How to get rid of an atrophic scar on the face

More than 90 percent of girls believe that beautiful and healthy skin plays a significant role in their attractiveness. Fresh, elastic, radiant and necessarily smooth dermis is the key to a successful career, personal life and many other achievements that our contemporary woman can be proud of.

What are atrophic scars on human skin, their features

Skin scars are an inevitable consequence of various deep injuries to the dermis, be it an open injury or surgery. If a noticeable cosmetic defect appears on the face, threatening to remain for life, then it is worth using the entire arsenal of modern means to improve the appearance of the affected area. In contrast to the hypertrophic formation protruding above the surface of the skin and the normotrophic scar merging with it, an atrophic scar is a depression with uneven edges, inside which young collagen cells form colorless connective tissue.

Characteristics of scars located below the skin level

Atrophic scars differ from each other in several ways. This is localization; age of the scar (immature - up to three months, moderately mature - from 3-12 months, finally mature, the age of which is more than a year); shape (arched, curly, striped, multiple dotted (post-acne) and others); dimensions; color (from pale to dark, pigmented); the effect of the scar on neighboring, healthy tissue.

Reasons for appearance

Any damage to the skin that destroys its collagen fibers can become a trigger for the occurrence of atrophic scars: marks after severe damage to the dermis from acne (post-acne), burns, injuries associated with violation of the integrity of the skin (cuts, wounds, mechanical damage), certain medical procedures ( including surgical intervention), infectious lesions (chicken pox, acne or furunculosis). In the cheek area, on the cheekbones due to pregnancy, due to hormonal imbalance, dehydration or sudden weight loss and gain, microtraumas - stretch marks - can also appear.

How to get rid of the effects of trauma on the face? Treatment

A timely visit to a cosmetologist or aesthetic surgery clinic will help you choose the most adequate method of scar correction, after which the atrophic scar on the face will become less noticeable. Treatment methods for this skin formation are aimed at restoring the altered texture of the dermis using both surgical and non-surgical methods.

External cosmetics for getting rid of scars: ointments, gels and creams

In modern cosmetology, there are several types of drugs that help effectively combat the consequences of injuries on the facial skin. Such aesthetic defects include an atrophic scar. Treatment may include the use of products that contain petroleum jelly and silicone. These components prevent the deterioration of the affected areas of the dermis. Healing of fresh scars occurs more efficiently with the help of steroid or hormonal creams, which are prescribed by a dermatologist. In addition, the arsenal of care products for the face with traces of damage to the dermal layer includes: scarring gels, silicone plates, moisturizing creams with SPF (protection from ultraviolet rays), which help accelerate the growth of young cells and restore microcirculation in tissues. Such drugs include Contractubex and Mederm, Kelofibraza and Kelo-Kot, Fermenkol and Dermatix, Zeraderm Ultra and Scarquard liquid cream.

An atrophic scar, the treatment of which depends on the maturity of the scar itself and its size, can be made less noticeable in any case only by increasing the duration of treatment. For example, using transparent silicone plates "Spenko". The choice of cream should be carried out only on the recommendations of a doctor, since self-medication of atrophic scars can lead to a worsening of their condition, the occurrence of allergic reactions and a waste of money. The disadvantages of treating post-acne marks, stretch marks and other atrophic scars using external agents are their long-term use and selective effect. The advantages of using ointments and creams are their availability, simplicity, and relatively low cost.

Types of injection scar correction

The most common intradermal methods of treating and restoring scar tissue today are: mesotherapy, biorevitalization, plasma lifting and contour plastic surgery (correction of scars using fillers). Mesotherapy, or the introduction of biologically active substances that improve the quality of the skin and affected tissues, promotes effective therapy and stimulation of acupuncture points. It makes it possible to direct the medicine directly into the atrophic scar.


Intradermal implants based on stabilized hyaluronic acid help solve the aesthetic problem of receding scars by lifting the skin and giving the corrected area of ​​the skin the necessary volume. How to smooth out an atrophic scar with their help? To do this, you need to inject a filler with a gel consistency (filler) directly under the surface of the scar and raise it to the level of the outer epidermis. In addition, these drugs increase the ability of tissues to regenerate, which accelerates the processes of their natural renewal. The only disadvantage of this method is the need for regular correction due to the gradual biodegradation (disintegration) of hyaluronic acid as a natural component.

Microdermabrasion - resurfacing of atrophic scars

To carry out this procedure, special equipment is used that allows microcrystals to be transferred under pressure (through a tip) to the surface of the epidermis. Diamond, salt, organic particles or aluminum dioxide, like sand, exfoliate the outer layer of dead skin cells, evening out its texture.

Laser resurfacing of atrophic scars: modern methods

Laser peeling methods that are popular today can reduce the depth and size of sunken scars on the face or permanently eliminate the aesthetic consequences of injuries. Using an erbium or carbon dioxide laser beam, dead skin cells are removed layer by layer and the process of dermal renewal - neocollagenesis - is stimulated, thanks to the formation of protein fibers.

In order to obtain a guaranteed therapeutic effect, when choosing a clinic, it is necessary to pay attention to its reputation and the qualifications of the dermatologist, since work on expensive laser equipment is trusted only to specialists who have been trained and received a certificate.

The previous message, of course, is completely rude.
But this is probably for the old-timers.
What lengths will you go to for beauty!
God forbid I resort to these methods!

I thought I was being tough until I read the previous recommendation.
Let me clarify right away: mine is for fresh scars, the previous one is probably for old ones.
And always know: you are responsible for your own health!

Help. my scars are 6 years old. Round pits. Like after smallpox. That's how I managed to pick it up. that they are quite wide. And on the other side of the face there are sort of cat-like scratches. I'm suffering a lot. I also have rosacea. There are bruises on the nose and cheeks. burst under the eyes. I'm scared to remove the crust. Because probably for vessels. It’s a bit dark.. And there’s no life with scars! What am I supposed to do . maybe what kind of collagen is this?

For those who have deep and even medium-sized scars, here’s some advice: it’s impossible to completely smooth them out, it’s possible to smooth them out a little (20-50%, in my opinion, half is the maximum and not at once) and for this you need drastic procedures such as Dermabrasion or CO laser. And such procedures are not performed in beauty salons, but rather done by plastic surgeons. This is when the very top layer of your skin is removed and then you sit at home for 1-2 weeks with scabs and then redness for up to a month. Fractional lasers, chemical peels (medium, and especially superficial) are only for very minor defects (such as enlarged pores and small wrinkles, very small scars). Okay, at least chem. peelings cost little, but for laser procedures they charge a lot, you will pay a lot of money to no avail, sometimes they paid up to 100 thousand for a series of procedures, in the end the skin is better, but the scars remain the same. Here they wrote about all sorts of injections, etc. Yes, you can follow this path, but it gives temporary effects - they must be repeated constantly. Regarding gels and ointments - they only help for fresh scars or as a supplement when you have already done something. For example, apply dermatix a month after dermabrasion.

For those who have deep and even medium-sized scars, here’s some advice: it’s impossible to completely smooth them out, it’s possible to smooth them out a little (20-50%, in my opinion, half is the maximum and not at once) and for this you need drastic procedures such as Dermabrasion or CO laser. And such procedures are not performed in beauty salons, but rather done by plastic surgeons. This is when the very top layer of your skin is removed and then you sit at home for 1-2 weeks with scabs and then redness for up to a month. Fractional lasers, chemical peels (medium, and especially superficial) are only for very minor defects (such as enlarged pores and small wrinkles, very small scars). Okay, at least chem. peelings cost little, but for laser procedures they charge a lot, you will pay a lot of money to no avail, sometimes they paid up to 100 thousand for a series of procedures, in the end the skin is better, but the scars remain the same. Here they wrote about all sorts of injections, etc. Yes, you can follow this path, but it gives temporary effects - they must be repeated constantly. Regarding gels and ointments - they only help for fresh scars or as a supplement when you have already done something. For example, apply dermatix a month after dermabrasion.

Girls, I’m telling you my story. I got chickenpox at the age of 23, just like my friend. There were a couple of huge and purulent pimples on my face and back. There are 5 pits left on the face, 3 of which are simply huge. One little finger fit into one. I looked through all the forums and decided to try Fraxel. After the first session, the skin improved significantly. The doctor prescribed combining Fraxel with mesotherapy every 2 weeks (Fraxel, we wait two weeks - meso, then we wait 2 weeks and then Fraxel again. I have already done 3 courses of these - 3 dimples on the face have completely disappeared - 2 large ones are still noticeable, but much smaller. Next Using the Surjitron device, we cut off the edges of these 2 largest potholes and sanded them down. It became even better and less noticeable. I plan to go for Fraxel again 5-7 times. That hole - the largest one on the back - completely disappeared after 2 sessions, a small invisible spot remained . This is all not expensive at all. For all my 7 holes in the sum it comes out to 900 UAH for a fraxel session and 200 UAH for a mesotherapy session. Don’t listen to anyone that nothing helps, etc. Nonsense! It doesn’t help only those who have tried everything 1 time and already tells how ineffective everything is. To remove old scars, you need about 12 Fraxel sessions. For fresh ones, there is a result already from the first session. I also plan to fill these 2 large pits on the face with filler, then the effect is immediately visible, the pits disappear and continue go to fraxel, because The filler dissolves within 6-12 months. Of course, remember that the skin in these places will never be perfect again. But making the pits barely noticeable or invisible at all is quite possible. Some may find it a headache to go to the doctor every month, but I chose to get rid of this problem for myself. Because this is my face and I have to walk with it all my life. It’s better to suffer for a year and forget forever. I did fraxel restor dual. Mesotherapy is a Spanish drug called “regeneration” or something like that. I’m from Kyiv - I chose cosmetology in the 5th element, doctor Elena Olegovna Basilskaya, maybe it will be useful to someone

Every girl wants to have perfect facial skin. But sometimes this dream cannot be realized. The reason for this is scars and scars that occur as a result of mechanical damage, burns, surgeries and much more. Will I really have to live with these defects my whole life? How to get rid of atrophic scars is the topic of today’s article. We will look at how to properly deal with scars using cosmetic procedures, folk remedies, and medications. Let’s find out whether it’s worth visiting a specialist or whether you can deal with scars yourself at home.

Atrophic scars are very dense formations that consist entirely of connective tissue. They occur mainly after mechanical damage, burns, and operations. Dealing with defects is not easy. But still there are methods and there are quite a lot of them. In first place in popularity are injection and hardware methods. What is their advantage, we will find out below.

Types of scars

Speaking about scars, first of all, you need to find out their classification, treatment will depend on this:

1. Normotrophic scars. Cosmetologists consider them the most harmless. They are formed almost flush with healthy skin, there are no depressions or other deformations. Over time, such scars acquire a natural color, become quite thin and practically invisible. To completely get rid of the defect, it is enough to perform simple cosmetic procedures, for example, peeling or use medications;

2. Atrophic scars. They appear due to mechanical damage to the skin. Very often the problem occurs after squeezing out pimples. Depressions and pits appear on the skin. In addition, obvious pigmentation is noticeable, the scars acquire a reddish or pink tint. Treatment is best done at an early stage of scar formation. Folk remedies, cosmetic procedures, and the use of medicinal ointments can help. In advanced cases, you cannot do without the help of a plastic surgeon;

3. Keloid and hypertrophic scars. As a rule, they occur after operations. The scars are quite noticeable, dense, pigmented. To remove them, in most cases, the help of a surgeon is required.

Before starting treatment for any type of scar, you must consult a cosmetologist or surgeon. Only a specialist can choose the right method.

We use surgical methods to treat scars

To cope with scars, many turn to surgeons for help. This method is quite traumatic; as a rule, it is used to remove large atrophic scars on the body.

Surgical excision is a complex operation. The doctor cuts off the old scar and makes a cosmetic, neat cosmetic scar. The procedure is painful and is performed under general anesthesia. The operation may take several hours. The result can be assessed only after 8-10 months. The rehabilitation period is quite long.

It is worth being prepared for the fact that after excision you will need the help of a cosmetologist or the use of special ointments.

If the atrophic scar on the face is very deep, the doctor may suggest a cutting method (subcision). The operation is performed using a special needle, which pries out the sunken connective tissues and lifts them upward. Visually, the skin is significantly smoothed out. But, as in the previous case, after the operation you will need to use additional methods that will completely get rid of atrophic scars.

Hardware methods: all the pros and cons

Treatment of atrophic scars can be carried out using special devices. Let's look at the most effective ways:

1. Microdermabrasion. A grinding device is used. Select a nozzle with a hard coating. Mostly small crystals are used. Using vacuum energy, they pass into the epidermis and select affected skin particles. In their place, regeneration occurs, replacing skin areas with new tissues. The method is painless and is performed without anesthesia. But to achieve a positive result, at least 10 procedures are needed;

2. Laser Application. Quite an effective way. Cosmetologists advise using this method to remove atrophic scars after acne.

There are several types of laser. The most popular is vascular. In this case, gluing of blood vessels in the scars occurs. The carbon dioxide laser vaporizes the upper layers of the skin. Complications in the form of keloid scars are often observed.

Cosmetologists consider laser resurfacing the most effective method of getting rid of atrophic scars. To achieve the desired results, you must complete a course consisting of 3-6 procedures. A very important note: resurfacing is not carried out on dark, tanned skin. It is better to do the procedure in autumn or winter, when there is no scorching sun. But even at this time of year you will have to use sunscreen.

Injection methods for treating atrophic scars: quickly, reliably, effectively

Atrophic scars on the face are best treated with injections:

1. Mesotherapy. The cosmetologist injects a special preparation under the skin that nourishes the epidermis, starts the process of cell regeneration, and collagen synthesis begins. The result can be seen almost immediately. Deep atrophic scars are leveled out, skin pigmentation goes away;

2. Biorevitalization. The cosmetologist injects a drug containing hyaluronic acid into the scar. As a result, the process of cell and tissue regeneration starts. Experts say that it is better to carry out the procedure after laser resurfacing;

3. Contour plastic surgery. It will quickly help remove an atrophic scar on the nose. The essence of the procedure is that the patient is injected with a gel filler, which smoothes the skin and removes defects. The result is immediate. The downside is that after 6 months the procedure will have to be repeated, and it is quite expensive.

Injection methods for getting rid of atrophic scars are quite effective. This is evidenced by photos before and after the procedures.

Patients note that contour plastic surgery gives the best result, which is immediately noticeable. But after 5-6 months the gel completely dissolves, and the problem returns again.

What medications will help get rid of scars?

If the atrophic scar is quite fresh and shallow, you can get rid of it with the help of medicinal ointments and creams. The list of drugs that have a good effect is as follows:

Kelofibrase. Available in the form of a cream. The main component is urea, which can well moisturize and soften the skin. In addition, the composition contains heparin.

It is responsible for improving blood flow in tissues. Thanks to the cream, the scar is gradually smoothed out, there is no tightening effect. Kelofibrase relieves inflammation and evens out the color of the scar;

Contractubex. Perhaps the most popular remedy. The ointment has a rather dense structure. Well moisturizes the skin, starts the process of cell regeneration, smoothes out the scar. The cost ranges from 1000 rubles;

Dermatix. New generation drug. Available in gel form. Works great on scars and blemishes. You need to use it at least 2 times a day for several months. Can be used to treat scars in children. The disadvantages include a rather high price (about 2000-2500 rubles);

Badyaga. One of the most cost-effective drugs for the treatment of scars. The average price is about 150 rubles. It has a completely natural composition. It is made from algae that grows in fresh water bodies or rivers. It helps only in the case of small and shallow atrophic scars, for example, from acne.

Cosmetologists tend to believe that medications cannot completely get rid of defects. It makes more sense to use them in combination with other methods.

Cosmetic procedures at home: can they help get rid of scars?

Treatment at home can be carried out only if the atrophic scars are shallow and fresh. But even in this case, the chances of a positive result are quite small.

Below are recipes for popular masks that will help smooth out scars a little:

• Mix 30 g of cosmetic clay with water until a thick mass is formed. Add 40 g of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Do not use bagged product. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply to the problem area of ​​the skin. Leave for 30 minutes;

• Take a few grams of mumiyo, mix with 100 g of regular baby cream (for example, Antoshka). Apply to the scar for 30-40 minutes. Perform the procedure daily;

• Melt 50 g of beeswax, add 100 g of olive or vegetable oil. Apply the mixture to gauze and apply to the scar. Monitor the temperature. The skin of scars is delicate and you can get burned.

Treatment with folk remedies is not always effective. It is better to use them in extreme cases, when there is no money or time to go to specialists.

Atrophic scars can occur for many reasons. Quite often they appear due to improper skin care, for example, squeezing pimples or unsuccessfully cleansing the face. How to get rid of such defects was described above. The most correct way is to go for a consultation with a cosmetologist. A specialist will be able to choose the right method based on the condition of the skin. Remember, treatment at home does not always bring the desired results. In most cases, the condition of the scars only worsens.

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  1. Lisa | 2018-10-02 11:25:50

I used Dermatix gel to smooth out a scar after a burn. It was so loose, not beautiful! And on the wrist too! Horror! Now it is almost the same color as the skin and more even

Natasha | 2018-09-04 12:49:21

After plastic surgery, the seam was treated with Dermatix gel. The doctor explained to me when to apply it and how. Now the seam looks very presentable)

Ruslan | 2018-09-03 20:03:09

Of the products presented, I used Dermatix gel. There was a scar after a deep cut, in a visible place, unfortunately. Now there is a thin strip of pink color. Anything is better than terrible tripe!