Lisan as-savr - oxwort, borage

It is an herb with broad leaves, like horsemint, that are rough to the touch. The stems of its woody parts are similar to the legs of locusts, and the color is between green and yellow.

You should use Khorasan oxwort - thick-leaved, the leaves of which are dotted with dots that serve as the basis for thorns or for a fluff free from thorns. As for the cowwort found in these places, which is used by doctors, it is, for the most part, a genus of Marwa. This is not oxwort and does not provide its beneficial effects.

Close to balanced in terms of warmth and has a slight warmth. It stands at the end of the first degree in relation to humidity. Dry cow grass is less moist. The Khuzistani people say: “It is cold, wet at the end of the second degree,” but this is far from the truth.

Organs of the head.
Burnt cowwort removes kula in children and soothes inflammation in the mouth. Volovik itself also acts in the same way, but only to a weaker degree.

Respiratory system.
Volovik cheers up, strengthens the heart, is very good for melancholy and heart problems from wine, as well as black gall diseases. Some drink cowwort with Armenian clay in the amount of two dirhams for hot heart failure. It helps with cough and roughness of the pulmonary tube, especially boiled and in water sweetened with honey and sugar.