Papilloma on the inner thigh: causes and treatment

Papilloma on the inner thigh

The content of the article:
  1. Reasons for appearance
  2. What does papilloma look like on the inner thigh?
  3. Treatment options
    1. Medicines
    2. Folk remedies
    3. Removal of papilloma

Papilloma on the inner side of the thigh is a small tumor, the structure of which usually does not contain malignant cells. It can appear in both adults and children, regardless of gender, whether male or female. Such localization is quite rare, but still, from time to time, cases of the formation of these growths here are recorded.

Causes of papilloma on the inner thigh

HPV 3d model

A papilloma that appears on the inside of the thigh signals infection with a virus of the same name. This can happen as a result of close or indirect contact with someone who has HPV. It is not difficult for him to penetrate inside the body during a kiss if there is damage to the mucous membranes, during sexual contact with an already affected person without a condom, when visiting a swimming pool, bathhouse, or sauna.

After infection with the virus, it can take from 2-3 months to several years for a papilloma to form on the inside of the thigh. The weaker a person’s immunity, the higher the likelihood of a growth occurring. HPV becomes active due to a number of unfavorable factors, ranging from stress to poor environmental conditions.

This is what exactly contributes to the deterioration of immunity and the formation of papilloma on the inner side of the thigh:

  1. Poor nutrition. The likelihood of suffering from such formations is higher for those who do not consume meat, dairy products, or fish, since they contain a lot of iron and protein, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system and for maintaining an optimal amount of hemoglobin. Also at risk are people who do not include enough fresh vegetables, fruits, and berries in their diet. First of all, we are talking about oranges, pomegranates, bananas, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, where the concentration of vitamin C is high. These are the ones you should eat most of all if there is a risk of papilloma appearing on the thigh.
  2. Depression. It is caused by constant conflict situations in the family and at work, which have a depressing effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Sooner or later it fails, mental problems arise, and this, in turn, creates difficulties for the immune system. As a result, it becomes more difficult for him to protect the body from the papilloma virus and successfully repel its attacks.
  3. Lack of sleep. If this happens periodically, the body quickly recovers. In the case of constant late falling asleep and early awakenings, when he cannot rest enough time to normalize his performance, the immune system suffers first of all. Due to its weakening, the cells become less protected from HPV activity and are ultimately partially destroyed, which can be one of the reasons for the formation of papilloma on the inner side of the thigh.
  4. Bad ecology. The body is negatively affected by polluted air, living in cities with high gas pollution, hazardous chemical and oil industries, and chlorinated water supplies. All this suppresses the activity of the immune system, preventing it from fully performing its functions of protecting cells from the papilloma virus. That, in turn, calmly penetrates inside and destroys them, provoking the formation of growths.
  5. Long-term treatment. First of all, people taking various antibiotics, which are often used to try to overcome a sore throat, colitis, gastritis and many other diseases, should be wary of papilloma on the inner thigh. If such therapy is carried out for a long time, and especially without the supervision of a doctor, then this can lead to problems with the functioning of the immune system and disruption of the microflora. As a result, the papilloma virus will simply have nothing to resist, and it will begin to attack healthy cells.
  6. Hormonal disorders. This reason for the appearance of papilloma on the inner thigh mainly occurs only in women, with an increase or decrease in the level of testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, prolactin and other hormones of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and ovaries. These problems reduce the body's defenses, leaving it more open to the virus.

Separately, it is worth noting the relationship between the formation of papillomas on the thigh and gastrointestinal diseases. The fact is that with the same gastritis or colitis, problems most often arise with the absorption of nutrients from food, as a result of which the body suffers from vitamin deficiency. As a result, the functioning of the immune system deteriorates and problems arise in suppressing the activity of the papilloma virus.

  1. Read also: what causes papillomas in women

What does papilloma look like on the inner thigh?

What does papilloma look like on the inner thigh?

Photo of papillomas on the inner thigh

Such seals appear between the legs, in the calf area. Outwardly, they may not be visible to others, especially when it comes to the cold season, when people wear trousers and other closed clothing. These formations look like small or large dots or resemble cauliflower. In the first case, there is reason to talk about flat papillomas; in the second, there are growths on a stalk with a rather deep root.

The papilloma on the inner side of the thigh in the photo can measure from 0.3 to 1 cm; in rare cases, growths of a larger or smaller diameter can be found. Its color is usually flesh-colored, pale pink, burgundy or brown. The older the formation, the richer its shade. Its surface, depending on the type, is rough. Its specific feature is the presence of uneven edges and blurred boundaries.

Regardless of what causes a papilloma on the thigh in men or women, the skin around it is usually slightly inflamed, with slight redness and peeling. Sometimes, in addition to this, there is also a slight itching. It is associated with constant contact between the growth and clothing, which is especially true if it is made of synthetic fabrics.

On the inside of the thigh, papillomas can be concentrated in groups of 5-6 pieces. Each of them has its own size and differs in surface, shape, and color. In rare cases, flat formations merge into solid lesions, resembling birthmarks, burns or any other skin defects.

The main symptom of papilloma formation on the thigh is discomfort, which is felt especially acutely during movement. This is due to the friction of the formation on clothing and other growths. In this case, a burning sensation and tingling sensation often occurs.

Methods for treating papillomas on the inner thigh

The basis for treating papilloma on the thigh is always the use of special medications and the use of various folk remedies. If they do not show the desired results, then you can think about carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures to remove the growths. As a last resort, you should pay attention to the surgical method of eliminating the formation.

Medicines for the treatment of papilloma on the inner thigh

Drugs for the treatment of papilloma on the inner thigh

In the photo are preparations for papillomas on the inner thigh

To get rid of papilloma on the inner side of the thigh, first of all, you need to use special cauterizing agents for external use. Here we can recommend a good spray “CryoPharma”. It is designed to perform one-time applications within 20-40 seconds, depending on the size of the growth. The larger it is, the longer you need to hold the can against the skin. This product costs 820 rubles. (400 UAH) for 35 ml. As an analogue, we can offer Ferezol, Verrukacid, Condilin, Dermavit.

Here's what else you'll need to successfully eliminate papilloma on the inner thigh:

  1. Antiviral external agents. The most effective of them is considered to be Aldara cream, which must be applied to the growth 3-5 times a day and left until absorbed. Treatment should be carried out for 1-2 weeks without interruption. The cost of this product is 3600 rubles. (1200 UAH). If you need something cheaper, then it is best to choose Oxolinic or Salicylic ointments, which also have excellent cauterizing properties. The optimal duration of their use is from 2 to 3 weeks.
  2. Immunomodulators. They are necessary to strengthen the body’s protective functions and speed up the removal of papilloma on the thigh. The natural homeopathic supplement Lymphomyosot, costing about 450 rubles, copes well with these tasks. (210 UAH) and “Echinacea purpurea”, made with alcohol. They must be taken for 2-4 weeks, 20-40 drops once a day. As an alternative, they can offer the drug "Citovir-3", which is sold both in capsule and syrup form.
Note! To obtain the desired effect, it is recommended to combine the use of immunomodulators, antiviral drugs and external agents. Otherwise, after eliminating the papilloma on the thigh, it may appear again, and possibly in the same place where it was before.

Folk remedies for papilloma on the inner thigh

Sea buckthorn oil for the treatment of papillomas on the inner thigh

A very popular remedy is mixture of walnuts in green peel (1 glass) and vodka (0.6 l). This mass should be kept covered for about a week and then strained. It is recommended to use the finished pulp as an ointment, rubbing it into the surface of the papillomas and leaving it there for 15-20 minutes. Such procedures should be carried out for 1-2 weeks, after which a break should be taken for a month.

Here are other good remedies for papilloma on the inner thigh:

  1. Sea buckthorn oil. Take it only fresh, unrefined. Soak a cotton pad in it and apply it to the growth, leaving it there for 20 minutes. Perform these steps 2 times a day, after which you must not forget to wipe yourself off due to the high fat content of the composition.
  2. Lemon juice. It should be cooked just before use to prevent it from drying out. Squeeze fresh lemons with bright skins. After receiving the juice, soak a piece of gauze in it and apply it to the papilloma; You can remove the compress no earlier than after 15 minutes. To successfully treat papilloma on the inner side of the thigh, it is enough to perform this procedure 1-2 times a day, or it can be replaced with the usual treatment of growths 3-5 times a day.
  3. Soda. Dissolve it in boiled, but not hot water, following the proportions of 1 tsp. per 100 ml. Soak a cotton pad in this solution and let it sit on the growth for 20 minutes. This procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a day, the optimal duration of treatment is from 2 to 3 weeks. Soda can be replaced with sea salt, the ratio of components in this case remains the same.
  4. Aloe. All you need from this plant is a leaf, which needs to be cut diagonally so that the juice does not leak out. Once done, leave it on the problem area and remove it after 15-20 minutes. Repeat these steps to remove papilloma on the inner thigh 2 times a day. If possible, you can leave this compress under a bandage overnight, this will speed up the healing process.
  5. Coconut oil. Just wipe problem areas on your body with it 2-3 times a day, leaving the mixture on for 5-10 minutes and rinsing with clean water. It will take at least 10 days to eliminate papilloma. For this purpose, it is best to use raw oil obtained without heat treatment - it retains the maximum amount of useful substances.
Note! Compresses and treatment of papilloma on the thigh can be combined; it certainly will not harm your health.

Removal of papilloma on the inner thigh

Removal of papilloma on the inner thigh

Removal of papilloma is resorted to only if there is a possibility that the formation will degenerate into a malignant one or when there are too many of them on the inner side of the thigh, and medications and folk remedies do not help solve the problem. In such a situation, physiotherapeutic procedures come to the rescue, and mainly only 4 types are used to remove papilloma.

Here is a detailed description of all methods for removing papilloma on the inner thigh:

  1. Cryodestruction. This technique involves destroying the growth using cold exposure. For this, liquid nitrogen is used, which allows this task to be completed without damaging healthy tissue. In total, this takes 30-40 minutes, depending on the size of the growth. Usually one visit to the doctor is enough. The price of cryodestruction is 360 rubles. (150 UAH).
  2. Laser therapy. To perform this operation, special installation is required. It allows you to generate a beam of the required parameters, and it, plunging deep into the tissue, carefully burns out the growth. At the same time, no traces of its effects remain on the body, and recovery takes place in a matter of days. This procedure for removing papilloma on the inside of the thigh does not cause any discomfort, but just in case, the doctor gives local anesthesia. The price of laser therapy is 2900 rubles (1300 hryvnia).
  3. Electrical destruction. In this case, the destruction of the papilloma occurs due to the action of an electric current of a certain frequency. It kind of burns out the formation and allows you to remove it without affecting healthy tissue. Thus, the likelihood of complications occurring is minimized. The price of electrocoagulation is 590 rubles. (250 UAH).
  4. Using a radio knife. The essence of the procedure is that it is used to make a non-contact tissue incision in the area of ​​the papilloma, after which it is carefully excised along with the base. During this process, blood and pain do not appear, since this technique is minimally invasive. The price of radiosurgical removal is 3000 rubles (1200 hryvnia).

Watch a video about papillomas on the inner thigh:

If you are in doubt about whether or not to remove a papilloma on the thigh, then it must be said that here, first of all, you should focus on your personal feelings. If discomfort occurs due to such growths, you will most likely have to agree to the use of folk remedies or medications, and perhaps even decide to undergo physiotherapeutic procedures.

  1. Related article: What types of papillomas are there on the body?