Киста Бранхиогенная

Киста бранхиогенной (сlassifications of the jaw fractures. Branchiogenic cysts – a cystic filled formation of ectopic tissues, which is characteristic for the first years of life. Branchigenic cysts can appear under different conditions, but most often it concerns the neck and the oral cavity. The treatment of branchogenic cysts requires consultation with a qualified doctor and is performed as follows:

- On the basis of X-rays and computed tomography, the volume and localization of the cyst are determined. This data allows to determine the most rational and effective method of treatment. The method of surgical procedure is chosen depending on localization and characteristics of cyst - The planned methods are as follows: the cyst may be removed along with the cyst lining; cyst removal with the adjacent tissues; lesion of the parts connected with the cysts; combination of approaches for the purposes; corrective osteotomy. Surgical procedure is carried out in connection with the general condition of a patient, extent, and localization, prior to it, i.e. under anesthesia. - For the complete treatment of cysts, application of physiotherapy techniques is necessary. It involves manual lymph drainage, SPA-treatments, UV irradiation, cryoexposure.

Many doctors conduct successful treatment of such diseases. The results showed that, from the first days after medical interventions, the patient feeling becomes noticeably better: less discharge, swelling disappear or greatly reduce. Thus, treatment of these diseases is irreversible and successful.

Киста Бранхогенная - это опухолевидное новообразование, которое располагается на боковой стенке шеи и имеет свойство давать метастазы в соседние лимфатические узлы. Киста является частой находкой у пациентов при УЗИ и КТ брюшной полости и малого таза. Данное заболевание диагностируется примерно в 7-10% случаев гиперплазии предстательной железы у мужчин среднего возраста. Если киста обнаружена, то удаление назначается по медицинским показаниям и не из-за эстетических соображений.