How to get rid of papillomas with tea?

Tea for papillomas

The content of the article:
  1. What papillomas can be treated
  2. Ways to use tea
    1. Black
    2. Green
    3. Monastic
  3. Contraindications
  4. Reviews of tea for papillomas

Anti-papilloma tea is a drink used to combat tumors caused by the human papilloma virus. It is used internally and externally, as an independent remedy and in the form of complex therapy.

What papillomas can be treated with tea?

Papillomas of different types

The photo shows different types of papillomas that can be treated with tea

Treatment of papillomas using traditional medicine, in particular tea, is a fairly common practice. Black, green and monastery tea are used in the treatment of epidermal tumors. The latter is a mixture of medicinal herbs.

Therapy for papillomas with tea is designed not only to directly remove growths on the skin, but also to combat the cause of their occurrence - the human papillomavirus.

Patients use tea to treat the following tumors:

  1. Filiform papillomas. One of the most common types of papillomas. Viruses of types 3, 5, 7, 9 lead to their formation. They are found on the neck, in the armpits, and under the mammary glands. People over 30 years of age are susceptible to them.
  2. Simple warts. They are also called vulgar or ordinary. Caused by type 2 virus. Found on the fingers of the upper and lower extremities. Children are more susceptible to this manifestation of HPV than adults.
  3. Flat warts. They are also called juvenile because they most often occur in adolescence. They protrude slightly above the epidermis and appear, as a rule, on the face when infected with types 16, 18, 31, 33 of the virus.
  4. Condylomas acuminata. They are located mainly on the skin in the genital and anal areas. They are soft, pointed growths. Caused by viruses of types 6, 11, 13, 16, 18, 31, 33, 35.

Methods of using tea for papillomas

For the treatment of papillomas, black and green tea are usually used large-leaf tea is often used, without additives or chemical compounds. Preference is given to pure, unflavored raw materials. Among medicinal mixtures, monastery tea is popular it is not sold in pharmacies and supermarkets, but is available for ordering via the Internet. You can also prepare it yourself by mixing the necessary ingredients.

How to use black tea for papillomas?

Black tea for papillomas

In the photo there is black tea for papillomas

The composition of black tea may differ depending on its type - large-leaf or small-leaf, the country in which it was produced, and whether storage conditions were observed. However, there are also components that are found in almost all varieties of black tea.

Almost half of it consists of water-soluble extractive substances. Black tea is rich in tannins, vitamins, amino acids, and caffeine.

As a rule, black tea for papillomas is used in complex therapy of tumors caused by HPV, and not as an independent remedy for their removal. It forms the basis of health drinks, to which are added herbal infusions, plant extracts, freshly squeezed juices, alcohol tinctures and other ingredients.

Before using any folk remedy, you should consult with your doctor about the possible consequences in accordance with the individual characteristics of your body. If there are no specific contraindications, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular recipes.

How to use black tea for papillomas:

  1. Pour 50 ml of cranberry and lemon juice, as well as 25 ml of cognac into a glass of freshly brewed drink. This remedy can be drunk several times a week. However, do not overuse it and keep in mind that it contains alcohol.
  2. Mix lemon balm, thyme and oregano in equal proportions. Brew the drink at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let it brew for 2 hours. Mix 100 ml of herbal infusion and fresh black tea, take three times a day before meals.

Since black tea is used primarily as a base for preparing medicine for papillomas, and not as the main ingredient, we will not describe its effect on tumors. In recipes where it is used, the active ingredients are herbs, extracts, infusions of other plants or chemical components they help get rid of both the virus and warts.

  1. Read also how to use flaxseed oil for papillomas

Features of using green tea for papillomas

Green tea for papillomas

Photo of green tea for papillomas

The effectiveness of this drink in the fight against tumors caused by HPV is higher than that of black tea. The composition of the tea leaves may also differ depending on the production technology of the product. As a rule, alkaloids, catechins, caffeine, tannins, amino acids, and enzymes are found in raw materials.

The greatest healing effect when using green tea for papillomas can be achieved due to the content of synecatechins in the product. These are extractive substances that are found in large quantities in the leaves of the plant. Most of all they affect papillomas located in the genital area and anus. Thanks to this, the substance formed the basis of ointments used to treat these tumors.

But there is not enough synecatechin left in the drink to overcome papillomas on your own. Therefore, it is used as a complex therapy for viral tumors in conjunction with external medications to enhance their effect from the inside.

Let's consider the beneficial properties of green tea in the treatment of papillomas:

  1. Immunomodulatory. Due to the fact that this drink is a biostimulant, it helps fight not only benign tumors, which include epidermal inclusions on the skin caused by HPV, but even cancer cells.
  2. Anti-inflammatory. The components of papilloma tea actively fight pathogenic microorganisms that provoke inflammatory processes. This helps to avoid infection and suppuration during therapy, which significantly speeds up recovery and prevents the formation of scars and cicatrices.
  3. Regenerating. The high content of nutrients allows you to actively launch metabolism and accelerate regeneration processes in tissues after exfoliation of the tumor - this leads to rapid healing and restoration of the skin.
To treat papillomas, drink green tea orally several times a day. There is no special home recipe or recommended variety. But you need to remember about the peculiarities of brewing this drink. If you expect an invigorating effect from it, drink it 2 minutes after brewing if you expect a sedative effect, drink tea 6 minutes after brewing. After 10 minutes, green tea against papillomas loses any of its properties.

Please note that the drink is not brewed with boiling water, but with hot, almost boiling water.

  1. Read about the external use of green tea for the treatment of papillomas

The use of monastery tea in the treatment of papillomas

Monastic tea in the treatment of papillomas

In the photo there is monastery tea for papillomas

The most popular among supporters of treatment with natural remedies is monastery tea. However, this product can be called tea very conditionally. It is classified as a medicinal tea because it does not contain tea leaves. However, the ingredients of the raw materials are actively used in official medicine and are included in the list of medicinal herbs.

Components of monastery tea for papillomas:

  1. Sagebrush. The most active ingredients are the bitterness of the plant. Their main task is to remove parasites, the presence of which contributes to the proliferation of HPV in the body.
  2. Nettle. It is a source of many vitamins that have an active effect on the immune system.
  3. Trifol. This plant is needed to remove parasites and accelerate tissue regeneration.
  4. Thyme. The strongest mucolytic and antiseptic with a calming effect. In tea for papillomas, it helps prevent the development of irritations.
  5. Immortelle. A plant thanks to which it is possible to achieve a significant hemostatic effect.
  6. Sage. Helps relieve inflammation and resist the development of pathogenic microorganisms.
  7. Buckthorn bark. It is a well-known laxative that normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which has a positive effect on increasing immunity and, again, removing parasites.
  8. Cottonweed. Accelerates regeneration, is used in the treatment of old trophic ulcers, erosive lesions of the stomach.
  9. Crassula. Has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
  10. Fir. It is a source of high vitamin content.
Note! Although monastery tea for papillomas is actively called a medicine, the manufacturer does not indicate that the remedy is included in the state register of medicines.

A mixture of medicinal herbs has all the same properties as green tea. But thanks to the expanded composition, it also has an additional effect on both the epidermis and the body as a whole.

Let's consider the benefits of monastery tea in the treatment of papillomas:

  1. Cauterization of warts. When applied externally in concentrated doses, a mild cauterizing effect is observed. It comes on gradually, the product does not injure healthy skin, but only acts on cells mutated by HPV.
  2. Antiviral effect. It is achieved both externally and internally using monastery tea for papillomas.
  3. Disinfecting effect. This effect can be achieved thanks to the strong antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effect of tea, which it has both internally and externally. In addition to fighting HPV, it helps defeat salmonella, Helicobacter pylori, influenza, herpes, candidiasis and other infectious agents.
  4. Exfoliating effect. The result of gradual cauterizing therapy is the slow drying of the neoplasm and its gradual detachment from the epidermis.
  5. Antiparasitic effect. Thanks to the action of some of the components of the medicinal mixture, it is possible to achieve a strong antiparasitic effect. This helps to improve the overall health of the body, which has a very beneficial effect on the treatment of papillomas.

How to get rid of papillomas with help monastic tea:

  1. To brew the drink, take 2 tsp. herbal mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water. The drink must be infused for 30 minutes. For best effect, cover the teapot with a thick terry towel or blanket. To treat papillomas, you need to drink up to 0.5 liters of drink per day. It is best to divide it into 3-4 doses. If this is not possible, you can drink tea in the morning and evening, without increasing the volume of a single dose. The course of treatment is 2 months. If the therapy does not produce results, wait a month and repeat the course.
  2. At the same time, make lotions from monastery tea for papilloma. For this, 2 tsp. collection, brew 100 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour, then dip a cotton swab into the infusion and apply generously moistened cotton wool to the neoplasm. Hold for 5-10 minutes. It is advisable to do such lotions at least once a day. This will help kill the virus directly in the tumor.

Read reviews of tar soap for papillomas.

Contraindications to the use of tea for papillomas

Pregnant woman

Any treatment of epidermal neoplasms should begin with a consultation with a dermatologist, oncologist or surgeon. Only a qualified healthcare professional can confirm that your growth is benign and approve therapy.

If permission is received, make sure that the skin next to the papilloma is not inflamed, there is no itching, rashes, or pain. Also, therapy should not be carried out on nevi, moles, near wounds, or trophic ulcers.

Since external use of tea for papillomas is often accompanied by internal use of the product, the list of contraindications expands significantly. Like most HPV medications, tea is not recommended for use in the following patients:

  1. For allergy sufferers. Those suffering from hypersensitivity to medications and plant extracts, people with any form of allergies.
  2. Children under 12 years old. This is due to the stimulating effect of tea, which can cause increased excitability in children and lead to sleep disorders.
  3. Pregnant. Here you should avoid possible exacerbation of chronic diseases that may be caused by the use of the drink.

Black tea for papillomas it is not recommended for use by people with exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular gastritis and stomach ulcers. Because of its ability to increase blood pressure, it should not be abused by people with arterial hypertension. Also, those who suffer from hyperthermia, kidney disease, or glaucoma should not resort to therapy.

Green tea It is also not recommended for people with high blood pressure. Its ability to increase stomach acidity can be harmful to those with gastrointestinal diseases. It will cause harm to patients with increased excitability, depression, insomnia, and glaucoma. In addition, this drink can cause exacerbation of gout and rheumatoid arthritis.

Monastic tea, according to the instructions, has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the ingredients of the product. However, given the specifics of the herbs included in it, the list of contraindications is the same as for black and green tea, and it is also not recommended for use by people with diseases such as thrombophlebitis, endocarditis, heart failure, hypotension, gall and bladder stones, kidneys, endocrine disorders associated with excess iodine.

Note! Even if you do not belong to any of the risk groups for contraindications, it is still better to start using tea for papillomas with a test. Try using a small portion of the drink externally and internally and, if no negative reactions occur after a day, continue treatment.
  1. Read also: contraindications to the use of garlic for papillomas

Real patient reviews about tea for papillomas

Patient reviews of tea for papillomas

Despite the abundance of information that tea can have a therapeutic effect in the treatment of viral tumors, real reviews of tea for papillomas are quite rare.

Karina, 34 years old, Saratov

After undergoing several surgeries as a child, I suffer from allergies to many medications. Therefore, when treating almost all ailments, I try to start with traditional medicine. My grandmother once told me that in the village they fought papillomas with the help of tea. Unfortunately, my grandmother is no longer there, so there is no one to ask. Therefore, I had to ask Google about how to get rid of papillomas with the help of tea. I found tips on using monastery tea. I brewed and drank this drink strictly according to the instructions for 2 months. With its help, it was possible to get rid of parasites, lose weight and significantly improve complexion and skin condition in general. But, unfortunately, the remedy had no effect on papillomas. The attending physician advised me to continue treatment, but this therapy seemed to me to be very long-lasting. Therefore, I additionally used garlic and celandine juice as an external remedy. The papillomas were overcome within a few weeks.

Vladimir, 27 years old, Moscow

To remove genital warts, the urologist prescribed me Veregen cream. As the doctor explained, this drug contains green tea extract, and to enhance the effect, you should take green tea internally if possible. I am a big fan of this drink, so this treatment was for me. I applied the ointment three times a day, and drank 4-5 cups of tea for papillomas a day. As a result, it was possible to recover from condylomas much faster than predicted in the instructions. I assume that this happened precisely because of the additional tea intake.

Lyubov Nikolaevna, 59 years old, Bryansk

I hesitated for a long time to remove papillomas. Several folk remedies did not produce results, and using instrumental ones was both scary and expensive. But when the papillomas began to darken, I realized that it was better not to let things get irreparable, and I performed cryo-freezing. After the procedure, the doctor prescribed me several medications to speed up the healing of the remaining wounds. I read the composition and chose Egallohit for myself, because it contains green tea leaf extract, and I once read that green tea is often used in the treatment of papillomas. And, indeed, the healing went quickly there was no trace left of the thread-like growths on the neck, not to mention scars or cicatrices.

  1. Read which doctor treats papillomas

Watch a video about the benefits of black tea:

Considering the specific effects of tea on the skin, there is every reason to believe that this drink is effective in the treatment of tumors caused by HPV. However, since the treatment is very long, this method is not considered popular.

Related article: Instructions for using Malavita for papillomas