How to get rid of flat papillomas on the face?

Flat warts on the face

The content of the article:
  1. What do flat papillomas look like on the face?
  2. Why do they appear?
  3. Treatment of flat papillomas on the face
    1. Medicines
    2. Folk remedies
    3. Removal

Flat papillomas on the face are nodules on the skin that protrude slightly above its surface. Neoplasms of a viral nature are usually painless, but bring a lot of psychological discomfort. Especially if they are on visible parts of the face.

What do flat papillomas on the face look like?

What do flat papillomas look like on the face?

Photos of flat papillomas on the face

Flat papillomas on the face rarely occur alone. They usually appear as a collection of growths on the skin. It is quite easy to distinguish them from other dermatological neoplasms - they protrude a millimeter or less above the level of the epidermis. Color ranges from pink to light brown, but most often they are flesh-colored.

The shape of such growths is usually round, sometimes irregular. Flat papillomas do not form folds on the face. Their surface is usually flat, slightly rough, covered with keratinized epidermis. The appearance of the neoplasm resembles a rash.

On the face, these growths are localized in the forehead or chin, often affecting the neck area. Such formations usually do not cause discomfort. Only sometimes in people with particularly sensitive skin can they provoke itching and burning. There is also a risk of injury to flat papillomas if they are located in areas of frequent friction, for example, on the chin.

Despite the fact that flat papillomas on the face are benign and rarely cause pain, they can bring a lot of psychological discomfort to a person. Localized on the face, they spoil the appearance and form complexes.

Most often, this type of growth occurs in young children and teenagers. About one in 10 children has flat papillomas, or juvenile warts, as they are sometimes called. Often these neoplasms go away on their own after reaching a certain age. In people over 40 years old, flat papillomas form very rarely.
  1. Read also: what warts on the chin look like

Why do flat papillomas appear on the face?

HPV 3d model

The main reason for the formation of flat papillomas on the face is the human papillomavirus. As a rule, these are HPV types 14, 15 and 27.

It is worth noting that infection with papillomavirus does not always cause the appearance of flat papillomas. Their formation depends on the level of stability of the immune system, as well as hormonal levels. In adolescents, the latter is often unstable, and therefore it is they who usually develop flat papillomas on the face during puberty.

Also, predisposing factors to the appearance of such growths on the face may be the beginning of using razors with subsequent injury to the skin, violation of general hygiene rules, excessive sweating, the appearance of acne, acne, previous infectious or colds.

Routes of transmission of the human papillomavirus: sexual, contact and household. The pathogen spreads best in a humid environment. Therefore, particularly dangerous places in terms of HPV transmission are shared showers, swimming pools, saunas, where the humidity level is as high as possible and there are crowds of people.

  1. See also how to cure flat warts on a child’s face

Methods for treating flat papillomas on the face

Considering that flat viral tumors usually affect young people and girls during puberty, often after harmonization of hormonal levels they go away on their own without special treatment. However, flat papillomas on the face often cause psychological discomfort in adolescents, especially if they actively grow. In this case, special treatment under the supervision of a doctor is indicated.

Medications for the treatment of flat papillomas on the face

Preparations for the treatment of flat papillomas on the face

In the photo are preparations for flat papillomas on the face

The effect of drugs is mainly to stimulate the body's immune response to fight the virus. Let us consider in detail the groups of medications that can be used to treat flat papillomas on the face:

  1. Immunomodulators. Drugs that increase immunity, and it begins to actively resist the virus and suppress its activity. These can be oral medications, for example, Immunal (from 395 rubles) and its analog Immunomax, or immunostimulants in the form of suppositories, for example, Viferon (price starts from 305 rubles) or an analogue Genferon.
  2. Antiviral agents. If you don’t know how to get rid of flat papillomas on the face, you can try treatment with antiviral drugs that suppress HPV and also have an immunostimulating effect. Local remedies may be prescribed, for example, Panavir gel or an analogue of oxolinic ointment. Also available in the form of oral preparations, for example, Isoprinosine (from 644 rubles) and the analogue Groprinosine.

If you are thinking about how to remove flat papillomas on the face, then you should abandon such popular products as Superclean and its analogues in the form of various aggressive acids to burn out tumors. This method of treatment is traumatic and dangerous, since you may not calculate the dosage and depth of penetration of the product and get a severe chemical burn on your face.

  1. Read also about Betadine ointment for papillomas

Folk remedies against flat papillomas on the face

Rosehip decoction for flat papillomas on the face

As a rule, self-medication with traditional methods is either not effective enough to remove flat papillomas on the face, or can cause a burn. In any case, doctors do not recommend treating tumors using dubious methods, especially those associated with aggressive effects on the skin.

More or less safe methods of treatment include immunomodulatory therapy, which uses various decoctions and infusions of plants and fruits. For example, it has proven itself well rosehip decoction, which helps boost immunity.

Also, when treating flat papillomas on the face, you can drink infusions based on the collection of currant leaves, raspberries, dandelion roots, echinacea, sea buckthorn. These plant-based drinks are good at stimulating the immune response.

In addition, it is useful to strengthen the body vitamin therapy — eat more fresh fruits, drink juices and smoothies.

  1. See also: Is it possible to cauterize warts with iodine?

Removal of flat papillomas on the face

Laser destruction of flat papillomas on the face

Removal of tumors on the face must be done extremely carefully. The skin in this area is sensitive and scars can easily form. In addition, scars on the face look no better than papillomas and can worsen the psychological state of a teenager.

Removal of flat papillomas on the face should be carried out using the most gentle modern methods. These include, first of all, laser destruction. This involves cauterizing the tumor with a laser beam. This is a quick and painless minimally invasive treatment method. The laser makes it possible to influence the skin precisely and to a strictly defined depth. Thus, the risk of damage to healthy body tissues is virtually eliminated. The vessels are cauterized during the destruction process, which means the risk of bleeding is minimized. There is also a fairly low risk of tissue infection and subsequent inflammatory process. The cost of laser removal of flat papillomas on the face is 1200-2500 rubles in Russia and 300-500 hryvnia in Ukraine.

Also, one of the most gentle ways to remove tumors on the face is radiosurgery. This method is characterized by speed, bloodlessness, minimal pain, and rapid healing of damaged tissue. In addition, after a radioknife, inflammation and suppuration almost never occur, and there are no scars left. The only disadvantage of this method of treatment is its relative high cost. The price of radio wave removal of flat papillomas on the face is 1800-3000 rubles in Russia and 500-900 hryvnia in Ukraine.

As for such methods of removing papillomas as electrocoagulation, cryodestruction, they are not recommended in the case of localization of tumors on the face. It is quite difficult to regulate the depth of tissue damage, and therefore there is a risk of scarring on the skin. Also, you should not resort to such a somewhat outdated method of getting rid of growths as classical surgery. This is fraught with bleeding, inflammatory processes, prolonged regeneration and the formation of scars.

  1. Read on the topic: What is better to remove papillomas - radio wave method or laser?

How to get rid of flat papillomas on the face - watch the video:

Photos of flat papillomas on the face can be found on the Internet. However, you cannot diagnose yourself on the basis of such images alone. Before starting special treatment, you must consult a specialist - a dermatologist. But usually flat papillomas affect young people and go away on their own after puberty.

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