How to choose the perfect foundation

The negative impact of the environment, constant stress and poor nutrition forces the fair sex to hide imperfections under cosmetics and spend a long time solving the problem of how to choose a foundation that matches the color of their skin. By evening out the tone, it is the first assistant in makeup. Eyeliner and mascara, exquisite lipstick on the lips, ideally shaped eyebrows will not be able to hide minor defects or a sickly complexion. Naturally healthy skin can sometimes look dull, so it also needs to be disguised with foundation cosmetics.

How to choose the right foundation for your face

Choosing the right foundation is not an easy task. Important characteristics are the shade, density and durability of the product. There is a more significant factor, depending on which they conclude whether the cream is suitable for the skin type: this is the reaction to the components of the cream. Particular attention should be paid to it by those who know about their tendency to allergies. Before buying a foundation, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition and determine whether it contains substances that are aggressive to the skin.

To identify sensitivity to ingredients, you should try a small amount of the cream, but not on your face. Select the crook of your elbow, the back of your hand, or your wrist. If there is an allergy, it will definitely manifest itself within 3-4 hours. This may include redness, a feeling of dryness, or other irritation. Such signs reflect the fact that the type of foundation you are testing, although you like it, cannot be used on the face. The best foundations are determined based on the following characteristics:

  1. The manufacturer and his authority in the product market.
  2. Ingredients used.
  3. Composition density.
  4. Shade and its correspondence to skin tone.
  5. Type of packaging: aesthetically attractive or economical.
  6. Best before date.

Which texture to choose?

Each skin type requires the use of certain foundations:

  1. So, for masking significant areas with pigmentation, a basic cream base is suitable - it is thick in consistency, and thanks to the powder in the composition, it can hide large areas of problem skin.
  2. Sometimes defects do not require the application of a continuous base, in which case a spot-on product in the form of sticks or pencils is an excellent solution. Their high density effectively masks minor defects.

  1. Another type of foundation is liquid tone. The liquid texture when applied is not sufficient to hide facial imperfections. With the help of such a product they only improve the skin tone, giving it a matte appearance, or moisturize it.
  2. For more durable makeup, compositions are selected in the form of creams on a compact base, which are fixed with a layer of powder. The latter can be used independently on top of both day cream and already applied foundation. Hides excess fat and evens out the shade.
  3. A type of powder is a product with the addition of cream components. Any skin can be camouflaged with a quick application of cream powder using a special sponge.
  4. For lighter makeup or just daily care, tinted day moisturizers have been developed. A light matte tint and softness of the skin, masking slight fatigue - all this is the effect of such a cream.

Selection of foundation based on skin type

Incorrectly selected cosmetics can harm healthy skin or worsen the situation of already problematic skin. For this reason, any type of hair needs proper care and makeup. To do this, you need products suitable for a specific skin type. Do not use a foundation that adds shine if your face is too oily or apply powder to dry skin. Such actions will not hide shortcomings, but will only highlight them.

For dry skin

When the sebaceous glands are disrupted, dry skin appears. In the future, this leads to a thinning of the protective layer of the face. The process of aging and wrinkle formation accelerates. To prevent this, dry skin types must be provided with additional hydration. Using a rich foundation helps to get protection. It has a light structure and a large amount of nutritional components and vitamins type A, E. Thanks to application in a thin layer, it remains imperceptible and perfectly smoothes out peeling.

For fatty

The previous version of the foundation is not suitable for oily skin. It needs to remove excess shine, so mattifying products are better suited. You should be careful with oily skin, the pores of which may become clogged due to the wrong foundation. Among these, the first place is occupied by compositions that have some kind of oil as an ingredient. Special wipes with a mattifying effect are popular in use: they do a good job of removing oily shine.

For combined

How to choose the perfect foundation

Here is a simple algorithm of actions:

  1. Apply a small amount of foundation to the surface of the skin from the middle of the cheek to the neck, passing along the jaw line.
  2. The invisible boundaries of the applied composition indicate that it suits you completely.
  3. If spots appear or the foundation is difficult to blend, it is better to leave it on the store shelf.
  4. Do not rush to draw a conclusion, wait 5-8 minutes until the product fully manifests itself.

According to the recommendations of experts, one should not give preference to dark shades, because they slightly increase age. For girls with different complexions, important recommendations are offered:

  1. Foundation for fair skin has pinkish or neutral shades.
  2. If you have a dark complexion or a dark tan, beige shades of foundation are more suitable.
  3. In spring and autumn it is better to give preference to warm colors, in winter – light, and in summer – darkish.

Also read and watch a detailed review of how to choose Maybelline foundation, its types and tips for use.

Video tips: how to choose foundation color

Wrongly chosen foundations can worsen the health of your facial skin and deprive you of the desired beauty. Only professional makeup artists have extensive experience in selecting cosmetics. For beginners, the problem of how to choose a foundation that matches your skin color is not so easy, because people get confused when they see a wide range of products. If you are also choosing a foundation for the first time or just want to strengthen your knowledge in the field of makeup, then watching the video will be useful. It has a lot of information about choosing, testing and matching foundation to your skin type.

Read also: L'Oreal foundation - all about its types and shade palettes.

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Every day a modern girl faces questions that require a very precise solution. One of these is the choice of foundation. Yes, this is no less important than the choice of the image as a whole, because the wrong shade can negate all other efforts. Every girl should know how to choose a foundation, which tone and consistency to choose.

Defining the goal

It wouldn't be much of a mistake to say that every woman has several foundations in her makeup bag. One is for every day, the second is for a special occasion, the third is old, but so be it.

If you previously didn’t know how to choose a foundation to match your skin color, and acquired a multi-colored palette, that’s even good.

Makeup artists recommend having several shades in your makeup bag: one light in texture and most suitable for your natural skin color, the second - dark, because in the summer the skin is tanned and your favorite everyday shade can look like a mask, and the third - a tone or two lighter than your skin .

Why such abundance? Firstly, if you are adding to your collection of foundations and miss a shade, you can always mix it with a lighter or darker one; secondly, contrasting colors of foundations can create the most natural contouring that cannot be achieved by any bronzer or highlighter.

So, before you go shopping, we answer the question: do I need a foundation for daily use, to be beautiful in photos and videos, or for evening makeup?

The second important criterion is your skin type.

Let's go backwards

Nowadays, on the shelves you can find a myriad of foundations of various brands, shades, purposes and prices. It seems to us that we choose the best foundation for perfect makeup, but in the end we get the wrong effect.

If an evening look can tolerate any accents and shades, then a daytime look is much more picky. In sunlight, all the imperfections of your makeup are clearly visible, even if you are convinced of your irresistibility. Making mistakes is normal, it is important to understand them and correct them in time.

Daytime makeup does not tolerate those nuances that are forgivable in evening makeup and can even make you truly irresistible.

Don’t forget that in photos, videos and on stage, makeup looks completely different than in life. What is great in the image often looks vulgar and strange in real life, what looks gray and faded on the screen is the golden mean in real life.

Many teenage girls (and some women) make the mistake of focusing only on images from glossy magazines.

Below we will look at the three main mistakes when choosing foundation.

Very thick foundation

The first problem is trying to hide skin imperfections with a very thick foundation. This phenomenon occurs quite often. If you have pronounced wrinkles or problem skin, then the thick consistency will only highlight the imperfections. The denser the foundation, the more imperfections are visible.

If we choose and apply foundation incorrectly, it will instantly make our image look comical and unnatural.

For daily use, it is strictly not recommended to use a thick foundation in a stick, which is more dense than a concealer. This tool is more oriented for photo shoots or video shooting.

An additional problem with using a thick foundation is that you also need a lot of powder, due to which the layer becomes thicker and thicker.

This creates a mask on the face and attracts attention; interlocutors often begin to look not at the person, but at the bizarre pellets on the face.

The thicker the layer, the faster it will roll, flow, float, or become stained.

Dark foundation

Wanting to look more tanned by using a dark foundation is a mistake that many girls make. It seems to those around her that Madame does not know how to choose the color of foundation for her face.

Yes, a dark shade makes the face look slimmer, but it also adds age. Dark foundation can only be used after the beach season or for contouring.

Brown shades do not make the face look more tanned, it just makes the makeup too noticeable. If you really need to cover your face, then don’t forget about your neck and collarbones.

If you want to look more tanned, then it is better to use a bronzer: darken your forehead near the hairline, cheekbones and sides of the nose.

Abuse of radiant foundations

Foundations with reflective particles look most natural in summer in clear weather. In the off-season, and especially in winter, it is not recommended to apply a sparkling product all over the face, otherwise you can be considered a girl who does not know how to choose the right foundation.

Although this is a trend, it is designed for fashion shows and filming. In real life it looks comical, emphasizing enlarged pores, wrinkles and other skin imperfections.

It is better to achieve a radiant effect with highlighters, applying a thin line on the bridge of the nose, below the cheekbone, the center of the forehead and on the “bird” above the lip.

Foundation for oily skin

Oily and combination skin is particularly sensitive to thick consistencies, so it is preferable to choose fluids and emulsions.

It is important to look at the composition of the cream; it should not contain essential oils, and if they are present, then at the very end of the list - this means that there are a minimum of them there.

It is good if the cream contains tea tree extract or other bactericidal substances.

It should contain absorbents, zinc, vitamins B and A.

Manufacturers usually indicate what skin type the product is intended for. Ask your consultant or see the information on the packaging.

It is preferable to choose mattifying cosmetics.

Foundation for oily skin should be light, but also cope with its direct responsibilities.

Its consistency and coverage ability is good to test on the wrist. The product should not flow or be viscous, appear in spots, but cover or at least mute the color of the veins.

Foundation for dry skin

Those with dry skin do not know what enlarged pores are, but there are also quite a lot of problems that they have to face.

It is better to choose a foundation for dry skin that is oil-based or contains a lot of oils. It’s great if the composition includes hyaluronic acid, coconut oil or avocado oil.

The main tasks of such foundations are to prevent moisture from leaving the skin and additionally nourish it from the outside.

BB creams work very well with dry skin.

Foundation for mature skin

It has been said many times and we will repeat again that any shortcomings are only emphasized by dense structures. Unfortunately, with age, imperfections become more and more numerous, the main ones being wrinkles.

In the case of oily skin, it is better to choose light fluid creams or emulsions.

With age, the skin becomes less hydrated, so such products should have a lifting effect and contain moisturizers.

Anti-aging foundations should include vitamins B, C and A, as well as coenzyme Q10.

Which shade should I choose?

We've sorted out the consistency and essential functions a little, all that remains is to learn how to choose a shade. If you don't know how to choose a foundation color, look below.

Until recently, there was an opinion that these products were best tested on the wrist. Yes, as far as consistency and coverage are concerned. But in such a simple way it is impossible to choose the right shade. Look at your hand and your face - the skin color is very different.

It’s still better to choose a shade based on your face. But even it has a heterogeneous color: there is yellowness around the mouth, pink cheeks, and blue under the eyes. How to choose the tone of foundation?

The most correct shade is the forehead and lower cheekbones. But the forehead is always better lit than the rest, so it is best to choose a shade by smearing it on the lower part of the face, where the border with the neck is.

The product that was “lost” on your face and became invisible is your ideal tone.

Changes in nature.

Often girls, having found their ideal foundation, continue to use and buy only it, regardless of the season or skin tone. But he can change.

Foundations of the same tone can have different undertones: pink, yellow or beige.

If you have redness on your face, you should not choose the pink direction. If hemoglobin drops or the skin looks gray, this product will, on the contrary, refresh you.

We believe only in daylight

If you buy cosmetics not at an open-air market, but in a store or shopping center under artificial lighting, it is better to make smears on the border of your face and neck and go outside.

This is the only way you can most objectively determine whether the tone suits you or not.

Artificial lighting can play a bad joke when choosing a shade.

If you like two shades and don’t know which one to choose, feel free to choose the lighter one.

How to choose a foundation online?

Of all the cosmetic products, foundation is the least likely to be purchased online, because, like nothing else, this product requires the presence of a buyer.

However, there are several ways to help you choose a foundation online:

  1. A progressive method that some sites are equipped with is photos of girls whose makeup uses one or another tone of the product. When choosing your type, you can easily guess the shade.
  2. Some brands have launched the Color IQ project. It consists of using a special device to analyze your skin tone. Using this key you can select foundations.
  3. If there are no such brand stores nearby, then on some sites there are manual settings similar to the previous ones. To do this, you will need your current foundation. It should be selected from the list offered on the site. Each tool has its own code, which will be used to search for similar tools. Just don’t forget that this is artificial intelligence, and in such matters as makeup, it understands things worse than people.
  4. For this method, you will again need your most suitable foundation. See brand, series and number. Enter the data into a search engine and save the photo reviews. In the same way, find the desired cream through a search engine and compare the images. It is important that the photos are taken in similar lighting. This is the most accurate way.

A few more secrets

We figured out how to choose the right foundation for the face. Shade and texture play a huge role, but the preparatory process is equally important.

To prevent the foundation from becoming stained at the end of the day and the powder from rolling off, you need to take care of the makeup base. This is a unique product that evens out the relief, masks pores and wrinkles. One drawback is that the skin does not breathe, so it can only be used on special occasions.

Expensive, high-quality foundations are not affordable for everyone, and cheap ones contain a lot of silicone, which can cause acne after a month of regular use.

Fortunately, you can make a universal makeup base yourself. In a water bath you need to melt 0.5 teaspoon of shea butter, 0.3 teaspoon of emulsion wax, 2 teaspoons of peach seed oil. Next, beat the mixture with a cosmetic mixer and remove from the water bath. In a separate bowl, mix water, aloe extract and coltsfoot extract. Add oils to the resulting water base and beat everything again with a cosmetic mixer, add an oily solution of vitamin E, transfer to a small container and store in the refrigerator.

When purchasing foundation, the first thing you pay attention to is the shade. But other characteristics must also be taken into account. After all, foundation today is more than just a makeup product.

  1. Foundation: who needs it and why?
  2. Stages of choosing a foundation
  3. How to choose a shade to match your skin color
  4. How to choose a foundation shade in different lighting
  5. How to choose a foundation for your face
  6. How to choose foundation for different skin types
  7. Review of foundations

Foundation: who needs it and why?

Foundation is a category of products that give the skin a beautiful, even tone. They will be useful for those who want to improve their complexion, and at the same time disguise such imperfections as:

dark circles under gases;

spider veins and spider veins;

Modern foundations have many advantages over their predecessors:

a wide range of textures designed specifically for different skin types and needs: cream itself, fluid, emulsion, etc.;

different forms of release: in a tube, a bottle with a pipette, a cushion and even in a spray.

large selection of pigments: tint, reflective, light-diffusing;

innovative formulas based on silicone oils and wax-like substances, thanks to which the products literally merge with the skin.

Now foundation is a complete skin care product. © iStock

And most importantly: a modern foundation can easily compete with day or night cream in the quality of skin care.

Foundation is becoming a universal product that can not only even out skin tone and texture, but also provide it with the necessary care.

So, the main properties of modern tone:

evens out skin tone and refreshes complexion;

smoothes out small wrinkles;

with proper selection and application, it provides a tanning effect;

protects the skin from negative environmental factors, and in the presence of SPF, also from photoaging;

thanks to the caring components in the composition, it supports the effect of the day cream.

Stages of choosing a foundation

Yes, many girls can easily buy foundation in an online store without trying it on. But if you are not an advanced beauty user, it is better not to take risks and be guided by this selection algorithm.

Determine your skin type

For those who do not yet know what type of skin they are, we have prepared a special test

Dry: light texture with moisturizing ingredients.

Oily: product with a mattifying effect.

Problematic: “non-comedogenic” labeling is required.

Combined: it is advisable to add powder to the foundation and apply it to the T-zone.

Find out which shade suits you

Usually you only need one foundation - and then choose a shade based on your natural skin tone (more on this below). If you are going to do contouring, that is, to emphasize the cheekbones, then a foundation 2-3 shades darker will come in handy.

Assess the required level of durability

The most durable textures are produced for oily skin: they allow makeup not to “float” a couple of hours after applying cosmetics. As a rule, these are quite dense creams and cream powders. Dry, thin and especially aged skin do not need them, because they can highlight all the wrinkles and unevenness of the relief.

Decide on the effect

Foundations, in addition to masking imperfections and evening out the complexion, can provide several effects.

Mattifying due to the content of sebum-regulating components.

Radiant: this effect is achieved thanks to reflective and light-diffusing pigments.

Moisturizing - hyaluronic acid and/or glycerin in the composition are responsible for this.

Read also:

How to choose a shade to match your skin color

Ideally, the shade of foundation should match your natural skin tone. The latter depends on the ratio of the following colors:

white — the original color of human skin;

black - color of melanin pigment;

yellow — the color of the carotene pigment (found in the skin itself and subcutaneous fat);

red - the color of hemoglobin protein (colors blood red).

In addition, complexion also depends on your state of health, time of year, place of residence, lifestyle and other factors.

The composition of the foundation may include moisturizers and nutrients. © iStock

How to choose a foundation?

The once popular theory of color types (you probably remember this division into the types “Spring”, “Autumn”, “Summer”, “Winter”) has now lost its relevance. In the 21st century, dividing girls by color type means limiting their choice and causing them to lose their individuality. Therefore, makeup artists advise focusing on other parameters when choosing a foundation.

Original skin tone

Light with cool undertones: light beige.

Light with warm undertones: peach.

Olive: beige, golden.

Very dark: terracotta, bronze.

How to choose a foundation shade in different lighting

Lighting changes both the natural skin tone and the color of the applied foundation. Therefore, when choosing a tone, consider several factors.


in winter shades one tone warmer than the natural color of the skin are appropriate - this will provide a visual rejuvenating effect. Foundations with shining particles will also come in handy in winter, since you will spend most of your time indoors under artificial lighting.

In summer Thanks to tanning, the skin becomes darker, which means the shade may be a little darker. True, this rule does not work for girls of phototypes 1 and 2, for whom it is quite difficult to tan, and even if this succeeds, the skin tone will not be dark, but reddish.

Times of Day

During the day, a foundation with a matte finish will come in handy. For evening events - with shining particles that will “illuminate” the face and help you look advantageous in the photo. In “going out” makeup, it makes sense to use foundations of two shades: natural and darker. They are useful for contouring and sculpting.

Apply foundation with a sponge or wide brush. © iStock

When choosing a foundation shade, consider your skin tone, lighting, and location. © iStock

Your location

Here we consider two options: outdoors or indoors. Everything is more or less clear on the street (see the point about the time of year). And indoor lighting comes in several types.

Office. Here the lamps are usually bright - this light emphasizes warm shades. So we choose a cream that matches the skin tone, without additional radiance.

Dim lighting in homes, museums and theaters, as well as neon lights, make skin tones appear cold and dull. The situation will be corrected by foundation in a tone darker than the natural color of the skin, with reflective particles.

How to choose a foundation for your face

Foundation should become your “second skin”. This means that the requirements for it must be appropriate.

Comfortable texture - the product should not tighten the skin, leave an oily sheen, or feel like a mask or film.

Uniform distribution is the key to the desired result.

Composition - it is important that it matches your skin type.

Choosing foundation texture

When it comes to choosing the right texture, consider your skin type, condition and needs. Dry skin will benefit from a light texture with a moisturizing effect. Oily and problematic - denser, but not oil-based, but water-based to avoid the appearance of comedones. For aging skin, the texture of a thick cream containing nourishing oils is suitable.

If we talk about the types of foundations, they can be like this.

Cream – a classic of the genre, suitable for almost everyone.

Cream powder – if the skin needs matting.

Serum – for skin prone to dryness or with signs of age.

Fluid – very light and comfortable to apply, but it’s unlikely to cover all imperfections.

Mousse – has a delicate texture.

Cushion – convenient to carry, has the option of moisturizing and sun protection.

BB cream - a fairly dense foundation with caring properties, it is described in great detail in this article.

CC cream – combines caring components and corrective pigments, how it differs from BB cream, read here.

How to choose foundation for different skin types

The number one rule when choosing foundation is to consider your skin type. We remind you what characteristics and components you need to pay attention to.

Dry skin

Delicate, slightly oily textures (fluid, emulsion) are suitable. Products should have a moisturizing effect. The composition contains microglitters that will add additional shine.

Oily skin

Combination skin

Ideally, those with mixed skin types can combine two different foundations:

Apply a tone with a mattifying effect to the T-zone;

for the U-zone - with a moisturizer.

Review of foundations

In our review, we provide examples of foundations with different textures and various optical effects.

Long-lasting foundation Infaillible 24 hours matte finish, L’Oréal Paris

Despite its good covering power and super durability, it allows the skin to breathe due to technology that provides a “second skin” effect. Shake vigorously before application. where to find?

Foundation Alliance Perfect “Perfect Fusion”, L’Oréal Paris

In addition to a complex of 7 pigments, the formula contains essential oils for skin care, vitamins E and B6, which are responsible for anti-aging and antioxidant effects. The lightweight texture adapts to the skin for comfort and longevity. where to find?

BB Cream, SPF 15, for normal skin, Garnier

Evens out tone and hides imperfections. Among the advantages are light texture, moisturizing properties, protection against free radicals thanks to grapefruit extract and prevention of photoaging due to UV filters. Designed for skin without any special problems. where to find?

BB Cream anti-aging, Garnier

In addition to an even tone and masking of imperfections, it promises excellent hydration, increased skin elasticity and smoothing out wrinkles - all thanks to the formula with proxylane and apricot oil. where to find?

Corrective care with tonal effect for skin prone to redness, Rosaliac CC Creme, SPF 30, La Roche-Posay

Hides redness of any origin and soothes the skin due to the ambophenol component and special “smart” pigments. An additional function is sun protection. where to find?

Foundation “Ideal tone” Teint >

A suitable solution for dull skin with signs of fatigue. Liquid light technology is responsible for radiance, hyaluronic acid, vitamins C and E, and thermal water are responsible for hydration and restoration. Has a velvety texture.
