Homemade face masks with starch for wrinkles after 50 years

Every woman at any age wants to look young. So that age remains just a number and the face always remains like that of an 18-year-old. If you take care of your facial skin incorrectly, it will remain just a dream. Unfortunately, it is impossible to stop the aging process, you can only pause time, and starch-based masks will help us with this. These masks are very popular for women over 50 years old, as they can be easily made by yourself at home. They are very easy to prepare and give an amazing, stunning effect. Starch-based masks are a natural and high-quality remedy for wrinkles that will prolong the youth of your skin. The mask perfectly replaces the effect of Botox, with no side effects observed.
For older ladies, it is recommended to use potato starch, since its consistency is thicker, and therefore its anti-aging abilities will be higher. It is also important to note that a starch-based procedure is much cheaper and more economical than salon procedures, and the effect will be the same if you add special auxiliary components that are suitable specifically for your skin type.

You will be able to notice the effect of this mask after the first procedures:

  1. you will see that your pores will cleanse,
  2. irritation will disappear,
  3. helps against pimples and acne,
  4. improve skin moisture,
  5. fine wrinkles, so-called “crow’s feet”, will be reduced
  6. a healthy glow will appear,
  7. pigments will disappear
  8. your skin will become smooth,
  9. complexion is evened out.

In order for your skin to rejuvenate, your face to tighten, and deep wrinkles to smooth out, you will need 4 to 5 courses with breaks.


  1. individual intolerance to components,
  2. cannot be used in the presence of open wounds.

Starch mask with lifting effect

Read the recipe for one of the most popular masks below, which has an amazing lifting effect, especially if you have oily and problematic skin. It should be applied both to the face and décolleté area. The mask perfectly cleanses the skin, refreshes and rejuvenates.


  1. potato starch - 1 tbsp,
  2. carrot juice - 5 tbsp,
  3. water - 1 glass,
  4. fermented milk product - 2 tbsp.


Step 1. Pour the starch into a bowl and pour in half a glass of water, mix everything thoroughly.

Step 2.Add the remaining half a glass of water, put it on the fire and bring it to the consistency of very thick sour cream.

Step 3. Next, add carrot juice and sour cream, mix everything well. This mass is enough for three applications. Therefore, we divide our mask into approximately three parts, we freeze 2 parts and use one.

Step 4. The finished mask should be applied to the face and décolleté, trying not to get it on the area around the eyes.

Step 5. After 10 minutes, rinse with water, or with herbal water. Recommended facial rejuvenation course: 18 masks. We give the skin a rest and repeat the course after a month and a half.

Toning starch face mask

The recipe for this mask has a tonic effect, the skin of the face becomes fresh, dull complexion and yellowness disappear. Kefir serves as an excellent whitening agent.


  1. dairy product, preferably kefir - 1 tbsp.,
  2. starch base - 1 part,
  3. egg, namely white - 1 piece.


Step 1. The first step is to separate the yolk from the white.

Step 2. Beat the whites into a light foam, add room temperature kefir and starch base, mix everything well.

Step 3. Apply the mask in a thin, even layer and leave for 20 minutes.

Step 4. As soon as you feel that the mixture has completely dried, perhaps less time will pass, you need to wash your face with water at room temperature, and apply cream if necessary.

Anti-wrinkle starch mask for oily and combination skin

This mask should be used for oily and combination skin. It perfectly adsorbs and tightens the facial contour.


  1. starch base - 1 part,
  2. warm water - 1 tsp,
  3. lemon juice - a couple of drops,
  4. egg - 1 piece.


Step 1. Separate the yolk from the white.

Step 2. We need protein, so we beat it slightly, add warm water, a couple of drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice and one part of the starch mass.

Step 3. Mix and apply to a washed face, leave the mask for 12 minutes.

Step 4. Wash with warm water and, if necessary, apply a cream appropriate to your skin type.

Anti-wrinkle starch mask for all facial skin types

A universal mask, the best product for all skin types. Fights many problems, deep wrinkles, lack of healthy shine on the face, perfectly nourishes and softens.


  1. egg yolk - 1 pc.,
  2. potato starch - 1 part,
  3. tomato - half,
  4. olive oil - 0.5 tsp.


Step 1. First of all, let's prepare the tomato pulp for the mask.

Step 2. Add the remaining ingredients according to the list to the prepared pulp, mix everything well until smooth.

Step 3. Apply the miracle mask to the skin of the face with a brush, preferably not a metal one, and leave for 12-18 minutes.

Step 4. Wash off the mask thoroughly with warm water, since it contains oil, you will have to wash off the mask thoroughly so that the oily shine goes away.

Based on starch, you can make not only masks, but also scrubs.

Scrubs fight well:

  1. with cleansing
  2. tighten pores
  3. brightens the skin,
  4. cope with both fine and deep wrinkles.

Anti-wrinkle facial scrub with starch and linden honey

After using this scrub, the skin will noticeably increase its elasticity. The procedure also has a smoothing effect.


  1. sea ​​salt - 1-2 tsp.
  2. linden honey -1.5 tsp,
  3. starch - 1 part,
  4. milk - 1 tsp.


Step 1. Combine all ingredients in a non-metallic bowl, mix vigorously with a non-metallic brush.

Step 2. Gently apply with massage movements to the skin of the face, do not massage the skin around the eyes.

Step 3. Afterwards you should leave the mask on for 20 minutes.

Step 4. Before rinsing, massage your face again.

Since the recipe for this scrub is suitable for absolutely all skin types, after using it you should apply a cream suitable for your skin type.

Anti-wrinkle facial scrub with starch and sea salt

This scrub recipe can be used for oily and combination skin. After using the scrub mask, the skin becomes smooth and velvety.


  1. sea ​​salt - 1 tsp,
  2. soda - 0.5 tsp,
  3. starch - 1 part,
  4. slightly carbonated mineral water - 1 tsp,
  5. cleanser - 1 tsp.


Step 1. We recommend moisturizing your face before using the scrub.

Step 2. If the sea salt is too coarse, you will need to grind it.

Step 3. Place some of the starch in a non-metallic bowl and add the cleaning agent. The cleanser should suit your skin type.

Step 4. Add mineral water, salt and soda to the mixture and mix everything.

Step 5. Gently apply the resulting mixture using massage movements along the massage lines to the skin of the face.

Step 6. Leave the mask on your face for 10 minutes.

After time, wash with herbal water and apply moisturizer.

A few rules for how to use a starch-based mask:

  1. Before each use of the mask, it is imperative that your skin be thoroughly cleansed. You should remove any remaining makeup from your face and rinse with warm water; you can use gels, tonics, foams, and milk.
  2. The mask or scrub should always be applied along the massage lines.
  3. It is very important that when you apply the mask to your face, you do not use your facial muscles.
  4. The mask is applied in 2-3 even layers.
  5. Rinse off the mask only with warm water.
  6. And under no circumstances should you use a mask if there are wounds, burns or scratches on your face.
  7. If the mask recipe contains vegetables or fruits, then you should make sure that they are fresh.
  8. For the best effect, you should massage your face before each use of the mask. It perfectly stimulates blood circulation.

And at 50 you can look good. Wrinkles can be easily dealt with using masks and scrubs, without resorting to surgery. We wish you to feel young and beautiful at any age.

Hello, dear ladies! Today I want to talk about my favorite super wrinkle remedy. If you read my blog regularly, you’ve probably already guessed what this product is. And, apparently, I’m not the only one who loves it, because even without me they call it “homemade Botox” - and it really can cause such an effect. So, meet: starch for the face against wrinkles.

Do you know this handsome guy? It's good if yes. But even if it’s not, now we’ll fix this matter!

Beauty salon in our kitchen

Starch is used not only for making jelly and flatbreads. It is even used in professional cosmetology. Masks from it:

  1. eliminate irritation;
  2. increase skin moisture;
  3. have a pronounced tightening effect;
  4. serve as an adsorbent, drawing out impurities from pores, helping against pimples and acne;
  5. care and nourish;
  6. matte;
  7. protect from the adverse effects of external factors.

The smoothing effect of starch on the skin is comparable only to the effect of Botox - but without its dangerous side effects.

Why does our skin love kitchen botox so much? And all thanks to the appropriate composition:

  1. Carbohydrates – nourish the skin of the face;
  2. Niacin – responsible for proper metabolic processes in cells;
  3. Choline normalizes sebum production;
  4. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, increases resistance to external influences;
  5. Iron improves the supply of oxygen to cells;
  6. Potassium helps get rid of edema and normalizes water-salt metabolism.
  7. Vitamins B and A act on collagen fibers, protect against adverse effects, and counteract inflammation.

Note: For the face, you can use both potato starch and corn starch. Potato has a thicker consistency, so its anti-aging abilities are higher. Corn starch is more suitable for young beauties, while older ladies are better off using potato starch.

Mask-mask, I know you

In masks, starch is used in two forms:

  1. dry powder,
  2. brewed paste.

With the powder, I think everything is clear. Add the ingredients to it (or to it) according to the recipe, and the mask is ready. The only advice: if you have dry skin, add oil to the composition. Unbrewed starch, although mild, still dries out the skin, and with oil you will soften this effect.

Brewing starch for a mask is much more effective. I prefer to do this in a water bath. And I never brew with just water. I have dry skin, so it’s mostly milk, but there are also herbal infusions.

My favorite mask

This is a recipe that is often used instead of Botox. The mask will help if you received an unexpected invitation to an important event and want your skin to look flawless.

A teaspoon of starch is dissolved in 50g of water (I like it thicker, so I take a spoonful with the top). Stir well and put on the fire (or, as I already said, in the bathhouse). Cook until you get a thick mass. Remove from heat and let our brew cool. Add sour cream (1 tsp) and freshly squeezed carrot juice - two tablespoons.

We apply it – maybe in a thicker layer – and in 20 minutes we turn into a young beauty with soft, silky, matte and elastic skin.

I admit honestly, sometimes I’m too lazy to squeeze carrot juice and make a mask without it. But believe me, even in this form it is a very effective mask.

Advice: even if you have nothing on hand, you can add any vitamin components to the brewed paste - mumiyo solution, aloe vera gel, vitamins in ampoules, honey. The main condition is that they must be suitable for your skin type and not cause allergies.

Video version of this mask:

For sensitive skin

If your skin is sensitive and prone to dryness, it needs a soothing mask. No problem! A mixture of milk, starch and vegetable oil (peach, or almond, or wheat germ oil) will cope with this. Everything is taken in equal proportions, thoroughly mixed and ground and kept on the skin for 10-15 minutes.

Attention! Before using starch masks (and any masks in general!), it is important to cleanse the skin very well, or better yet, exfoliate. In this case, the benefits of the mask will be immediately obvious.

Lifting effect

This is the most tightening of all tightening masks. What secret ingredient do you think we use in it? Well, of course, the lifting mask is made with egg. It can be prepared either based on starch paste or pure starch. For a tablespoon of starch (or our jelly) we take the same amount of kefir and one egg white.

We apply, think about beauty for 15 minutes, wash with warm water and look in the mirror. So how? The effect is wonderful, isn't it? You can just take “before and after” photos. To consolidate this effect, after the mask, wipe your face with a piece of cosmetic ice, and finally apply your favorite cream.

Regenerating film mask

Well, this is a super remedy! It is made on a double anti-aging basis: starch and gelatin. I have already written about the effect of gelatin on the skin of the face, read it. Therefore, you probably remember the basic principles of their preparation. Just in case, I repeat: 1 part of gelatin is dissolved in 6-8 tablespoons of water (or milk). We wait for the gelatin to swell and dissolve it completely in the bathhouse.

To two teaspoons of dissolved gelatin add one spoon of starch, beaten with egg yolk. Add 10 drops of wheat germ oil and 3-5 drops of tea tree oil. We hold it for 20 minutes, think about good things, relax our facial muscles.

Ready! We wash ourselves with warm water... Just don’t faint from happiness: the mask is very strong, smoothes out wrinkles, tightens the oval of the face, nourishes, restores. After 5-10 years, it immediately washes off the face.

Almost any ingredients can be added to starch masks. Don't forget about additional vitamin nutrition. Here, for example, is a banana mask.

Nourish the skin

Take a quarter of a banana for a tablespoon of dry starch (or ready-made paste). Grind and apply to face for 10 minutes. By the way, a banana is perfect for the face on its own, but in the company of our hero, we’ll get a double effect.

Note: I used banana as an example; in fact, you can add almost any fruit (and even vegetables). Just always make allowances for your skin type and possible allergic reactions.

Other starch products

What else can be made from starch that is beneficial for our skin? Well, for example, foam for washing. You know that I don’t use industrial foams. But the starch “wash” is probably suitable for everyone.

Cleansing foam

And that’s all it takes: dilute a little starch in cool or slightly warm water (a teaspoon per liter will be enough) - and off you go. Starch will create a thin protective film on the skin, protecting it from drying out, ultraviolet radiation and other evil forces of nature, soften the skin, and improve complexion.


This product not only eliminates small wrinkles and fights large ones, but also deeply cleanses, tones, tightens pores and slightly brightens the skin. Heroes of this product:

All scrub components are taken in equal proportions and mixed. Apply gently along the massage lines. Don't be too overzealous with massaging, you love your skin, right? That's the same!

Homemade powder

I myself have never prepared such a wonderful thing, but one of my friends highly recommended it. According to her, she now doesn’t use store-bought powder at all.

And making powder from starch is very simple. Gradually add cinnamon, nutmeg, or cocoa powder to two tablespoons of our main ingredient until you obtain the desired shade that matches your skin tone. My friend adds 1.5 tablespoons of cinnamon - and the tone is quite good.

At the end of each article I usually write about contraindications. Today I have nothing to write: there are simply no contraindications to the use of starch for cosmetic purposes, with the exception of individual intolerance.

So use any components on your face in combination with starch that do not cause you unwanted reactions. Look younger, look better and, of course, subscribe to blog updates and invite your friends to visit the blog.

After 50 years, wrinkles become clearly visible and the skin begins to lose elasticity and become flabby. Some women believe that at this age they can only regain their beauty and youth through plastic surgery, Botox or other cosmetic procedures.

But in fact, there are such effective homemade face masks that amazingly rejuvenate and tighten the skin.

Such rejuvenating masks, prepared with your own caring hands, will add radiance to your face and improve the texture of your skin. And if you apply them on a regular basis, the result will not take long to arrive. It will be more toned, wrinkles will disappear, and you will look much younger.


Below are recipes for masks, the main ingredients of which are starch, gelatin, glycerin and turmeric. These products are considered the best substitutes for “youth injections”.

Starch face masks against wrinkles after 50 years

As women age, they increasingly think about how to prolong their youth and even resort to plastic surgery or expensive and sometimes painful procedures in beauty salons. However, they do not suspect that instead of Botox, they can use simple potato starch. This white powder can replace various rejuvenation injections.

Masks with starch perfectly soften, whiten, nourish and tighten the oval of the face. They are suitable for any skin type and the effect will be different in each case. Dry skin, for example, will become smooth and velvety, while oily skin will become matte and less porous.

Regular use of starch masks also helps get rid of wrinkles.

Starch with carrot juice and sour cream

Here is a classic recipe for a rejuvenating mask with a Botox effect - it dries and tightens the skin. This effect will last a long time if applied regularly in courses. You will notice how your face begins to glow and smooth out.

  1. 1 tablespoon starch
  2. 50 ml water
  3. 1 tablespoon carrot juice
  4. 1 tablespoon sour cream
  1. First, the starch should be dissolved in water.
  2. Then lightly heat the resulting composition in a water bath until it forms a sticky form.
  3. Then let it cool and add a spoonful of carrot juice and sour cream.
  4. Apply the mixture in a thick layer to the skin for 20 minutes.

Starch with protein

This mask tightens the oval of the face, makes porous skin smooth and reduces its oiliness. But to achieve such a result, you also need to use it regularly.


  1. 1 tablespoon starch
  2. 1 egg white
  3. warm water
  4. 5 drops lemon juice (optional)
  1. Mix starch with protein and warm water until jelly-like.
  2. You can also add lemon juice.
  3. Apply this mixture to clean skin every other day.

Starch with olive oil

The mask has a pronounced tightening effect and whitens well. It also vitaminizes aging skin and increases its moisture.


  1. 1 tomato
  2. 1 egg yolk
  3. 1 teaspoon starch
  4. half a teaspoon of olive oil
  1. Take a tomato and remove the skin. Mash its pulp.
  2. Add all remaining ingredients.
  3. Gently spread the mask on the skin and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Afterwards, remove with water and apply nourishing cream to your face.
  5. The course is 2 times a week for a couple of months.

Recipe for a rejuvenating gelatin mask that tightens the oval of the face

Another effective way to reduce wrinkles on the face at home is a mask with gelatin. Why is gelatin useful for skin care, you ask. The thing is that it replenishes the deficiency of collagen, which the skin loses with age, causing it to sag.

As the gelatin mask dries, it adds moisture and nutrients that stimulate and promote collagen growth, and also heal damaged cells and improve elasticity.


Gelatin also absorbs dirt, sebum, dead cells and toxins that are on the surface of the skin. That's why it becomes so smooth after removing such a mask.

Mask with gelatin instead of Botox

  1. 1 tablespoon gelatin
  2. 2 tablespoons whole milk
  3. honey (optional)

In a small bowl, mix the gelatin and milk well until a thick, sticky mixture forms. Place the bowl in the microwave and heat for 15 seconds. This mass should be warm to the touch, not hot and not cold.

Additionally, you can add a tablespoon of honey. Mix well until the honey is completely dissolved.

When the mixture becomes thick and viscous, apply to the face, avoiding the eyebrows and skin around the eyes. Let the mixture dry for 15 minutes and then peel it off, starting at the bottom and working your way up.

By the way, before going outside after using this mask, be sure to apply sunscreen with SPF 30-45 on your face.

Homemade masks with glycerin and vitamin E for wrinkles

You don’t have to use expensive creams to make your skin glow and look moisturized and velvety. It’s better to go to your nearest pharmacy and buy just two inexpensive products - glycerin and vitamin E capsules.

Glycerin smoothes out microwrinkles well, which it fills with moisture and they don’t look so pronounced. This makes the face smoother and looks younger. It also evens out the color and makes the skin softer.

As for vitamin E, together with glycerin, it will only increase the effectiveness of the mask. This so-called “youth and beauty vitamin” has excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help fight free radicals and heal and repair damaged cells.


Currently, manufacturers are increasingly adding it as an ingredient to various cosmetic products, but it is still recommended to use it undiluted as a base for face masks to achieve maximum effect. You will see the result after the first week of use.

Mask with glycerin and vitamin E

  1. 2-3 drops of glycerin
  2. vitamin E capsule
  1. Mix glycerin with vitamin E oil.
  2. Dip a cotton swab into the mixture and wipe your face with it.
  3. Leave on for 15 minutes and then rinse with cool water.
  4. Use this mask 2 times a week.

With rose water

  1. 1 teaspoon glycerin
  2. 1 teaspoon rose water
  3. 1 capsule vitamin E
  1. Mix glycerin, rose water and vitamin E.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to a clean face and leave overnight or for 4-5 hours.
  3. Then rinse with water and dry the skin.

Effective face masks with turmeric after 50 years

Turmeric, which has antioxidant properties, is also effective in reducing fine lines and wrinkles. It not only gives the skin a bright complexion, but also nourishes and rejuvenates it.

In addition, turmeric contains vitamin B6, which regenerates cells and is involved in the formation of collagen fibers, as well as magnesium, which gives the skin youthfulness and radiance.


Turmeric with egg white

  1. 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  2. a few drops of rose essential oil
  3. 1 teaspoon egg white
  1. Combine all ingredients and mix well with a spoon until creamy.
  2. Apply the paste on your face and neck and leave it on for about 30 minutes.
  3. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

Turmeric with honey

  1. 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  2. 2 teaspoons banana pulp
  3. ½ teaspoon honey
  1. Mix all ingredients well to form a paste.
  2. Apply the mixture to your face and neck, leaving it on for half an hour.
  3. Then rinse off.
  4. Course - twice a week.


Turmeric with yogurt

  1. 1 teaspoon turmeric
  2. 1 teaspoon natural yogurt
  3. 1 teaspoon raw honey
  1. Mix turmeric with yogurt.
  2. Add a teaspoon of honey and apply the mixture on your face for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  3. You can use the mask 3-4 times a week.

All you need to do is go to the kitchen, pick a few products, make a mask out of them and apply it to your face. The key point here will be the correct combination and ratio of ingredients to prepare the mask. And this way you can prolong the beauty and youth of your skin!