Royal jelly royal jelly

Royal jelly – ROYAL JELLY

Royal jelly or royal jelly is a nutritious mixture of many components that is secreted by nurse bees to feed royal larvae and queen bees, drone larvae and worker bees.

The larvae of worker bees feed on royal jelly for three days after birth; the queen bee feeds on it throughout her life.

Royal jelly is produced in the maxillary gland of nurse bees. Fresh royal jelly is opaque, the consistency resembles sour cream, milky-white (sometimes creamy), sour, with a pungent aftertaste, and smells pleasant.

When producing royal jelly for the queen, bees secrete a hormone into it that is responsible for cell regeneration - their constant rejuvenation. This hormone is not artificially synthesized; its only source is royal jelly. In the human body, this hormone is produced in limited quantities, and the period for which it lasts depends on lifestyle, nutrition, physical and psychological stress on the body, the presence of bad habits, ecology, etc. On average, the production of this hormone is exhausted by the age of 35, and then the aging process begins. These processes can be suspended or prevented by taking 1 teaspoon of royal jelly in the morning and afternoon 30 minutes before meals (without drinking water).

According to scientists, royal jelly has the most balanced combination of microelements of all known biological stimulants. It is thanks to this composition of components that it has exceptional pharmacological effects.

Chemical composition of royal jelly.

Royal jelly contains 60-70% water, 30-40% dry matter, which contains the most proteins - 10-52%, a lot of carbohydrates - 12-40%, lipids - 2-10%, fats - 5.5%. It contains free organic and amino acids (7-32%), as well as minerals (2.5-3%) and vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B12, a little C, A, D and E). The remaining components (up to 16%) have not yet been identified and are poorly studied. The composition of royal jelly components is exceptionally balanced. Its proteins are similar to human blood proteins. The amino acid composition is identical to meat, milk, eggs, but there is much more glutamic and aspartic acid, lysine and proline in royal jelly.

Amino acids (22 identified, some of them essential) are represented by arginine, aspargine, glycocol, cysteine, histidine, lysine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, serine, methionine, glutamic acid, tryptophan, proline, hydroxyproline, gamma globulin, gelatin etc. Gamma globulin performs protective functions in the body (antitoxic, antiviral and antibacterial).

The composition of microelements is variable and depends on the area where bees live. Iron, manganese, zinc, cobalt, which are so necessary for hematopoiesis, are always present, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, copper, nickel, silver, mercury, gold, bismuth, aluminum, chromium, sulfur, silicon, arsenic - more than 100 in total ash elements.

Of the carbohydrates in royal jelly, the main part is glucose and fructose. Sucrose, ribose, maltose, etc. are present insignificantly.

The number of enzymes is small. They are represented by amylase, invertase, glucose oxidase, ascorbic oxidase, catalase, phosphatase, cholinesterase, protease, etc.

Possessing exceptional nutritional value, royal jelly ensures intensive metabolism. The queen larva increases its weight by 3000 times in 5-6 days (larvae of worker bees - by 1600 times).

The presence of about 400 substances in royal jelly allows it to be used to normalize many body functions and determines its high dietary, preventive and medicinal value.

Thanks to the germicidin contained in royal jelly, microorganisms do not develop in it.

Royal jelly is widely used in cosmetology, medicine and in dietary supplements.

This substance has a unique ability to remove radionuclides from the body. Royal jelly is considered one of the most sterile products.

Royal jelly increases vitality, stimulates development and growth, normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system, and activates metabolism. It helps increase muscle mass, normalizes blood composition and metabolic processes.

Use of royal jelly in medicine.

Royal jelly activates and restores all the vital forces of the body.

The main biological principle of the action of royal jelly is to increase the body’s immunity to such a level that it can cope with the disease itself. Royal jelly is successfully used to prevent complex diseases of various etiologies all over the world.

In recent years, based on the latest developments and recommendations of scientists, the demand for this product has sharply increased. Thus, Japan imports an average of about 200 tons of royal jelly annually. In Japan, royal jelly is included in the diet of every schoolchild.

Also, all retired residents must take a maintenance dose of royal jelly orally; this, in particular, explains why the average life expectancy in Japan exceeds 80 years.

The milk, varied in the richness of its components, is characterized by exceptional pharmacological properties. In recent years, these properties have been refined and new ones have been identified.

Royal jelly contains a lot of acetylcholine, a substance that dilates blood vessels, so it is a regulator of blood pressure: in case of hypertension it helps to reduce, and in case of hypotension it increases pressure to normal.

The milk contains hydroxy-decenoic acid, which belongs to carboxylic acids and has anticancer action. This gave rise to the use of royal jelly in the treatment of cancer (Ehrlich carcinoma, lymphosarcoma, adenocarcinoma).

Royal jelly has an inhibitory effect on the microbacteria of tuberculosis, salmonella, anthrax, and influenza virus.

The gonadotropic hormone contained in milk activates the functions of the sex glands.

Royal jelly an excellent biostimulant, this is a valuable natural multivitamin-hormonal remedy with active antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antispasmodic, regenerative, biostimulating, tonic, rejuvenating, geriatric, bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties. It normalizes metabolism, is used against obesity and for weight loss, strengthens the body's resistance to various infectious diseases, stimulates blood circulation, regulates the function of the endocrine glands, has a beneficial effect on atherosclerosis and coronary insufficiency, causes cheerfulness, a surge of energy, eliminates malaise and improves appetite.

The high biological activity of royal jelly is evidenced by the fact that in the first three 5-6 days of life, the royal larva increases its weight by 3000 times (larvae of worker bees - by 1600 times), and longer feeding of its jelly leads to the development of the uterus, in in contrast to the worker bee, whose larva, after the first three days of its life, is fed by the bees with a honey-bread mixture.

Royal jelly improves tissue trophism. Activates enzymatic metabolism, improves tissue respiration. Excites the parasympathetic part of the nervous system, increases the amount of adrenaline. Improves the overall condition of the central and peripheral nervous system, improves the brain's absorption of glucose, oxygen and AT-phase activity.

Milk increases the body's resistance to infections, increases vitality, and improves well-being.

The biologically active substances of royal jelly promote intensive metabolism, while activating vital processes. Thanks to this, the use of royal jelly makes it possible to cure children with malnutrition and atrophy. Royal jelly is also useful for adults who suffer from excessive thinness.

Royal jelly is recommended for pregnant and lactating women. Royal jelly contributes to the normal course of pregnancy. In combination with medicinal plants, it helps pregnant women with swelling and intoxication. During lactation, it enhances milk production and improves its quality composition.

Royal jelly helps relieve fatigue, improves sleep, appetite, memory and increases physical and mental performance. Drinking royal jelly is perhaps one of the most effective methods for treating memory impairment, especially with atherosclerosis.

Royal jelly is often used to treat the cardiovascular system: angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, hypotension, anemia and hypertension. Small doses slow down the heart. Due to its neurotransmitter effect, it improves blood circulation in the brain and spinal cord. Improves rehabilitation after myocardial infarction.

Normalizes blood pressure, blood composition, bone marrow function, increases protein synthesis.

The use of royal jelly allows you to increase the content of red blood cells and hemoglobin in a person’s blood, due to which more oxygen flows to the muscles, this is especially important for people who constantly experience heavy physical activity, for example, athletes.

The use of royal jelly promotes the speedy treatment of stomach ulcers, gastritis, kidney, liver, and intestinal diseases.

Royal jelly helps relieve symptoms of bronchial and cardiac asthma. Bronchitis, laryngitis, acute and chronic runny nose, chronic pneumonia - the use of royal jelly can significantly speed up recovery, and is often the main medicinal ingredient. Royal jelly relaxes smooth muscles and relieves bronchial spasms. An alcohol solution of royal jelly effectively suppresses the influenza virus.

The use of royal jelly for diabetes mellitus is good for recovery, since it contains antibodies to insulin and lowers blood sugar levels.

Royal jelly is self-sterilizing and has a depressing effect on hemorrhagic staphylococcus, anthrax, typhoid fever, and dysentery.

Royal jelly improves the condition of the prostate gland and increases progesterone levels.

Treats infertility and impotence.

Under the influence of royal jelly, sexual function in men is enhanced. Stimulation of the gonads is associated with an effect on certain centers of the hypothalamus.

Royal jelly has a beneficial effect on older people: their metabolism, memory and vision improve, the amount of cholesterol in the blood decreases, and their overall vitality increases. Royal jelly has a tonic effect on the endocrine glands, including the reproductive glands, which helps overcome the menopause.

Royal jelly regulates the level of estrogen (female sex hormone), increases the activity of estrogen if there is not enough of it, and if there is a lot of it, it blocks receptors and reduces their negative impact (helps restore hormonal levels in women, improves ovarian function).

The effect of using royal jelly appears quite quickly. However, to normalize hormonal levels and calcium metabolism in the body, systematic and long-term use is required for several months.

Royal jelly neutralizes free radicals, which includes it in the complex of treatment of malignant tumors, for example, a dose of royal jelly 300 - 500 mg per day affects the DNA of tumor cells (a lower dose is not effective).

Binds heavy metals and radionuclides, and with its antioxidant properties prevents the formation of new undesirable products. Accelerates the elimination of heavy metals.

Stimulates the development of bone tissue, which is important in traumatology.

Milk stimulates the adrenal glands, promotes the production of the adrenal hormone adrenaline, lowers cholesterol, and increases the phagocytic function of leukocytes.

Royal jelly is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for various chronic skin diseases - eczema, neurodermatitis, microbial and seborrheic eczema, lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, focal baldness, warts, ulcers and much more.

Royal jelly is also used in ophthalmology for purulent ulcers and burns of the eye, as well as traumatic keratitis.

Methods of using royal jelly.

Royal jelly is well absorbed by the mucous membrane of the sublingual region and is quickly distributed by the bloodstream throughout the body, bypassing the stomach. Large doses of royal jelly (about 100 – 200 mg per day), taken sublingually or orally, cause a surge of energy. Small doses (10 – 20 mg) act only psychotherapeutically. Before taking royal jelly internally, it is recommended to drink half a glass of alkaline water (a teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of boiled water).

It should be noted that the majority of healthy people (60% of those examined) practically do not react to taking royal jelly in doses of 15 – 20 mg. In 40% of subjects, a state of excitement (euphoria) and sometimes insomnia appear.

Some serious diseases, for example, rheumatism and arthritis, are treated in a complex manner with apitoxin (bee venom) and royal jelly, since their combined use mobilizes the body’s protective properties and their therapeutic effect is enhanced. It should be remembered that bee venom and royal jelly must be used strictly individually, taking into account the characteristics of the body.

Royal jelly is used as a medicinal product in the following forms:

1. Native (fresh) royal jelly. It is recommended to take 10–100 mg sublingually or orally on an empty stomach half an hour to an hour before meals.

2. Native royal jelly with honey syrup: for 250 mg of royal jelly, 100 - 120 g of honey syrup. Take one teaspoon on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals.

3. Native royal jelly with a 40% aqueous alcohol solution (vodka) in a ratio of 1:2. Take 5-10 drops 3-4 times a day 1.5 hours before meals.

4. Mixture: 0.5 g glucose, 1 – 2 drops of honey and 20 mg of fresh royal jelly in the form of soft tablets 2 – 3 times a day under the tongue.

It should be borne in mind that royal jelly should not be taken for diseases of the adrenal glands and acute infectious diseases, as well as for people who are hypersensitive to it.

If there is a predisposition to arterial hypertension and increased blood clotting, drugs containing royal jelly should be taken with caution.

It is better to take royal jelly in the first half of the day and not late in the evening, because... it can cause restlessness and lead to insomnia.

Some recipes for using royal jelly:

The easiest way is to take 1 teaspoon in the morning and afternoon 30 minutes before meals (without drinking water).

As protection against influenza diseases. Take 5 grams of honey with beebread in a two to one ratio, 10 grams of pollen and 7 mg of royal jelly with glucose under the tongue. It must be taken in the morning for twenty days.

For arthritis of the lower extremities, royal jelly should be taken 10-20 mg twice a day.

Small doses of royal jelly will help you lower your blood pressure, but large doses will do the exact opposite. For hypertension, use 1 mg per day, for hypotension - 3 mg.

For diseases of the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract, use royal jelly in a dose of 2 mg, dissolving in 1 glass of warm water, or keep in your mouth until completely dissolved.

To treat gastritis, ulcers, and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, use royal jelly mixed with honey. 10 minutes before using the milk, drink 1 glass of warm mineral water without carbon, then mix 20 mg of royal jelly with 1 teaspoon of honey, keep in your mouth until completely dissolved. With this intake, you will prevent the destruction of biologically active substances of royal jelly by gastric juice. Use the same method for liver cirrhosis.

To treat respiratory diseases, bronchitis, tracheitis, colds and viral infections, pharyngitis, laryngitis, chronic runny nose, use 30 mg of royal jelly 3 times a day or 3 capsules.

Premature old age, cerebral vascular insufficiency, damage to the nervous system, shaking paralysis - 180 mg of milk under the tongue daily (morning or afternoon) for 15 to 20 days or 60 mg once a day intramuscularly.

Kidney disease, diencephalic syndrome, vegetative-vascular dystonia, brain injuries and arachnodites with cerebral venous insufficiency, vertebrobasilar crises against the background of cervical osteochondrosis - 20 mg of royal jelly under the tongue three times a day for 10 - 20 days; After 7–10 days, repeat the course of treatment.

Hypotrophy, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in children - For young children, administer 5 mg of milk using a separate pipette 2 - 3 times a day into the rectum, and for older children - 20 mg under the tongue twice a day for 10 - 15 days.

Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels - 20 - 30 mg of royal jelly under the tongue three times a day for 10 - 15 days.

Angina pectoris - 20 mg of royal jelly under the tongue 3 times a day for 10 - 20 days.

Recipes for skin care with royal jelly.

A very simple procedure will help turn your usual face and body cream much more effective - you just need to add 30-50g of royal jelly to it. True, you need to store such a cream in the refrigerator, and before using it, apply a hot compress with herbal decoctions to your face. With the help of a three-minute compress, the skin pores will open and the cream will be absorbed much better, bringing the beneficial properties of royal jelly into the skin. As a result, the skin will become more elastic and rejuvenated.

Royal jelly as a face cream

Mix a match-sized portion of royal jelly with regular nourishing cream (single dose). Apply to cleansed facial skin at night. There are no time limits for using this recipe. Stay young and healthy!

Royal jelly as a face mask

If you urgently need to remove wrinkles from your face, or undergo a “rehabilitation” course after sudden weight loss (wrinkles appear on your face), the following mask is an amazing remedy:

Take yogurt, preferably homemade. Grate some vegetables - cucumber, banana or apple. Add a few drops of cosmetic oil (coconut, sesame, camellia or any other). And after that, drop a drop of royal jelly there. In the morning you won't recognize yourself. You will be amazed at how amazingly wrinkles are smoothed out.

Universal mask for face and neck with royal jelly

Mix 50 g of warm honey (it is better to heat it in a water bath) and 50 ml of royal jelly, add 20 ml of a decoction of medicinal herbs (it is better to take celandine or string). The herb must be infused for 24 days. Stir the mixture until it cools and thickens. Immediately apply a thin layer to face and neck. After a half-hour procedure, rinse off the mask with warm, then cool water. They say that whoever makes a similar mask for the face and neck twice a week will never age.

Important! It should be remembered that the most wonderful cream or face mask with royal jelly loses its properties if it is exposed to light and out of the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.

Please, before buying ITON Royal Jelly capsules, 180 pcs., check the information about it with the information on the official website of the manufacturer or check the specifications of a specific model with the manager of our company!

The information provided on the site is not a public offer. The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the design, design and configuration of the product. Product images in the photographs presented in the catalog on the website may differ from the originals.

Information about the price of goods indicated in the catalog on the website may differ from the actual price at the time of placing an order for the corresponding product.

Instructions for use



pharmachologic effect

Royal jelly has a beneficial effect on almost all organs and systems of the human body:

Beautiful skin and appearance - participates in the natural production of collagen protein, necessary for the firmness and elasticity of the skin, blood vessel walls, and cartilage tissue.

Nervous system – strengthens resistance to stress, stimulates the growth and division of cells in the spinal cord and brain, accelerates the absorption of glucose, ensures the elasticity and integrity of the optic nerves, helps preserve good memory for a long time;

Cardiovascular system – eliminates the phenomena of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Stabilizes blood pressure (high blood pressure lowers, low blood pressure raises), strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries while making them more elastic, regulates blood composition, prevents the formation of blood clots and cholesterol plaques;

Gastrointestinal organs - stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, improves appetite and accelerates the absorption of nutrients from food, promotes muscle mass, normalizes digestion and eliminates chronic disorders;

Endocrine system – optimizes hormonal levels, stimulates adequate production of hormones by the adrenal cortex and thyroid gland, improves reproductive function, prevents the occurrence of autoimmune diseases;

Musculoskeletal system – relieves inflammation in joints, helps recover from severe injuries and bone damage, prevents the development of osteochondrosis, gout, osteoporosis and other age-related skeletal degenerations;

Genitourinary system - helps to cope with acute and chronic diseases of the intimate sphere, prolongs the period of fertility and sexual activity, mitigates menopause, increases potency, facilitates menstruation and pregnancy, saves from infertility and improves lactation;

Metabolism – promotes detoxification of the body, removes salts of heavy metals and radionuclides, accelerates cell division and tissue renewal, allows you to prolong youth and preserve the beauty of skin, nails and hair for a long time;

Respiratory organs – accelerates recovery from viral, fungal and bacterial diseases of the nasopharynx, throat, trachea, bronchi and lungs, helps cope with complex chronic diseases (tuberculosis, asthma);

Immune system – increases the body’s resistance to external threats, simplifies rehabilitation after suffering serious illnesses, allows a person to better adapt to adverse environmental factors and quickly neutralize harmful effects.

Also, royal jelly is one of the few drugs that has a positive effect on improving the lactation process in nursing mothers.

With 20% discount until Wednesday evening, February 21st.

I bought it on iHerb for the first time Royal Jelly last summer after the recall of our Natasha ts_retel_li, for which I thank her very much! I used to bring it from trips to Egypt. An excellent thing for supporting the immune system, an adaptogen, a storehouse of all sorts of useful substances, a serious help to the body - especially now at the end of winter and spring.
I ran with him all winter in good spirits, and how do you feel? What are you invigorated by?

Do I need to talk a lot about royal jelly? Everyone has heard about him, so I’ll keep it short. This product is the secretion of the maxillary and pharyngeal glands of flightless worker bees. They feed the queen and larvae with it. Externally, fresh royal jelly resembles sour cream, milky white or creamy in color, has a specific aroma and a slightly pungent sweet and sour taste.

Much is known about the chemical composition of royal jelly and its beneficial properties, although it is still considered not fully studied. The first serious studies in Europe were carried out in 1848 by the Polish naturalist Jan Dzierzhon, and royal jelly has been officially used in medicine since 1922.
Royal jelly contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats, lipids, amino acids, minerals, B vitamins, as well as C, A, E, D. It contains elements that have not yet been identified by science and are poorly studied - more than 400 substances in total! Its components are of high medicinal, dietary and preventive value, so it has always been extremely highly valued by fans of beekeeping products and was previously available exclusively to very rich people, since it was consumed only fresh - that’s why it was called “royal jelly.” But progress is moving by leaps and bounds, and with the advent of the lyophilization method (instant drying by freezing), the production of royal jelly and its availability have reached a new level.

Thanks to iHerb, you and I can buy high-quality royal jelly with a record content of active ingredients. And this is California Gold Nutrition, Royal Jelly, 500 mg, 120 Vegetable Capsules

Each capsule contains 500 mg of the substance - it contains a minimum of 6% 10-HAD (ROYAL JELLY ACID, molecular formula C11H22O3), lyophilized concentrate 3: 1, equivalent to 1500 mg of fresh royal jelly. The manufacturer recommends taking 1 capsule 1-2 times a day.
To understand the scale, let's compare this drug with everything known Apilak, sold in our pharmacies - it contains only 10 mg of dry matter, an impressive difference.

Basic properties Royal jelly, which have practical value for you and me, is antiviral, anti-inflammatory and stimulating. Gamma globulin in royal jelly has antiviral, antitoxic and antibacterial properties and performs protective functions. Diluted in a ratio of 1:10, the substance has a stronger effect on microbes than carbolic acid - accordingly, even microscopic doses of the substance work!

Royal jelly is taken:

- to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system,
- normalization of blood lipid composition and hematopoietic function,
- to reduce high blood pressure (as well as to increase low blood pressure),
- stimulation of the immune system,
- lowering sugar and cholesterol levels,
- as an antispasmodic and vasodilator,
- to normalize and activate metabolic processes in tissues, enzymatic and hormonal processes (etc., etc., the list is long)

Thanks to royal jelly, metabolism improves; its intake promotes a speedy recovery after operations and serious illnesses, and helps the rapid regeneration of damaged tissues.

My admission experience. 120 capsules in a jar is enough for one person for 4 months, but you shouldn’t take royal jelly in such a long course - it’s customary to drink it in monthly courses, then take a break for 2 weeks and repeat. My husband and I ate the first can in 2 doses in the fall, and we are taking the second one now. For me, the main result, which is visible to the naked eye, is that we have not been sick even once this season, pah-pah-pah, I hope that we will continue in the same spirit.

My husband’s blood pressure often fluctuates (chronic heart disease), but after taking royal jelly he clearly feels better. I feel myself, comparing with last winter, that I recover faster after trips to the cosmetologist, and I can more easily endure injections on my face. In December I had a laser done, my uneven tan was removed and my face was lightened - the procedure was quite traumatic, but everything healed within a week, despite the fact that such events are usually extremely painful for me.

From my experience I can confidently recommend you California Gold Nutrition Royal Jelly as a general tonic and anti-inflammatory agent, if you have never tried royal jelly, it may be advisable to start getting acquainted with a package of 30 capsules (it is visible in the link to the product), this amount is enough for a month’s course to draw further conclusions. A package of 120 capsules is, of course, more economical in cost and suitable for use by the whole family; it turns out to be profitable and convenient.

And please do not forget that royal jelly (although rare), like any beekeeping product, can cause an allergic reaction if you are individually intolerant to some of its components. Royal jelly should not be consumed by people who suffer from Addison's disease, have problems with the adrenal glands, or with some acute infections. The first signs indicating intolerance are hives, redness of the skin, and sleep disturbances. Be careful!

Thanks to all customers who use my code TST251 when placing your orders, all my other reports can be seen here - in IHERBFANS. I wish you only pleasant shopping on iHerb!