Eye cream for young skin

Girls, please advise! I want to get a cream/gel for young (I’m 20 years old) skin around the eyes. Required effect: moisturizing + brightening of dark circles (optional) + a good base for corrector/foundation. Thank you all very much in advance! :)

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Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Look at Klint's creams, they are very good. And very budget-friendly, mega good cream from the company Rose of Bulgaria. There is this company in the city. I can say for sure that it is better than Vichy and La Roche pose.

Look at Klint's creams, they are very good. And very budget-friendly, mega good cream from the company Rose of Bulgaria. There is this company in the city. I can say for sure that it is better than Vichy and La Roche pose.

Christina is an Israeli cosmetics, but it is not sold in stores, you need to order it or buy it in a salon (it’s more expensive in a salon)

I’m 21. For this purpose I use Bioderma from the Red Line for sensitive skin, a light moisturizing cream.

Eyelid cream (for the area around the eyes) is a separate category of care products. Some of the FACE care products can serve as a basis for daily makeup. Because the skin near the eyes is different in structure.
However, there is plenty to choose from. Everything is made exclusively in Switzerland.
For the eye area (for your age)
1) 120680 DEESSE Eye cream Q10, 15 ml
This eye cream from Deesse is suitable for all skin types. Exclusive Deesse technology, used in the development and production of Q10 eye cream, allows you to restore all metabolic functions of the epidermis. The cream significantly increases the elasticity of the skin around the eyes, smoothing out the microrelief of facial wrinkles. Perfectly moisturizes, softens, relieves swelling under the eyes
2) 121810 DEESSE Cream for eyelids and areas around the eyes based on apple stem cells, 15 ml
Suitable for all skin types. Recommended for use after 30 years. You can start using this eye cream earlier. Deesse eye cream significantly improves the elasticity of the skin around the eyes, smoothing out the microrelief of facial wrinkles. Perfectly strengthens, moisturizes and softens the delicate skin around the eyes
3) 120730 DEESSE Energetic eye cream, 15 ml
Energetic eye cream effectively protects the delicate skin around the eyes from the effects of free radicals.
Actively promotes restoration of damaged skin cells. At the same time moisturizes and strengthens the skin structure. Collagen and elastin structural elements tighten and smooth the skin. Deesse eye cream reduces puffiness and dark circles under the eyes


For some reason, most women believe that they should start using eye cream after 35 years. They say that it is during this period that the elasticity and natural hydration of the skin in this area is lost, and it is necessary to nourish it. Cosmetologists assure: the sooner you start taking care, the longer you can maintain youth and avoid facial wrinkles. If you consciously take care of your skin from a young age, you can overcome your genetic predisposition to early aging.

It must be remembered that under the skin of the eyelids there is practically no subcutaneous fat, little muscle, the upper layer of the dermis is thin and sensitive to irritation, so an overly aggressive composition of cosmetic preparations can lead to allergies or inflammation. And you need to be as careful as possible in choosing the right product.

10 best eye creams










How to choose the right eye cream

Creams for the skin around the eyes, more than caring face creams, are saturated with active ingredients and, as a rule, are aimed at solving several problems. Therefore, before making a purchase, you need to understand what exactly we will be fighting with: crow’s feet, dark circles under the eyes, increased dry skin, age-related changes. Moreover, the modern beauty industry is ready to offer a rich selection with a wide range of active substances.

For the area around the eyes, the cream can be selected in the same way as for the face: day and night. Only the daytime one will be lighter and moisturizing, and the nighttime one will be nourishing, caring, with a large number of active ingredients.

1. Always pay attention to the age label on the packaging. Buy only the one that suits your age category. At the age of 25, there is no need to use an anti-aging product intended for those who have already crossed the 45 mark. At a young age, the ideal option is a gel-based cream that moisturizes the skin well.

At 30 - 40 years old, the skin already requires maintaining elasticity, giving firmness, nutrition and hydration, so you can already look towards products containing hyaluronic acid and collagen. Cosmetologists recommend creams containing grape seed and avocado oils.

After 40 years, beauty experts advise placing creams with a lifting effect on your dressing table, which tighten the skin, smooth out wrinkles, and even out the relief. Anti-age creams most often contain fruit acids, retinol, hyaluronic acid, vitamins and lipids.

2. The cream must undergo ophthalmological control; this information is always indicated on the label. And, of course, look at the expiration date. Often good creams “live” no more than 6 months after opening due to the content of fewer irritating preservatives and more natural ingredients.

3. It is better not to apply too greasy creams at night - this can lead to swelling. This is because the oily texture forms a film on the skin. A greenhouse effect occurs, which causes the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues.

How to apply eye cream correctly

First you need to cleanse your skin and thoroughly remove traces of makeup. Important: the eyelid product is used after the serum and concentrate, but strictly before the face cream.

  1. You shouldn’t squeeze a lot of cream out of the tube; one pea-sized drop is enough.

Any cream or gel on the skin spreads within a radius of about 1 cm. When we apply the cream close to the eyelashes, it reaches the eyelash contour and into the eye itself. Because of this, irritation or swelling occurs, so the product must be applied to the orbital bones, and in no case to the mobile upper eyelid or to the bags under the eyes. The cream is applied around the protruding bone in a circular motion, starting from the temple to the bridge of the nose.

It is better to apply the cream with your ring finger; cosmetologists say that only it performs movements of minimal force. You need to act carefully so as not to stretch the thin skin. Do not rub in under any circumstances!

You need to use the cream 2-3 hours before bedtime so that there is no swelling or edema in the morning.

What composition should be in an eye cream?

  1. Vitamins of group K. They are an excellent antioxidant that retain moisture in the cells of the dermis and help make bruises under the eyes less noticeable, and strengthens capillaries well.
  1. Tea extracts. Another effective antioxidant with long-lasting anti-inflammatory effects.

Coenzyme Q10 controls the energy production of cells and protects the skin from sunburn.

Hyaluronic acid. Restores the skin well and strengthens the protective function of the skin.

Cornflower hydrolate. Reduces dark circles, relieves puffiness and inflammation, affects small wrinkles.

Ceramides. Fights skin dehydration. Softens and improves skin elasticity.

Peptides are essential fighters against fine wrinkles and promote the production of collagen and elastin.

Herbal extracts: chamomile, tea, cucumber, calendula. These components have a soothing effect on the surface of the skin.

Kinetin delays the appearance of wrinkles and prevents skin pigmentation. Jojoba, grape seed, apricot, almond, and avocado oils nourish the hydrolipid layer well.

Hydroxic acids remove the surface layer of dead skin cells and speed up the process of the appearance of a new layer of skin. But in combination with this substance, the composition must include a sunscreen.

Copper peptides enhance the effect of antioxidants and stimulate the process of producing your own collagen.

No matter how hard manufacturers try to identify the beneficial properties of creams, they still have to be selected experimentally. After all, each person’s skin reaction is individual. As for skincare products for beginner beauties, everything is simple - a few rules, a couple of wishes and expression lines will recede. How to choose eye cream for young skin? Or maybe it’s better to make it yourself?

Early wrinkles or it seemed?

Until the age of 20, girls' skin is of the teenage type. This has its pros and cons. Inflammation and excessive greasiness are disadvantages. And freshness, elasticity, beauty are huge advantages. To keep your skin smooth for many years, facial care starts from a young age. There are products specifically for young skin. Their main functions: sun protection, as well as a calming effect and light moisturizing. Here is the ideal composition of a ready-made eye cream for young skin:

  1. UV filter (SPF-1–15);
  2. soothing plant extracts (green tea, aloe, chamomile, green tea);
  3. a small amount of oils.

From 15 to 20

Girls from 15 to 20 years old can get by with skincare gel. It is important that your eyelids are not prone to puffiness (“bags”), otherwise gels will worsen the problem.

What to do

  1. Cleanse your skin of makeup every evening.
  2. Eating is not only tasty, but also healthy.
  3. Get enough sleep (yes, yes!).
  4. Treat the skin of the eyelids very carefully, according to all the rules (more on this below).

What not to do

  1. Use an eye cream intended for the entire face.
  2. Apply products designed for older women.
  3. Buy creams with hormones.

Why is it important? For example, moisturizing and nourishing face creams can clog the ducts in the skin of the eyelids. Millet milia, even barley - this is the sad result of such procedures.

There are components in age-related products that the skin is also not yet able to appreciate. For example, retina accustoms the young dermis to “doping”, then it will be very difficult to fight wrinkles! Hyaluronic acid, as well as collagen, provoke the formation of bags under the eyes. Whitening and exfoliating acids irritate the eyelids and cause allergies.

Skin care products are changed every 4 months. This will help avoid addiction and allergies.

After 20

Girls over 20 years old sometimes notice... A slight hint, no more... Cobwebs when smiling, small folds, swelling. Are these wrinkles or not? It's possible that yes. Early wrinkles are caused by the following factors:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Dry eyelid skin.
  3. Active facial expressions.
  4. Incorrect decorative and skin care cosmetics.
  5. Lifestyle.
  6. Bad habits, etc.

It’s easy to prevent and even remove the cobwebs of early wrinkles. As a matter of fact, we all know how to do this, but we don’t attach much importance to it.

  1. Drink clean water - about 2 liters per day.
  2. Sleep 8 hours straight.
  3. Eat right.
  4. Quit bad habits.
  5. Take a course of vitamins and minerals.
  6. Start doing exercises.
  7. Give free rein only to positive emotions (if there are wrinkles, then only from a smile).

Masks, compresses, cosmetic ice made from natural ingredients work very well at this age.

How to apply eye cream correctly. Memo

Recipes for eye creams to prevent wrinkles

Homemade creams are stored in the refrigerator. Their lifespan is about a week. It is very important to adhere to technology, then everything will work out.


Mix the following ingredients:

  1. fruit pulp (2 parts);
  2. berry pulp (2 parts);
  3. vegetable oil (1 part);
  4. yolk (1 pc.);
  5. alcohol solution of camphor (1 part);
  6. honey.

Berries and fruits are rubbed through a sieve to get rid of hard particles. Add honey, yolk, then a little. They rub it. Pour in alcohol and stir again.


This eye cream for young skin is prepared extremely simply and from simple ingredients. Mix the following ingredients:

  1. beeswax (1 part);
  2. carrot juice (3 parts);
  3. vegetable oil (1 part);
  4. yolk (2 pcs.).

Beat the yolks with carrot juice. Enter the remaining ingredients. Let it harden. Store in the refrigerator.


  1. lard (50 ml);
  2. camphor oil (50 ml).

Melt the fat in a water bath. Pour in camphor oil. Stir and let set. Store in the refrigerator. Apply to eyelids 2 times a week in the evening. The cream is kept for 15 minutes, then the remains are blotted with a napkin.


This cream prevents the appearance of wrinkles, as well as active aging of the skin.

  1. linseed oil (1 tbsp.);
  2. camphor alcohol (150 ml);
  3. honey (1 tbsp);
  4. cream (200 ml);
  5. lemons (2 pcs.);
  6. yolks (3 pcs.);
  7. boiled water (250 ml).

First mixture: grind the yolks with butter, pour in the cream and stir again.

Second mixture. Squeeze lemon juice into a separate container and strain it. Chop the remaining zest and place it in a non-metallic jar and fill it with hot water. Let it brew for 2 hours, strain. mix lemon juice, honey and zest infusion. Add the second mixture into the first mixture, stirring constantly. Slowly pour in the camphor alcohol. Mix everything thoroughly and pour into a bottle. Bring the volume to 500 ml. Shake before application. Store in the refrigerator.

Video. Folk remedies for wrinkles around the eyes

Cosmetologists claim that aging of the skin of the eyelids begins at 22–24 years. The main reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon lie in emotions and dry skin around the eyes. And also because of the structural features of the muscles around the eyes. It is impossible to cure expression lines, but it is not difficult to prevent them. Go for it!