Concealers for problem skin

Few people can boast of having perfect skin. As a rule, all kinds of inflammation, pimples, age-related pigmentation, rosacea and other imperfections spoil its appearance and cause many internal complexes.

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To get rid of this baggage, you need to be able to apply makeup correctly, the main task of which should be not only disguise. It is necessary that it also have medicinal properties.

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Why is makeup for problem skin considered special? According to cosmetologists and makeup artists, it requires much more time and attention than all other types of makeup. And there are a number of reasons for this.

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  1. In this case, you need to carefully select concealers: primer, foundation, corrector and powder. Cosmetics for the eyes and lips can divert attention from imperfections to yourself, but they do not play an important role here.
  2. It is necessary to use products not only to disguise pimples and other irregularities, but also to treat dermatological problems. That is, the packaging should indicate that in addition they have anti-inflammatory, anti-rosacea, disinfectant, adsorbent, etc. properties.
  3. Before makeup, your face should be thoroughly cleansed and toned with lotion.
  4. All products must contain sunscreen filters (SPF at least 30) and be hypoallergenic.
  5. Tools for applying cosmetics (sponges, applicators, brushes) should be thoroughly washed daily with warm water and antibacterial soap (more about this in our article).

If you have problem skin, keep in mind that you will need to devote almost as much time to makeup as you do to caring for such epidermis.

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Concealer. A compact and convenient concealer from South Korean manufacturers AC Clean Up Mild Consealer will help disguise rashes. It contains anti-inflammatory components in its composition: madecasside, tea tree oil and salicylic acid.

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Beware of mistakes!

To properly apply makeup to problem skin, learn the following commandments from makeup artists. A few “don’ts” that, unfortunately, most women (especially teenage girls with acne on their face) neglect.

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  1. apply concealer in several layers;
  2. use concealers and highlighters;
  3. abuse glitter, glitter, shimmer;
  4. wear makeup most of the day;
  5. throughout the day, apply layers of powder or foundation to your face again and again, trying to hide the rash;
  6. use regular cosmetics;
  7. ignore care products.

These common makeup mistakes for problem skin can lead to even more breakouts due to pores clogged with concealer.

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Concealer. Mosaic HD Comfort from Eva creates a dense coating that ideally hides all problem areas and imperfections of the face. Does not cause tightness and does not require powder. Contains glycerin, which retains moisture and guarantees the elasticity of the epidermis. Does not allow greasy shine.

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Cosmetical tools

To properly apply makeup for problem skin, you need to choose the right cosmetics. Only it will allow you to take care of inflammation, rosacea, and enlarged pores.

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Before purchasing a product, do not neglect consultations with knowledgeable people (cosmetologist, makeup artist, pharmacist), reviews, ratings, and advice on forums. Give preference to high-quality cosmetics from branded manufacturers. Make sure that the selected products do not contain cocoa butter, mineral oils, or petroleum jelly. On the packaging, look for labeling stating that the product is intended specifically for solving dermatological problems, is hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic, and is suitable for eliminating acne (this is indicated by the “anti-acne” label).

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  1. Primer

May not be used in makeup. But if you are used to using it, choose a light texture, green color, with corrector functions. It should not contain mineral oils.

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  1. Concealer

Must have antibacterial properties. Look for similar products from brands such as Garnier, Eveline, Vichy. For example, the composition of Pure Active BB cream is enriched with salicylic acid, which perfectly suppresses inflammatory reactions. Vichy Normateint contains amino acids and zinc salt, which not only mask, but also dry out pimples and blackheads. Eveline Pur Control cream contains zinc and triclosan.

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  1. Corrector/camouflage pencil

Use ones that are designed specifically for problem skin. They are united by one component in the composition - green tea oil.

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  1. Powder

Give preference to a matte and dense texture if you suffer from a greasy film and oily sheen. It may be marked “matt” or “non-comedogenic”. In other cases, you can use translucent, semi-liquid.

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Powder. Experts recognized Clarifying Powder Make Up as the best powder for problem skin. It perfectly evens out the tone, eliminates enlarged pores, and suppresses oily shine. The effect lasts up to 10 hours. Does not contain oils, so it slightly dries out inflammation.

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Masking problems


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We have collected for you some tips from makeup artists on how you can skillfully disguise the main cosmetic problems on your face with the help of makeup.

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  1. Instead of the usual foundation and primer, use a BB cream with an anti-inflammatory and drying effect.
  2. There should not be a lot of masking layers so that they do not create the effect of an unnatural mask on the face and do not clog the pores.
  3. Try to go without makeup as often as possible: when you come home, wash it off immediately with cleansers containing salicylic acid.
  4. Use products that have an anti-inflammatory effect.


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  1. You can't do without a green corrector cream.
  2. It is applied exclusively to problem areas of the face.
  3. Make-up should be light, translucent, airy.
  4. All foundations are as close as possible to the natural shade of the skin.
  5. Another way to disguise rosacea is to use cosmetics with a self-tanning effect.


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  1. Foundation must contain SPF of at least 30.
  2. All concealing cosmetics should be translucent.
  3. Apply it with a damp cosmetic sponge so that it lays down in an even layer.
  4. Depigmentation make-up is always fixed with light powder.
  5. Choose muted tones for eye shadow, pink blush, and pastel shades for lipstick.


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  1. Powder cannot be used.
  2. All cosmetics should be semi-liquid.
  3. It must be applied strictly according to hair growth.

Oily shine

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  1. For oily skin, it is useless to use concealers and highlighters, which clog pores, preventing cellular respiration.
  2. Apply primer, foundation and powder.
  3. During the day, you need to refresh your make-up with mattifying wipes to eliminate greasy shine - choose polymer, absorbent or linen ones.
  4. The blush will provide long-lasting makeup throughout the day.

As you can see, every problem can be solved with the help of skillfully selected cosmetics and properly applied makeup. Therefore, it’s time to put an end to internal complexes about imperfections in appearance and finally turn into a real beauty.

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Primer. For makeup on problem skin, use a primer with corrective and soothing properties. Green color. It should be applied pointwise, only to problem areas. It makes the skin color even and relieves inflammation. In appearance it looks more like a corrector than a base. Take a closer look at products such as Essence All about matt or Prime Skin Base Visage (MAC).

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Basic Rules

To prevent makeup from harming very sensitive skin, it must be applied correctly. The execution technique requires a certain sequence and knowledge of some nuances.

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  1. Mask problem areas (pimples, age spots, rosacea) with a green primer.
  2. If it is not enough, try using a corrector of the same color.
  3. Foundation or BB cream is applied in the thinnest layer possible.
  4. The powder is evenly distributed with a brush.
  5. Blush performs a fixing function. They are shaded onto the tips of the cheekbones towards the temples.
  6. Highlight your eyebrows with tinted shadows and secure their shape with setting wax.
  7. Be sure to wear beautiful, eye-catching eye makeup. Use shimmering shadows in several layers and neat arrows for this.
  8. For eyelashes, use mascara with an additional effect so that it also accentuates the eyes. You can curl them.
  9. If the eyes are highlighted, emphasis on the lips is no longer needed. It is enough to apply gloss on them with a moisturizing effect.

Now you know how to properly do makeup that hides all your imperfections. There is nothing complicated about this: the main thing is to understand that hiding inflammation under a thick layer of masking agents is useless. This will make the makeup too noticeable and vulgar and will only worsen the condition of the epidermis. Take note of the above recommendations - and your patience and diligence will be rewarded with beautiful and well-groomed skin.

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As you know, our people don’t even go to a bakery without makeup, and if their skin is problematic, they are in full dress 24/7. In fact, such perfectionism is useless: yes, problem skin needs makeup, but it should not look like a mask.

  1. Features of problematic facial skin
  2. Choosing cosmetics for problem skin
  3. Rules for applying makeup to problem skin
  4. Makeup Tips for Problem Skin
  5. Review of make-up products

Features of problematic facial skin

Skin with certain types of imperfections is considered to be a problem. Why do they appear and what do they tell the owner?

Closed comedones and uneven skin texture indicate that the stratum corneum does not have time to renew itself in a timely manner.

If shine in the forehead and nose area It starts to bother you already after lunch, and the coverage of the foundation does not last until the evening, which means that your sebaceous glands secrete too much secretion - sebum.

Acne - the most obvious symptom of problematic skin. Acne can appear periodically, or it can be on the face constantly. Inflammation is caused by a combination of factors that we discussed above: the thickened stratum corneum of the epidermis prevents sebum from coming to the surface, as a result of which bacteria begin to multiply in the pores.

For problem skin, loose mineral powder is suitable. © L'Oreal

Choosing cosmetics for problem skin

A mistake that all owners of oily and problem skin have made at least once is trying to dry out their skin. This gives the exact opposite effect and leads to increased sebum secretion. If you like long-lasting and mattifying foundations, add a moisturizing gel to your facial care.

The fashion for highlighting does not cancel the taboo on oily shine in the T-zone. But instead of a powder compact, it is better to put matting wipes in your cosmetic bag: layering powder on your face with smudged makeup will only aggravate the problems, but the wipes will quickly absorb excess sebum without harming the skin.

Choose a foundation with a mattifying effect. © L'Oreal


Acne doesn't boost your self-confidence, but that's no reason to choose foundations with the thickest texture. Any makeup artist will advise you to opt for BB and CC creams or foundation with a medium coverage, and mask local inflammation with a thick concealer.

Remove makeup with oil or micellar water.

Wash your face with foam or gel.

Cover imperfections with concealer. © L'Oreal


To mask inflammatory elements, you will need two products at once:

green corrector cover redness;

apply on top concealer to match your skin tone.


The powder serves to mattify and set makeup. Crumbly textures are applied in a thinner layer, while pressed textures are applied as densely as possible. l

Rules for applying makeup to problem skin

For applying makeup to problem skin, we offer the following scheme.

Pre-cleanse your face with micellar water and foam to cleanse, then apply moisturizer. If dense textures are not your thing, use cream-gel or fluid.

To disguise enlarged pores, use silicone primer on those areas of the skin where pores are most noticeable.

If you love foundations with a denser texture, apply them wet sponge or fluffy brushto avoid the mask effect. We remind you that brushes and sponges must be washed after each use.

Powder (preferably loose) fix the makeup, then spray your face with a fixing spray or thermal water to make the tone last longer.

Makeup Tips for Problem Skin

Below you will find some valuable tips that will help extend the durability of your makeup, which is not an easy task if you have oily skin.

Foundation in a stick is convenient for sculpting. © L'Oreal

Look for it in primers and foundations salicylic acid. This ingredient not only has an exfoliating effect, but also an antibacterial effect.

Do not apply cosmetics to a dirty face. This rule applies to both concealers and powder. To remove oily shine in the T-zone, use matting napkins, and before renewing your concealer layer outside the home, first cleanse this area of ​​skin with a damp cloth.

To blush and highlighter last longer, try a combination of dry and wet products: for example, set a cream blush with dry products of a similar shade.

Shining textures emphasize the texture of the skin: enlarged pores, closed comedones and acne. You should know about this side effect in advance.

Review of make-up products

A product that corrects and evens out skin texture, Micro-Blur Skin Perfector, Kiehl’s

Thanks to silicones, it instantly evens out the skin texture, reducing the visibility of pores. The lipohydroxy acid included in the product is known for its ability to reduce inflammation and lighten post-acne spots. The effect will be noticeable after 4 weeks.

BB cream for sensitive skin Hydreane, La Roche-Posay

The lightweight texture of the cream does not clog pores and is easily distributed over the surface of the skin. The cream owes its nourishing and regenerating effect to a complex of four oils. Natural antioxidants fight oxidative processes in cells.

Compact powder for normal to oily skin Dermablend Covermatte SPF 25, Vichy

The hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic formula with mineral pigments allows not only to hide skin imperfections, but also mattifies it for 12 hours and works to improve texture due to the content of salicylic acid, zinc gluconate and vitamin E.

Corrective SOS stick for masking dark circles and skin imperfections Dermablend SPF 25, Vichy

The paraben-free corrector stick is suitable even for sensitive skin, provides dense coverage and durability for 16 hours. Water resistant. Hides any imperfections. Apply with fingertips using light tapping movements.

BB cream 5-in-1 “Clean skin active” for problem skin, Garnier

For skin prone to acne and oily shine, a tinted moisturizer based on salicylic acid (has an antibacterial effect) and mineral pigments (mattifies, evens out the complexion) is suitable.


Traces of fatigue on the face, dark circles under the eyes, redness, pimples and other imperfections that so upset the modern woman can be neutralized by a wonderful cosmetic product - concealer. But in order to make the right choice when purchasing, you need to take into account all the specific properties of this product.

Criteria for choosing a good concealer


There are two types of concealer textures:

  1. paste-like product in a jar, palette or stick. Suitable for retouching freckles, age spots, pimples. It masks obvious imperfections well, lasts longer, but has a denser coverage;
  2. a creamy product in a tube (sometimes with a brush or sponge). Designed to “eliminate” dark circles under the eyes, redness and facial wrinkles. Gives light coverage without weighing down makeup.

Important:Do not confuse concealer with other popular corrective products - corrector and highlighter. Concealer – a very light product that can cover large areas of skin (for example, the area around the eyes, the eyebrow area or the nose). It lightens the skin slightly, visually evens it out and is applied over foundation as a finishing touch to makeup.

Corrector is also designed to hide skin problems, but provides a completely opaque coating and is intended for spot application on serious imperfections. The purpose of the corrector is to completely cover the defect, often through the use of various shades of green, blue, orange, etc. It, like concealer, is effective for masking irritation and pimples, but it is used on smaller areas of the skin and only before applying foundation, otherwise the concealer will be noticeable on the skin.

Highlighter is able to brighten the skin, add radiance and distract attention from problem areas, but does not have a masking effect. However, there are also products that combine the properties of different corrective agents, as the manufacturer indicates in the product description.


Depending on the composition and effect on the skin, all concealers can be divided into caring products (provide camouflage + nutrition, hydration, ultraviolet protection) and special ones (not only mask the defect, but also fight its cause). Special concealers, due to their composition, are able to lighten age spots and freckles, improve blood circulation in the skin, smooth out facial wrinkles, etc. Light-scattering particles in the composition improve the effect of using concealer.

Palette of tones

Different brands can have a wide range of shades, or just a couple of universal tones that adapt to skin color. It’s impossible to say what to choose, you have to try. The color of the concealer should match your skin tone, but be half a shade lighter. Yellowish, pinkish, blue and green shades are designed to hide certain skin imperfections.

Concealer manufacturers: who is better?

Almost all well-known (and not so well-known) cosmetic companies have these small tubes or jars in their assortment. Among luxury concealers (RUB 1,500-3,000), the best reviews were received by products from Lancom, Dior, Shiseido, MAC, Chanel, Guerlain, Givenchy, Yves Saint Laurent, Bobby Brown and others. However, when purchasing them, you need to select the product itself more carefully: many expensive concealers can have a strong effect aimed at solving a specific problem. For example, Clinique is intended for extremely dry skin, and Estee Lauder is for mature skin after 40 years.

The mass market does not limit the choice of skin corrective products, but, on the contrary, makes it even more diverse. Good universal concealers can be found in the brands Max Factor, L'Oréal, Yves Rocher, Garnier (price 500-1500 rubles), as well as among more budget brands: Maybellin, Avon, Benefit, Oriflame, Vivienne Sabo, Artdeco, etc. (price 150-500 rub.). They provide acceptable camouflage of imperfections, but may adhere worse to the skin, clog in pores, and emphasize wrinkles.