How to determine the degree of cellulite

Of the many imperfections in the figure, cellulite is one of the most discussed and pressing problems of our time. Most women are familiar with this “enemy of a beautiful body”, and some were unlucky enough to encounter it as early as adolescence. Let's find out what stages of cellulite exist and what treatment is indicated for each of them.

What is cellulite and what does it look like?

It is a mistaken belief that “orange peel” is detected only in plump ladies. This is not just a manifestation of excess fat deposits accumulated with age, as was believed until recently, but evidence of disorders in the female body. Proof of this is the appearance of signs of cellulite of one stage or another even in slender girls who have never suffered from excess weight.

There is still disagreement among specialists about whether to consider this deviation a disease or classify it as a cosmetic defect. With cellulite, structural-dystrophic changes occur in the subcutaneous layer, characterized as stagnation in the fatty tissue, where the lobules of adipose tissue are separated by connective tissue fibers. This is accompanied by disruption of normal blood and lymph circulation, leading to difficulty in tissue nutrition.

As a result, uneven deposition of fat, excess fluid and metabolic products occurs in the form of gradually increasing lumps, which visually makes the surface of the skin textured and bumpy. The “favorite” areas for cellulite are the thighs and buttocks, but often the defect is found in the abdomen and on the arms. Depending on the degree of cellulite, in addition to the “orange peel”, other symptoms of the defect are noted: tissue swelling, cyanosis, deterioration of skin sensitivity in the affected area, pain, and others.

Cellulite - causes

When a woman is diagnosed with cellulite, the causes often include several provoking factors, including:

  1. genetic predisposition;
  2. excess weight;
  3. changes in hormonal levels (associated with puberty, malfunction of the thyroid gland, pregnancy, taking oral contraceptives, and so on);
  4. sedentary lifestyle;
  5. smoking (contributes to the deterioration of metabolic processes in subcutaneous tissues);
  6. stress, nervous and mental overload;
  7. poor nutrition;
  8. insufficient fluid intake;
  9. sudden weight gain or sudden weight loss;
  10. shapewear.

How to determine the stages of cellulite?

Due to the fact that pathological changes in cellulite develop in stages, gradually progressing, several stages of the defect are distinguished, each of which has its own distinctive manifestations and treatment recommendations. It is possible to determine the signs of the stage of cellulite with the naked eye, for which you can conduct a small test: with the thumb and forefinger of one hand, squeeze an area of ​​skin measuring 5-10 cm across the muscle fibers and observe how the appearance of the skin changes, whether irregularities appear on it.

Cellulite – stage 1

At the initial, first stage of cellulite, when an area of ​​skin is compressed, an “orange peel” is already visible on its surface, although it is hardly noticeable and is not usually detected. The skin tissue is smooth, but there is a slight swelling associated with stagnation of blood and lymph. In addition, cellulite, the first stage, is characterized by a weakening of the regenerative abilities of tissues, which is why hematomas and damage to the integrity of the skin take longer to heal.