Millet herpes

A herpes is a pimple or several pimples that pop out, cause mild swelling, and spread; sometimes they ulcerate, and sometimes they resolve. You have already learned the cause of each of these rashes before. The color of herpes is yellowish; pimples are inflamed, have the composition of warts and are round. Most of them have roots that expand; only one species, called acrochordon, has a tapering root and seems to hang. Each herpes pimple feels like an ant bite. Generally speaking, any shallow and spreading tumor on the skin is herpes, but herpes, as you know, can be millet-like, and sometimes corrosive. When such pimples turn into ulcers and rot, they are called rotting.

If, with herpes and other rashes that follow the same path, the juice is not first properly removed and the ulcer is treated with means that heal ulcers, it will form again near the previous place or in the same place and, without ceasing, over and over again, corrodes the skin . Cheese whey with scammonium resin helps remove the matter of herpes and similar diseases.

As for the ways to treat herpes, in case of corrosive herpes one should abstain from moisturizing medicines, which are sometimes used for erysipelas, because moisturizing is not suitable for ulcers. At first, do not use such medicines as tribulus, water lily, tenacious, duckweed or purslane, but use it if

this is absolutely necessary, black nightshade, especially dry, crushed, because it dries out; later, large plantain, blackberries, lentils, barley oatmeal, pomegranate peels, and young shoots of grapevines are used. If ulceration and corrosion are feared, then along with these cooling agents, use a little honey or something similar, or crushed incense with vinegar. The liquid that flows from fresh grape stems when they are burned works well, as does goat feces with vinegar or cow feces with vinegar.

When ulceration or corrosion becomes obvious, use anzarut cakes with astringent wine or diluted vinegar, squeezed mad cucumber juice with salt and goat bile, rue with soda and pepper, or soda with a child's urine. Galen considers this a good remedy: take something like a tube - the stem of a feather or something else with a sharp end, with which you can pick up a pimple, then go deeper with the tip inward from all sides around the pimple and tear it off from the root. And in children, for example, herpes is removed like this: the child is taken to a bathhouse, where he is doused with bath air, and then he is quickly taken out and the pimples are smeared with rose oil and rose water.