Medicines for broken bones

Fractures are treated with the hand, which we will talk about later, and also with medicines useful for broken bones and sprains, which we will mention now.

Ointment for the treatment of fractures and sprains. Take mugas and shelled mung bean - ten parts each, myrtle, sabur, white marshmallow, akakiya - five parts each, Armenian clay - twenty parts and smear it with egg white, if there is a hot tumor.

They also take leaves of tamarisk, cypress, myrtle and willow, pound, squeeze and use.

They also take sukkah, roses, narcissus bulbs, myrrh, babilun, red sandalwood, Armenian clay, incense, areca palm fruits, fragrant cane, marshmallow, mung bean, acacia, sweet clover, and marjoram. Add more roses to this, and if warming is required, then add marjoram with elecampane and cypress.

Description of a useful remedy for fractures and sprains with hot swelling. They take shelled mung bean - twenty dirhams, mugas, pomegranate flowers and akakiya and apply a medicinal bandage from this. This is a very powerful remedy. Such medicines also include myrtle leaves, frankincense, sukk, saffron, and clay.

Another excellent remedy for crushing and relaxation, useful for fractures, sprains and dislocations