Sea dragon, crocodile and betel nut

Actions and properties.
Galen says that they cut it and apply it to the area where he was bitten, and it helps.

When a bruise is caused by a blow from a “sea dragon,” the animal trigulun is applied, and this helps.

Organs of the eye.
Its feces help with eyesores.

A medicinal bandage is made from the fat of a crocodile on the place where it has bitten, and this immediately soothes the pain.

Cold in the first degree, dry in the second.

Betel knits and dries.

Organs of the head.
It strengthens the gums and that is why Indians chew it all the time.

Nutritional organs.
It strengthens the mouth of the stomach.

These are the leaves of a tree growing in India, in a place called Annagr. Its leaves are like the leaves of a lemon, its branches are also like the branches of a lemon tree. Residents of India use betel nut with lime and areca palm fruits; if chewed, it stains the teeth red. Betel has a pleasant smell. Indians love to chew it; they chew it incessantly most of the day and boast about it.”

Betel gives a pleasant smell to your breath, eliminates bad breath and colors your teeth. Squeezing the juice of betel leaves with wine is said to eliminate bahak.