Tea tree oil for papillomas: application features and reviews

Tea tree oil against papillomas

The content of the article:
  1. Description and useful properties
  2. Features of application
  3. Treatment methods for papillomas
    1. On the face
    2. In the intimate area
    3. On the body
    4. On the feet
  4. Contraindications
  5. Reviews of tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a remedy that is made from the leaves of the Melaleuca plant by distilling them with water. The resulting product is actively used by cosmetologists, and is also quite in demand in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Among other things, tea tree oil can be used to get rid of papillomas, both as a stand-alone remedy and as an additional therapy.

Description and beneficial properties of tea tree oil

Tea tree oil for the treatment of papillomas

Photo of tea tree oil for the treatment of papillomas 

Tea tree oil is a transparent substance, either completely colorless or painted in a pale yellow tint. It has a pronounced tart odor, reminiscent of camphor.

To obtain tea tree oil from papillomas, selected and carefully crushed leaves of the plant are treated with water vapor under very high pressure, as a result of which the essential oil is released, mixing with the steam. After the steam has cooled, the product is separated and filtered.

The price of tea tree oil for papillomas can range from 70 to 400 rubles in Russia and from 24 to 150 hryvnia in Ukraine.

The cost depends both on the volume of the bottle containing the substance and on the quality. The longer and more thorough the distillation process, the higher the quality and cost of the resulting product.

Thanks to its powerful antiseptic properties, tea oil is effective in fighting fungal, bacterial and viral infections. It copes with skin problems such as: increased activity of the sebaceous glands, acne, insect bites, abscesses, excessive sweating of the feet.

Tea tree oil is endowed with a lot of beneficial properties; when used in aromatherapy, it can have a beneficial effect on the human psyche - it helps to cope with fears, get out of a depressed and depressed state. Aromatherapy with vapors of the described substance will help restore efficiency, increase brain activity and strengthen memory.

You can also speed up hair growth by adding a few drops of tea tree essential oil to your favorite shampoo. Hair will not only begin to grow faster, but will also become more manageable and shiny.

Among other things, tea tree oil is useful:

  1. As an antiseptic for cuts, wounds, allergic rashes;
  2. As an adjuvant therapy when mixed with water for gastrointestinal infections;
  3. For the treatment of certain gynecological diseases caused by fungi;
  4. As an additional remedy in the form of aromatherapy for cancer patients, as it has the ability to slow down the growth of tumors;
  5. For healing wounds after dental operations.

The product effectively fights many types of infections, one of which is the human papilloma virus, which is why tea tree oil is also widely used in the treatment of papillomas.

Important! For cosmetic procedures and for various diseases, it is advisable to use tea tree oil of varying concentrations - 5 or 10%, after reading the instructions first, so as not to harm your health.
  1. Read also about the benefits of fir oil for papillomas

Features of using tea tree oil for papillomas

How to use tea tree oil for papillomas

Papillomatosis is a rather unpleasant disease caused by the human papillomavirus. The pathogen has more than 100 strains and is manifested by the growth of warts on the skin with different localizations. The location of the growths is important to take into account when treating papillomas with tea tree oil.

However, there are general rules for using the product:

  1. All procedures performed must be approved by a dermatologist or undergo medical supervision.
  2. For treatment it is necessary to dilute the product.
  3. When removing papillomas, do not allow undiluted tea tree oil to come into contact with healthy skin, as this can cause severe burns.
  4. Before starting treatment, you need to conduct an allergy test. Apply a small amount of the substance to the inner elbow and wait 24 hours. If no redness or itching appears, the product can be used.

To dilute tea tree oil when treating papillomas, you can take lemon juice, aloe juice, olive, peach, castor oil, herbal decoctions or distilled water.

  1. Read also about the features of using thuja oil against warts

Methods for treating papillomas with tea tree oil

Depending on the strain of the virus with which a person is infected, papillomas can grow on the face, body, neck, hands and feet, as well as in the intimate area. Therefore, you need to know how to use tea tree oil for papillomas formed on one or another part of the body so that the treatment gives results.

How to use tea tree oil for papillomas on the face?

Soda with tea and castor oil for papillomas on the face

The photo shows the use of soda with tea and castor oil for papillomas on the face

Essential tea oil will be effective against papillomas formed on the face and neck. The ether is less damaging to the skin if used together with castor oil, which also has a detrimental effect on HPV.

To prepare the mixture you need mix castor oil, tea oil and baking soda. It will be enough to take 1 teaspoon of castor oil and 1 drop of tea oil, and then add a pinch of soda. The output is a paste-like substance, which is carefully applied to the growths 3-5 times a day. You need to wait until the paste dries completely, then rinse with running water.

Very often, neoplasms appear on the upper or lower eyelids; the above-described recipe with tea tree oil will also help remove papillomas from these areas, but you must avoid getting the product on the mucous membrane of the eyes, so as not to burn it or cause inflammation.

The course of using tea tree oil for papillomas on the face is from 1-2 weeks to a month, usually during this period the formation dries out and dies.

Another popular recipe for removing papillomas on the face is aloe leaf juice with tea tree oil. Add 1 drop of oil to 1 teaspoon of aloe juice, and you have a ready-made balm. You need to apply it with a cotton swab 4-5 times a day on the warts, without rubbing.

Note! The skin of the face is thin and delicate, and much more sensitive than on other parts of the body, so treatment of papillomas on the face with tea tree oil should be carried out very carefully, choosing a weaker concentration of this product to avoid burns.
  1. Read also: how to use castor oil for papillomas

How to remove papillomas in the intimate area with tea tree oil?

How to use tea tree oil for warts

The photo shows how to use tea tree oil for warts

Neoplasms localized in intimate places are a special type of papillomas, the so-called condylomas. They definitely need to be removed, as they bring great discomfort to life and grow very quickly. Folk remedies are not always effective against such growths, but positive reviews of tea tree oil for papillomas indicate that the product miraculously helps get rid of growths that have this location.

Treatment of papillomas with tea tree oil will bear fruit after just a month and a half of daily use, provided that the person infected with HPV does everything correctly.

To prepare the medicinal mixture you will need olive and tea oil. These ingredients must be mixed in any non-metallic container in a ratio of 1 to 1. The resulting composition should be soaked in a cotton swab or gauze bandage and fixed in the area where condylomas are concentrated.

Note! Procedures should be carried out in the evening, before bedtime.

It is forbidden to apply undiluted tea tree oil against papillomas to the affected skin! If a burning sensation occurs, you should immediately remove the bandage and contact a medical facility for help.

  1. See also folk remedies for papillomas in a woman’s intimate places

Treatment of papillomas on the body with tea tree oil

How to dilute tea tree oil for papillomas in water

The photo shows how to dilute tea tree oil for papillomas on the body in water

Neoplasms can grow on the back, in the armpits, on the stomach, under the breasts in women, on the sides and shoulders. In such cases, you can use tea tree oil for papillomas as part of the compounds described above and apply it in the same way as on other parts of the body, or use the recipes that will be discussed below.

The simplest way would be diluting the essential substance with water in equal proportions. This mixture is applied up to 4 times a day to the growths with a cotton swab or gauze soaked in the solution. The gauze should not be too wet; it should be wrung out to remove excess liquid.

To achieve results faster, treatment of papillomas formed on the body can be carried out with a mixture tea tree oil with vitamin C and olive oil. To prepare the healing mixture you will need: olive oil - 2-3 drops, tea oil - 4 drops, vitamin C - 1 capsule. The ingredients must be mixed until smooth and applied to the affected area; after the paste has dried, carefully rinse it off with clean water.

  1. Read also about folk remedies for papillomas on the body

How to treat papillomas on the feet with tea tree oil?

Bath with tea tree oil for papillomas on the feet

Another place where papillomas can form is the soles of the feet. It is very easy to become infected with a virus that affects this area, but curing papillomatosis on the feet is a difficult task. Tea tree oil will help to cope with papillomas on the feet, although the treatment process may take a little longer than in other cases.

Considering the fact that a person’s skin on the soles of his feet is denser and rougher than elsewhere, tea oil in a higher concentration should be used against papillomas on the feet. It is allowed to apply the product undiluted to sore spots.

Since the feet are a part of the body that is constantly subject to pressure, friction, and constantly comes into contact with shoes, papillomas here cause particular discomfort and a whole range of painful sensations. For an improved effect, it is preferable to apply tea tree oil before going to bed; it will be easier to get rid of papillomas if the product begins to act when a person does not put any weight on his legs, and best of all, if he is in a lying position.

First, you should thoroughly wash your feet with soap and dry them. On a cotton swab drop a little tea tree essential oil and lubricate the area dislocation of warts, cover with adhesive tape. It may take 2-3 months for the growths to completely disappear; the main thing is not to skip procedures, performing them daily.

Improves the penetration of active substances into the skin and speeds up the healing process bath for papillomas from a decoction of celandine and tea tree oil. To do this you need to take 2 tbsp. l. dry celandine, 1 liter of running water, 10-15 drops of tea oil. The herb is poured with water, allowed to boil and boiled for 5-7 minutes. This decoction should sit for a couple of hours, after which it is passed through a sieve or cheesecloth to separate the liquid from the herb. Before use, the decoction is warmed up a little, tea tree essential oil is added, then the legs are steamed. For enhanced effect after the procedure, you need to lubricate the papillomas with tea oil.

Another great recipe that few people know about is a mixture of apple cider vinegar and tea oil. From 3 tbsp. l. of the first ingredient and 12 drops of the second obtained, you need to make a compress, apply it to the steamed soles and hold on the site of the warts for 30-40 minutes.

Important point! After a bath with celandine and tea oil, do not wipe the feet; you should only lightly blot off excess moisture.
  1. Read also about folk remedies for the treatment of papillomas on the heel

Contraindications to the use of tea oil

Bronchitis in a man

Despite the fact that tea tree oil for papillomas has a lot of positive reviews, it is not suitable for everyone. So, in order not to become an enemy to your health, everyone who wants to cleanse their body of unattractive growths should familiarize themselves with the list of contraindications and possible adverse reactions.

The use of an essential substance is not permitted if:

  1. The patient is prone to allergic reactions;
  2. There are burns or unhealed wounds, cuts and abrasions on the body near the growths;
  3. A person has any bronchial disease;
  4. A woman is expecting the birth of a child or is breastfeeding;
  5. The patient's age is less than 7 years.

The use of tea tree oil for the treatment of malignant papillomas is prohibited.

If the instructions are not followed, the concentration and dosage of the drug is increased, it can cause adverse reactions such as urticaria and burns.

Important! Tea tree oil for papillomas, condylomas, or for any other purpose should be used externally only! Do not take orally, and if this has already happened, consult a doctor.
  1. See also contraindications to the use of essential oils for papillomas

Reviews of tea tree oil for papillomas

Reviews of tea tree oil for papillomas

A large number of people would like to trust their health to doctors. However, modern medicine is repelled by many factors, which is why folk remedies are becoming increasingly popular. One of the most widely sought after remedies is tea tree oil. It is credited with many beneficial properties, including a detrimental effect on HPV.

We suggest reading several reviews about tea tree oil for papillomas that were left online in various forums:

Zhanna, 32 years old

I almost always had small papillomas on my body, but they were rare and did not cause severe discomfort. At one point, in the area of ​​the armpits and on the inside of the arms, they began to grow, increase in number and size. Outwardly, they look terribly ugly, and also interfere with wearing clothes and hurt when moving. I went to the hospital, took numerous tests, tried pharmaceutical drugs, but there was no particular result. I decided to study this problem in detail myself. I read on the Internet that you can effectively remove growths using tea tree oil. The drug is not expensive and natural, so I decided to use it. Surprisingly, in less than a month there was no trace of the problem. Now I tell everyone I know about this very effective and simple method of getting rid of papillomas.

Natalya, 57 years old

I developed a small, almost invisible papilloma after school. I didn't pay attention to her, even when she darkened a little by the age of 30. But during menopause, the growth began to grow, acquired a drooping shape, ached slightly, and new small formations appeared around. Despite all my reluctance, I had to go to the hospital. After an examination and tests, the doctor recommended tea tree oil as a very effective remedy and immediately warned that if it did not help, then she would have to remove the growths surgically. I really didn’t want to go under the knife, so I followed all the instructions indicated in the instructions and underwent a course of treatment. Surprisingly, with the help of oil I was able to get rid of papillomas completely. I'm very glad that everything went so easily!

Margarita, 26 years old

This essential oil is a real salvation from many troubles. Initially, I bought it for bathing and treating acne skin. Then I gave my dad foot baths to remove the unpleasant odor and nail fungus. But the greatest achievement of this miracle oil is the treatment of HPV manifestations. Yes, you need to use it externally, but the effect is simply excellent. I soaked the tampons with the solution and made compresses. Literally a month later, all symptoms of the presence of the virus in my body disappeared. So my review of tea tree oil for papillomas is most positive.

  1. See also real reviews about the treatment of papillomas with camphor oil

How to remove papillomas with tea tree oil - watch the video:

The use of ether is effective at different stages of papillomatosis. The special value of the product is that it affects not only the growths themselves, but also the pathogen. However, it is most effective to use the oil in combination with medications prescribed by your dermatologist, this will guarantee a speedy recovery.

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