine how the woman tolerates the anesthesia and whether she has any allergic reactions to any materials.

Actually a thread lift. The doctor applies a preliminary “marking” to the patient’s skin - it indicates the direction of movement of the threads. The facial area is treated with an antiseptic, and local anesthesia is administered if necessary.

Next, the master pierces the skin in the temple area with needles and places the thread under the patient’s skin. The material is secured to the bone with extreme care and then tightened.

Useful video about mesothreads:

How many mesothreads do you need on your face?

Considering that the patient will have to pay for each thread used by a cosmetologist, it is useful to find out how many mesothreads are needed for a facelift. Of course, more accurate information on this issue can be obtained from a cosmetologist. After all, the amount of material directly depends on the condition of the skin and the area to be worked on. And, of course, it is necessary to take into account the type of threads used.

  1. for the eyebrow area – 5-10 pcs.;
  2. to eliminate a double chin – about 15;
  3. to tighten the oval face you need at least 20-30 threads;
  4. For each side of the face (cheekbone, cheek lift) it will take about 3-10 threads.

With this they read: Ultra face lifting.

Rehabilitation period

On average, rehabilitation after a facelift takes from 2 weeks to 1 month.

The first time after the procedure, patients are often bothered by subcutaneous depressions and tubercles. This condition is considered normal; usually such problems resolve on their own. The places where the threads were implanted may hurt and lose sensitivity for some time. Skin tightness also often appears during this period.

In order for your face to heal faster, you should take note of some medical advice:

  1. The first days after the procedure, it is permissible to use antibiotics and painkillers.
  2. For about 30 days you should sleep only on your back, placing several pillows under your neck.
  3. For the first few days, do not touch your face unless necessary.
  4. You need to stop eating hot food for a month.
  5. Restrain facial expressions as much as possible.
  6. For the first week, it is helpful to apply cold compresses to painful areas.

How long does the effect last?

Facelift with mesothreads is a procedure that provides a long-term effect compared to biorevitalization and Botox injections. Of course, the time during which the thread lifting effect lasts is purely individual. This indicator depends on the type of threads, the professionalism of the doctor and the characteristics of the client. On average, the action of the threads is enough to provide the face with a young and fresh look for 2 to 5 years. Some patients can boast of a longer effect - about 7 years of continuous “wearing” of threads.

Possible complications and consequences

As with any other effect on the skin, thread lifting does not exclude cosmetic consequences, namely:

  1. hematomas and bruises (usually go away on their own);
  2. facial expression disorders;
  3. introduction of infection;
  4. papules and dents in the places where the needle was removed;
  5. changes in the facial contour.

Price of procedures

How much does such a popular and effective facelift with mesothreads cost? The final price depends on the policy of the beauty salon in which the procedure will be performed and the amount of work performed. On average, for one smooth thread you will have to pay from 700 to 1,000 rubles, for a needle thread - from 2,500 to 5,00 rubles. Thus, a facelift with ordinary threads will cost from 20 to 50,000 rubles. The use of barbed or 3D threads will require a much larger financial investment.

Photos before and after

Of course, in the vast majority of cases, thread lifting has an amazing effect. You can verify this thanks to multiple photos before and after a facelift.

Patient reviews

“About 5 years ago I agreed to hyaluronic acid injections and took them in courses for a long time. After listening to a lot of laudatory reviews, I decided to implant mesothreads under the skin. I was counting on a miraculous effect and the fact that I wouldn’t have to do the procedure often, as is the case with biorevitalizans. The thread lift procedure is quite painful and, in my opinion, not very pleasant. There is an effect, I don’t argue, but in my opinion, after an injection of hyaluronic acid, the result is no worse, only it comes out much cheaper. I hope the threads will last quite a long time.”

“Not so long ago I discovered a network of small wrinkles on my face, I was very upset, because I am only 30 years old. I began to look for ways to prevent age-related skin changes. I turned to a cosmetologist recommended by a friend. He advised plastic surgery, but I am against such radical methods. After some time, I learned about mesothread lifting. Another month was spent weighing all the pros and cons and searching for a competent master. Finally, I made up my mind. After the procedure was completed, there were, of course, some bruises on my face, but they quickly went away. All my friends are sure that I had blepharoplasty, my skin began to look so young. I will definitely continue to have thread lifts again.”

Margarita, 31 years old

“With age, the contour of the face became less clear - the oval began to round and sag in some places. Until recently, I put off solving the problem because I am terrified of any kind of surgery. Finally, my cosmetologist persuaded me to have a mesothread lift. I agreed. When all the “side effects” of the procedure disappeared from my face (about a month later), I was shocked - the contour of my face became clear and tightened, as if I looked 20 years younger. A wonderful technique, I am very pleased with the result.”

“I inserted threads into the area between the eyebrows. Hematomas and tubercles appeared at the puncture sites, but after a while they went away on their own. The effect is very pleasing, the face is significantly fresher and younger. However, I consider myself lucky - I ended up with a competent master. I think a lot depends on the qualifications of the cosmetologist in this matter.”

“I had a lift with mesothreads 5 days ago. There is still a bruise under the right eye, but almost everything is gone on the left side. I can already see the result. I turned to the procedure due to swelling in the cheekbone area. I had 5 threads implanted on each side. Of course, there is an effect, but, to be honest, I expected more. Perhaps the procedure was not suitable for me specifically.”

Lifting with mesothreads is a worthy response to age-related changes in facial skin. With the help of modern cosmetic materials, there is a very high probability of forgetting about skin aging for several years. Of course, the choice of a specialist and compliance with the rules of the rehabilitation period are of great importance. Mesothreads are an excellent procedure for women who do not want to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon.

Are face lift threads as harmless and effective as cosmetologists advertise them as?

Face lift threads are one of the most advertised procedures in the field of cosmetology and plastic surgery.

This lifting is positioned not only as safe and gentle, but also as an effective method of tightening the skin in order to give the face the desired contours.

Moreover, the results from the use of threads are comparable to the results after plastic surgery.

To understand whether this is so, you need to carefully study the features of this lifting method and weigh all the pros and cons.

What is a thread lift?

In certain areas of the face, threads made of material biologically compatible with the human body are introduced under the patient’s skin according to a special scheme.

They create a strong frame, thanks to which the necessary relief is recreated, and wrinkles and creases are smoothed out.

This method of rejuvenation, as a rule, is used in cases where more gentle methods (resurfacing, biorevitalization, mesotherapy, etc.) no longer work, and the face is rapidly aging.

But threads are unlikely to help women aged 50 years and older; at this age it is better to think about other methods.

But patients under 35-40 years old can achieve excellent results, which are visible to the naked eye, but do not need to go under the surgeon’s scalpel.

10 advantages of the method

The popularity of this method of correction is explained by the fact that the procedure has many positive characteristics. Among its advantages are:

  1. long-lasting effect comparable to the result of plastic surgery;
  2. low degree of trauma - no scars or traces of correction;
  3. no need to make incisions or excision of the skin: after the procedure, the thinnest needles are carefully removed through barely noticeable punctures, which heal quickly and without leaving a trace, and wearing compression masks is not required;
  4. no need for general anesthesia - local anesthesia is sufficient, which is provided by special creams and sprays;
  5. After the tightening, the patient does not need to stay in the hospital and go to dressings;
  6. compatibility of the materials used with soft tissues;
  7. natural appearance of the face after a facelift: its native structure is not damaged, all features and contours look natural;
  8. possibility of correction;
  9. long-term effect and reasonable cost of the procedure;
  10. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

Types of threads

Since the facial structure of different people has characteristics, and age-related changes are expressed differently, cosmetologists and plastic surgery specialists use several types of threads.

In each case, their specific type is selected by the doctor. Let's look at the most popular ones.

Smooth (non-absorbable)

Consist of silicone, polyurethane and polyamide fibers. They feature an absolutely smooth surface. They do not dissolve.

These threads are designed for working with deep layers of skin. They are arranged in the form of a loop and are fixed to the bone tissue of the face, therefore they guarantee a serious lift even in cases of severe ptosis.

The method of their introduction is more complex than the others, since in some cases it requires a small incision of the skin.


They are the thinnest of the absorbable types. The advantage of their introduction is that it is minimally traumatic, since a special blunt-tipped needle (cannula) does not pierce the soft tissues, but pushes them apart.

The downside of these features is that the introduction of mesothreads requires a high level of professionalism, experience and accuracy of each movement from the doctor, since the slightest mistake can lead to tightening of the skin and deterioration of the appearance of the face.

Mesothreads completely dissolve after 6 months from the moment of installation, but during this time they are overgrown with a framework of collagen fibers.

Their supporting effect lasts approximately 2 years (although some experts are skeptical about this period).

This type of thread should be installed in patients aged 30-40 years, since in case of severe sagging they will not work properly.

Aptos threads

They have special notches that help the frame to better secure itself in the tissues. They are located under the skin at a depth of 3-5 mm and are introduced through punctures in the skin.

There are different variations of Aptos products. For example, “hammocks” are designed specifically to eliminate a double chin, and “springs” are designed to combat nasolabial folds and sagging cheeks.

A popular product today is the new line of Excellence Visage threads. They are made from completely biodegradable polylactic acid, which is excreted from the body 12 months after the procedure.

Aptos Excellence Visage threads guarantee significant skin rejuvenation immediately after the procedure. With their help you can correct the following defects:

  1. drooping upper eyelids and “sad” eyebrows;
  2. severe ptosis on the cheeks and chin;
  3. deep wrinkles and creases in the skin on the face and neck;
  4. nasolabial folds.

The effect of use can last from 3 to 6 years.

Cone-shaped combination threads

They are made from degradable polypropylene and have about 8-11 knots and cones of glycolide and lactic acid copolymer throughout the thread.

The last two materials dissolve and at the same time stimulate the formation of connective tissue, which subsequently guarantees the effect of tissue tightening. Such combined threads are used to correct the oval of the face and tighten skin that has lost its tone.

The disadvantage is that the rehabilitation period is quite unpleasant: the swelling may not go away from the face for a long time, and during the first month the patient is not recommended to smile.

Golden threads

Gold is a hypoallergenic material; in addition, it is time-tested, because gold “threads of beauty” began to be used long before the development of modern options.

Such threads include two components: polyglycol and gold. The latter, in the form of a thin shell, is wound onto a conductor made of synthetic material.

This frame stimulates collagen production and is covered with a sheath of connective tissue. But a significant disadvantage of using gold is the inability to use the services of hardware cosmetology in the future.

In addition, with a sharp change in ambient temperature, the skin noticeably changes color.

When is a lift needed?

Lifting with the help of threads is carried out in the presence of pronounced aging. Indications for use are:

  1. soft tissue ptosis;
  2. change in the oval of the face (the face “floated”);
  3. drooping of the outer edge of the eyebrows;
  4. deep wrinkles and creases in the skin;
  5. drooping cheekbones and sagging cheeks;
  6. nasolabial folds and “folds of sorrow” in the corners of the mouth.

It is recommended to install such a frame for a facelift no earlier than after 30 years, and only in cases of really severe problems. It is better to try to delay this moment and carry out more gentle procedures to rejuvenate and maintain skin tone.


Like any serious manipulation that requires penetration under the skin, thread lifting has contraindications, which include:


  1. the patient has viral or infectious diseases;
  2. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  3. blood diseases and low coagulability;
  4. inflammation of the soft tissues of the face;
  5. too thick skin;
  6. oncological diseases;
  7. diabetes;
  8. excessive sagging tissue that cannot be corrected in a similar way;
  9. allergy to painkillers.

How is the lift done?

On average, the installation procedure lasts from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Since the manipulations are painful, the skin must be treated with a cream with an anesthetic and left for a certain time so that sensitivity disappears in the treated areas.

Then the cream is removed, and the places where the needles will be inserted are disinfected. An option for local anesthesia is also treatment with a special spray with ice-caine or injections of appropriate drugs.

The threads are inserted through punctures or barely noticeable cuts in the skin. As soon as the end of the thread has reached the required point, it is pulled in the opposite direction.

This tightens the skin and creates the necessary contour. Notches, hooks and cones, if any, are fixed in the fabrics.


The duration of the recovery period depends on the patient’s age, the rate of tissue regeneration, the level of professionalism of the specialist who installed the frame, the quality of the material itself and, of course, on the extent to which the rules of facial care and the doctor’s advice are followed.

Initially, there is swelling and pain in the soft tissues of the face. Immediately after inserting the threads, you should apply cold to your face, and over the next few days try to avoid exposing it to high temperatures and eating hot food.

To relieve pain, the patient is prescribed painkillers. Touching your face with your hands is not recommended. You will have to try to sleep on your back for a while.

In the first month after the tightening, going to the pool, bathhouse, sauna and massage treatments are excluded. It is necessary to limit facial stress.

Side effects

When deciding to install threads, the patient must understand that there are always risks of the following complications and side effects:

  1. swelling of soft tissues;
  2. hematomas or whitening of the skin due to decreased blood supply;
  3. soreness;
  4. skin damage by a nodule or cone;
  5. transmission of threads through the surface of the skin;
  6. uneven insertion of the thread and, as a result, facial asymmetry;
  7. skin constriction and folding on it;
  8. allergic reaction to the manufacturing material.

The bed cost of a facelift with threads depends on what material they are made of. In addition, their insertion requires special needles, which also cost a lot.

The price is affected by the treatment area: the larger it is, the more expensive the lifting will cost.

In Moscow, a facelift costs on average from 40,000 to 100,000 rubles. With severe ptosis (grade 2), the price of the service can reach up to 170,000 - 200,000 rubles.

In Kirov, the price order is, of course, somewhat different. For example:

  1. Multidisciplinary clinic "Hellas" (Lenin St., 80). Insertion of threads will cost from 7,000 rubles. The threads themselves cost from 15,000 to 18,000 rubles.
  2. Center for hardware cosmetology "Renaissance" (Truda St., 70). Here we offer a facelift with mesothreads at a promotional price - minus 500 rubles per piece


Marina, 37 years old:

“I recently applied Aptos Excellence Visage threads to my cheekbones and shaved them. At the clinic, ice was applied after the procedure, so there was only slight swelling on the face, without bruises. Of course, I slept on my back, because I decided not to take any risks until the rehabilitation period had passed.

The effect is really noticeable right away: everything that needs to be tightened up, the oval of the face has improved significantly. Now I plan to rejuvenate my forehead.”

Elena, 38 years old:

“I had the skin around my eyes tightened with mesothreads. The swelling did not go away for a long time, but now the skin is much better than before the procedure. Fine wrinkles have disappeared, crow's feet are almost invisible.”

Alla, 34 years old:

“I decided to put threads in my sagging cheeks after watching a video and before and after photos. It's only been a week and a half, and all I've noticed so far are uneven stripes under the skin and the position of one cheek higher than the other. I'm about to go for correction. You may have to install additional threads.”

Facial rejuvenation with threads is an excellent alternative for those who do not dare to undergo full-fledged plastic surgery, but are not ready to put up with the consequences of gravitational ptosis on the face.

Among the existing varieties of threads, you can choose exactly those that will provide the desired effect, but it should be understood that the result primarily depends on the skill of the doctor who installs them.