Various dental conditions

Mix the flour with the milky juice of yattu and place it on the tooth for several hours; this causes the tooth to crumble. Leaves of a large, sharp field bindweed should be placed in such a tooth. Tree frog fat cuts and crumbles the tooth. This is a green ground frog that finds shelter on plants and trees and jumps from one tree to another.

Take henbane seeds and leek seeds, four each sunflower seed two and a half onion seeds, mixed with goat's lard and made into pills, each weighing one dirham. Then the patient is fumigated from a funnel with smoke from one pill, covering his head.

Grinding of teeth in a dream occurs from weakness of the muscles of the jaws, which seem to be tightened by a spasm. This often occurs in children and goes away as they reach adulthood. If one often grinds and grinds his teeth in a dream, it foretells sakta, epilepsy or spasms, or indicates worms in the stomach. The grinding noise that comes from worms occurs intermittently. Anyone who suffers from this should be treated with cleansing and anointing his neck with hot fragrant oils that have the ability to bind.

It should be grabbed with two fingers or a grasping tool and then filed with a file. After this, take laurel seeds, alum and long aristolochia and rub the tooth with powder from them.