Men's face cream


It turns out that not only women suffer from the influence that advertising and gloss have on them. Men also develop complexes, and do you know why? Because they want to wear cosmetics and at the same time be considered quite masculine! A shocking statement was made by Jake-Jamie Ward, a handsome alpha male who has been teaching men how to use cosmetics on his beauty blog for several years.

Like many teenagers, throughout his youth Jake was ashamed of his own appearance, namely, acne and the scars left behind by it. But at the age of 19, he first tried to disguise them with foundation, and realized that his entire previous life had been completely wasted in cosmetic exile. The flaws hidden by makeup allowed him to be more confident in relationships with girls, increased his self-esteem and even helped him advance in his career.

“It had nothing to do with the desire to feel like a woman - I just wanted to make myself more perfect, improve my appearance,” says Jake.

Communicating on forums, he found out that many men would like to improve their appearance with the help of cosmetics, but they, like him, are hindered by a number of obstacles.

Obstacle #1

The stores do not offer decorative cosmetics for men - you have to choose women's tubes in women's stores, which causes discomfort.

Obstacle #2

Sales assistants in stores do not know how to behave with a man in need of cosmetics.

Obstacle #3

There are no tutorials for men who want to learn how to cover up bruises or even out their skin tone, but have absolutely no idea how to do it.

Obstacle #4

The decorative cosmetics market itself does not consider men as consumers - male images are not used in advertising, they are not offered ready-made solutions to problems, and are generally ignored!

Of course, Jake took on the role of a makeup teacher, and now every day he shows brutal alpha males how to hide the consequences of a wild party with the help of powder and concealer, get out of the image of a pimply teenager and look decent at an important event. He also provides consultations via email to anonymous clients and assures that there are a lot of them, and this number is growing every day.

The men's cosmetics market can bring a lot of money, the blogger is sure, the main thing is to let men into it!

What do you think, should men have cosmetic bags?

Let's say a man has problem skin. It’s good for the girls, cover it up with foundation and powder and off you go. What if a man has such problems? And if he needs to look presentable, and bad skin clearly interferes with this, why not? Why is everyone so negative about this? experts

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better anal. brought up stupid topics

yeah, I’ve seen those with orange faces or powder on only one part of the face

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy don’t forget to put makeup on your lips. and the blush on the cheeks was pretty red. like the frost bites

This man shouldn’t eat chips and other nonsense, then he won’t even need foundation.

Author, there are excellent acne products designed specifically for men's skin. Let your husband enjoy it for his health and walk afterwards with healthy skin, and not with foundation on his face


My husband covers up a dark scar under his eye with a special corrector. He won’t go outside without it, although the scar is small.

Related topics

4. Markovna, you’re a fool, ahahaha))) I’m used to pimply fat guys, this is your level, yes.

There are pencils for covering up pimples; men can use them too. And it’s even better to use concealer locally, rather than foundation and all over the face, because then it will be obvious that you’re wearing makeup. And this will arouse suspicion)) And it will look funny.
There was one of these in the program about “Doll-Mukla”. silicone lips, perfect woman's hairstyle, make-up and manners such as "sushi-mushi". Pfff. ugly
Let the man go to the endocrinologist, it will be more effective than covering up acne for years

Buy yourself an expensive concealer (covering pencil-brush) I recommend Yves Saint Laurent Touch Eclart in a gold one. it’s completely invisible))) I got all the men I know hooked on it)))) now everyone in the car sometimes has bruises under their eyes, they cover them up or there are side effects on their faces))

There was one of these in the program about “Doll-Mukla”. silicone lips, perfect woman's hairstyle, make-up and manners such as "sushi-mushi". Pfff. ugly

My husband covers up a dark scar under his eye with a special corrector. He won’t go outside without it, although the scar is small.

It's actually easier for men. appearance is not so important to them. what does Yushchenko look like?

Foundation for brutal stubble is sexy, by the way)

ha ha ha! I remember how long ago my dad smeared all over my foundation when he covered up my black eye. And no one at work noticed! but it was a pity for the foundation.

oh, I haven’t seen any men with foundation. thank God)))) but I knew a guy who did his own manicure, face masks, creams, he had a whole bunch (around the eyes, around the nose, etc.) well, it was very funny that he was like a girl of marriageable age baked. This is not masculine behavior IMHO. my father, for example, uses aftershave cream and that’s it. without fanaticism

Not all! I think this is normal. Today is not a dark age and success really often depends on appearance. We should not neglect the achievements of civilization, including in the cosmetic field. Foundation, skin care products, and hygienic lipsticks should be the norm for a modern man, if necessary, not to mention manicure and pedicure.

Viktor Yanukovych published the book "Secrets of Beautiful Skin"

oh, I haven’t seen any men with foundation. thank God)))) but I knew a guy who did his own manicure, face masks, creams, he had a whole bunch (around the eyes, around the nose, etc.) well, it was very funny that he was like a girl of marriageable age baked. This is not masculine behavior IMHO. my father, for example, uses aftershave cream and that’s it. without fanaticism

Not all! I think this is normal. Today is not a dark age and success really often depends on appearance. We should not neglect the achievements of civilization, including in the cosmetic field. Foundation, skin care products, and hygienic lipsticks should be the norm for a modern man, if necessary, not to mention manicure and pedicure.

I use foundation and creams and smear it under my eyes and it’s fine - but my face is just red after shaving - you can’t go out without makeup

And if everyone is afraid of you, because they think that you are some kind of scumbag, just because the hyperpigmentation around your eye looks very much like a bruise, and idiotic questions like “Who beats you all the time?”, women even in eyes are afraid to look, it’s *****! These are the social problems the modern man faces. Maybe in the 16th century everyone was *****, but today such problems simply interfere with normal life and work.

oh, I haven’t seen any men with foundation. thank God)))) but I knew a guy who did his own manicure, face masks, creams, he had a whole bunch (around the eyes, around the nose, etc.) well, it was very funny that he was like a girl of marriageable age baked. This is not masculine behavior IMHO. my father, for example, uses aftershave cream and that’s it. without fanaticism


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Finally, the time has come when the joy of beauty discoveries can be shared with the stronger sex! We'll tell you what options for men's makeup exist, and beauty blogger Sergey Ostrikov will complement the picture

it will take 7 minutes to read

Text: Editorial staff of January 18, 2019



Redness, pimples, bruises from lack of sleep - in cases where it is important that such imperfections do not catch the eye, makeup is indispensable, and men also resort to its help. The material contains more details about why and when men’s makeup can be useful and what products to use in it.


Why do you need men's makeup?

Makeup for guys is still not the most typical thing, but every day it causes less and less surprise. Look more well-groomed, refresh your face (for example, before an important photo shoot), visually improve the quality of your skin, disguise its imperfections - all this can be achieved without much effort and time.


At the same time, it will not be visible from the outside that any beauty products were used. Russian men are taught, in particular, the basic principles of self-care by the beauty blog of Sergei Ostrikov.


However, bright and extravagant makeup for men is also not prohibited, as demonstrated by the example of a participant in the “Makeup Artists” show and famous makeup artist Gev Mua.


But if not everyone is ready for such bold beauty experiments, then there are cases when light makeup is necessary for everyone. When is makeup appropriate for men?


The camera (this applies to both photography and video) is capable of capturing imperfections that are invisible even at close range. Therefore, young people are prepared for photo shoots with the help of make-up. Most often we are talking about a “pore-filling” primer, a light foundation fluid marked HD (it creates a slight “defocus” effect, thanks to which small defects become invisible), a lip balm that softens the skin; sometimes contouring products are helpful. Everything is aimed at appearing in front of the camera in the best possible way.



An event such as a wedding also requires a slight transformation from a man. Makeup can be minimal - this is enough to make the groom’s image flawless. It happens that on the day of a celebration, for example, irritation appears on the skin - hardly anyone wants this to attract the eyes of guests and be noticeable in holiday photographs. So it’s not forbidden to use concealer or powder your face a little.


Public speaking or important business meeting

The situation is similar: you want to look your best in order to make a positive impression. So it’s entirely acceptable to turn to makeup to even out skin tone, hide imperfections, and create a sleek effect.


Fashion show

What kind of makeup do male models wear? At fashion shows, makeup artists always complement a fashionable look with harmonious makeup. There are also artistic make-up options, but mostly artists make do with moisturizing the skin, evening out the tone, adding blush and “styling” the eyebrows; Lip balm is also often used to soften the skin and achieve a dewy effect, which is still in fashion.


Sergey Ostrikov: “The modern trend is that guys are no longer idealized. There is blue under the eyes - it will be slightly toned or not touched at all, and some designers may even ask to emphasize it in order to give the model more masculinity or, conversely, subtlety. If we take decorative products, the main emphasis in a man’s image remains on the eyebrows. In the vast majority of cases, they are kept wide and emphasized with shadows or eyebrow styling gel. Colored accents are rare, but this only makes them look more impressive.”


Features of makeup for men

Men's nude makeup is subject to the same rules as women's: traces of the use of beauty products should not be visible. This means that you need to choose cosmetics in natural shades and pay attention to such nuances as, for example, careful application and shading. Unless, of course, men's makeup does not pursue the opposite goal and the task is not to create an image in which the makeup will be the center of attention.






One of the brightest makeup options for men can be found in the video below. And if this detailed lesson is unlikely to be useful to most men, then girls will definitely like it!

There are established images in which male make-up is appropriate. Thus, Korean men's makeup is widespread and well known. In this country, beauty has been elevated to a cult, and young people, wanting to look perfect in life, use at least foundation on a daily basis; sometimes blush, eyebrow gel, and softening lip balm are added to it.


Sergey Ostrikov: “Korean men's makeup focuses mainly on the skin: the face is covered with a fairly thick foundation or BB cream. Products are chosen with a moist texture to create the effect of radiant skin (in Korea it is called “chok-chok”). As in Western makeup, in a man’s look the main emphasis is on the eyebrows - at the same time, Asian eyebrows are not thick enough, so ordinary gel is not enough here; heavier artillery is used.”


Korean K-pop stars have their own way of wearing makeup. Fans imitate them, including in make-up. They work not only on skin tone, but also on the eye contour: they draw arrows, and sometimes they also create a smokey effect at the outer corners of the eyes.

Among artists, rock musicians often use cosmetics - only in this case the image is completely different from that of Korean neat artists. Their makeup is more aggressive in nature, grunge, with carelessly outlined eyes. As a rule, rockers choose this kind of makeup not only for the stage, but also for life.


However, such an approach is alien to non-public people - even if they need cosmetics, it is for purely practical purposes, not to create a genre image.

Sergey Ostrikov: “The male rock star image involves the main emphasis on the eyes and nails. At the same time, black remains the main masculine color, without options. The secret of brutality is in the careless application of products. If a guy has a shiny anthracite-colored gel polish on his nails, perfectly applied along the cuticle line, it won't be rock. The same can be said about eyeliner.”


How to do men's makeup? Step-by-step instruction

Sergey Ostrikov tells how to create flawless - and unnoticeable - men's makeup.

Men's makeup is, first of all, a story about a well-groomed appearance, so it all starts with basic care: clean skin and moisturizer. If these two points are not met, you don’t even have to try to move on.

Personally, I would recommend using concealer to disguise minor imperfections on the skin, vascular networks on the wings of the nose and dark circles under the eyes.

If you want to look fresher, you can apply a very thin layer of bronzer to the prominent parts of the face to give the skin a healthier tone: men are tanned in the vast majority of cases. The main thing is to choose transparent textures with a matte effect. A natural tan is not radiant - accordingly, there should be no shining particles in cosmetics if we do not want to turn into J. Lo.

“Advanced” men’s makeup includes taking care of the eyebrows: under no circumstances should you pluck them along the lower and upper borders, but only trim individual hairs that stray along the length (the older a man gets, the more such hairs appear). The only area where plucking is encouraged is the area between the eyebrows above the bridge of the nose. I also don’t recommend doing serious eyebrow makeup - it’s better to just style them with a small amount of transparent or slightly tinted gel.


Men's makeup: before and after

In photographs with examples of men's makeup, you may not even notice the cosmetics: professionals know how to make sure that the result is extremely natural. If you compare it with how the face looked “before”, you still cannot help but admit that “after” the skin is more uniform in tone and smooth, and the face as a whole is well-groomed, like that of models in glossy magazines.



Men's cosmetics: the essentials

If you're looking to put together a basic men's makeup bag, you'll want to check out the list we've put together.


One of the common problems of men's skin is enlarged pores. To solve this, you can use a filler primer like Pore Filler from NYX Professional Makeup. If in the case of a foundation there is still a chance that it will be noticeable at close range, then with a primer there is no need to worry about this.



For men, the most important thing is light formulas that “feel” on the face like a second skin. This could be a fluid like Shu Uemura's Petal Skin Fluid with a lighter consistency. Among its undoubted advantages is the ability to effectively mask imperfections, including enlarged pores, and adapt to the natural skin tone.


Another convenient solution in makeup for men can be foundation in a stick format—Yves Saint Laurent Beauté, All Hours Stick, has one. You can take it with you and apply it without any hassle, blending it with your fingertips. The long-lasting formula (lasts up to 24 hours) will allow you to forget about covering during the day.



An even more necessary product in men's makeup is concealer. This is a product for spot correction - it is applied directly. Young people most often do not want - and there is no need - to cover their entire face with foundation. And the dots made by the concealer can be shaded so that they are not visible. Use, for example, High Precision Retouch from Giorgio Armani.


Gel for eyebrows

A transparent gel will help cope with unruly, “tousled” eyebrows - this is exactly what you can find in the L’Oréal Paris x Isabel Marant collection. Again, no one will see traces of using cosmetics in this case - the product will only help lay the hairs in the desired direction and fix the shape. When preparing for a photo shoot, you can use a light tint gel - for example, Brow Precise from Maybelline. It will also not be noticeable either in the photo or in real life, but it will make the eyebrows a little brighter and well-groomed.


Styling products

Beautiful skin is only half the battle; careful hair styling will help complete the look - this applies to both female and male appearance. Men should not forget about caring for their beard (if they have one): everything they need can be found in the new L’Oréal Paris Barber Club collection.


Cream-gel or cream-styling is responsible for styling “hair to hair,” while oil and cleansing gel care for the hair and soften it. All products contain pine nut oil, which provides additional nutrition and shine.


How do you feel about men's makeup? Write a comment.



  1. Elena Idrisova March 24, 08:12 The main value of our life is emotions. And speaking of makeup, I am sure: we do not buy cosmetics, and not the makeup itself, but the feelings that we will experience from applying the product and the final result. And now, friends, a question. Taking the makeup process to the level of feelings, will gender matter? Obviously not. If a man, having covered up a pimple that popped up out of spite, will feel more confident because of this, why not? If a man wants to look at a photo shoot, event, and in life (!) with smooth, glowing skin, beautiful scouts and neatly combed eyebrows - why not?


    And if a man gets incredible pleasure from the process of applying makeup, creating videos, teaching others and wants to make this his life’s work, that’s great. How can you be against it? Everything in our life is emotions. And I’m happy to live in a world where makeup can bring the whole range of positive emotions to both men and women.
  2. Anna March 21, 21:12 I really like watching stylish male makeup artists. I take some techniques into my arsenal 😉. And I would like to accustom my male environment to proper care. Healthy skin is half the success! For the other half, in my opinion, well-groomed eyebrows and targeted correction of imperfections are not enough. I am for reasonable daily men's makeup!
  3. FARRUKH March 20, 17:55 And who even came up with the idea that only girls can do makeup? A neat appearance is already 50 percent of success. This is aesthetics. Properly chosen makeup makes a man even more courageous, sexier, and gives him more self-confidence. How wonderful it is that they are talking about this more and more, such articles are being written, many cool bloggers have appeared, guys who tell and show how to do it correctly, for example, like @notcatart 😊.

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