Signs of each head disease separately

This and the previous paragraph are, as it were, a conclusion of the basic principles that we taught for judging the state of the head. The listed signs should be remembered and then there will be no need to repeat them in every paragraph where we talk about diseases of the head area. If we return to this in any paragraph, it is only to help understand how the general rules set out in other paragraphs are applied; in this case, we limit ourselves only to what is given in this one paragraph. So you must accustom yourself to constantly refer to the general rules in the treatment of specific diseases of the head, except for those cases when this is not mentioned in the general rules and should be specifically stated in the paragraphs on diseases.

Signs of a disorder of a hot nature without matter: this is indicated by burning in the head in the absence of heaviness, insomnia, erratic movements, confusion of ideas, quick anger, redness of the eyes, the beneficial effect of cooling drugs and the harmful effect of warming ones. Signs of a disorder of a cold nature without matter: a feeling of cold in the absence of heaviness in the head, laziness, weakness, pallor of the cheeks of the eyelids, flaws in ideas, some timidity, beneficial effects of warming agents and harmful effects of cooling agents. Signs of a disorder of dry nature without matter: lightness in the head, previous bowel movements, dry nose, severe insomnia. Signs of a disorder of the damp skin without matter: laziness, weakness with slight heaviness in the head, scant or moderate flow of excess fluid, extreme forgetfulness, great drowsiness.

The signs of complex disorders of nature, in which there is no matter, include a combination of signs of two natures. The predominance of warmth in the presence of dryness is indicated by insomnia and disturbance of consciousness; the predominance of coldness in this case is indicated by a condition similar to a disease called jumud, sometimes this leads to true rigor. The predominance of humidity in the presence of warmth is manifested in Silt drowsiness, which does not, however, plunge into deep hibernation, and a sign of the predominance of coldness in the presence of humidity is sleep, which turns into hibernation. To what has already been said, one should add other complex characteristics, combined from individual simple characteristics. Signs of the predominance of one or another matter: yellow gall causes excessive heaviness in the head, tingling, burning, severe burning, dry nose, thirst, insomnia, yellowing of the face and eyes. Signs of predominance of blood matter: this is indicated by comparison of heaviness in the head, which is sometimes accompanied by a painful beating; There is also swelling of the face and eyes, redness of the face, bleeding of blood vessels and hibernation. Signs of cold mucous matter: feeling of cold, prolonged, constant malaise, weak coloring of the face and eyes, Significant yellowness of the face with a feeling of heaviness in the head - with mucous matter the heaviness can be significant, - pallor, dullness, hibernation, forgetfulness, leaden complexion, eyes and language. Signs of predominance of black bile matter: heaviness is less, insomnia is stronger; censing, gloomy thoughts, pallor of the face, eyes and all parts of the body are observed.

Signs of hot tumors: constant fever, heaviness, painful beating, pain in the head, reaching the base of the eyes - with the eyes sometimes bulging, confusion, rapid pulse and fever. If the tumor is in the brain itself, then the pulse is more likely to be wave-like, and if it is in the membrane of the brain, then it is stronger and the pulse is more likely to be saw-toothed. As for the signs of mucous tumors, they are as follows: memory, hibernation, great heaviness in the head, wave-like pulse, flabbiness and swelling of the face. Signs of black gall tumors: insomnia, obsessions with a noticeable heaviness in the head, hardness of the pulse.

We have omitted here mention of signs of weakness and strength of the brain, signs of the predominance of one or another juice in the brain, signs of brain diseases and diseases that arise in the brain itself through complicity, relying on what we will say about all this in the paragraphs on headaches. Study them there, as if they were given here, and transfer them from there to other paragraphs.