Anti-wrinkle cream


Cosmetics from Evalar improve the condition of the skin and give it radiance

Taking care of your skin and appearance today has become a simple and commonplace procedure, thanks to the variety of cosmetics from different manufacturers. For a long time, foreign brand companies were considered the reference and, accordingly, the most expensive. Gradually, our attention is drawn to domestic companies that are not inferior in product quality, and the pricing policy for cosmetics is much more attractive. Such manufacturers include the Altai company Evalar.

In its extensive range you can find many different beauty and health products. Among them, face creams have gained great popularity and positive reviews due to their natural ingredients and high efficiency.

Laura line of products for your beauty


Laura skin care products

The Laura cosmetics series from Evalar is a whole complex of creams, tonics, serums and oral preparations, which are combined by the presence of peptide components.

Interesting: peptides are special amino acid compounds that are very small in size, due to which they easily penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and help it recover and become healthier.

The instructions for the line products promise the following results:

  1. the skin becomes more elastic, moisturized, elastic;
  2. wrinkles become less visible or disappear altogether;
  3. complexion improves;
  4. skin texture becomes more even and smooth;
  5. The natural production of hyaluronic acid and collagen is activated.

Let's look at the most popular products from Evalar.

Anti-aging cream with peptides


Anti-wrinkle cream with hyaluronic acid

Laura face cream from Evalar has a rejuvenating effect. It contains peptides, hyaluronic acid, wild yam extract, vitamins A, E, plant phospholipids, panthenol and other auxiliary components.

The manufacturer assures that it can be used at any age - young girls - to prevent age-related changes, older girls - as an anti-aging drug.

Important: many dermatologists and cosmetologists recommend that girls under 25-30 years old not use cosmetics to combat wrinkles and skin aging, since at this age the body itself still produces a sufficient amount of collagen and hyaluronic acid to restore the epidermis.

Benefits of anti-aging cream Laura from Evalar:

  1. saturates the epidermis with moisture, with the help of which the fat layer is restored as a natural protective barrier;
  2. straightens the oval of the face, corrects sagging contours;
  3. wrinkles become less noticeable and less deep, the skin becomes smoother;
  4. improves color;
  5. protects from the external environment;
  6. removes skin irritation, relieves redness;
  7. has an affordable price.

Eye contour cream


Serum for delicate skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is very different, it has a thinner structure and is more prone to wrinkles. Therefore, caring for her should be special.

Eye contour cream with peptides is designed specifically for this delicate area of ​​the face. It contains hyaluronic acid, peptides, vegetable oils, butcher's broom extract, vitamins and other components.

This product smoothes wrinkles or makes them less noticeable, removes bruises, dark circles and puffy “bags” under the eyes, strengthens and rejuvenates the skin.

Interesting: to achieve a better and lasting effect, cosmetologists recommend using the product in combination with other Laura cosmetics, as well as taking dietary supplements (after 30 years).

With regular and correct use, a positive result will be noticeable within a month.



Facial product with sun protection factor SPF 50+

The effect of active sunlight on the skin is negative and leads to rapid fading and aging. Ultraviolet radiation destroys skin collagen and elastin, causing wrinkles to appear faster. And sunburns themselves bring a lot of trouble in the form of unwanted pigmentation.

Sunscreen SPF 50+ protects the skin from the negative effects of the sun and the appearance of freckles. It should be applied half an hour before going outside.

Important: sunscreen SPF 50+ not only protects from ultraviolet radiation, but also has other functions - moisturizing and anti-aging care.

This versatility of this product makes it indispensable in a woman’s handbag. In addition, Laura SPF 50+ cream can also be used as a makeup base.

Among other types of popular cosmetics, we should remember other products: serum, anti-aging tonic, thermal water, Time Expert cream, Qi-Clim, tablets.

Sabelnik Evalar - a remedy for joints


Among the company's best-selling products are not only skin cosmetics. Among these is cinquefoil for joints.

Sabelnik cream from Evalar belongs to medicinal cosmetics. Its main active ingredient is tincture of cinquefoil rhizomes.

Russian scientists are conducting clinical studies of the properties of this plant and have already identified the following positive effects:

  1. relieves inflammation in rheumatoid and reactive arthritis;
  2. reduces pain, swelling in joints, normalizes muscle tone;
  3. helps reduce the amount of anti-inflammatory drugs during treatment, including hormonal ones;
  4. no serious side effects were identified.

Important: marsh cinquefoil is a medicinal plant that contains many useful active substances, including tannins, thanks to which preparations based on it relieve inflammation, reduce pain, and promote tissue restoration of the skeletal system.

There are practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the drug or its components.

Mastofit for women


Another popular product of the company is Mastofit cream from Evalar. This is not a drug, it is used as an additional remedy in the treatment of mastopathy and other problems with the mammary glands.

Many women are familiar with this disease, in which there is an inflammatory process in the mammary glands, pain, swelling, fever and other unpleasant symptoms.

Mastophyte has a relieving effect:

  1. reduces pain and heaviness in the chest;
  2. relieves swelling;
  3. normalizes hormonal balance in a woman’s body;
  4. strengthens the body's protective functions;
  5. has a preventive effect against other breast diseases, etc.

Important: Mastofit is not an independent remedy; it is recommended to be used in combination with other medications prescribed by the treating doctor.

Many positive reviews indicate that Evalar creams meet quality standards, are effective and affordable.


The modern cosmetics market is overflowing with various types of anti-aging creams, emulsions and facial serums. Every month new products appear with even more advanced compositions. Manufacturers compete with each other to attract buyers.

Description and composition of the product

Cream Laura from the company Evalar combines all the latest developments in medical cosmetology. His the composition is enriched with components, which not every elite analogue of a leading foreign company can boast of.

It contains both active substances and additional ones:

  1. Hyaluronic acid. This powerful moisturizer is found in all anti-aging products. Under its influence, collagen production is stimulated.
  2. Wild yam extract affects metabolic processes in the upper layer of the epidermis.
  3. Vitamin P provides protection to plant cells.
  4. Vitamin C is involved in the regeneration of the skin and makes it invulnerable to ultraviolet rays.
  5. Phospholipids, along with hyaluronic acid, moisturize the skin and regulate its water balance.
  6. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant that neutralizes the effects of free radicals.


One of the main components of Laura cosmetics is a peptide complex. This substance was developed in cosmetic laboratories in Switzerland. Its unique properties can reduce the depth of wrinkles by 30%. By constantly using a cream with peptides, you can significantly increase the elasticity of your facial skin, as well as improve its color.

The composition contains flavorings, thickeners and preservatives as additional components:

  1. Ethanol.
  2. Carbopol.
  3. Distilled water.
  4. Flavoring.
  5. Stearate.

Thanks to such a rich composition, Laura cream perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, making it elastic and fresh. In the fight to preserve youth Skin hydration plays a vital role. If it is sufficient, with a long-lasting effect, then the results will not take long to arrive. Under the influence of hyaluronic acid, the skin is filled with moisture and noticeably smoothed.

Rules for using anti-wrinkle cream


In order for the cosmetic product to work, it must be used for at least two months. Apply morning and evening in small quantities to a clean face, previously cleansed of cosmetics with foam and lotion. You can start using this cream from the age of 26, since it is from this age that the process of skin withering begins and the first expression wrinkles appear on the forehead or in the nasolabial folds.

Pay special attention to the area around the eyes. Gently squeeze the contents onto the lower eyelid and use your lungs to massage it over the entire surface. After a short time, you will notice a decrease in the depth of the “rays” under the eyes, and with prolonged use they disappear completely.

Reviews of Laura cream from Evalar advise using it also for the delicate skin of the neck and chest, where there are very few sweat glands and the surface is practically devoid of fat. This part of the body often ages before the face and betrays a woman’s age.

Contraindications and warnings


Laura is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. In case of individual intolerance to components and sensitivity.
  2. Not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  3. The cream is not applied to irritated skin with open wounds and ulcers.
  4. Side effects include dryness and redness.

It is produced in tubes weighing 30 g. Store it at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees during two years.

Reviews of the cosmetic product

Many people are happy to leave their reviews about this product.


I have long been looking for some more or less effective anti-aging product for the skin around the eyes. My previous experience with herbal products did not give the expected results, so I switched to other cosmetics in this segment. I decided to try a cream with peptides. Manufacturers do not indicate their concentration in cosmetics. But I liked the composition of this particular product. I was amused by the packaging - a huge cardboard box for a small 15 ml tube.

Now about the product itself. Evalar eye contour cream with peptides has a pleasant texture and medium fat content. Well moisturizes the skin around the eyelids. I put makeup on it, and there were no unpleasant reactions. The makeup stayed on well and didn’t smear because the cream absorbed well and fairly quickly. But the moisturizing effect does not go away. There was no allergic reaction.

Within a month of use, I noticed a slight reduction in the crow's feet around my eyes. The cream has not yet had the promised effect on dark circles under the eyes. Because circles under the eyes are more of a metabolic problem than a cosmetic one. In general, I liked the cream. I will continue to use it.

For a long time I couldn’t choose a present for my mother for her professional holiday and quite by chance I came across Laura sunscreen, moisturizing and rejuvenating cream. According to the instructions, the cream contains a Swiss complex of sunscreen filters. This complex is able to prevent the adverse effects of the sun, which causes premature aging of the facial skin. Mom appreciated the gift, noting the tenderness and smoothness of the skin. Over time, even the skin tone became almost uniform and slightly lightened. Thank you Evalar for the opportunity to make your loved ones happy!

I ordered Evalar “Lora” cosmetics online. I found out about her on TV. The package arrived. It contained face cream, serum with mesoscooter, hand cream, eye cream, and toner. Started using it. I immediately liked the smell, no allergies were detected, the cream was absorbed quickly. Two weeks of use have passed, fine wrinkles simply disappeared, the skin became lighter, softer, younger. After a month, pigment spots almost disappeared, deep wrinkles on the forehead became less noticeable, and the skin of the eyelids became elastic. I am very pleased with the quality of the cosmetics, and they also have a very reasonable price.

I would like to share my experience of using anti-aging face cream with Laura peptides from the company Evalar. A couple of years ago, one of my friends ordered a gift for her birthday - a set of Laura products. I went to the pharmacy to get her a gift and grabbed one face cream for myself. And I still use it to this day.

I will not describe its composition and action in detail, everything can be found on the Internet, I will write my feelings. It is written that it smooths out wrinkles, restores the structure and elasticity of the skin. I’ll say right away that no magic happened with the disappearance of wrinkles.

The cream smells nice, is easy to apply and smears very well, which allows you to use less of it. It seems like a small tube of 30 g in total, but it lasts me more than a month when used 2 times a day.

I really like the feeling on the skin after applying it, you immediately feel hydration, softness, elasticity, as if the skin even breathes more freely. The cream itself is very light, absorbs quickly and does not leave an oily sheen.

Another plus is the affordable price. Around 360 rubles. For such a price it is quite good.

The description is valid on 29.04.2015

  1. Latin name: LORA
  2. Active substance: Peptide complexes, hyaluronic acid, vitamin complex
  3. Manufacturer: ZAO Pharmaceutical Company "Evalar" (Russia)


Cream Laura Evalar: hyaluronic acid, L-carnosine, liposentol multi (complex A, E, F vitamins and plant phospholipids), soybean oil, wild yam extract, lipoderm 4/1, peptide complexes, soluble collagen with elastin, Tera-vital (complex of DMAE and alpha-lipoic acid), alcohol ethyl, glycerin, d-panthenol, emulsifier T-8, dipropylene glycol, triethanolamine, lecithin, carbopol, euxyl K 300, PEG-40 stearate, aromatic composition, water.

Compound tablets Laura Evalar: 1 tablet contains: wild yam extract, hyaluronic acid, active substances: vitamin E, vitamin C.

Compound Laura Serums: SYN-HYCAN® – tripeptide, SYN-COLL® – component, REGU®-AGE complex, L – carnosine, third generation hyaluronic acid NovHyal®, Liposentol multi (vitamin complex), Pentavitin®, Aloe vera gel, D -panthenol, soybean oil, water.

Release form

Tablets of 1, 2 g, No. 36, cardboard packaging (dietary supplement).

Laura Hand cream (tube 50 g).

Laura Face cream with peptides (tube 30 g).

Laura Serum (tube 30 ml) in cardboard packaging.

pharmachologic effect

Peptide (tripeptide And dipeptide) complexes – enhance the synthesis of hyaluronates and collagen fibrillogenesis and protect collagen from destruction.

Hyaluronic acid — promotes enhanced collagen synthesis, deeply moisturizes the skin.

Wild Yam Extract - stimulates the production of growth hormone and protein synthesis in the subcutaneous layer.

Vitamin E – participates in the processes of tissue respiration, antioxidant, improves protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, participates in the regeneration of skin cells.

Vitamin C - enhances collagen synthesis, protects skin from UV radiation, slows down skin aging, accelerates damage healing.

Vitamin F - improves the epidermal barrier of the skin.

Phospholipids – regulate skin pH and are a natural moisturizing factor.

The complex effect of the treatment is manifested by increased skin elasticity, a reduction in the severity and depth of wrinkles by 30%, and an improvement in complexion.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacokinetics - data not presented.

Indications for use

  1. Laura Evalar tablets as a dietary supplement, as a source peptides, hyaluronic acid, vitamins.
  2. Anti-aging cream and serum with peptides for cosmetic care of the skin of the hands and face at the first clinical signs of skin aging.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, breastfeeding, pregnancy.

It is not recommended to use the serum if there is inflammation, benign formations on the skin acne.

Can not use mesoscooter on irritated or infected skin, fungal infections, severe acne, herpes, psoriasis.

Side effects

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Cream: Apply a small amount of cream to clean skin of the face or hands and massage until it is completely absorbed. Women under 30 years of age are recommended to repeat the procedure once daily as needed. Can be used on any skin type. Women over 30 years old who already have static wrinkles are recommended to use the cream 2 times a day - morning and evening.

Tablets Laura Evalar, instructions for use: adults over 30 years of age to prevent the formation of wrinkles, 1 tablet per day with meals. For a more pronounced effect, it is recommended to combine the use of the cream with taking Laura tablets.

Serum Laura with mesoscooter: using cotton pads, gently wipe the serum onto cleansed facial skin, excluding lips and the area around the eyes. After this, continue the procedure with a mesoscooter. Skin treatment must be carried out in stages.

First, roll the mesoscooter with gentle movements without pressure from bottom to top, then to the right and left diagonally - from the inside of the eyebrow to the upper outer part of the forehead. In the middle of the forehead, movements are carried out vertically upward.

Cheeks and cheekbones (exclude the nose area) - move the mesoscooter diagonally from the nasolabial folds towards the temples.

Chin and neck. Move the mesoscooter from the middle of the chin towards the cheekbones.

The neck is treated with vertical soft movements from top to bottom. Immediately after the session, reapply a thin layer of Laura serum. The total duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes. It is better to use in courses, duration 10 - 12 procedures every 3-4 months.



Terms of sale

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature no higher than 25°C and no lower than 0°C out of the reach of children.

Best before date


The active ingredient hyaluronic acid contains: KWC hyaluronic acid tablets, pills Lifting complex with hyaluronic acid Doppel Herz, pills Solgar.

Cream with hyaluronic acid Evelyn, Merz cream mousse, Cream D'Oliva, Libriderm And Vichy.

Reviews about Laura Evalar

Reviews about the Laura line of drugs from Evalar are contradictory, but mostly positive. Especially good reviews about cream. Women note improvement in skin condition and smoothing of fine wrinkles. Many people talk about improving complexion and increasing its elasticity. However, some women talk about the absence of any positive effect, although they did not feel any negative effects on themselves.

Especially it concerns tablets Laura. But Laura Evalar tablets, reviews of which are positive from doctors, indicate that in order to get a cumulative effect, I need to drink less than two packs of tablets. In addition, for a more pronounced effect it is necessary to combine the use cream And serum with taking Laura tablets.

Many positive reviews about Laura serum with mesoscooter. This procedure allows you to quickly make your facial skin tightened, moisturized, elastic and healthy.

Price, where to buy

You can buy Laura medications from Evalar in pharmacies in Moscow and other Russian cities. The price of tablets is 270 rubles - 296 rubles, hand cream 250 - 334 rubles, face cream - 349-527 rubles. Price of serum Laura mesoeffect Evalar with mesoscooter 572 rub. – 620 rub.