Papillomas in children: causes, symptoms and treatment

The content of the article:
  1. Description of HPV in children
  2. Routes of infection and causes
  3. Main symptoms
  4. Features of treatment of papillomas
    1. Conservative therapy
    2. Radical treatment
    3. Unconventional methods

Human papillomavirus is a widespread pathogen that affects not only adults, but also children. Despite the fact that the main route of infection is unprotected sexual contact, other possible methods of infection remain relevant, through which a child receives the virus. Children become infected through contact, household and birth methods. In the latter case, HPV is transmitted during childbirth and can “dormant” for a long time, and then suddenly manifest itself against the background of one or another negative factor. Let's figure out what to do if a child has papilloma.

Description of HPV in children

Photo of papillomas in a child

Papillomatosis is by no means a rare disease; about 90% of the population is infected with the virus. At the moment, it is considered one of the most common among schoolchildren.

While HPV is in a passive state, it does not manifest itself in any way, but its activation is accompanied by an abnormal proliferation of epithelial cells, as a result of which unpleasant-looking growths form on the skin.

Many parents treat papillomas in children very lightly, limiting themselves to treatment in the form of local cauterization with one or another folk remedy. This line of behavior is fundamentally wrong. The virus must be treated not only from the outside, but also from the inside, otherwise very soon after the papilloma falls off, a scattering of new ones will appear.

In addition, there are situations when self-medication is generally strictly prohibited; such a recommendation is relevant if the strain of the virus that infects the child is oncogenic, that is, there is a high probability of its transformation into a malignant tumor if treatment is incorrect.

If papilloma is detected in a child, you should definitely contact a pediatrician, who, in turn, will issue a referral to a dermatovenerologist - this is the doctor who treats HPV. The specialist will prescribe the necessary tests and therapy appropriate to the results.

Additional consultations with a surgeon, immunologist and rarely with an oncologist may also be recommended.

Routes of infection and causes of papillomas in children

With congenital human papillomavirus, children are infected from the mother, usually immediately at the time of birth. Otherwise, the child becomes infected through contact and household contact through various objects intended for collective use. In this situation, the disease is considered acquired.

Infection can occur not only through shared use of a personal hygiene item, such as a towel, but also through less intimate items, such as toys. For this reason, HPV is more often detected in children who lead an active lifestyle - go to kindergarten, studios, sections, etc. There is also a high risk of infection when visiting hospitals frequently.

You can reduce the likelihood of a child becoming infected with the human papillomavirus by carefully observing personal hygiene and avoiding bad habits such as biting nails, hangnails, finger sucking, and picking off scabs on abrasions.

When infected, HPV can exist for a long time in a passive form, and activation of the papilloma virus in a child occurs due to weakened immunity, which in turn is usually provoked by:

  1. Frequent colds;
  2. Long-term treatment with medications;
  3. Digestive system disease;
  4. Chronic ailments of various nature;
  5. Abrupt climate change;
  6. Allergic diseases;
  7. Being in a stressful situation;
  8. Unhealthy diet;
  9. Lack of proper regime.

Papillomatosis has a very variable incubation period; the transition to the active stage can occur within a week after the child is infected, or can drag on for several years.

  1. Read also: “Why do papillomas appear in newborns”

The main symptoms of papillomas in children

In the photo there are flat papillomas on the hands of a child

HPV in adults usually has little effect on general well-being, and can only be recognized by visualizing the growths. In children, the symptoms of human papillomavirus are often more indicative; infection can be accompanied by fever and ailments typical for such a condition - headache, fatigue, drowsiness, lack of appetite. If the child is very small and cannot explain his condition, he may become capricious and whiny.

In addition, burning and itching may be present at the site of the future growth before it appears, although usually papillomas do not cause any discomfort or pain.

The localization of papillomas varies, but the following patterns usually apply:

  1. When infected through contact and household methods, the growths are localized on the hands, in the mouth, on the face, since it is the contact site, that is, the place through which the infection occurred, that is the first to respond to the transition of the virus to the active stage. Also, papillomas in a child are often found in the axillary area, on the neck and feet.
  2. With congenital HPV, growths affect the genitals, larynx, and face.

Papillomas in children can look different, be of different shapes and tones - from white to dark brown, there are many types of them, but usually you have to deal with the following types of neoplasms:

  1. Vulgar. Growths on the body are round in shape with a rough surface. The most common locations are the arms, popliteal region, and gluteal muscles. Read how to treat vulgar papillomas.
  2. Flat. They are visualized as minor elevations; structural and color changes in comparison with healthy skin are not recorded. One of the few types of growths that are characterized by itching and the development of an inflammatory process if the child constantly scratches the problem area.
  3. Filiform. Nipple-shaped small formations, narrow at the base, wide towards the top, usually do not differ in color from the healthy epidermis, but sometimes they can turn pink. They are usually located in the groin and axillary areas. They may fall off due to friction with clothing, and blood appears at this site. After this incident, a visit to the doctor is mandatory.
  4. Epithelial hyperplasia. These growths are visualized as thin threads and are localized exclusively in the mouth.
  5. Plantar. A special type of papillomas in children, these yellowish growths form only on the soles of the feet. They look like dry calluses, but unlike the latter they have black inclusions in the structure. It is often painful for a child to walk if he or she has plantar papillomas. Read about the treatment of plantar papillomas.
  6. Juvenile. A very dangerous type of growth, they affect the larynx and develop as a result of congenital infection. Can cause fatal conditions. They are rarely recorded and only in infants.
  7. Warty dysplasia. Another dangerous condition. HPV in this case manifests itself as rough spots of red and brown shades, they appear on the hands and feet. The main danger is that it is these papillomas in children that most often transform into malignant formations. Fortunately, warty dysplasia is extremely rare.

Papillomatosis manifests itself both as single growths and in groups. Their size varies widely - papillomas can reach 5 cm in size, which can lead to serious psychological trauma in a child if help is not provided in time.

Features of treatment of papillomas in children

Experts have different views on the treatment of papillomavirus in children. Proponents of conservative therapy argue that at an early age it is better not to resort to removing growths in one way or another and limit yourself to means that stimulate the immune system. Supporters of radical therapy tend to believe that the papilloma should be removed, since a child can easily injure the growth, thereby provoking negative consequences.

Conservative treatment of papillomas

Oxolinic ointment for treating papillomas in children

The decision on the advisability of conservative treatment is made only after a thorough examination of the child’s papilloma. The depth of tissue damage, localization of growth, and degree of oncogenicity are assessed. If there is even the slightest suspicion of a malignant nature, radical treatment is immediately carried out.

If the prognosis is favorable, therapy is prescribed with drugs that stimulate the production of one’s own interferon, a substance that powerfully counteracts the virus. Immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs indicated for adults are rarely used in pediatrics due to their strong toxicity and allergenicity.

Most often, for papillomas in children, the doctor prescribesAnaferonand its analogues Viferon, Kipferon, Cycloferon etc. The purpose of these medications is to stimulate the body’s defenses and direct them to fight the virus.

Additionally, mild herbal preparations that strengthen the immune system can be prescribed, based on echinacea, ginseng, aloe, rowan, as well as various vitamin complexes.

The most gentle external means for treating problem areas may also be recommended, usually this Oxolinic ointment. The drug has no direct analogues, but it is well replaced by the same Viferon in ointment and its analogues.

In the process of conservative treatment of papilloma virus in children, constant monitoring is carried out; if there is no positive dynamics or, moreover, negative dynamics are present, the feasibility of switching to radical measures is considered.

Radical treatment of papillomas in children

If, during conservative treatment, the child’s papilloma has increased in size, new growths have appeared, an inflammatory process develops, accompanied by swelling of the tumor, discharge of pus, etc., the question of surgical intervention becomes acute.

Papillomas in children are also removed without delay in the following situations:

  1. There is a risk of the growth degenerating into a malignant formation;
  2. Location in a visible place that causes stress to the child;
  3. Localization in a place subject to frequent friction, which is easy to injure;
  4. Location of growths in the larynx.

There are quite a few ways to radically get rid of papillomas in a child, and most of them are suitable for the child, depending on the history and picture of the disease. The doctor prescribes one of the following procedures:

  1. Cauterization. A method that involves applying a special solution to the papilloma, causing necrosis of the growth tissue, but not affecting healthy skin. Both cauterization mixtures made from natural ingredients and those created synthetically can be used. In any case, this method is not encouraged today, since it often leaves scars and scars. The cost of cauterization of tumors in a child is calculated individually in each individual case. Read about Duofilm for removing papillomas and Solcoderm.
  2. Cryodestruction. Removing papilloma with liquid nitrogen in children is the most popular “operation”. The surgeon, using a special applicator, acts on the problem area for about 30 seconds, the papilloma disappears instantly, and the resulting scar heals in a couple of weeks. This method, by the way, is completely painless, does not require anesthesia and eliminates infection, since contact with blood is not expected. The price of cryodestruction in Russia is 360 rubles, in Ukraine - 150 hryvnia.
  3. Radiosurgery. Another instant way to get rid of papillomas in children, which does not even require local anesthesia. The growth is treated with a so-called radio knife, namely, the problem area is irradiated with high-dose ionizing radiation. This method does not make it possible to remove growths larger than 3 cm. The price of radio wave surgery in Russia is 1100-1600 rubles, in Ukraine - 450-700 hryvnia.
  4. Laser removal. This method is often used for deep-seated papilloma and allows you to remove a growth of any size. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, and complications are extremely rare. The price of laser removal of papillomas in Russia is 2900 rubles, in Ukraine - 1300 hryvnia. This method is also good if you need to remove a filamentous wart.
  5. Surgery. Classical excision of papilloma in children with a scalpel is used today extremely rarely and only when there are good reasons to assume the development of a malignant process. After removal, the biomaterial is sent for histological examination to determine the nature of the formation. The price of surgical removal of papillomas is calculated individually for each patient.

Non-traditional methods of treating papillomas in children

Along with conservative treatment and radical methods of solving the problem, there is also alternative medicine.

In fact, the advisability of using traditional recipes for the treatment of HPV in children is very controversial. Many products for eliminating papillomas are very aggressive and can cause irreparable harm to children's skin. In addition, if we are talking about a small child with an undeveloped immune system, there is a high probability of provoking allergies.

  1. Read about methods of treating papillomas in newborns

In general, if parents want to help their children with their grandmother’s recipe, they should definitely consult with a pediatrician and find out whether a particular medicine is suitable for treating the papilloma virus in children by age.

It’s worth noting right away that the most popular medications for removing papillomas - celandine, wormwood, kerosene, vinegars and others - although effective, it is better not to use aggressive components.

An ideal aid in HPV therapy will be Castor oil, it contains acid, which has a devastating effect on papilloma, but has a beneficial effect on healthy skin.

Also popular for the treatment of papillomas in children cabbage and potato juice lotions, banana and egg compresses, essential oils.

To fight the virus inside, vitamin therapy is prescribed - more vegetables, freshly squeezed juices, infusions of age-appropriate herbs, etc.

The papilloma virus in a child loses ground when the immune system is strengthened, and therefore, as a preventive measure, it is necessary to create a healthy diet, sleep and wakefulness for the child, resort to hardening, and instill in children a love of sports. It is also important to teach your child careful hygiene; the habit of washing your hands and not putting dirty fingers in your mouth will help to avoid not only papillomas, but will also save you from many other troubles.

How to treat papillomas in children - watch the video:

Papillomatosis is a common disease, and although in most cases it does not affect the child’s well-being, if localization is unsuccessful, there is a risk of injury and degeneration of the growth into a malignant tumor. In addition, there is always psychological discomfort, which is critical for children. This is why HPV should not be taken lightly.