Papilloma on the sternum in adults: causes and treatment

Papilloma on the sternum

The content of the article:
  1. Reasons for appearance
  2. Symptoms and diagnosis of papillomas on the sternum
  3. Treatment options
    1. Medicines
    2. Surgical removal
    3. Folk remedies
  4. Prevention of papillomas on the chest

Papilloma on the chest is a manifestation of HPV, which should not be ignored, as it indicates dysfunction of the human body. However, at the same time, it is precisely such formations that in many cases remain unattended, since many are aware of the benign nature of such structures, and the place where they appear does not cause any discomfort. Such ignorance is fundamentally wrong, since even the smallest growths are clear evidence of a person’s weakened immune system, and in some cases, harbingers of cancer. Everyone should know why papillomas appear on the sternum, how to recognize them in a timely manner and what to do next, because the virus is present in the body of more than 70% of people on Earth.

Causes of papillomas on the sternum

HPV 3d model

The human papillomavirus, the main cause of formations on the body, has several hundred strains. Some of them are localized in the epidermal tissues of the breast, causing the growth of structures in this area. Pathogenic microorganisms enter the host’s body through microcracks if personal hygiene rules are not observed and can remain in the incubation period for a long time.

The human papillomavirus is localized not only in the epidermal layers of the skin, but also in the mucous membrane. Accordingly, if we are talking about papillomas on the chest, then formations can appear not only on the skin itself, but also on halos, nipples, and the ducts of the mammary glands.

Activation of the virus occurs when the body’s own defense mechanisms fail. Weak immunity is not able to suppress the proliferation of pathogenic cells.

A number of factors contribute to this development of the disease:

  1. hormonal imbalance due to long-term antibiotic treatment;
  2. avitaminosis;
  3. regular stressful conditions;
  4. breast papilloma often occurs in pregnant women during the period of hormonal changes in the body;
  5. friction from tight underwear also contributes to the development of formations.

There are many reasons that provoke a decrease in a person’s immunity, so it is extremely important to monitor the general state of health and consult a doctor at the first disturbance.

Note! Not only pregnant women, but also nursing mothers are at risk. Papillomas on a woman’s sternum can occur on cracked nipples, which are companions of young mothers. To prevent such a disease, a nursing mother must carefully monitor breast hygiene, position the baby correctly when feeding, and monitor the condition of the nipples.
  1. Read also why intraductal papillomas of the mammary gland appear

Symptoms and diagnosis of papillomas on the chest

Papillomas on the chest

Photo of papillomas on the chest

Structures on the nipples and areolas are detected during normal visual inspection and appear as small, neutral-colored lumps. In some cases, papillomas on the chest may not cause discomfort at all, while in others, constantly coming into contact with underwear, they irritate the delicate skin of the nipples.

Quite painful papillomas under a woman’s breasts look like small flesh-colored bumps. Due to their location, such structures are constantly in contact with underwear and can be injured or irritated, as a result of which the color becomes saturated. Due to constant sweating, poor personal hygiene and poor air access to these areas of the body, secondary inflammation of such formations is not uncommon. Research shows that inflamed papilloma on the female breast more often transforms into malignant one.

Intraductal papillomas of the mammary gland require mandatory treatment. However, it is possible to detect such neoplasms without additional examinations only when they grow to a particularly large size, and a transparent substance with bloody inclusions begins to ooze from the nipples.

Early symptoms of such formations may also include:

  1. burning or tingling in the chest;
  2. high sensitivity of the décolleté area;
  3. uncharacteristic discharge from the nipples.

For timely detection of growths, it is necessary to regularly examine the breasts, as well as palpate. The appearance of atypical growths or lumps in tissue should be a reason to visit a doctor. Delay in this matter is fraught with the degeneration of formations into an oncological form.

The key to quick treatment of papilloma on a woman’s sternum is its timely diagnosis. At your first visit to the doctor, a visual examination of your breasts will be performed and tests will be prescribed.

A mammologist can easily identify an intraductal neoplasm during an ultrasound examination. To clarify the location of the papilloma and determine its precise size, an x-ray examination can be performed using contrasting solutions.

Diagnosis of the disease includes general blood and urine tests to identify inflammatory processes in the body, as well as analysis of fluid secreted from the nipples for pathogenic flora. HPV genotyping is carried out.

If cancer is suspected, consultations with an oncologist are scheduled. To exclude cancer, it is necessary to undergo a complete breast examination.

  1. See also external signs of papillomas under the breasts

Methods for treating papilloma on the sternum

The duration and features of the patient’s treatment will depend on the results of the studies performed. Modern medicine in the fight against papillomas on the female and male breasts offers combined treatment - medications to fight the virus, destruction to remove unaesthetic growths. At the same time, many patients prefer traditional recipes to traditional medicine, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed not by laboratory studies, but by experience.

Medicines for papillomas on the chest

Medicines for papillomas on the chest

The photo shows drugs for the treatment of papillomas on the sternum

Drug therapy is aimed at stopping the destructive effects of pathogenic microorganisms. To prevent the development of the virus, inflammatory processes in the body are suppressed and the immune system is stimulated.

A patient's first aid kit for papilloma on the sternum should contain:

  1. Cycloferon or its analogs Amiksin, Lavomax, Arbidol to stimulate the body's protective functions. Such drugs are relatively inexpensive (from 300 Russian rubles or 120 Ukrainian hryvnia).
  2. Viferon-Feron, Introbion are synthetic stimulants of the body's protective functions. The price for the drug starts from 300 rubles, 100 hryvnia.
  3. Groprinosin - an effective antiviral agent in the pharmacy is available for 350 Russian rubles, 100-150 Ukrainian hryvnia. In some cases, analogues of the drug Neoprinosin or Groprim are prescribed.

Medicines for papillomas on the chest, their combinations and dosage can only be prescribed by a doctor. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate.

Important! Drug treatment is not canceled even during the period of surgical removal of growths. The goal of this type of therapy is to maintain the normal functioning of the body, localize the virus and prevent the appearance of new formations.
  1. See also instructions for use of Acyclovir ointment for papillomas and warts

Surgical removal of papillomas on the sternum

Removal of papillomas on the sternum

Removing breast papilloma is a rather painful procedure. Therefore, not all methods of destruction, and there are many of them today, are suitable. In such a sensitive area the following are used:

  1. Laser removal. The papilloma is removed layer by layer using a high-temperature beam. The method is practically painless and leaves no scars. The disadvantages of this method include the need for several procedures (removal of one structure can last up to 2 weeks), as well as the high cost - in Russia, papilloma on the sternum can be removed for 2,900 rubles, and in Ukraine from 1,300 hryvnia.
  2. Electric current. Mostly thread-like formations are removed, the site of destruction is immediately cauterized, so a small scar remains. The procedure is quite painful, but affordable for almost everyone (on average 700 rubles in Russia, 300 hryvnia in Ukraine).
  3. Radio knife. Under the influence of high-frequency waves, the build-up is eliminated. The marks from the operation disappear on average within a week, and in the same area the likelihood of new formations occurring is significantly reduced. The price for papilloma removal using this method in Russian clinics starts from 1000 rubles for a small lesion; in Ukraine, the minimum cost of the procedure is 350 hryvnia. However, the cost of removing large formations is several times more expensive.
  4. Endoscopic surgical removal. It is actively used to remove intraductal papillomas of the mammary gland. An endoscope is inserted into the cavity through a small incision, with which the surgeon performs the operation. The tissues of the formation must undergo further histological examination. The cost of the procedure varies widely.

The destruction method is selected based on the patient’s general health, the size and shape of the growths, and other medical indicators.

Note! If a pregnant woman has breast papilloma, treatment will be recommended to begin after childbirth. In some cases, after normalization of the hormonal balance, the formations disappear on their own.
  1. See also indications for surgical removal of papilloma

Folk remedies against papillomas on the chest

Castor oil for papillomas on the chest

Even if papillomas on the female and male breasts do not cause physical discomfort, many strive to restore the aesthetic appearance of the skin on the chest. At home, they try to get rid of growths using alternative medicine recipes.

The most effective folk remedies for papillomas on the chest:

  1. Garlic juice compresses, which should be applied for a few minutes a day;
  2. Pure castor oil for lubricating new growths;
  3. The partitions are made of walnut shells; they should be infused for 3 weeks in kerosene (proportions - 2:1), and then the growths should be smeared with this composition.

But celandine juice, which is effectively used in the fight against neoplasms in other parts of the body, cannot be used under the breasts. It is important to understand that papilloma on the sternum, due to its localization in a sensitive area, cannot be removed by aggressive means, even of natural origin.

Important! Giving preference to traditional medicine methods, one should not avoid the recommendations of doctors. Based on practical experience and test results, the doctor can recommend the most effective recipes.

Prevention of papillomas on the chest

Breast examination by a doctor

The most sensible thing a person can do for their health is to prevent the development of the disease. Preventive measures for the appearance of papilloma on the chest are:

  1. compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  2. women's use of underwear in accordance with their figure parameters;
  3. lack of stress;
  4. a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, moderate physical activity, and giving up bad habits;
  5. regular breast examinations and visits to the doctor.

Read also about boosting your immunity to prevent warts.

How to remove papilloma on the chest - watch the video:

Papilloma on the chest is a pathology that cannot be ignored. Only timely treatment will get rid of unpleasant growths and their further development. A competent approach should include consultation with a doctor, taking medications and destruction of formations, otherwise there is a high probability of injuring the papilloma and leading to secondary infection and even malignancy.

  1. Related article: How to remove papilloma on the nipple