
Among the decoctions that prevent the formation of stones, if you constantly use them during attacks of pain, is the following: boil the leaves of wild mallow, add ghee and honey to the decoction and drink it in large quantities. It makes the stone slide, drives urine and removes it with ease. Says Rufus: “Frequent bathing in hot sulfurous waters crushes the stone.” This is an indication that if you put a medicine for stones into certain sharp waters, which sometimes ulcerate the skin, and immerse a cloth in it when it is hot, and apply it to the place where the stone is, they will crumble it; we tried something like this ourselves. As for the methods of preparing the stone for tearing and separation under the influence of drugs and for easy slipping and exiting, then for this you should use, in the form of rubbing, oils that relax the urinary tract, as well as relaxing waterings, medicinal dressings and wax ointments. Saunas and baths are useful to the extent that they are not too relaxing, reducing the expulsion force. Sometimes, because of this, even more matter flows to the diseased organ; in this case, you should take a medicine that removes the stone to facilitate the removal and removal. It is also necessary to add to the medicines that relax the urinary tract, substances that strengthen the strength, according to the well-known law of treatment, especially substances that, although they have strengthening properties, do not greatly oppose the goal of dissolving the stone. These are, for example, iris oil, sumbul oil, henna oil and wallflower oil, as well as the bodies of these plants; Wallflower oil combines many beneficial properties. Then the patient is pulled over the middle of the body, sides and pubis to widen the canals from above, or they rub these places with their hands and after that they give them medicines that crush the stone, and if these medicines have already been given, then they are prescribed diuretics. It is also not bad to drink, for example, the laxative cassia with almond oil or some sticky squeezed juice from the well-known diuretic squeezed juices, which are sticky and promote slipping; it is also taken with almond oil. After relaxation of the urinary tract, or when relaxation is not required and you know that the stone has come off and become mobile, poultices with a sponge or something like a sponge moistened with water and olive oil, or a poultice of Melegetian pepper and bran, help; Warming medicinal dressings and rubbing in hot warming oils, such as rue oil or olive oil and beaver stream, are also helpful. The warmth of the medicinal dressings should be maintained.

If you need a stronger remedy, you place an empty blood-sucking jar a little lower than the place where the stone is and where it hurts, so that it pulls the stone, and then lower the jar from this place even lower and stick it. So you gradually lower the jar down from the kidney area obliquely along the ureters, and when you go down to the bladder, the pain will calm down. Sometimes, in order to lower a stone, it is enough to do physical exercises or movements, ride a horse at a measured pace or go down the steps of a ladder, especially if rubbing was used before. Sometimes a stone, descending from the bladder into the canal of the penis, causes pain; in this case, you should use this place as we will say below. As for the remedies for pain when it is excited, especially pain in the bladder due to the large size of the stone, the presence of teeth, a scratching fracture or hardness causing abrasions, sometimes it is calmed by a bath or a bath, but if the bath is too long and relaxes the tissues, then after a while severe pain returns. Watering with chamomile, sweet clover, marshmallow and bran is good and useful. If there is some natural constipation, then it is good to remove feces using a suppository or an enema. If the enema is large, then it presses and causes pain, so a suppository, in my opinion, is even preferable. Softening the nature brings great relief and soothes pain. The use of a laxative is unacceptable - it causes pain and irritates, causing juices to slip and bring them down from above. As for the enema, if you put in it fats and oily substances, as well as drugs that are significantly relaxing and strongly diuretic, it produces, along with relaxation, also softening, relieves pain and promotes the removal of stones. If the pain is strong and calms down after the treatment we mentioned, but then, when treated with medicines for stones, it rises again, then it is best to refrain from drugs that strongly move the stone, and turn to soft, softening enemas, rubbing and wax ointments that relax the tissues , soften and promote sliding. At such times it is sometimes useful to induce vomiting, and this is because it reduces the amount of juices pressing on the stone; however, vomiting often causes harm, as it pulls the stone upward. When the pain is such that it does not subside at all, then it is impossible to avoid using something that causes numbness. The best of these remedies is filunia, as well as mandrake medicine or teryak, but not old, but rather fresh, in which the power of opium is still preserved. It helps for many reasons - due to the properties of teriyak as a diuretic and stone crushing agent, and also because it dulls dulls

Sometimes winds in the kidneys, which also press on the stone, contribute to the occurrence of pain - they are recognized by the signs of winds in the kidneys, or pressing winds in the intestines, which are indicated by their signs. In such cases, one should resort to medicines that weaken the winds, for example, rue and its seeds, the seeds of mountain parsley, anise, azhgon, cumin and nigella in the form of a drink, for example, with water sweetened with honey, or in the form of medicinal dressings; They are also used as part of a wax ointment or in enemas.

If the stone is formed as a result of a hot tumor, it is first treated in the same way as a tumor in the kidneys is treated, extinguishing the heat with the well-known pourings of medicinal bandages and wax ointments, which you have already been told about in many paragraphs; they are sprayed with vinegar to make them pass. Enemas are also used with the same squeezed juices and rose oil added to them; if bloodletting is necessary, it is done. If the stone arose from a hard tumor, then they are treated, for example, with hot mucus: mucus of flaxseed, fenugreek, marshmallow and horehound seeds mixed with some cooling juice, as well as chamomile, sweet clover, tribulus, dill. These medications are taken as drinks, used in enemas and prescribed as ointments; when using them in ointments, you should add there, for example, ratiyanaja, sagapen, ushshaka, maya and beaver stream or, say, myrrh, as well as hot oils with somewhat strengthening properties.