Which hair is best to apply oil to?


Natural base oils are often the main component in nourishing and moisturizing hair masks. It seems that there is nothing simpler than using them - apply, leave on the strands and rinse well. But even this routine beauty procedure requires compliance with a number of rules. What gross mistakes will negate all your efforts to strengthen your hair with oils?

Wrong choice of oil

When choosing any hair cosmetics - store-bought or homemade - it is important to consider their type and the problems that you want to solve. This rule also applies to oils! Not every product that is ideal for dry strands will work equally well on oily hair. Dandruff, split ends, dryness and brittleness, increased fat content - each product combats its own problem.

Include in your care only those oils that will have a positive effect specifically on your hair. Olive, linseed, and nutmeg oils are suitable for dry use. In the fight against excessive oily hair, sesame and argan oils will be useful. Coconut and almond oils will mask split ends. Burdock, rice and castor are used to grow and strengthen strands. If you have dandruff, you can include grape and peach oils in your care.

Too much oil on hair


The “more is better” rule when using oil masks for hair definitely does not work. Excess natural product, especially if applied incorrectly, can “clog” the pores on the scalp, which will not be beneficial for the health of your curls. In addition, it is very difficult to wash off oil-based masks from strands. If there is too much of it, even after several rinses, the hair will seem greasy.

Too frequent procedures

Natural oils are beneficial for the health and beauty of curls. But experts advise not to overuse such masks in home care. They can provoke “malfunctions” in the functioning of the sebaceous glands in the scalp, which will negatively affect the condition of the hair - it will become oilier or, conversely, dry, and dandruff will appear.

It is believed that oil masks should be done 1-2 times a week. This is quite enough to moisturize and nourish the curls.

Oil on wet hair

How do you go about applying oil to your hair? As a rule, it is distributed along the entire length of the pre-moistened strands. This is a serious mistake in home care! The application of masks is often accompanied by a parallel massage of the scalp and distribution of oil through the hair with a comb. These procedures can easily injure wet hair - in this state, it reacts sharply to the slightest external influence. In addition, a layer of water on the strands will not allow the beneficial substances from the oil to penetrate the hair structure - the mask will not “work.”

Experts advise applying oil specifically to dry curls.

Unheated oil

There is no rush to work with oil masks. Applying a product to your hair that you just took out of the refrigerator where you stored it is a big mistake. There will be little benefit from a home beauty session.

Moderate heating of the oil before the procedure will help ensure that the nutrients from the composition penetrate deeper into the hair structure. This means the curls will absorb all the benefits of the product. Heat the oil a little in a water bath, and then distribute it over the strands.

What if you apply chilled oil to your curls, and then use a hairdryer to “warm up” the composition? Experts do not advise doing this, since there is a risk of making the strands drier and brittle - at high temperatures they will begin to actively lose moisture.

Active scalp massage


Many of the natural oils are comedogenic. This does not make them any less beneficial for hair. But they should be used with caution. Active massage of the scalp while applying oil to the hair can cause “clogging” of the pores, which will negatively affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and, accordingly, the final condition of the curls.

Try not to perform a rough massage, trying to actively rub the natural composition into the scalp. This will definitely not make your strands thicker, smoother or stronger. Distribute the oil over your hair from roots to ends, comb with a soft comb. This way, the right amount will still end up on the scalp.

Short exposure of the oil mask to the strands

A mask with natural base oil will begin to “work” for the benefit of the beauty and health of hair no earlier than 2-3 hours after application. Therefore, it would be a mistake to wash off the natural product from your curls before this time.

The best option, according to experts, is to keep the oil on the strands all night. To do this, wrap your head in plastic and a towel.

Oil masks on colored hair

Colored hair requires active nutrition and hydration. That's why many women are starting to use oil masks more often. But this is harmful to the chemical pigment! It is “washed out” from the hair structure much faster under the influence of oils. No wonder this natural product is recommended to all those who want to switch to a natural shade of curls.

If you want to maintain the bright color of your dyed hair, remove oil masks from your home care altogether, or do them no more than once every 2 weeks.

Oil in summer hair care

Often treating your hair with natural oils in the summer is considered a big mistake. Even after a thorough rinsing of the strands, part of the composition still remains on them. And the oil will attract the sun's rays, which will provoke active evaporation of moisture from the hair structure. They will become dry and brittle. It turns out that in summer oil masks do not moisturize and nourish the strands, but on the contrary, they only “spoil” them.

In summer, try to use oil masks in your home care as little as possible.

Oil “mixes” for making masks

Trying to save on the purchase of high-quality cosmetic hair oils, many women begin to experiment with the composition of masks. The most common mistake is to combine several types of oil at once and apply this “cocktail” to your curls. It is unlikely that these actions will make homemade cosmetics any healthier. On the contrary, there is a risk that the hair will not “accept” the prepared composition. The oil will either be difficult to wash off or make the strands greasy.

Only specialists can combine individual oils into a high-quality cosmetic composition. Special oil hair products from trusted brands have a unique formula and a well-balanced composition carefully verified by specialists. This cannot be repeated at home.



Knowing how women applied oils to their hair back in ancient times Egypt can preserve their beauty for many years. In the east, natural products used for hair growth, shine, strengthening roots, and feeding them with vitamins were very popular.

Today, hair oil, as a natural product, is superior to many medicated cleansers containing synthetic substances.

How to properly apply oil to hair

Some types of oils are used not only to treat hair, but also to care for eyebrows and eyelashes:

  1. castor oil (is perfectly absorbed into the hair, reaching deep into the roots, forming a layer that protects it from external damage);
  2. almond oil (used without additives, prevents fragility);
  3. burdock oil (mainly used against dandruff and dry hair);
  4. flaxseed oil (supplies hair tissue with nutrients);
  5. jojoba oil (normalizes fat content, maintaining hair freshness).

To get the full effect, you need to follow the rules, which clearly indicate how to properly apply oil to your hair:

  1. any type of oil should be spread along the length of the hair (not on the head) with a cosmetic brush and combed with a massage brush;
  2. in order to accelerate blood circulation and blood flow to the roots, it is recommended, without pressing, to massage the scalp with your fingers;
  3. to get a full result, you need to wear a plastic swimming headdress, but do not pull it tightly so that air can penetrate;


  1. It is recommended to keep the mask on for 2-3 hours, then thoroughly rinse the oil from your hair. There are oils that can be left on all night (jojoba, flaxseed);
  2. If your hair is oily, you should not keep the mask on for a long time. As a rule, in such cases, the hair is washed off after an hour.

Jojoba oil is the only product that can be rubbed directly into the scalp. It helps nourish hair follicles with vitamins and penetrate nutrients deep into the roots.

Which hair is best to apply oil to?

It should be noted that there are two categories of oils: essential and vegetable. Herbal masks are applied in their pure form, without any additives, for several hours (maximum 3 hours), or overnight. The duration depends on the type of mask. The oil must first be heated by steam until warm.

Essential oils are added to the detergent (shampoo, or other hair washing products) in an amount of only 3-4 drops, otherwise you can burn the scalp, ends and roots of your hair.

The question of whether to apply oil to dry or damp hair still remains relevant.. Essential oil masks are used in the process of washing hair, as they are additives to the detergent. The mask should be washed off 4-5 minutes after applying it to the strands.

Vegetable oils are divided into fatty (castor, sea buckthorn, burdock) and non-fat, or as they are called dry (cocoa butter, jojoba). The duration of the procedure depends on their quality. Oily types of masks should be left on the hair for no more than an hour (or less - 45 minutes). Cocoa or jojoba butter can be left overnight.

When asked which hair is best to apply oil to, the presenters cosmetologists have one answer: the hair should be damp (not wet). An exception is castor oil applied to dry split ends of hair. It prevents the process of their damage.


Purpose of vegetable oils

Each vegetable oil has a specific purpose. Knowing which hair to apply castor oil to, you can overcome hair loss and fragility. The castor mask is applied for an hour. Unlike other herbal masks, castor oil, like jojoba oil, can be lightly massaged into the skin. Having reached the roots, it strengthens them and restores damaged pores, which accelerates the growth of new hairs.

Burdock oil is very popular among women who want to have long, voluminous hair. Burdock mask is an excellent growth stimulator, and this happens in a short time. The mask is an excellent anti-dandruff remedy. The results of burdock oil can be observed immediately after washing your hair. With proper washing after drying, the hair visually increases in volume and length.

Flaxseed oil is used to enrich the entire body with vitamins. It is also an excellent hair care product. Flaxseed oil has the property of restoring and moisturizing hair, which prevents the appearance of dandruff. As a preventive measure, it can be applied to the hair regularly. After a flax mask, the scalp becomes sensitive to the perception of nutrients, the hair is soft, as if slightly damp.

Sea buckthorn oil is one of the types of herbal masks that promote strong hair growth and prevent baldness. It is valued for its wealth of nutrients, large amounts of vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on hair quality.

Advice! It is recommended to use natural hair cleansers as often as possible. First of all, they are safe, do not cause allergic reactions, and most importantly, they have medicinal qualities.


Since ancient times, when speaking about female attractiveness, they mean the beauty of hair. And the point is not whether they are long or short, smooth or curly, flowing or fluffy, but how well-groomed they are. But sometimes women worry more about the color and shape of their haircut than about the health of their curls. Whereas there is a simple and effective way to maintain their elasticity, softness, shine and even richness of color longer - cosmetic care with vegetable and essential oils.

Knowing how to properly apply nourishing oil to your hair, as well as choosing the right one for the structure and condition of the strands, you can achieve amazing results.



What is especially important is that masks, wraps and compresses made from cosmetic oils not only give hair shine and silkiness, but also treat it. By enriching the follicles with useful substances, natural vegetable and essential oils promote active hair growth and prevent excessive hair loss. By filling the cavities between the scales with their dense composition, they solve the problem of split ends and fragility of strands. And penetrating into the structure of curls, they strengthen them, imbue them with vitality and make them soft, flowing and manageable in styling.

The rich vitamin composition and wide spectrum of action of cosmetic oils allow them to be used as a powerful restorative agent for weakened strands of any structure and length.



Terms of use

When selecting cosmetic oil for your hair, and even more so when mixing them for one procedure, it is important to know not only the functional orientation of each component, but also take into account their general compatibility. And also remember about the possibility of allergies, especially to exotic ingredients. Therefore, before using aromatherapy, masks, wraps or compresses based on vegetable or essential natural oils, you need to make sure of their individual tolerance. It can be easily tested by placing a drop on your wrist and observing the skin reaction.



Applying oils at home

  1. Before use, cosmetic oils should be heated in a water bath to 40-50 °C.
  2. To prepare your own fruit hair masks, you should first grind the fruits in a blender, then combine them with warm cosmetic oil and mix well again.
  3. The usual duration of action of combined masks on strands is from 20-30 minutes to 1.5-2 hours, and in their pure form, plant extracts can be left on the hair for 8-12 hours.
  4. Not all masks can be rubbed into the roots - check the permissibility of this on the label or in the instructions for use.
  5. To enhance the effect of a mask or wrap, do not put a plastic bag or shower cap on your head (you can overheat your strands) - it is better to use a terry or flannel towel.
  6. For preventive care, it is enough to apply oil to the hair once a week, and to achieve a therapeutic effect - every 3 days for 2-3 months.



Owners of voluminous hair and short curls often argue about how to properly apply masks based on vegetable or essential oils to their hair. Some people wrap dry strands with them before washing, while others spray them with a spray bottle immediately after a shower, while still wet. There are also those who forcefully rub them into the roots and along the entire length of freshly washed hair, and after 15 minutes they go back to the bathhouse. There is also disagreement about what temperature they should be - cold, warm or hot.


But experts agree: before use, cosmetic oils must be heated to + 40 degrees and certainly in a water bath - this way their aromatic essence will be fully revealed, better absorbed into the hair, roots and skin and will maximize all its beneficial properties.

It is correct to apply cosmetic oil only to clean, well-combed, dry hair (or slightly damp, thoroughly towel-dried). There is no need to specifically wet the strands - oil masks are already sufficiently saturated with moisture and moisturize the curls on their own.


A little secret - so that after using such rather greasy wraps, the strands do not appear dull and greasy, before the procedure they should be washed with the most ordinary shampoo that does not contain collagen. This way, the oil will not fall on the greasy film, but directly on the hair, which will also enhance the penetration of all biologically active substances into its structure.


If you need to oil the roots or on colored curls, the mask should not be rubbed harshly or forcefully or left on for too long.

Warmed up and carefully and gently driven into the follicles with your fingertips, it will penetrate where it is needed and with what intensity it needs, and also will not cause irritation. To increase blood circulation in the scalp, even such a light self-massage will be enough, while the follicles will remain intact and unharmed, nourished with valuable microelements and enriched with vitamins useful for the growth of healthy curls. By the way, to distribute the oil from roots to ends, just comb the strands with a sparse comb and lightly beat with your fingers. And it is important to remember that such procedures should not be carried out before dyeing - the coloring pigment will not penetrate into the clogged hair shaft.



After applying the oil solution, it is better to tie long strands in a knot (not tightly) so that they do not fall apart or get tangled, and short curls will be smoothed out and will not interfere. Then wrap it in a terry towel for the amount of time indicated on the label of the cosmetic oil chosen for the procedure - usually from 20 minutes to 3 hours, but sometimes longer. If the strands are lubricated with natural plant extract in its pure form, then you can safely do household chores for 10-12 hours or go to bed.



The best way to wash off a mask with cosmetic oil from your hair is as follows:

  1. shake the shampoo with your hands directly on oiled hair - without water;
  2. as soon as foam appears, rinse the strands under running warm water, then repeat the “shampoo-foam-water” procedure;
  3. rinse the curls with herbal infusion or vinegar or lemon solution.


Beneficial features

Cosmetic oils for hair care are rather fatty substances created on the basis of extracts that are obtained by cold pressing of beneficial plants and are practically insoluble in water. During industrial production, their natural organic base is often replaced with a mineral or synthetic one and mixed with fragrances, preservatives, dyes and other delights of chemical cosmetology. Which, to put it mildly, does not add any usefulness to them, and therefore is increasingly reviving the interest of beauties in natural hair care products.


Vegetable oils are completely safe because their composition is similar to human sebum. They are great for almost everyone (even with irritated and very sensitive scalp) and extremely rarely cause allergies. Natural plant extracts are perfectly absorbed, delivering maximum beneficial substances to the strands, and are used either in pure form or as a biologically active vitamin supplement to store-bought masks. They are equally good for all hair types, beneficial for the delicate skin around the eyes and for dry and aging skin of the face and scalp.

With the help of vegetable oils, you can strengthen not only curls, but also nails, as well as eliminate cosmetic defects of the skin of the face, hands and body, and even treat some dermatological diseases.


Properties of vegetable oils

  1. Anti-inflammatory.
  2. Normalization of secretions.
  3. Activation of collagen synthesis in the scalp.
  4. Gentle cleansing and aromatic toning.
  5. Softening and moisturizing curls and roots.
  6. Thickening thinning and strengthening weakened strands.
  7. Saturation with useful microelements along the entire length.


Essential oils differ from vegetable oils in that they are more concentrated and less fatty. They cannot be applied in their pure form to the roots and hair - you need to mix a few drops with vegetable or synthetic cosmetic oils or with ready-made balms, shampoos or masks. Otherwise, incredibly rich essential compounds will harm the fragile hair structure and delicate skin.



Essential oils - for hair strength

  1. Activation of skin regeneration.
  2. Follicle restoration.
  3. Strengthening hair roots and structure.
  4. Active saturation with vitamins A, C, P, B and D.
  5. Nourishes and smoothes strands along the entire length.
  6. Stimulation of curl growth and aromatic toning.
  7. Elimination of dandruff, itching, oiliness and dryness.
  8. Stabilization of the functions of sebaceous secretions.
  9. The ability to thicken hair, lighten its tone or remove color.



The most popular means

  1. burdock, flaxseed, almond, grape and cocoa butter - general strengthening and nutrition of the follicles and scalp, activating hair growth and giving a healthy shine;
  2. castor, coconut, sea buckthorn and ylang-ylang oil - treatment of damaged and weakened strands, restoration of split ends, getting rid of dandruff;
  3. wheat germ oil - effective elimination of excessive hair loss;
  4. argan and peach oils - saturating the hair with useful substances, promoting natural radiance, increasing thickness and volume;
  5. amla oil - giving strands lightness, softness and silkiness;
  6. jojoba and macadamia oils - abundant hydration, high-quality restoration and smoothing of dried out strands along the entire length

You will learn how to properly apply oil to your hair and which oil is best to buy from the video.