Is it possible to remove papillomas during menstruation?

The content of the article:
  1. Is it possible to remove papillomas during menstruation?
  2. Danger and consequences
  3. Contraindications for papillomas removal

Removing papillomas during menstruation is a process that can be associated with increased pain and bleeding. The physiological state of a woman during menstruation is quite unstable, and any manipulations associated with trauma to the skin can have unforeseen unpleasant consequences.

Is it possible to remove papillomas during menstruation?

Each woman's periods proceed differently, and therefore the body's overall reaction to this physiological process is individual. Some people do not notice the changes occurring in the body during “these days” and continue to live their usual lives, while others cannot do without analgesics and significantly change their usual lifestyle during menstruation.

Modern methods of removing papillomas are mostly painless and safe. Moreover, all operations for the destruction of these tumors take place under local anesthesia, so there is no strict prohibition on performing the procedure during menstruation. However, many experts answer the question of whether it is possible to remove papillomas during menstruation in the negative.

This recommendation is due to the fact that the process of endometrial waste during menstruation is most often accompanied by symptoms such as:

  1. Psychological instability;
  2. Reduced pain threshold;
  3. Unstable general physical condition;
  4. General loss of strength;
  5. Weakening of the body's protective functions;
  6. Increased capillary fragility;
  7. Deterioration of blood clotting.

All these signs are caused by hormonal changes, which are inevitable during the menstrual phase.

Note! Procedures for the destruction of various formations on the skin can be carried out starting from the 4-5th day of the menstrual cycle. It is optimal if this is done on the 14-15th day of the monthly cycle.

The dangers and consequences of removing papillomas during menstruation

In addition to the deterioration of blood clotting, its composition also changes slightly during menstruation. This can provoke a weak reaction of the human body to anesthesia. In other words, pain relief will not work, and the procedure for removing papilloma during menstruation will be too painful.

Also, some women may experience a slight rise in body temperature during menstruation. This factor cannot be ignored, otherwise bleeding and inflammatory processes may occur after removal of the tumor.

Already 4-5 days before the start of menstruation, specific changes in women’s bodies begin to intensify. For this reason, papillomas should not be removed during menstruation.

  1. Read also the article: “How to remove papillomas with celandine at home?”

Damage to the skin, which is inevitable with any method of removing papillomas, can be felt quite weakly by a woman on ordinary days, even after the effect of the anesthetic wears off. But during menstruation, these procedures can cause a lot of pain.

This is due to the fact that the pain threshold is reduced due to the presence of prostaglandin in the blood in larger quantities than usual. Therefore, after removal of the tumor, pain in the lower abdomen and in the area of ​​destruction may intensify.

In addition, removing papillomas during menstruation can cause the following side effects:

  1. Prolonged bleeding. This is especially true if the removal was carried out by classical surgery, that is, there was no procedure for cauterization of the skin and blood vessels. Stopping bleeding can be quite difficult, since anticoagulants are actively produced during menstruation.
  2. Development of the inflammatory process. This is due to the fact that during the menstrual phase in women, the body's immune response decreases. Therefore, if the procedure for removing papillomas during menstruation was carried out in violation of sterility requirements, then the wound that appears at the site of destruction can be easily attacked by pathogens. This can cause suppuration and inflammation.
  3. The appearance of swelling and hematomas. This reaction is also associated with a change in the composition of the blood and a deterioration in its coagulability. These consequences are especially relevant for women who naturally have hypersensitive, delicate skin.
Important! Most often, such complications occur when removing papillomas during menstruation in the genital area, on the chest, where the skin is especially sensitive and full of blood vessels.

Contraindications to removal of papillomas during menstruation

As a rule, removal of papillomas is a procedure that does not require emergency surgery. Therefore, it is quite possible to plan it so as not to fall on the day of menstruation. If you have not foreseen this moment, then you should focus on your own well-being. And, based on this, make a decision on the advisability of carrying out the procedure for removing papilloma during menstruation.

However, in some cases, during menstruation, destruction of formations is strictly not recommended:

  1. Very severe pain syndrome, in which you have to take analgesics;
  2. Copious bleeding;
  3. Reduced blood pressure;
  4. Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, general deterioration.
Any of these conditions should be reported to your doctor. As a rule, he must decide to cancel the removal of papillomas during menstruation on this day and postpone it to a more favorable period.

Also, papillomas on the vaginal mucosa, external genitalia, and cervix during menstruation are not removed.

How dangerous is the papilloma virus - watch the video:

There is no strict prohibition on removing papillomas during menstruation. However, it should be remembered that during this period the woman’s body is quite vulnerable and various unforeseen side effects and complications may occur. To avoid this, it is recommended to postpone the procedure to a more favorable time.

Read also: how does the papilloma virus affect pregnancy?