Is it possible to go to the pool with papillomas?

Is it possible to swim in the pool with papillomas?

The content of the article:
  1. When can you visit the pool with papillomas?
  2. In what cases is it prohibited?

Visiting the pool if you have papillomas and warts is a fairly common occurrence, since almost every person has them. This article will talk about when it is better to postpone going to this public place and in what situations it is better not to do this.

When can you go to the swimming pool with papillomas?

Medical examination by a doctor

Behind the scenes, you can go to the pool if you have papillomas; a person is not denied this. Therefore, anyone can swim here absolutely freely, but they must undergo a medical examination by a doctor on site or by a therapist. If there are no questions to him and he is given a conclusion that there are no health problems, then entry is open for him.

If you are wondering whether it is possible to go to the pool with papillomas, then it must be said that this is allowed to be done if HPV “falls asleep”. In this case, the likelihood of transmitting it to other vacationers is so small that there is definitely no point in worrying about it.

There is no need to deny yourself swimming in the pool if the formations are located on the genitals and other areas covered by clothing. They are not visible to others and are protected by fabric from contact with harmful, often chlorinated water. Thus, these growths do not pose a threat of infection to other people.

If you are afraid to go to the pool with papillomas, then you need to visit only those places where the water is carefully treated with disinfectants. Thanks to this, all bacteria and viruses, including HPV, die there.

Note! After visiting the pool, it is recommended to take a shower with soap, this will reduce the negative impact of chlorinated water on papilloma.
  1. Read also how the human papillomavirus is transmitted

In what cases is it prohibited to go to the pool with papillomas?

HPV 3d model

The reason for undesirable visits to the pool with papillomas is that the virus remains viable in humid conditions, which is dangerous for other, healthy people.

It is not recommended to go there if the growth is inflamed, blackened, or red. This may indicate the active spread of infection, and the effect of water on the formation can aggravate and accelerate this process.

A negative answer to the question whether it is possible to go to the pool with papilloma is also given when it is damaged, since various bacteria can get inside through wounds. After this, the health condition often worsens and the number of growths even increases.

It is also dangerous to do this if you have recently sunbathed, visited a solarium, or performed scrubbing procedures. All this can lead to a violation of the integrity of the formation, after which it is necessary to avoid contact of the wound with water.

It is worth postponing visiting the pool if you have papilloma in case of a sharp exacerbation of the disease, when new formations grow on the body one after another. First, it is necessary to stop this process and strengthen the immune system, and swimming indoors, as well as in the sea, does not contribute to this in any way.

Visiting the pool is definitely prohibited in the first 1-2 weeks after removal of the growth. This is especially true for those who got rid of papilloma using cryodestruction, electrocoagulation and laser therapy. This is due to the appearance of a small wound and the formation of a crust due to its healing. Water can slow down this process and increases the likelihood of papilloma reappearing in the treated areas.

  1. Read also about preventing HPV infection through household means

Is it possible to go to the pool with papillomas - look at the video:

Of course, you need to be careful when visiting the pool if you have papillomas, especially in large numbers, since exposure to water, we repeat, can lead to their growth and increase in number. If you still want to swim in this public place, despite your illness, then before going there, you should consult a specialist.

  1. Related article: Causes of papillomas on the body