Aldara cream for the treatment of condylomas and warts: price, instructions, reviews

Cream Aldara

The content of the article:
  1. Description and composition of the cream
  2. The benefits of Aldara for warts and condylomas
  3. Instructions for use
  4. Contraindications and side effects
  5. Results of treatment of condylomas and warts
  6. Reviews about the use of Aldara

Aldara is an antiviral drug whose action is aimed at treating tumors caused by the human papillomavirus. Refers to local chemotherapeutic agents.

Description and composition of Aldara cream

What does Aldara cream look like?

Pictured is Aldara cream for condylomas and warts

Aldara is a highly effective modern remedy intended for the treatment of skin diseases. In particular, the action of this chemotherapy drug is aimed at removing tumors caused by HPV.

The main feature of the cream, which distinguishes it from other means of combating epidermal neoplasms, is that it acts on cells infected with the human papillomavirus from the inside of the body, and not from the outside.

Indications for the use of Aldara are the presence of the following dermatological diseases:

  1. Genital warts and warts on the skin near the genitals, as well as directly on them;
  2. Basalioma;
  3. Actinic keratosis.

Structural formula of Imiquimod

The photo shows the structural formula of Imiquimod

Aldara cream contains the following substances:

  1. Imiquimod. This substance is called an immune response modifier. This suggests that the cream, which contains imiquimod, does not fight the virus on its own, but stimulates the body to fight it.
  2. Isostearic acid. It is an emollient that forms a fatty film on the skin. Steam, oxygen and liquids can pass through it. Its composition is similar to bird feather wax.
  3. Glycerol. This substance is obtained by chlorinating propylene at a temperature of 450°C, further adding hypochlorous acid to the product and saponifying with alkali. It is used in dermatological products due to its ability to reduce the harmful effects of aggressive substances on the epidermis and protect the skin.
  4. Paraffin. A substance synthesized from petroleum or ozokerite. Its physical properties resemble wax. It is used in cosmetics to eliminate dryness of the epidermis, treat cracks, heal wounds, and smooth out age spots. Helps in achieving smooth skin, removing wrinkles, rejuvenating the epidermis, making it more elastic.

Excipients present in Aldara cream in small quantities are benzyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, stearic alcohol, polysorbate 60, sorbitan stearate, E218, E216, xanthan gum. Their designation is mandatory to exclude possible allergic reactions.

The drug is a white cream, sometimes with a light yellow tint. Available in a sachet made of polyester-aluminum foil. The total number of sachets in the package is 12 pieces. They are packed in a cardboard box. The total volume of the cream is 250 mg. 1 mg contains 0.05 mg of imiquimod, which corresponds to a 5% dosage of the drug.

Aldara's price is from 4,500 rubles in Russia (from 1,300 hryvnia in Ukraine).

There are quite a lot of analogues of Aldara. There are even direct substitutes. These include Keravort cream, which has the same dosage of imiquimod. Another analogue is Ziklar cream. But the concentration of the active substance in it is not 5%, but 3.75%. Indirect taxes, but similar in action, are Panavir-gel, Epigen-spray, Allokin-alpha, Isoprinosine.
  1. Read also a review of the drug Condilin for the removal of genital warts

The benefits of Aldara for warts and condylomas

Sachet with Aldara cream

When starting treatment with this product, you should pay attention to the fact that the cream can have a positive effect on the skin and eliminate epidermal tumors only if it is handled with care, as well as full compliance with Aldara’s instructions.

When treated with imiquimod, the following therapeutic effects are observed:

  1. Immunomodulatory. The main task of the drug is to stimulate the human body to produce a sufficient amount of interferon, which fights viruses.
  2. Emollient. The drug softens warts and condylomas thanks to the glycerin it contains. This helps the main active substance penetrate deep into the tissues and enter the bloodstream.
  3. Moisturizing. This is facilitated not only by glycerin, but also by the paraffin contained in the preparation. They improve the feeling on the skin, relieve tightness and possible roughness.
  4. Antiseptic. Pathogenic bacteria are destroyed due to the action of several alcohols contained in Aldara. A strong antimicrobial effect helps to avoid suppuration, inflammation, and prevent possible complications from using the product.
  5. Keratolic. After the drug turns on the internal processes of combating the tumor, it gradually dries out and peels off.

It is quite convenient to use Aldara for the treatment of genital warts, since if precautions are taken and there are no contraindications, it is a safe remedy, has no toxic effect on the body, is easily absorbed and is easily washed off in case of discomfort from use.

The use of Aldara does not require special preparation, but it is mandatory to consult a dermatologist, oncologist or surgeon regarding the oncogenicity of the neoplasm that is to be applied. This drug is used in the treatment of not only benign, but also malignant epidermal neoplasms, but treatment of the latter should be carried out under strict medical supervision.
  1. Read about the effect of the drug Verrukacid on papillomas

Instructions for use of Aldara for condylomas

How to use Aldara for warts

The optimal time to apply the drug is in the evening. This is due to the fact that after applying the cream, the neoplasm must be left alone for 6-10 hours.

Instructions for use of Aldara:

  1. Wash the growth with soap and dry it with a terry towel, then let the condyloma or wart dry completely.
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and dry them. Hand hygiene is very important, since the drug is applied with your fingers, without additional means or applicators.
  3. Open the sachet containing the product. Take a small amount of cream with your finger and apply to the lesion.
  4. Rub the product in with massaging movements until it is completely absorbed.
  5. Treat only the new growth, trying to avoid contact with healthy skin. But there is no need to protect it with any additional means, such as zinc ointment, Vaseline or baby cream.
  6. When applying Aldara for the first time, use half the dose of the cream to avoid an allergic reaction to it, as well as to gradually get used to the drug.
  7. Treat the remaining areas if the growth is not isolated.
  8. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap after handling genital warts and warts.

An open sachet with the product cannot be stored. When interacting with oxygen, the drug changes its structure and is no longer therapeutic. Therefore, even if you have some of the cream left, it must be disposed of.

Note! Aldara with imiquimod from one sachet is enough to treat 20 cm2 skin.

There is no need to tape or bandage the treated area. Warts should not come into contact with water for about 6-10 hours. And after this time, you need to wash the tumor with soap, rinsing off the remaining product.

The attending physician must prescribe a treatment regimen for the patient. If a recommendation is given to use the product according to the instructions for Aldara cream, then it should be applied 3 times a week. Treatment continues until the tumors disappear, but should not exceed 16 weeks.

When treating neoplasms on the skin of the penis of men who have not undergone circumcision of the foreskin, it is necessary to ensure daily hygiene of the condylomas located under it. Otherwise, it can lead to phimosis and stricture. In addition, if both sexual partners have neoplasms, both need to be treated with the product at the same time. During therapy you should stop having sexual intercourse.
  1. Read also the instructions for using trichloroacetic acid

Contraindications and side effects of Aldara

Pregnant woman

Aldara cream should not be used by such groups of people as allergy sufferers who are sensitive to any of the components of the drug, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and children.

When using the product, you need to remember precautions, since the drug is quite potent and has a direct effect on human immunity.

When using Aldara, do not neglect the following rules:

  1. The main active ingredient in Aldara cream, imiquimod, can aggravate inflammatory processes on the skin, so the product can only be used if there are no mechanical damage, dermatological problems or diseases of unknown etiology.
  2. Do not use the cream near the mucous membranes of the eyes, lips and nose.
  3. Do not use the product in the mouth, vagina, inside the urethra or anus. This drug is for external use only.
  4. During the treatment period, you should not take sunbathing, either natural or in a solarium.
  5. Be sure to consult with your doctor about the advisability of using this remedy if you have been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition or have undergone an organ or tissue transplant.
  6. Patients suffering from anemia should be treated under strict medical supervision.
  7. Aldara should not be used if the skin has not undergone a complete regeneration process after medical or surgical procedures on the skin. This may increase the absorption of active substances and lead to increased adverse reactions.

At the same time, even if these precautions are observed, it must be borne in mind that the drug has a fairly wide range of side effects, which must be familiarized with before starting treatment with the drug.

As a result of treatment with Aldara, symptoms such as erythema, erosion, peeling, and swelling may occur. It is also possible that you may experience headaches, flu-like symptoms, nausea, fatigue and muscle pain. These symptoms usually disappear within 2 weeks after the end of treatment and do not require additional therapy. If they continue to bother you for a longer period of time or get worse, be sure to consult a doctor.

Since weakness and dizziness are possible during treatment with Aldara cream, you need to drive with caution and take this factor into account when working with dangerous mechanisms.

Note! Treatment may not be effective in patients with HIV.
  1. Read how to treat papillomas with sea buckthorn oil

Results of treatment of condylomas and warts with Aldara cream

Aldara wart removal results

The photo shows the results of wart removal by Aldara - before and after

According to reviews of Aldara, this product is highly effective. Efficiency exceeds 90%. And the desired result is often achieved earlier than after the full course of treatment of 16 weeks.

In the presence of a large number of large tumors, additional therapy in the form of oral or injectable antiviral drugs is recommended, as well as the use of a complex designed to strengthen the immune system.

Real reviews about the use of Aldara

Reviews about the use of Aldara

Considering the high price of Aldara, patients are reluctant to purchase the cream, so doctors are not sufficiently familiar with the action of the product. Hence the rare appointment and small number of reviews.

Angelina, 24 years old

I had several genital warts on the skin near the entrance to the vagina. Then some other compaction appeared. The gynecologist said it was a wart. I was simply shocked. Not only do they really interfere with life, but it is also very morally unpleasant for a woman to have such shortcomings. The doctor warned that before applying Aldara cream you need to thoroughly wash the tumor and your hands. At the same time, exclusively natural soap. I had to look for the drug. I couldn’t find it in my neighborhood, so I went to the city center to buy it. The price is high, but the problem is so unpleasant and intimate that I was ready to spend any money to deal with it myself and not show off my “acquisition” somewhere in a laser therapy or cryofreezing room. And it was scary to use such radical methods in such a place. I did everything strictly according to the doctor’s instructions, and after two weeks I no longer had condylomas. But I had to spend a month and a half on the wart. But I'm very pleased with the result. I hope that I won't have these growths again. And if they arise, I will resort to the help of only this drug and no other.

Marina, 36 years old, Moscow

I had multiple warts all over my body. While I managed to cover them with clothes, I delayed the treatment in every possible way. But when they began to form on open areas of the body, it was necessary to act. What was absolutely disgusting was that they also began to form at the entrance to the vagina. The doctor advised me to buy Aldara. Frankly speaking, the cost of this drug simply knocked me off my feet. I couldn’t buy it anywhere, I had to order it online. But the doctor assured that this drug could quickly and effectively cope with my problems. And since I have already had them for quite a long time, I didn’t recommend wasting time on experiments. Considering the price of Aldara, I decided to use one sachet of cream for two applications. I read in the instructions that this should not be done, but I took a risk, and I did not have any side effects, discomfort or problems. I managed to cure my body of warts in 8 weeks. Some may think that the period is long, but I read in reviews that people take much longer to be treated with other means. Therefore, I am pleased with the effect and recommend this product to everyone.

Svetlana, 46 years old, St. Petersburg

Warts and condylomas are a problem that I have been struggling with for a very long time. I tried different remedies, both folk remedies and those prescribed by a dermatologist. Unfortunately, they had no effect, and some only worsened the situation. The doctor advised to use Aldara. The peculiarity of the drug is that it works not so much on the skin as in the body itself, as it is an immunomodulatory agent. I liked the release form of this product - a sachet. In addition, I was also attracted by the fact that they do not need to be used every day or even several times a day, like other drugs. I used the product in the evening and washed it off in the morning with warm water and soap. After 5 weeks, the warts began to slowly dry out, and by the 11th week they were no longer there. More than 3 months have passed since treatment, and there have been no relapses.

How to use Aldara cream - watch the video:

Aldara has proven itself in the treatment of warts and condylomas caused by the human papillomavirus. It not only allows you to get rid of tumors, but, most importantly, kills the virus that causes them. However, due to its high cost, it is unpopular neither among doctors nor among patients.

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