Wormwood tincture for papillomas: how to take, reviews


The content of the article:
  1. Description and composition of wormwood
  2. Beneficial features
  3. Contraindications for use
  4. How to prepare wormwood tincture
  5. Methods of application
  6. Results of treatment of papillomas

Wormwood tincture is a well-known folk medicine that demonstrates particular effectiveness in treating the human papillomavirus and removing tumors on the skin caused by it. However, you should not start treatment with this remedy without consulting a doctor.

Description and composition of wormwood

Wormwood is rich in elements such as phytoncides, alkaloids, essential oils, tannins, resins, ascorbic, succinic and malic acids. Their maximum concentration is contained in fresh flowers and leaves of the plant, which is why, when making wormwood tincture for papillomas, it is better to take fresh raw materials.

However, in the dried collection, the concentration of antiviral components is also high enough to counteract papillomas. If you are used to resorting to traditional medicine recipes, always prepare wormwood in advance.

The above-ground parts of the plant are harvested during the flowering season, and the roots - in the summer. The collected material is thoroughly washed and laid out to dry, preferably outside. After drying, the wormwood is crushed, placed in a glass jar and put in a dark place.

Important! The tincture of wormwood for papillomas demonstrates high effectiveness both in removing the growth and in the fight against the virus inside the body.

Useful properties of wormwood tincture for papillomas

When used for papillomas, wormwood tincture shows unique properties. It has a beneficial effect on the body, but at the same time is destructive for the virus. This effect is relevant for both external and internal use of the medicine.

Let's look at the main beneficial properties of wormwood tincture, which are important in the fight against HPV, in more detail:

  1. Beneficial effects on the skin. The product has a destructive effect on papilloma, mummifying it and causing it to fall off, but at the same time the tincture has a beneficial effect on healthy skin, activating local immunity. Also, the medicine can relieve itching and burning, and therefore it is actively used not only for the treatment of papillomas, which do not cause this kind of discomfort, but also for the treatment of other skin diseases.
  2. Anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. When treating human papillomavirus, wormwood tincture also works as an antiseptic, giving a powerful rebuff to the disease. That is why treatment with this home remedy is not only about eliminating the effect itself, but also about treating the cause.
  3. Antioxidant effect. Wormwood is able to counteract free radicals, which saves the body from the formation of abnormal molecular bonds and the development of tumors. It is largely due to this property that the plant tincture has a destructive effect on the growth and reduces the risk of its degeneration into a malignant tumor.
  4. Normalization of the nervous system. This quality of wormwood is also very important in the fight against HPV. If the decrease in immunity that provoked the active phase of the virus is caused by constant stress, the tincture will help restore peace of mind, and as a result remove the constant factor of oppression of the body’s defenses.

Another very important advantage of the plant is its high compatibility with other drug therapy. Wormwood tincture for papillomas is very often used as part of complex treatment, including not only traditional medicine recipes, but also traditional medications.

Contraindications to the use of wormwood tincture in the treatment of papillomas

However, like any medicinal plant, wormwood has contraindications. Treatment with bitter medicine is strictly prohibited when diseases of the digestive system, anemia and pregnancy.

A relative contraindication to the use of wormwood in getting rid of papillomas is individual intolerance home remedy components. The plant has a distinct odor, and therefore allergies to it are not uncommon. That is why any person, and especially those with allergies, need to start using this medicine very carefully.

If any deterioration in well-being is noticed, from headache and weakness to allergic rashes, you should immediately stop therapy and find a more suitable medicine.

It is important to remember when using wormwood tincture for papillomas and about proper dosing. An overdose of natural medicine is no less dangerous than an overdose of pharmaceutical medications. If a course of treatment is recommended in treatment, it is imperative to observe the specified time between courses.

  1. Read also about methods of treating papillomas with wormwood oil

How to prepare wormwood tincture for papillomas?

There are many ways to prepare wormwood tincture for papillomas, but the following recipes have become the most widely known and popular:

  1. Oil tincture. Grind the seeds of the plant in a coffee grinder and pour into a glass jar, pour in vegetable oil (preferably olive oil). The approximate proportions are: 1 tablespoon of seeds per 1/2 cup of oil. Close the jar tightly with a lid and put it in a cool, dark place for 3 days. Strain the finished tincture and use for its intended purpose.
  2. Alcohol tincture. In this case, you can take any parts of the plant. They are crushed, poured into a jar and filled with alcohol in a ratio of 1:5, for example, for 100 grams of wormwood you will need 0.5 liters of alcohol. The medicine for papillomas should be infused for 2 weeks in a dark place, then stored in the refrigerator.
  3. Cognac infusion. To prepare this remedy, it is best to use wormwood roots. 50 grams of crushed roots are poured into a jar and filled with 1 liter of cognac. Then the jar is placed in a water bath and simmers for 1 hour. Afterwards, the medicine must be infused for another week in a dark place.
Note! It is not necessary to make tincture of wormwood for the papilloma virus yourself at home; it can always be purchased ready-made at the pharmacy.

Methods of using wormwood tincture for papillomas

The medicine is suitable for both oral and external use. Let's figure out how to take wormwood tincture for papillomas in both cases:

  1. Externally. In this case, there are no such strict restrictions on the use of the product - the neoplasm can be wiped with it 2-3 times a day until it falls off. For treatment, it is better to use a cotton swab and apply the tincture to the growth pointwise, without touching healthy skin. When localizing papillomas on sensitive areas of the body, it is recommended to mix wormwood tincture with tea tree oil in a ratio of 1:4. Usually it takes about 2 weeks to remove them, but the process can take up to a month.
  2. Inside. Whatever recipe for preparing wormwood tincture for papillomas you choose, the recommendations for use will generally be the same. It is necessary to dissolve a few drops of the product in a glass of water every day and drink 15-20 minutes before meals. The dosage and course of treatment must be discussed with the doctor, but on average they are as follows: the recommended dose is no more than 5 drops per day, the duration of therapy is no more than 2 weeks.
Note! If after 2 weeks the papilloma not only has not fallen off, but there are no visual changes in the growth at all, you need to stop treatment with wormwood tincture for papillomas and use an alternative medicine.
  1. Read how to remove papillomas with honey

Results of treatment of papillomas with wormwood tincture

Treatment and removal of papillomas with wormwood is one of the oldest methods of getting rid of benign skin growths. This practice is rooted in the deep past, and therefore there is no doubt about its effectiveness.

This natural medicine has not only folk wisdom on its side, but also official science - in the pharmacy you can find many anti-papilloma medications based on wormwood.

Unfortunately, guarantees of effectiveness in each specific situation cannot be given, however, if you believe numerous reviews about the treatment of papillomas with wormwood on the Internet, in most cases it is possible to get rid of growths after 15-20 days of regular, conscientious treatment.

Remember! Alternative treatment of papillomas with wormwood is not recommended if there is infection with oncogenic strains of the virus.

How to use wormwood tincture for papillomas - watch the video:

Wormwood tincture for papillomas is an effective and reliable medicine that has been proven over the years, approved by official medicine. It is important that it helps not only in removing growths, but also in the fight against HPV. This means that the plant treats not only the effect, but also the cause. However, it has contraindications, which are important to consider. That is why, before starting treatment, you must visit a doctor and undergo the necessary tests.

  1. Read how to remove papillomas using folk remedies