Regenerating face creams

Leading cosmetologists are confident that women over 35 years of age must have a regenerating face cream in their cosmetic bag - a powerful restorative agent. Many people associate the word “regeneration” exclusively with the healing process. However, in the case of cosmetic products, this concept is applied more widely.

Why does aging skin need restorative creams so much? Does the effectiveness of this product depend on the components in the composition? And most importantly, at what age can regenerating products be used? Without effective restorative products in the daily skincare arsenal, the aging process of the dermis will not take long to occur.

What is regenerating face cream used for?

What is regenerating cream? Some people mistakenly believe that this product is designed to mask skin problems. But this is not the main function of such compositions. Their main task is to stimulate natural processes in the epidermis. This means that a regenerating facial skin cream should help create new epidermal cells to replace the already dead ones. Additionally, the product must ensure restoration of damage to the dermis.

Under the influence of frost and other weather conditions, our skin loses its elasticity and beauty. Bad habits and age-related characteristics, as well as environmental influences, also play an important role here.

Recommendations from cosmetologists on the use of cream

Even the best face cream regenerates even more intensively if you follow simple recommendations:

  1. The face must first be cleansed before applying the cream.
  2. The restorative composition must be used regularly. Follow the instructions included with the purchased product.

Attention! One of the important points in using creams of this type is a preliminary test for possible allergic reactions. It is best done by applying the composition to the thin skin of the wrist. The absence of allergies in this area most likely guarantees good “reception by the skin of the face.”

Indications and contraindications

The use of skin restoration products is indicated in the following cases:

  1. Overly sensitive, chapped or irritated skin.
  2. The processes of withering of the epidermis and skin damage (microcracks, burns, etc.) have begun.

The use of the cream is not recommended if you have an allergic reaction to one of the components of the composition. It is also worth postponing use in case of acute dermatological inflammation of the skin.


The main effect of the restorative (regenerating) face cream is to accelerate the renewal of skin cells. In addition, the product performs the following functions:

  1. Improving metabolism at the cellular level.
  2. Slowing down the process of withering of the dermis.
  3. Prevention of the formation of wrinkles and creases, elimination of existing ones.
  4. Healing of injuries and various defects.
  5. Normalize skin texture, providing a tightening effect.
  6. Tones and refreshes the skin.
  7. Provides general care and nutrition.

Thus, the regenerating cream not only restores facial skin, but also has multiple additional beneficial effects.

From what age should I use it?

At what age can you use cream with active regenerating substances?

It is known that in youth the mechanisms of restoration processes operate almost without interruption. For this reason, young women and teenage girls do not need to use additional regenerating care products.

Attention! This recommendation does not apply to situations where pronounced skin problems are observed. In such cases, after preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist, a restorative agent can be applied.

Natural regenerative processes begin to gradually slow down after 30 years. The main reason for this phenomenon is considered to be a change in hormonal balance. At the same time, cell destruction continues at the same pace, but the skin is no longer able to fully restore them. The result is withering of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles and creases, and in some cases, pigmentation of the skin.

After 40 years, natural restoration at the cellular level is reduced to a minimum. That is why after this age the signs of aging become especially obvious. It is impossible to completely stop these processes, however, the necessary care will help smooth out negative changes and somewhat slow down their progress.

Thus, women who have crossed the 30-year mark can already begin to use creams with an intensive restoration effect. At the age of 35, the use of such funds should be in full swing. For women over 40 years of age and older, regenerating compositions are indicated as a preventive measure against rapid skin aging and reduction of existing problems.

What's inside? What's included

When looking for an effective regenerating agent, you should focus on the composition of the cream. So, a good restorative product should contain:

  1. Collagen and elastin. Strengthens the skin frame and restores its elasticity.
  2. The cream must contain vitamins C and A.
  3. Alpha and beta hydroxy acids. Stimulates cell renewal processes and eliminates keratinized particles.
  4. Glycerin and hyaluronic acid. They fill the epidermis with moisture necessary for cellular metabolism.
  5. Antioxidants. Prevents withering processes. They can be represented by various plant extracts (for example, tea tree or green tea).
  6. Peptides, amino acids. Stimulate natural processes in the dermis and renew it.

See how to make regenerating cream at home:

List of the best regenerating face creams

"CELLULES DE MER" from "Guam"

Intensive regenerating product, the ideal solution against skin aging. The cream contains a complex of stem cells, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, ceramides and antioxidants. The composition prevents the processes of premature withering of the epidermis, while simultaneously nourishing and protecting the integument. Approximate cost: 6,000 rubles.

"Granatapfel Aktive Regeneration Straffende Tagespflege" by Weleda

One of the most effective examples of regenerating creams for skin care after 40 years. The product is designed for rapid restoration of the skin. The manufacturer guarantees the naturalness of the composition, which protects the skin from premature aging. The cost of the product starts from 750 rudders.

Clarins Regenerating Day Cream

A bright representative of a product that performs not only regenerating, but also lifting functions. The combination of natural ingredients and hyaluronic acid provides a powerful restorative effect. The texture of the cream is light and airy, which ensures uniform distribution and rapid absorption. Regular use of the composition allows you to tighten sagging areas and smooth out wrinkles. The cost ranges from 3,500 to 37,000 rubles.

Yves Rocher Cure Solutions

A comprehensive skin care product designed specifically to restore the epidermis. The cream contains natural ingredients in the form of sesame oil, grape oil, and calendula witch hazel. Designed for skin care after 35 years. The product has a light texture, which allows the cream to be easily and quickly absorbed. The active action of the product saturates the epidermis with oxygen, ensures rapid restoration at the cellular level, and helps smooth out wrinkles. The approximate cost is 350-500 rubles.

Revitalizing Supreme by Estée Lauder

The product contains a moisturizing complex based on vitamin E, caffeine and plantain extract. The product copes remarkably well with the problems of aging, peeling and premature aging of the dermis. The approximate cost of the product is 2500 rubles.

"Garda Standard"

The creation of the famous Russian manufacturer “Ventil Brrend”. The product has passed multiple laboratory tests and was found to comply with all Russian and European GOST standards. The composition promotes rapid restoration of skin cells, heals damage, and helps stimulate the protective function of the dermis. The cost starts from 300 rubles.

"Regeneration Tagescreme" by "Dr. Haushka"

Excellent regenerating cream-ointment for the face. Contains entirely natural ingredients:

  1. extracts (kalanchoe, clover, rose petals);
  2. oils (almond, jojoba, avocado);
  3. glycerin;
  4. vitamins;
  5. fatty acid.

The product enhances the activity of epidermal cells, softens the skin, and improves elasticity. In addition, the composition protects the dermis from the effects of free radicals and helps quickly eliminate irritations. Approximate cost – 4000 rubles.

Regenerating cream is an important component of basic care for aging skin. But even if no obvious signs of dermal aging have yet been detected, women over 30 should still pay attention to these products. With their systematic use, the chance to prolong the youth and beauty of the face increases several times.

Regenerating face cream is a cosmetic product with a restorative effect in case of skin damage or signs of fatigue on the face. In order to understand how to properly use cosmetics in this category, you should consider the main characteristics and purpose of the developed line of drugs.

Night and day creams with a combination of various effects are used as effective means of regenerating effect. One of the main factors for the successful use of cosmetics is the appropriate use and compliance with the age limits for applying the drug!


Time of use and main effect of cosmetics

Restorative creams have age restrictions, since skin at 25-30 years old does not require additional regeneration. During this period, metabolic processes in the body are at a high level, and the process of cell renewal occurs in the established mode.

The age category of women after 35 years requires the mandatory use of anti-aging cream in combination with restorative agents. The hormonal background in the body changes, and metabolic processes slow down, which contributes to the activation of natural aging and the appearance of the first wrinkles on the face.

After the age of 40, facial skin needs proper care, since natural renewal processes are minimized and the aging process develops more rapidly. During this period, it is preferable to use anti-aging cosmetics with a regenerating effect.

The effect of regenerating face creams is to accelerate metabolic processes and increase the natural synthesis of beneficial substances responsible for skin restoration. This property is the main advantage of creams from this category, since compared to other products it ensures real regeneration of the skin and slows down the natural aging process.

Cosmetics with the effect of skin cell renewal have the following properties:

  1. prevention of skin aging processes;
  2. elimination of existing wrinkles;
  3. acceleration of metabolism;
  4. regenerative function of cells;
  5. nourishing skin cells with oxygen;
  6. giving skin freshness;
  7. healing of possible injuries;
  8. providing a lifting effect;
  9. maximum hydration and protection of the skin.

The approximate composition of the restorative cream is based on the content of components such as:


  1. the presence of collagen and elastin;
  2. vitamin complex;
  3. combination of antioxidants;
  4. moisturizing ingredients;
  5. oils based on plant extracts;
  6. essential acidic substances and peptide compounds.

Before using the regenerating face cream directly, you should follow some simple recommendations:

  1. testing the product for the presence of an allergic reaction;
  2. preliminary cleansing of the skin before application;
  3. regular use of cream;
  4. Follow the instructions for using the cream.

To obtain the necessary restoration effect, it is necessary to select an effective and safe product in accordance with a specific skin type. In this case, you can contact a qualified cosmetologist for a recommendation!

Review of effective restorative creams

Modern cosmetology provides a wide range of regenerating creams. The products are narrowly focused with one effect or multifunctional with a combination of several useful properties. Below are descriptions of several of the most popular drugs.

Clarins Regenerating Day Cream


Clarins cream is an effective restorative product for women over 40 years old. It has additional properties in the form of a lifting effect and skin tightening. The combination of natural ingredients combined with hyaluronic acid provides the regenerating properties of the drug.

The texture of the cream has an airy consistency and is easily absorbed into the skin. At the same time, regular use of the product significantly strengthens sagging areas on the face and helps smooth out wrinkles. The average cost is 3500–3700 rubles.


Tatiana, Moscow

I came across Clarins cream quite by accident and now I only use it, as it quickly restores the skin and smoothes out wrinkles on the face. Application is easy and the product is quickly absorbed into the skin. After use, the skin is soft and elastic with a healthy glow. In general, an ideal product for care after 40 years!

Nourishing cream Green Pharmacy


Cream from the Green Pharmacy series based on olive oil extract and vitamin complex provides the facial skin with the necessary care and restoration! The combination of these components promotes maximum hydration and nutrition of the skin, which has a positive effect on the overall condition and prolongs the youth and beauty of the face.

The cream can be applied during the day or at night to previously cleansed skin. To obtain the desired effect, regular use of the cosmetic product is recommended. The average cost is 50–70 rubles.


Marina, Sochi

I constantly use Green Pharmacy cream and am very pleased with its effects. The skin looks well-groomed, and there is no constant dryness, as it was before. The face is toned and fresh, and the price of cosmetics is quite affordable, which is very pleasing! I recommend it as an effective and proven remedy!

Yves Rocher day and night cream


Yves Rocher cream represents a specially developed line of skin care products from the maximum restoration series. Natural components in the form of calendula, witch hazel, extract of oils from grapes, sesame and seeds promote rapid cell regeneration and smooth out wrinkles on the face.

Cosmetics are intended for use after 35 years. The cream has a light, non-dense texture and is perfectly absorbed into the skin, providing it with the necessary amount of oxygen. The average cost is 200–220 rubles.


Galina, Kaluga

I have always liked cosmetics from this brand, and the Yves Rocher cream was perfect for me! I have dry skin and this product moisturizes it well. I apply the cream at night, and in the morning my face looks rested and healthy. I want to say that the drug is suitable for daily care in all respects!

A regenerating cream is a must-have skin care product for women over 40 years of age. Properly selected cosmetics will help prevent premature aging and restore the youth and beauty of your face!


In everyday life, our skin is exposed to many irritating factors, such as adverse weather conditions or irritation from cosmetic components. At first glance, it looks stable and elastic, especially in young years, but in fact the skin is very sensitive and needs timely treatment and restoration.


The skin becomes most susceptible to the effects of active medicinal components while we sleep, as it is relaxed and free of makeup.

This is why night creams have the ability to penetrate deep into the skin and give it eight hours to rejuvenate and moisturize. While day creams are designed to protect the skin from external influences, night creams work as regenerating and restorative ones.


What it is

Regenerating night cream is a multifactorial skin restorer, since its task is to minimize irritation and microtrauma, moisturize the skin and compensate for its natural lipid layer. This remedy is necessary at any age, but is especially important for women starting from 28 years old.


Many natural components have restorative and healing properties.

The ingredients of regenerating creams vary depending on the manufacturer. You can purchase a cream with snake oil, arginine, and snail mucin, which are included in emulsions and products for the most effective skin restoration.


A protective cream should gently lubricate the skin, improve its hydration, soothe, prevent irritation and protect against aging. Ideally, after application it leaves a velvety surface and smoothes the skin.

You will learn how to prepare a regenerating face cream yourself from the following video.

Depending on what problems the composition of the cream is intended to affect, there are hand and face creams; products used after burns or regeneration for dry and allergy-prone skin.

  1. Protective and regenerating creams for hands and face It is recommended for use by workers in hazardous industries, as well as people who are often exposed to frost and bright sun.
  2. Moisturizers good as anti-aging and for restoring dry and flaky skin.
  3. Preparations containing panthenol, will help in the treatment of all kinds of burns.



Typically, regenerating hand cream contains glycerin and a substance such as lanolin or allantoin, and also contains parabens, which are preservatives. Allantoin stimulates the growth of new cells, accelerates the regeneration process, and has a beneficial effect on the healing of skin damage. It has emollient and slightly keratolytic properties and therefore regulates the exfoliation process of the epidermis.


Olive oil, keratin, vitamin E are added.

Vitamin E - one of the most effective antioxidants. It slows down the aging process of the skin, increases resistance (also to UV radiation) and strengthens its lipid layer, which makes the skin more elastic and repels unfavorable external factors. It soothes irritation and prevents it in the future. When used systematically, it stimulates the regenerative processes of the skin, improves its appearance and condition.

Sea buckthorn with mumiyo, or extract plants such as cornflower also have regenerative properties.

Some formulations contain innovative medicinal complexes, for example, a complex Armakon Nutrio Pro-V, which is the main active ingredient cream "Armakon: Velum".



  1. Contains sports creamVivax" there is a unique peptide complex.
  2. There is a cream with silver and panthenol, which is part of the "Remederm". Panthenol is a natural component of skin and cosmetic active substances: increases the amount of water in the surface layers of the skin, making it soft, smooth and elastic; stimulates the restoration of minor skin damage; eliminates irritation, redness and itching. Silver ions have a pronounced antibacterial effect.
  3. Contains cream from Topicrem Cica minerals such as manganese, zinc, magnesium, copper are present, as well as hyaluronic acid, natural beeswax and castor oil. Beeswax creates a film on the surface of the epidermis that prevents the penetration of harmful substances and moisture loss, acting as a kind of “protective gloves” for hands.
  4. Mizon created a product based on the secretion of snails: 92% of the composition is mucin.



  1. Hand cream from the brand Weleda Contains pomegranate seed and sesame oil and has no artificial preservatives.
  2. The composition of the product "Garda Standard" includes provitamins and additional nutritional components, the composition of which is not disclosed by the manufacturer; there are no parabens or silicones.
  3. Main ingredient of the cream "Escargot Original Repair Cream" is a secretion of snails, rich in glycosaminoglycans that restore epidermal cells.
  4. As part of the French Exfoliac "Reconstructive Cream" there are quite a lot of synthetic components: butylene glycol, propylene glycol, polysorbate, methylparaben and urea. However, along with this there is shea butter, glycerin and beeswax.




Shea butter is a source of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins: A, E, F, phytosterols and cinnamic acid, which is a natural UV filter.



Let's take a closer look at the most proven skin regeneration products.

  1. "Nevskaya Cosmetics" produces regenerating cream "Mr. Chister", designed to restore the skin of the hands. This product was created by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation specifically for the purpose of obtaining a restorative effect on the skin of hands exposed to the harmful effects of all kinds of chemicals.