Treatment of corrosive non-putrefactive ulcers

The general rule for the treatment of corrosive malignant ulcers is to cleanse the body, and if the body is clean, then cleanse only the diseased organ with cupping or leeching, and change its nature through ointments and improved nutrition. Do not put off or delay this, for delay   increases the malignancy of the ulcers. Sometimes the spread of corrosion forces the diseased organ to be cut off.

For corrosive ulcers that are not accompanied by putrefaction, pouring with cold water, myrtle juice, rose water, the juice of a shepherd's staff or astringent wine helps, if there is no heat, if there is fever, then with vinegar diluted with rose water or a large amount of fresh water, or pouring with other similar cooling and drying liquids. If there is putrefaction, water with sea water and other liquids, which we will talk about in the paragraph on rotting ulcers.

Further, the best way to treat corrosive ulcers is the use of astringent, drying and cooling substances, for example, pomegranate peels, lentils, mastic leaves, rose seeds, acacia or myrtle seeds, and also pourings in which these substances are included, these medicines are strengthened by a small admixture alum and the like. They also use dressings made from Rum clay mixed with vinegar or sikanjubin, or from burnt dry pumpkin, from large plantain with oatmeal or fresh olive leaves.