Anti-cellulite wrap cream


Oct 4, 2017


Cellulite is a problem that does not cause pain or even the slightest discomfort, but it does cause a lot of unpleasant moments, experiences and causes a bad mood. There is not a single woman in the world who would not dream of getting rid of cellulite, with the exception of those who do not have it, and as statistics show, there are very few of them. There are a lot of ways to help fight the appearance of an orange peel. These are fitness, diets, massage, plastic surgery, traditional methods and the elementary use of cosmetic anti-cellulite products. Among them, one of the most effective is anti-cellulite wrap.

How do anti-cellulite wraps work?

The effectiveness of the procedure depends on several factors: the degree of development of cellulite, the composition of the product used during the wrap, and the systematic nature of the procedures. It has been proven that in the first and second stages of “orange peel” development, the wrap shows a pronounced result after four to five sessions. If the problem is advanced, you shouldn’t expect a positive effect after several procedures, but you shouldn’t be upset about it either. Patience, perseverance and consistency will do their job even in aggravated situations.

Anti-cellulite wrap complexes should be carried out in sessions: 2 weeks every two. This system can be repeated ad infinitum.

The effectiveness of the wraps creates a greenhouse effect, due to which, in addition, the effect of the active components of the anti-cellulite agent used during the procedure is greatly enhanced. The wrap enhances blood circulation, promotes the outflow of stagnant intercellular fluid, removes toxins and waste, activates nutrition of the subcutaneous layers, and accelerates metabolism. Fat is broken down and removed, the skin smoothes out, becomes toned and no longer resembles a baked apple.

Anti-cellulite creams produced by Repharm

Anti-cellulite series creams contain caffeine in high concentrations to achieve an anti-cellulite effect. Caffeine can form thread-like crystals, which easily dissolve when applying the cream to the skin with massaging movements.

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Anti-cellulite cream “90-60-90” with essential oils

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How to properly perform anti-cellulite wrap

Its effectiveness largely depends on the correctness of the procedure. Here's what you need to remember and what to do when performing wraps:

  1. first you need to prepare everything you need to perform the wrap: anti-cellulite cream, food or any plastic film, clothes made from natural materials, a woolen blanket. If funds allow, then you can purchase special thermal shorts and a belt as anti-cellulite clothing. They will greatly enhance the effect;
  2. Cosmetologists strongly recommend preparing the body before performing the wrap: do not eat an hour before the procedure and two hours after it. In addition, drinking plenty of fluids will help remove toxins. This will require 2 liters of liquid. You need to start drinking it an hour before the wrap, stretching the process for several hours;
  3. Before the procedure, you need to take a shower or bath, this will help get rid of particles of sweat and dirt that make it difficult for the active components of the cream to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. Using a scrub or peeling in problem areas will be even more effective. They open the pores and thereby enhance the positive effect;
  4. After a shower, it’s a good idea to give a small massage to problem areas for 10-15 minutes, which will significantly improve blood flow;
  5. The anti-cellulite agent is distributed in a dense layer over those places where there is cellulite, after which the areas are wrapped with film, but it should not squeeze the skin. Then you need to put on the prepared clothes and lie down, covered with a blanket;
  6. the session usually lasts half an hour, unless the manufacturer of the product recommends a different time;
  7. with a cold wrap, the same thing is done, but there is no need to wear warm clothes and wrap yourself in a blanket. The session can last up to one and a half hours;
  8. The procedure is completed by removing the film and removing the product in the shower. At the same time, problem areas should be massaged. You should not use soap or a washcloth. The product remaining on the skin will continue its action in a measured, gentle manner.

As for the choice of anti-cellulite product for body wraps, the anti-cellulite series of creams from the Repharm company: “Peptidele”, “Pepper Thermal Massage” and “90-60-90” have proven excellent in solving the “orange peel” problem. They belong to the category of medicinal cosmetics, have a natural, balanced composition of the most useful ingredients in the fight against cellulite, have passed clinical trials and received a large number of positive reviews from both beauty salon specialists and ordinary users.


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2017 © REPHARM Institute of Pharmaceutical Reagents


Many women know about the benefits of wraps in the fight against cellulite, which can be done both in the salon and at home. But not everyone has the desire, strength and time to do this cosmetic procedure. You can save time, money and at the same time get a good result if you do a wrap with ready-made anti-cellulite cream.

Is cellulite inevitable?

The hated “orange peel” on the body is familiar to many and brings many sad moments. There are objective and subjective reasons leading to the formation of cellulite.

The likelihood of its occurrence is higher in older people, women and those who do not want to eat right, exercise and give up bad habits. What to do - accept this problem as a given or enter into an irreconcilable war with cellulite?

Of course, you shouldn’t give up; you need to try to use all possible methods. An integrated and systematic approach will help in solving this problem. One of the simple and effective methods of fighting is body wraps with anti-cellulite cream.


Rules of application

Wraps with useful anti-cellulite cream should be carried out regularly, following certain rules:

  1. It is better to apply anti-cellulite cream to steamed, prepared (using a scrub) skin. You need to put plastic or cling film on top, completely covering it. You can wrap a scarf around the film, put on warm underwear, or lie under a warm blanket (to create a warming effect).
  2. The duration of the procedure is according to the instructions, for example, an effective wrap with anti-cellulite creams is every other day for a month. The course can be repeated after a twenty-day break.
  3. Remains of the cream are removed with a napkin or cotton pad. It is advisable to take a shower without detergents and nourish the skin with a vitamin or moisturizing cosmetic.


All anti-cellulite creams, including those for body wraps, affect the structure of the skin. Under the influence of the product, the subcutaneous layers of fat “melt”, blood circulates faster, and metabolic processes accelerate.

Excess fluid is removed from the subcutaneous layers, fats are broken down and come out faster, freeing the skin from the hated resemblance of an orange, it smoothes out and ceases to resemble a baked apple.

The elastic appearance of your skin can become the envy of your friends if you regularly use anti-cellulite cream for body wraps.


Ingredients of anti-cellulite cream

What substances are included in anti-cellulite cream? What's in this anti-cellulite cosmetic? Of course, anti-cellulite cream does not get its amazing properties from one element. A whole complex of useful substances provides reliable protection for your skin.

These components include:

  1. substances that absorb glucose (rutin, diglucosides);
  2. means for breaking down fat (caffeine, xanthine);
  3. plant extracts (horse chestnut, ivy, St. John's wort, horsetail, meadowsweet, hawthorn) - to speed up metabolism;
  4. mineral salts for removing toxins, waste: potassium, calcium, sodium chlorides;
  5. essential oils (from juniper, rosemary, lavender) - to enhance the functioning of the lymphatic system and remove excess fluid and fat from the body;
  6. ingredients that improve blood circulation - plant extracts (pineapple, soy, algae, papaya).


Types of funds

There are several types of anti-cellulite cream for wrapping. They differ in composition and manufacturers.

The most popular among anti-cellulite wrap lovers are:

  1. Guam – cream;
  2. anti-cellulite cream from “Clean Line”;
  3. Guam mask;
  4. Vichy preparations for body modeling.

Italian products (Guam) act on the skin due to a large amount of vitamins - B1, B2, C, E. This complex helps speed up blood circulation and metabolic processes, helps break down fats, and puts a barrier against age-related changes in the skin.

Puffy areas become just an unpleasant memory when using the Guam cooling cream mask. Problem areas of the skin, having gotten rid of excess moisture, say goodbye to the “orange peel”.

Domestic manufacturers do not lag behind foreign ones and make no less effective means for conducting “combat operations” on the cellulite battlefield. In 73 cases out of 100, the problem disappears if you regularly apply a wrap with anti-cellulite cream from the company "Clean Line". This remedy is effective for stretch marks, which bother many young mothers.


Weekly use of Vichy cream will immediately have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. This anti-cellulite cream is based on thermal waters rich in micro- and macroelements and mineral salts. After a course of wraps, the skin will become smoother and more elastic.

Is it possible to make cream at home?

Does anti-cellulite cream for wrapping have to be purchased? At home, it is possible to make anti-cellulite cream from useful ingredients.

Cream base Preparation
Essential oils Moisturizing cream or milk from any manufacturer (30 ml) should be mixed with 3-4 drops of essential oil (juniper, orange, rosemary).
Honey Melted natural honey – 1 teaspoon Glycerin – 50 ml
Boric acid – 3 g

Rose water – 30 g

Place gelatin in heated rose water and wait until it is completely dissolved, then add all other ingredients and mix well, leave for at least 5 hours.

Professional skills: Chief physician of the medical center, practicing cosmetologist.

Brief biography and personal achievements: Teaching activities: teaching the subject “Social Medicine and Health Organization”, including for foreign (English-speaking) students, conducting consultations and pre-exam preparation.

Scientific and research activities: writing scientific publications, accompanying documents, organizing interaction of the department with specialized leading clinical and cosmetology centers for joint research work, participation in conferences, symposiums, etc.

The concept of cellulite is known to all women. At a certain age, hated tubercles appear on the hips and buttocks, arising due to structural disorders in the subcutaneous tissue. We will tell you how to reduce these manifestations at home using wraps.

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The essence of the method

Cellulite is not just the deposition of excess fat under the skin. “Orange peel” appears as a result of swelling and impaired microcirculation in the tissues.

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Wraps remove excess fluid from the subcutaneous tissue and improve blood circulation. As a result, the skin smoothes out and becomes more elastic. The volume also decreases. In one wrap you can lose up to 1 cm in waist or hip circumference.

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Procedure technique

You will need: cling film (as wide as possible), the cellulite remedy itself, any scrub and a warm blanket.

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  1. Before applying the anti-cellulite composition, cleanse the skin with a scrub. This will improve the penetration of the components and enhance their effect. The scrub opens the pores and stimulates sweating, which is necessary for the success of the procedure. Bath and sauna wraps are very effective.
  2. We do an active massage of problem areas to activate blood circulation.
  3. Apply the prepared product in a thick layer (the skin should not be “visible”).
  4. Wrap with cling film from bottom to top. It is important not to overtighten. Free circulation of blood is a necessary condition for safety and effectiveness.
  5. Cover yourself with a blanket for 30-40 minutes. During this time, sweat begins to be actively released, and along with it, excess fluid and toxins leave.
  6. After this, rinse off the composition with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

Important! If unpleasant sensations appear: burning, feeling unwell, dizziness, stop the session immediately.

How often to do the wrap depends on the initial condition of the tissues. On average - 10 sessions. Breaks between procedures are required for 2-3 days. The anti-cellulite course lasts about a month. A home wrap, carried out according to all the rules, is not inferior in effectiveness to a salon wrap.

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What to choose: hot or cold

Depending on the temperature of the applied composition, hot and cold wraps are distinguished.

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  1. under the influence of heat, blood vessels dilate, blood circulation improves;
  2. the faster the blood moves, the better the tissues are supplied with oxygen, which stimulates the breakdown of fats;
  3. The pores expand, through which fat molecules, water, and toxins are removed with sweat.

The disadvantage of the method is a large list of contraindications. These include:

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  1. phlebeurysm;
  2. cardiovascular pathology (hypertension, ischemic heart disease, post-infarction conditions);
  3. oncological diseases or the rehabilitation period after their treatment;
  4. inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs;
  5. infectious diseases with fever;
  6. diabetes.

In these cases, the cold method is recommended. Absolute contraindications for any wrap are: injuries, damage and inflammatory skin diseases.

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  1. peripheral vessels spasm from the cold;
  2. toxins and waste begin to enter the central bloodstream, are neutralized in the liver and excreted by the kidneys.

Their use is justified for varicose veins, especially in people of “harmful” professions - sellers, hairdressers, surgeons who are on their feet for a long time.

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Best Recipes

The choice of products for wraps is huge. Each beauty salon offers its own “exclusive” option. How to choose the most effective? We have collected proven recipes that are easy to implement at home.

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Clay is a traditional cosmetic product. It has been used to improve the structure and color of the skin for several millennia. The longer the rock has been in the bowels of the earth and the more minerals it contains, the better. Blue, black, white - which clay fights cellulite better?

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Cosmetologists put it in first place. It is hypoallergenic and contains a large amount of minerals. The best variety of blue clay is considered to be Cambrian (it lies at a depth of at least 40 meters and dates back to the era of the Earth’s development of the same name). It has a high silicon content, which is capable of restoring connective tissue destroyed by cellulite.

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Also rich in microelements. Capable of starting the process of lipolysis in subcutaneous fat cells. Makes the skin elastic. Together with blue, it is widely used to get rid of cellulite, as it actively acts on tissue, penetrating deep under the skin.

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Used in facial cosmetology. Contains kaolin, which has a drying effect. Suitable for anti-cellulite wraps in cases of proneness to allergic reactions or skin irritation.

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How clay works

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Regardless of the type, it has the following effect:

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  1. cleanses the skin and opens pores - beneficial substances penetrate deeper into the tissues;
  2. removes water and toxins due to the ability of trace element cations to “attract” molecules to themselves;
  3. stimulates the breakdown of fats in cells;
  4. saturates skin cells with minerals that activate all metabolic processes (inhibit the aging process).

It is better to purchase clay at a pharmacy. Before use, it is simply diluted with warm water until a homogeneous pasty mass is obtained.

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No one will dispute the benefits and medicinal properties of honey. How does it reduce the appearance of orange peel?

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  1. increases blood circulation;
  2. supplies cells with many useful substances that improve metabolism;
  3. normalizes the water-salt balance of subcutaneous tissue;
  4. improves skin tone.

Honey is used both independently and in combination with other active substances. The main secret is how to distribute it over a large surface of the skin. To do this, the honey needs to be warmed up a little. Don’t get carried away; too high a temperature will neutralize the beneficial substances.

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Effective wraps in combination with other components:

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  1. With honey and mustard

We dilute mustard powder with warm water (ratio 1:1). Mix 2 parts of heated honey and one part of mustard solution. This is an excellent lipolysis stimulator, which makes the procedure doubly effective.

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Read more about the procedure in our article.

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  1. Coffee and honey

Supplements the composition with a scrub that quickly removes dead cells and opens pores. Mix coffee grounds and honey in equal proportions to the desired consistency. We use according to the general rules of wraps.

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  1. With essential oils

For 5 tablespoons add 3-4 drops of citrus, lemon, grapefruit, cypress oil. First you need to make sure that you do not have allergies.

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Honey is also combined with other means: milk and cream, alcohol, apple cider vinegar. This is a universal remedy for getting rid of cellulite.

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Caffeine is widely known as a metabolic stimulant. The process of fat breakdown is significantly accelerated. This can also be used to combat cellulite.

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  1. We take only natural coffee.
  2. Add warm water until you get a creamy consistency. The composition should not be too liquid and spread over the skin.
  3. We prepare various combinations: dilute it not with water, but with milk, add a little sea salt, drop citrus essential oil into the finished mixture, mix with red pepper powder, which further enhances blood circulation.

For wraps, not only black coffee is used, but also green coffee, which contains more microelements, vitamins and antioxidants.

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The ability of mustard to heat the entire body has been used for medicinal purposes for a long time. This is also useful for combating cellulite. It removes dead skin cells well, opening the pores. In combination with warming up, this triggers the main anti-cellulite mechanism - improving blood circulation and removing water and toxins through sweat.

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Recipe: dilute one glass of mustard powder (ready-made from the store is absolutely not suitable) with warm water to a thick consistency. We apply it like other anti-cellulite products.

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A special feature of this procedure is the characteristic burning sensation, which many people know from the action of mustard plasters. Therefore, we reduce the duration of the wrap to 15-20 minutes.

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Seaweed contains large amounts of iodine. It activates the processes of lipolysis (breakdown of fats). The additional content of microelements and vitamins improves skin nutrition and metabolism in cells, removes excess water from tissues.

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Recipe: dry seaweed is soaked in water. For hot wraps, you will need warm water (about 15-30 minutes), for cold wraps - with water at room temperature for 2-3 hours. For 100 g it takes about 1 liter. Use algae on its own or add honey, vinegar, essential oils or medicinal herbs to it.

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With capsicam


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A substance that is synthesized based on capsacin (the main component of chili peppers). Its main advantage is its strong warming effect. To combat the “orange peel”, this is what you need.

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The ointment is sold in pharmacies as a local treatment for radiculitis and osteochondrosis. The anti-cellulite effect is not described in the indications. Therefore, before using capsicam, it is better to consult a doctor.

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Tips for use:

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  1. To soften, mix with nourishing cream or olive oil in a ratio of 1:5. Otherwise, the burning sensation will be simply unbearable and you may get burned.
  2. Apply only to small, most problematic areas. Wrapping a large surface is contraindicated.
  3. The layer of the drug, unlike other recipes, should be thin.
  4. It is necessary to protect the mucous membranes, genitals, and eyes. Hands should be washed thoroughly after application.

It is difficult to endure the procedure. Even with the described method, the burning sensation will be strong. But such “torment” helps not only smooth out the skin, but also get rid of fat deposits.

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Important! Capsicam wraps on the abdominal area are contraindicated. Before first use, you need to test the product on a small area of ​​skin to determine the individual sensitivity of the body.


The cosmetic properties of vinegar have been used since ancient times. Our grandmothers often wore a shirt soaked in vinegar after a bath. This substance is safe and has no contraindications. An additional effect is strengthening the walls of blood vessels (small bruises and spider veins disappear).

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It is best to make wraps with apple cider vinegar prepared yourself:

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  1. grate half a kilogram of apples along with peel and seeds;
  2. pour half a liter of water, add rye crackers (10 g), honey (50 g), yeast (5 g);
  3. leave the jar in a warm, dark place for 10 days;
  4. stir daily;
  5. after that, pass the juice through cheesecloth, add 20 g of honey and leave until transparent.

Strain the finished vinegar again. The composition for wrapping is ready. It is diluted half with water, lubricated problem areas and, as usual, wrapped in cling film.

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With essential oils

A very pleasant procedure. The compositions of essential oils are very diverse: citrus, lavender, and juniper have proven themselves well. There are several ways to prepare the composition:

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  1. mix a few drops of any oil with 20 drops of base oil (for example, grape seed or olive);
  2. Combine 50 ml of jojoba oil with grapefruit oil (10 drops), cinnamon leaves (5 drops), juniper (10 drops), myrrh (5 drops);
  3. Add 10 ml of black coffee oil to 50 ml of grape seed oil.

The number of combinations of essential oils is limitless. All of them improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in skin cells, tone and remove excess fluid.

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In addition to traditional contraindications, individual intolerance and allergic reactions to certain essential oils should be taken into account. Before use, you should test them on a small area of ​​skin.

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