How to choose a foundation for the face test

Perfect makeup starts with the perfect tone!

Ekaterina Voznesenskaya February 22, 2019



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The negative impact of the environment, constant stress and poor nutrition forces the fair sex to hide imperfections under cosmetics and spend a long time solving the problem of how to choose a foundation that matches the color of their skin. By evening out the tone, it is the first assistant in makeup. Eyeliner and mascara, exquisite lipstick on the lips, ideally shaped eyebrows will not be able to hide minor defects or a sickly complexion. Naturally healthy skin can sometimes look dull, so it also needs to be disguised with foundation cosmetics.

How to choose the right foundation for your face

Choosing the right foundation is not an easy task. Important characteristics are the shade, density and durability of the product. There is a more significant factor, depending on which they conclude whether the cream is suitable for the skin type: this is the reaction to the components of the cream. Particular attention should be paid to it by those who know about their tendency to allergies. Before buying a foundation, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition and determine whether it contains substances that are aggressive to the skin.

To identify sensitivity to ingredients, you should try a small amount of the cream, but not on your face. Select the crook of your elbow, the back of your hand, or your wrist. If there is an allergy, it will definitely manifest itself within 3-4 hours. This may include redness, a feeling of dryness, or other irritation. Such signs reflect the fact that the type of foundation you are testing, although you like it, cannot be used on the face. The best foundations are determined based on the following characteristics:

  1. The manufacturer and his authority in the product market.
  2. Ingredients used.
  3. Composition density.
  4. Shade and its correspondence to skin tone.
  5. Type of packaging: aesthetically attractive or economical.
  6. Best before date.

Which texture to choose?

Each skin type requires the use of certain foundations:

  1. So, for masking significant areas with pigmentation, a basic cream base is suitable - it is thick in consistency, and thanks to the powder in the composition, it can hide large areas of problem skin.
  2. Sometimes defects do not require the application of a continuous base, in which case a spot-on product in the form of sticks or pencils is an excellent solution. Their high density effectively masks minor defects.

  1. Another type of foundation is liquid tone. The liquid texture when applied is not sufficient to hide facial imperfections. With the help of such a product they only improve the skin tone, giving it a matte appearance, or moisturize it.
  2. For more lasting makeup, compositions are selected in the form of creams on a compact base, which are fixed with a layer of powder. The latter can be used independently on top of both day cream and already applied foundation. Hides excess fat and evens out the shade.
  3. A type of powder is a product with the addition of cream components. Any skin can be camouflaged with a quick application of cream powder using a special sponge.
  4. For lighter makeup or just daily care, tinted day moisturizers have been developed. A light matte tint and softness of the skin, masking slight fatigue - all this is the effect of such a cream.

Selection of foundation based on skin type

Incorrectly selected cosmetics can harm healthy skin or worsen the situation of already problematic skin. For this reason, any type of hair needs proper care and makeup. To do this, you need products suitable for a specific skin type. Do not use a foundation that adds shine if your face is too oily or apply powder to dry skin. Such actions will not hide shortcomings, but will only highlight them.

For dry skin

When the sebaceous glands are disrupted, dry skin appears. In the future, this leads to a thinning of the protective layer of the face. The process of aging and wrinkle formation accelerates. To prevent this, dry skin types must be provided with additional hydration. Using a rich foundation helps to get protection. It has a light structure and a large amount of nutritional components and vitamins type A, E. Thanks to application in a thin layer, it remains imperceptible and perfectly smoothes out peeling.

For fatty

The previous version of the foundation is not suitable for oily skin. It needs to remove excess shine, so mattifying products are better suited. You should be careful with oily skin, the pores of which may become clogged due to the wrong foundation. Among these, the first place is occupied by compositions that have some kind of oil as an ingredient. Special wipes with a mattifying effect are popular in use: they do a good job of removing oily shine.

For combined

How to choose a foundation for the face test

Here is a simple algorithm of actions:

  1. Apply a small amount of foundation to the surface of the skin from the middle of the cheek to the neck, passing along the jaw line.
  2. The invisible boundaries of the applied composition indicate that it suits you completely.
  3. If spots appear or the foundation is difficult to blend, it is better to leave it on the store shelf.
  4. Do not rush to draw a conclusion, wait 5-8 minutes until the product fully manifests itself.

According to the recommendations of experts, one should not give preference to dark shades, because they slightly increase age. For girls with different complexions, important recommendations are offered:

  1. Foundation for fair skin has pinkish or neutral shades.
  2. If you have a dark complexion or a dark tan, beige shades of foundation are more suitable.
  3. In spring and autumn it is better to give preference to warm colors, in winter - light, and in summer - darkish.

Also read and watch a detailed review of how to choose Maybelline foundation, its types and tips for use.

Video tips: how to choose foundation color

Wrongly chosen foundations can worsen the health of your facial skin and deprive you of the desired beauty. Only professional makeup artists have extensive experience in selecting cosmetics. For beginners, the problem of how to choose a foundation that matches your skin color is not so easy, because people get confused when they see a wide range of products. If you are also choosing a foundation for the first time or just want to strengthen your knowledge in the field of makeup, then watching the video will be useful. It has a lot of information about choosing, testing and matching foundation to your skin type.

Read also: L'Oreal foundation - all about its types and shade palettes.

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Today, the range of cosmetics is so wide that it is easy to get confused in choosing a foundation that is suitable for your skin.

What to prefer - thick foundation or fluid? Do you need a makeup base? Is BB cream or CC cream suitable for my skin? You will find answers to these questions by taking the test online on our website.
