
The one who drank opium experiences numbness and coldness in the limbs and itching occurs from the poisoned person, and the smell of opium spreads. The patient begins to feel dizzy and hiccup, and his eyes darken, tightness appears in the throat and breathing, breathing becomes shallow, the limbs turn yellow and dark, the faces turn yellow, belching becomes difficult, hibernation sets in, the tongue becomes stiff and the eyes sink in, and then a suffocating body and cold appear. sweat and death occurs. One of the reasons why opium is so deadly is that it thickens the blood so that it does not flow through the vessels, cools the pneuma and causes spasm of the respiratory organs. The lethal dose of opium is two dirhams, and it kills in two days, especially if the opium is given to drink in wine from wine, it acts more strongly, unless the amount of wine comes to counteract the opium, and is more dangerous in the hot nature of the body, since He

In this case, the general rules of emptying are applied, inducing vomiting with oil, water, salt or bavrak and then sikanjubin, giving water with honey to drink and then giving strong enemas. Medicines against opium include shikanjubin with wormwood and wormwood with wine. Asafoetida is an antidote to opium, and also, and especially, Chinese cinnamon, by itself and with vinegar, and sagapen. In the same way, and especially, beaver spray or pepper with wine or sikanjubin, or sathar with rue and salt, rose oil with vinegar or honey, garlic and nuts also help well.

Sometimes a person who has drunk opium is given a special antidote to drink; they take equal quantities of asafoetida, juniper berries, beaver stream and pepper and mix it with honey - from one nabka to one javza.

Taking one misqal of asafoetida in twenty-five dirhams of fragrant wine often saves one from opium. Old wine in large quantities surprisingly helps, especially if it is liquid, fragrant, has absorbed a lot of water, and, moreover, with Chinese cinnamon. There is nothing better than teryak with liajazaniya and mithridate in wine. A person who has been poisoned by opium should tickle his nose with a dab or something similar to make him sneeze - this is an excellent way to eliminate the causes of poisoning. The patient's hair should be plucked to keep him awake, hot oils should be rubbed into his body, for example, bush oil or iris oil, and he should be given a sniff, for example, beaver stream or sukk. He must sit in a hot bath so that cramps do not appear and the itching does not intensify, and he must slurp on oily stews and fats, and especially bone marrow.