Hellebore black

It causes frequent, severe diarrhea and suffocation. If you drink it two dirhams, it causes spasms and kills, and this is preceded by interruptions, burning on the tongue, biting it, as well as frequent belching and bloating. Then the person who drinks hellebore begins to experience spasms, trembling, and dies.

The power of black hellebore is weakened by means familiar to you, or by giving bitter wormwood to drink with wine. Or they take equal amounts of cumin, anise, beaver stream and sumbul and give it to drink with wine for about two dirhams; when swelling, apply heated rags or wind-dispersing poultices with medicines known to you. Then the patient is fed fresh cheese and honey and fresh melted butter, as well as buttery soups and given sweet wine or any highly diluted wine. If the patient begins to have spasms, then do what was discussed in the paragraph about white hellebore, and in case of excessive diarrhea, plant it in a cold year and give it thickly brewed juices and blocking medicines.