Symptoms caused by perspiration

Cold perspiration during a feverish heat is a very bad sign, especially perspiration on the head and neck; such perspiration portends fainting, even if it is not cold, what can we say about cold. This is the worst type of perspiration, because it indicates fainting that is already occurring, and not a future fainting; if the fever is very high, then death is near. Cold perspiration occurs only after the innate heat has died down, which no longer conserves moisture, but, on the contrary, leaves it, and after that extraneous heat dissipates it and turns it into steam. Then the extraneous heat leaves the moisture, and it gets colder.

Intermittent perspiration is not good, and profuse sweat indicates that the illness will be long-lasting due to the abundance of matter. With cold sweats, the patient, due to his weakness, is not suitable for bloodletting and laxation, and only mild enemas help. If no relief is felt after the perspiration, then it is not a good sign, and if even greater suffering is felt after the perspiration, then this is a bad sign, even if it appears all over the body.

Perspiration, which appears quickly from the very beginning of the disease, is not good and indicates an abundance of matter, unless, of course, the cause of this is the humidity of the air due to heavy rains. Then such a perspiration, while remaining malignant, is still not so bad. Often the illness begins with perspiration and is followed by a long-lasting fever.

When a sensation of goose bumps appears from perspiration, this is not good, but on the contrary, bad; goose bumps indicate the spread of bad, harmful juice in the body, and this is a sign that perspiration does not cleanse, but only disperses bad juices, the severity of which is weakened by the admixture of liquids leaking with perspiration. This also indicates that there is a lot of matter and that it is not dispersed when evacuated by perspiration.

When the strength and pulse weaken and the forehead sweats a little, this is a bad sign, and if the pulse drops completely, this is death. A good perspiration, in which a complete crisis is sometimes expressed, is the kind that appears on a day of crisis, is abundant and covers the entire body, and the patient feels relief after it; It is followed in quality by perspiration, which does not cover the entire body, but brings relief. In general, keep an eye on the quality of the sweat in terms of warmth, coldness, color, smell and taste, what its quantity is in terms of abundance and scarcity, at what time it is released - at the beginning, during the peak or decline, what kind of fever accompanies it - strong or weak, and whether it is followed by relief or heaviness.

Know also that a convalescent person may perspire profusely due to residual matter, and it is not harmful to give him a light bloodletting.