Esophageal tumors

They can be hot, phlegmonous and erysipelas, as well as mucous, cold or hard. In most cases, these tumors are difficult to mature and are punctured.

Signs. A swelling is indicated by pain when swallowing and not when swallowing, extending to the back of the head, and narrowing of the pharynx. With a hot tumor, there is sometimes a mild fever; Often it attacks only occasionally, like a one-day fever, sometimes accompanied by stunning chills. With such a tumor there is intense thirst and fever; when the tumor matures, the chills intensify, and after opening the tumor the patient vomits pus. If the tumor is not hot, then the pharynx also narrows, as with a hot tumor, but there is no heat, no fever, no thirst.

Treatment. Medicines for this disease include medicines to drink and medicines that are applied externally; When using medications externally, they should be placed between the shoulder blades. These medicines should be distracting and astringent, made from fragrant herbs and fruits, by analogy with medicines used in the treatment of stomach tumors; to them are added, for example, usshak, bdellium, sweet clover and Nabataean resin, without eliminating the astringents, as well as fat. If this does not work and it is necessary to cause greater resorption, and the tumor is hard at the base, then it is necessary to add strongly dissolving agents, such as laurel berries, saliva, wild caraway, aristolochia, “orris root”, balm. Sometimes it is necessary to use drugs to help open the tumor, in the form of medicinal dressings, for example, mustard, thapsia and other drugs mentioned in the paragraph on abscesses in the chest and lungs, even pigeon feces and the like.

As for medicines to drink, when treating hot tumors, medicines should be prepared from them for licking, so that they pass over the sore spot constantly and little by little. In the beginning, these should be medicines, for example, from lentils and bamboo nodules, as well as from plantain mucus, purslane mucus, pumpkin juice and the like. Then they move on to the same medicines with an admixture of relaxing and dissolving ones, to which a little figs, fennel juice and chamomile are added, and then they add dates and fenugreek. They also eat distracting stews, for example, stews made from barley flour and lentils and acidified with substances known to you or not. When the tumor begins to ripen, prescribe a stew of bran milk with sweet almond oil and sugar; They also put in them, for example, flaxseed and the like, and then add vetch flour and chickpea flour. Having brought the tumor to the opening, you need to give strength to the stew with blue iris rhizome, bitter almonds, horehound and a small amount of mustard, dates and figs.

Treatment of cold tumors in the esophagus. What is said about cold tumors of the stomach is taken into account, and medicines are used that soften and cause ripening. Among the internal remedies, these are, for example, licking medicines and stews, which we mentioned as causing ripening, that is, stews made from vetch flour, lentil flour and barley flour, flavored with honey and strengthened with licorice root, iris rhizome and other medicines. And externally, the medicinal dressings we mentioned are used to induce ripening, which include fenugreek, chamomile, sweet clover, bdelium, turpentine gum, usshak, “orris root” and the power of incense medicines. If the tumor begins to fester and becomes hot, do as stated in the previous paragraph, and take into account what is said in the paragraph about stomach tumors.