Tumor in the vessels of the mesentery

Its signs are common to those of a liver tumor, but the fever with a hot tumor is weak, not as strong as the fever with a liver tumor. Heaviness and tension are felt deeper towards the abdomen and stomach; The tension is sometimes stronger than the heaviness. When there are no signs of blockage in the liver and no signs of swelling in the liver, but you see that the stool is like chyle and thin, and this does not depend on the weakness of digestion of food in the stomach, of which there are no signs, but there is tension and slight fever, then consider that there is a hot tumor in the mesenteric vessels. As for a solid tumor, it is difficult to distinguish it from blockages in the mesenteric vessels, and here only distant assumptions are possible. If after a few days something purulent comes out underneath, then know that pus has come out of the tumor. Such pus differs from pus due to a similar tumor in the liver in that it is reddish and somewhat bloody, while liver pus is more purulent and yellow.