Natural energy drinks: how to stay in good shape every day

Every day, the human body is exposed to negative environmental factors and experiences severe physical and mental stress, which it is often impossible to cope with on its own.

Natural energy drinks - herbal remedies consisting of useful plant components - will help you always be in good shape, feel a surge of strength and energy, and overcome chronic fatigue, depression and apathy.

  1. Active capsule.
  2. Energy tonic with lemongrass juice.
  3. Sports Active
  4. Where to buy natural energy drinks?

Active capsule.

This product, which allows you to replenish the missing energy, includes Chinese lemongrass, ginger, green tea, ginkgo biloba, and ginseng.

The phytocomplex is rich in vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances, which increase the body's performance, strengthen the immune system, improve memory and concentration.

Regular use of Active capsules will help cope with anxiety, increased nervous excitability, feelings of fear, and depressive states. The herbal preparation relieves intoxication, effectively fights hangover, stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system, and develops resistance to stress.

The full course of taking Active capsules is usually 15 days, but after a week of regular use of the drug, the first results of its effects will become noticeable. You need to take only 2 capsules per day in the morning before meals. Their active stimulating effect will begin within 40 minutes and last up to 6 hours.

Energy tonic with lemongrass juice.

Schisandra juice, energy tonic, 100 ml. Natural energy drink, consisting of 100% lemongrass juice, has a tonic, strengthening effect, increases endurance, stimulates the immune system, and rejuvenates the body at the cellular level.

A natural adaptogen accelerates metabolic processes, has a positive effect on the central nervous system, improves vision, and also promotes the burning of fat deposits. The energy tonic replenishes the oxygen supply in the body, increases libido, relieves fatigue, normalizes night sleep, and eliminates hangover syndrome.

Schisandra juice in small quantities can be added to regular tea (two teaspoons of energy tonic are enough for one glass of hot drink). You need to take this invigorating drink in the morning.

Sports Active

Sport activeTonic capsules containing green tea, Rhodiola rosea, Chinese lemongrass, geranium leaves and Leuzea root are perfect for people who are actively involved in sports, who often experience stress, or who have recently suffered serious illnesses and surgeries.

A natural herbal preparation increases the body's endurance and resistance to various diseases, strengthens the nervous and cardiovascular system, accelerates metabolism, and provides energy for sports, daily training, physical and mental work.

Sport Active normalizes digestive processes, increases libido, fights insomnia, and restores interest in life.

The positive effect of taking tonic capsules is achieved only if taken regularly. It is recommended to take 2-3 capsules of Sport Active per day. A full course of taking this herbal medicine is six months. Moreover, the first pronounced effect will appear within a couple of weeks.

Where to buy natural energy drinks?

This company is a reliable seller of medicinal products consisting of natural plant materials. All products offered on the website and in the Russian Roots branded herbal pharmacies in Moscow are fully certified, and this is documented.

Don't want to waste money on fakes and low-quality products? Buy high-quality herbal preparations, dietary supplements, energy drinks and other natural products from a trusted seller.

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