Diagram of acne on the face and its meaning

If there are any flaws on the skin, this is a signal of problems in the body. In Chinese medicine there is information about the relationship between acne on the neck and face and the condition of the organs. European doctors confirm the connection between acne and the state of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, and immune problems. The occurrence of redness is not a random occurrence. Let's find out the causes of acne in various areas of the face.


Mirror of body and soul

Chinese doctors claim that there is a relationship between different parts of the face and certain internal organs. In addition, areas of the body store certain information about the energetic and physical state of the human body. The pattern of acne appearing on the face is a direct reflection of health.

Ancient Chinese ideas about the gall bladder, liver, heart, and lungs differ from modern anatomical data. But the connection between appearance and internal diseases has been confirmed by scientific research.


Causes of skin rashes

Common causes of acne on the face are diseases of the internal organs. There is a certain scheme for their location. For each area, one or more problematic internal organs are identified. In order to assess the significance of acne on the face, the location zones are divided into 9 positions.

Pimples above the eyebrows (on the forehead)

Any pimple on the forehead indicates serious problems with the digestive system. The forehead area is considered the T-zone, which contains the maximum number of sweat and sebaceous glands. As a result of the active production of subcutaneous fat, an unnatural shine appears in the frontal area. In addition, there is a serious threat of acne and pimples.

The appearance of pimples above the eyebrows is a signal of problems in the functioning of the gallbladder and pancreas. Also among the reasons for this phenomenon is the condition of certain parts of the intestine. Most often, pimples occur in people suffering from gallstone disease and dysbacteriosis.

Depending on the location of the redness, one can also guess the cause of the problem. When acne is located near the hair, there is a high probability of disruption of the gallbladder. If the rash appears near the eyebrows, intestinal irritation occurs and it cannot cope with the functions assigned to it.

Any redness on the forehead is a signal of serious nutritional problems. Acne occurs when you eat unhealthy, processed foods. Also, a similar phenomenon is promoted by the abuse of sweet, fatty foods. Drink carbonated drinks and you will also get pimples on your face. The reasons for their appearance may differ by zone, but not significantly. Acne can be caused by taking medications: antibiotics, vitamins, hormonal drugs. Toxins that the intestines could not cope with try to escape through the skin.

Rash between eyebrows

If redness or rash appears in the eyebrow area, this indicates problems with the liver. The reasons for the loss of liver functionality may be: alcohol, fatty foods, dairy products. It is advisable to give up protein foods for a while and remove lactic acid products from your diet. Physical exercise and healthy sleep help eliminate acne on the face. The causes by zone, treatment of the rash (methods) should be determined by a professional dermatologist. Self-medication will only worsen the problem and cause serious health problems.


Around eyes

Any kind of rash in the eye area, the appearance of dark circles under the eyes indicate kidney disease, as well as dehydration. If you find acne on your face, the doctor must determine the causes by zone and choose a course of treatment (prevention), taking into account the results of clinical tests and the general condition of the patient. To prevent rashes around the eyes, you need to drink enough fluids.


On the nose

There is no clear answer to the question about the prerequisites for such a phenomenon as acne on the face. The causes of the rash may vary by region. Most often, pimples appear in this area due to enlarged nasal pores that have increased fat content. The nose is mostly open, and therefore dust and organic pollutants accumulate on its surface. Those people who constantly touch their nose with dirty hands clog their pores. As a result, red spots and black dots appear on the nose. Due to hormonal imbalance, acne also appears on the face. Their number may vary by zone. Hormonal problems are mainly characteristic of adolescents.

A rash on the nose may be a sign of heart problems. Having seen redness on the nose, you need to pay attention to blood pressure, assess the quantitative content of vitamin B in the body. It is advisable to check your cholesterol level, give up “bad” fats for a while, and include flaxseed oil, fish, and avocado in your food. Girls and women have their own problems, which cause acne to appear on the face in zones. The reasons lie in poor quality skin cleansing after makeup and the use of low-quality cosmetics.


On the ears

Why do acne appear on the face? By zone, the reasons are almost the same: diseases of internal organs, unhealthy diet, disruption of the daily routine. Redness and rash on the ears occurs due to kidney disease. To eliminate acne, you need to drink purified mineral water, give up strong coffee, carbonated drinks, and strong alcoholic drinks.

On the cheeks

If a rash appears in this area, there are serious problems with the respiratory system. This phenomenon is mainly typical for allergy sufferers and smokers. Acne on the cheeks and when the body overheats are also possible. To eliminate redness, it is advisable to use refrigerated foods. It is also important to reduce the consumption of sweet foods and increase the duration of walks in the fresh air. Dermatologists advise not to eat foods that create an acidic environment: caffeine, sweets, protein products. They need to be replaced with vegetables and fruits.


On the lips

If pimples appear around the lips, the body is in a stressful situation, or serious hormonal changes have occurred. A full eight-hour sleep, green vegetables, and a sufficient amount of regular drinking water are suitable as a preventive measure. As a result of clinical studies, a connection has been confirmed between acne in the mouth and disorders of the digestive system: loose stools, constipation, intestinal colic.


On the chin

The causes of rash and redness on the chin are the functioning of the endocrine system, as well as a malfunction of the digestive tract. If acne appears on the face, the causes by zone can only be determined after a full clinical study. For prevention, you can include foods rich in fiber in your diet. They will help remove harmful toxins from the body and restore the functioning of the digestive system.

Pimples in the chin area can be a consequence of increased levels of male sex hormones in the female body. Girls and women who find a rash on their chin should consult a gynecologist. Inflammation can be a consequence of hypothermia, decreased immunity, or an infectious disease. If you struggle with acne for a long period of time to no avail, you should consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

How to get rid of acne?

Before you begin to eliminate acne, you need to understand the internal and external causes of its occurrence. Only in this case can one count on the effectiveness of the course of treatment. You will have to be patient and prepare yourself for a long war with acne. Often, the course of acne treatment lasts several years. You should not neglect basic hygienic rules of facial care. If one course of treatment is ineffective, you need to look for a new option and not fall into despair.

Considering the type and degree of acne damage to the facial skin, you can use different treatment methods:

  1. Removing dead skin particles from the skin, opening pores.
  2. Relieving inflammation from areas affected by acne.
  3. Treatment of hormonal imbalance.
  4. Restoring the functionality of the sebaceous glands.

Among the folk remedies that allow you to fight numerous redness on the skin, we note the juice of lemon, celandine, and lemon. Oatmeal and yeast masks remove bacteria from the skin and expand pores. Do not try to get rid of pimples on your own by squeezing them. Such manipulations will lead to the spread of infection throughout the skin, and as a result, the number of acne not only will not decrease, on the contrary, it will increase several times.

Analyzing the significance of acne on the face by zone, cosmetologists and dermatologists came to the conclusion that they can be used to make an initial conclusion about the patient’s health status. But to choose a course of treatment, a complete examination is a mandatory requirement. Only based on its results will the doctor be able to select therapy and eliminate the source of acne.

Sometimes it is very difficult to establish the true cause of acne, to find out what problems in the body cause it.

We have no idea that pimples themselves tell us where to look for the source of the problem, by their location on the body.

But Chinese scientists, back in ancient times, concluded that the area with the rash corresponded to a specific organ or system of the human body.

  1. All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  2. Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  3. We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  4. Health to you and your loved ones!

Modern medicine does not deny this relationship. On the contrary, an acne map helps to diagnose a health problem faster.

Why can acne appear on a certain area of ​​the body and what does its location say about the health of a particular organ?

What it is

An acne map is a photo or drawing of the human body, for convenience, divided into zones (by color or other highlighting), and the meaning of the rashes in these areas.

Depending on the location of the rashes in these areas, a conclusion is drawn about problems with specific organs or systems, which facilitates the search for the causes of acne and is often confirmed by special studies.

Map of the location of acne on the face

The acne map on the face contains 14 zones, some of which are symmetrical (for example, cheeks, temples, etc.).

Typically the following areas are distinguished:

  1. forehead;
  2. nose;
  3. bridge of the nose;
  4. cheeks;
  5. area near the eyes;
  6. area near the lips;
  7. chin;
  8. neck;
  9. ears and the area next to the ear.

What do pimples on the face mean?

Photo: areas of reflection of internal organs on the face

The human forehead is divided into several areas at once, which are responsible for the functioning of different organs.

But most of the diseases that cause rashes here are somehow related to the digestive system.

  1. The central part of the forehead indicates the functioning of the digestive organs, with the upper part of this area showing problems of the large intestine, and the lower part of the small intestine.
  2. If acne appears along the hairline, this may indicate that the gallbladder is suffering.
  3. Pimples above the eyebrows indicate problems with the heart.
  4. Just above the eyebrows, the same rashes can be a manifestation of bladder disease.
  5. Also, acne in the middle of the forehead often appears due to hormonal imbalances, especially in adolescents and women.

The cause of acne on the forehead can be insufficiently clean hair that covers it, and an allergic reaction to hair care products.

Therefore, first of all, these factors should be excluded, and then draw conclusions about the nature of the rash.


  1. Rashes on the temples indicate more significant problems with the gallbladder. There may be some kind of illness, and not just a deviation in work.
  2. They can also be a consequence of poor lymph flow.

In any case, it is better to start with a consultation with an endocrinologist.

Bridge of the nose and eyebrows

The liver is entirely responsible for this area.

The cause of such acne can be different types of intoxication (junk food, alcohol, use of large doses of medications).

If the liver is overloaded or sick, it cannot completely cope with cleansing the blood of harmful impurities, which is manifested by rashes, primarily in the upper part of the bridge of the nose and the space between the eyebrows.

Negative emotions, according to Chinese medicine, can also be expressed by pimples on the bridge of the nose.

This is, first of all, anger and anger, especially if they find no other way out and accumulate in the body. Chinese medicine generally considers all symptoms in close connection with the internal state of a person. Therefore, she immediately identifies a complex of factors that cause acne to appear and what they mean.

Although the nose itself is represented by one zone, acne is still considered depending on the specific site of its formation:

  1. tip of the nose – diseases of the heart and blood vessels, often acne here signals high blood pressure;
  2. nose wings – lungs and bronchi, weakness of these sections or a tendency to frequent colds;
  3. bridge of the nose – dysfunction of the stomach or pancreas.

No less often, the causes of rashes on the nose are poor-quality cosmetics, insufficient cleansing of the skin, or the use of powder or foundation on this area. All this leads to blockage of the sebaceous gland ducts and inflammation.

  1. Pimples often appear on the nose due to hypothermia.

Photo: rashes caused by hypothermia

  1. The development of the inflammatory process is also facilitated by the habit of touching it with your hands.

So this protruding part of our face is subject to many adverse effects not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

Around eyes

Almost all unfavorable cosmetic manifestations around the eyes are associated with poor functioning of the kidneys and urinary organs.

Moreover, they can be associated both with fluid retention in the body and as a result of insufficient consumption. In any case, consulting a urologist will not hurt.

  1. The cheeks in general are considered to reflect the health of a person's respiratory system. Moreover, the right cheek is an indicator of the condition of the right lung, and the left cheek is an indicator of the left.
  2. Rashes can occur due to insufficient blood supply to this organ, for example, due to low physical activity. The cause may also be congestion due to smoking or frequent colds.
  3. But acne in the upper part of the cheeks can also appear due to digestive problems, and in the lower part it can be a consequence of diseases of the mouth and gums.

Chinese medicine claims that rashes on the cheeks are characteristic of people with a feeling of lack of happiness.

And the more unhappy a person feels, the more acne will appear.

The cause of acne on the cheeks can also be trivial factors: insufficient hygiene, the habit of touching the face with hands, a pillowcase on the pillow (if it is not changed often enough), a mobile phone (few people keep its surface clean, and when talking it touches the cheek). That is, the whole range of reasons should be taken into account.


Acne on the chin is an indicator of hormonal imbalance.

Photo: teenage acne associated with hormonal imbalance

  1. They are typical for adolescents, and in adult men and women they can appear due to diseases of the pelvic organs (women) or problems with the prostate gland (men). You should consult a gynecologist or urologist on this issue, respectively.
  2. Rashes on the chin can also be caused by drinking alcohol or frequent stress.

Rashes near the lips are usually associated with poor diet and digestive problems, which stem from the first factor.

  1. Acne here often appears in people along with a tendency to constipation, so the main attention should be paid to problems of the large intestine.
  2. Women should also pay attention to the composition and expiration date of the lipstick they use.

A map of acne on the face should not be considered as an accurate method for diagnosing diseases of internal organs, but as an assistant that can facilitate the search for health problems.

After all, finding the true cause of rashes on the face is sometimes very difficult.

Video: “Causes of acne and the most effective remedy for acne”

Causes of acne on the body

People suffer less from rashes on the body than from acne on the face, but the problem still exists.

It’s one thing if such acne is a temporary phenomenon. Another thing is if you can’t completely get rid of them. In this case, you need to look for a factor that constantly provokes new inflammation.

It has been noticed that specific problems in the body cause rashes in certain areas of the body. It can be:

What is the best acne medicine? Find out here.

On the neck

  1. Pimples on the neck often appear due to disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system, but can also be a consequence of infectious diseases.
  2. Irritating factors cannot be ruled out: shaving the neck (in men), rubbing with a scarf or collar.

Photo: itchy rash on neck

On shoulders

The most common cause of shoulder rashes is poor diet.

  1. It consists, first of all, in the abuse of fatty, salty, spicy foods, frequent snacks “on the go”, in fast food establishments. In such conditions, the digestive organs suffer greatly, which will soon manifest itself as acne on the shoulders.
  2. Large sebaceous glands are also located in this area of ​​the body, so stress and hormonal imbalances contribute to their improper functioning and blockage.
  3. It is worth paying attention to clothes made of synthetic fabrics, which do not allow the skin to breathe. But quite often it is the shoulders that sweat under the straps of bags.
  4. Any of these factors can cause blackheads to appear in the area. And if these rashes constantly recur, then it is necessary to look for their cause.

On the chest

Photo: the appearance of a red rash on the chest is possible due to hormonal disorders

The breast area in women can be a reflection of the hormonal balance in the body, so the appearance of acne here, especially deep, subcutaneous acne, should make you think about the health of the genital area and endocrine glands.

  1. Malfunctions of the pancreas can manifest as rashes in the chest area. In patients with diabetes mellitus, such rashes are a common occurrence.
  2. Digestive problems, especially those that appear after a course of antibacterial drugs, also often provoke rashes in this area.

On the back

Back acne can appear for many reasons.

Photo: allergic rash on the back

Among them the most common:

  1. body reactions to washing powder, synthetic fabrics, components of shower products;
  2. poor diet and smoking and alcohol abuse;
  3. prolonged exposure to the sun;
  4. insufficient hygiene combined with excessive sweating;
  5. tight, tight-fitting clothing;
  6. hormonal imbalance.

Understanding this is not always easy, but with the help of a specialist it is quite possible to get rid of such rashes.

On the buttocks

The skin on the buttocks reacts sharply to any unfavorable conditions: synthetic underwear, poor hygiene, hypothermia, ingestion of an allergen.

Photo: the appearance of inflammatory elements on the butt may be associated with hypothermia

But usually such rashes tend to pass.

If they persistently appear again, then perhaps the problem lies in diseases of the genital organs or changes in hormonal levels.

A gynecologist or endocrinologist will help you figure this out.

How to treat

An equally important question after discovering the cause of the rash is how to deal with it.

Methods for treating acne are varied: these include cosmetic procedures, medications for external and internal use, proper skin care, and folk recipes.

But all these methods will be powerless to rid you of rashes if there is no impact on the main cause that caused them.

  1. Therefore, the main efforts need to be directed precisely at overcoming it. This will require special treatment, which will be prescribed to you by your doctor. Who it will be depends on the problem detected: a gynecologist, an endocrinologist, a nutritionist, a therapist or a dermatologist.
  2. But in parallel, symptomatic therapy should be carried out.

In case of serious problems, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of acne quickly, but you should be patient so that all the rashes heal without leaving marks on the skin.

Photo: rubbing the face with infusions and decoctions of herbs will relieve inflammation and soothe the skin

  1. Basic treatment can be carried out at home. These are various preparations for external use or folk remedies: rubbing, masks, compresses.

Photo: manual facial cleansing in the salon

  1. Cosmetic procedures help clear the skin of comedones or remove acne marks: facial cleansing, mesotherapy, ozone therapy, etc. They are prescribed by a doctor based on individual skin problems.
  2. You should also reconsider your diet. You may have to give up your favorite foods that are harmful to your skin for a while: fast food, fatty, spicy, sweet.

Photo: foods that cause acne

  1. Physical exercise will help you get your skin in order faster. walking in the fresh air, getting enough sleep and minimizing stressful situations.

Such a complex impact will require some effort and adjustments to your usual lifestyle.

But in the end, the skin will acquire a healthy appearance, and some health problems will be solved.

And the further condition of the skin and the presence of new acne on it will depend on you.


Having gotten rid of acne, you need to take measures to prevent acne from appearing again. Of course, it is impossible to completely insure against this.

But there are general recommendations that help reduce this risk.

Photo: substances produced by smoking have a harmful effect on the skin

  1. Get rid of bad habits. Alcohol and tobacco supply our body with a lot of toxins that our internal organs are unable to completely cope with. Some of these harmful substances will be excreted by the skin, which will adversely affect its condition.
  2. Organize your day in such a way as to include walks in the fresh air and proper rest (primarily night sleep) into your daily plan. Insufficient oxygen supply to the body and accumulating nervous tension leads to many diseases that can manifest themselves as acne on the skin.
  3. If you are prone to acne, you should pay special attention to food. It should be varied so that the body receives the full range of necessary nutrients. Overeating and starving will not bring any benefit. There is no need to completely deprive yourself of “joys” that are harmful, from a nutritional point of view, but they should not be the basis of nutrition.
  4. Emotions also affect our appearance. If they are completely negative (anger, sadness, apathy), then the reflection in the mirror will soon become just as faded and joyless. Try to find a reason to feel positive every day.
  5. Don't forget about regular skin care according to your skin type. Usually it does not take much time, and the results are noticeable.

Is salicylic alcohol effective for subcutaneous acne? Find out here.

Does Klerasil help with acne? Read on.

Sometimes this is quite difficult to do. In this case, an acne map can be a good assistant, which will tell you in which area the health problem is hidden.

Video: “Map of acne on the face”

Acne can appear at any time, even the most inopportune moment, but people do not think about the reasons for its appearance. Acne is the first bell signaling a malfunction in the body. If functionality is impaired, then the problem should be looked for in your body, otherwise acne, papules, pustules, small black spots and similar rashes will constantly bother you.

There is a diagram that can help you recognize which internal organ is responsible for the appearance of acne in a certain part of the face. Why does acne appear, what problem is hidden behind its appearance, how to treat the disease and what measures need to be taken to get rid of acne forever?

What is a “pimple map”

Chinese doctors are convinced that there is a parallel between organs and facial rashes. Depending on what part of the face the pimple appears on, you can tell which organ is not functioning properly. The face is the keeper of several states at once - energetic, psychological and physical. When acne appears, you should pay more attention to the health of your internal organs.

Qualified doctors consider the relationship to be a scientifically proven fact, but the essence of this technique changes slightly. The fact is that the skin, according to doctors, is one large and important organ that protects the insides from aggressive environmental influences.

The skin is considered a constant participant in interaction with the outside world, so it is the first to suffer from negative consequences. There are many sebaceous hair follicles on the skin. If they function correctly, sebum is produced, which protects the epidermis from drying out and maintains elasticity. This creates a protective barrier. When sebum production is impaired, the skin becomes dry or oily. If the sebaceous duct becomes clogged with a collagen plug (blackhead), you will get a pimple. Since the lard has no outlet, the process of decay begins, creating propionobacteria.

The “Acne Map” helps to see the connection between diseases of the internal system and the location of acne on the face. Based on the diagram, you can divide the face into 3 parts, which are responsible for their own group of organs. To understand which organ is functioning poorly, it is enough to have knowledge of which part of the face is responsible for it.

The face is conventionally divided into 14 zones, some of which are asymmetrical (temples, cheeks). Leave 9 main parts:

  1. frontal lobe;
  2. Auricle;
  3. cheeks;
  4. wings of the nose, middle;
  5. chin;
  6. bridge of the nose;
  7. near the eyes;
  8. near lips;
  9. neck.


The Acne Map allows you to understand the meaning of acne and its formulation. All kinds of rashes, including acne in the neck area, indicate malfunctions in the internal system of the body.

Forehead area

Diseases of the stomach and nearby organs responsible for processing food are accompanied by rashes on the forehead. When propionobacteria spread, new acne appears, and the skin acquires an unhealthy shine. If acne does not appear and the oily skin does not disappear, then it is better to go check the gastrointestinal tract, because oily skin is directly related to malfunctions of the digestive system.

When acne on the forehead appears exactly above the eyebrow, the problem may be hidden in the gallbladder or pancreas. It is unlikely that there was a malfunction in the intestines. There may be dysbiosis, enteritis, colitis, flatulence. Inflammation of the mucous membrane that envelops the intestines or an imbalance of its microflora are serious diseases.

If acne is observed on the forehead, along the hairline, then the patient suffers from intestinal irritation. This occurs due to an unbalanced diet, excessive consumption of salty, sour, sweet, fried or fatty foods, alcohol or carbonated drinks. If acne has attacked your temples, then you should think about reducing your medication intake. Temporal rashes may appear due to the consumption of hormonal drugs or antibiotics. Periodic consumption of vitamin complexes can also affect the spread of acne. Diseases of the spleen and lymph flow are less commonly diagnosed.

Pimples on the temples can indicate cardiovascular diseases and disturbances in the production of hormones in the female half of the population. In order for your skin to look healthy, you should refrain from eating foods with a rich taste, balance your diet and eat more plant foods. Bad habits can also become provoking factors, so it is necessary to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Ear area

You can talk about kidney disease if acne appears in the ear area. In appearance, the auricle is very similar to a kidney. With ear pimples, inflammatory diseases occur in the kidneys (pyelonephritis), urination is difficult, and it is possible that there are stones in the kidneys. To eliminate diseases, you should drink at least 2 liters. pure non-carbonated water, completely remove coffee, carbonated and alcohol-containing drinks from the diet.

Cheek area

Pimples in the cheek area appear when problems arise with the bronchi or lungs. Depending on the location of the pimples, you can judge which lung is functioning poorly. If the rash appears on the right cheek, then the problem concerns the right lung, if on the left, then the left. Tracheitis, tuberculosis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma and even pneumonia may be present. Allergy sufferers and smokers are more likely to have a chronic disease. If the patient does not use tobacco and is not allergic, then pimples on the cheeks can be caused by overheating.

If acne appears above the cheekbones, you should take care of the stomach, since it is possible that gastritis (including atrophic), ulcers, and heartburn develop in the body. There are cases when a person suffers from constipation. If acne has formed under the cheekbone, then the disease can affect the oral cavity. Sometimes small red rashes occur - this is a symptom of an unstable mental state, emotional overload. Similar symptoms apply to acne in the cervical area. All patients are recommended to drink at least 2 liters. water per day, eat fresh, refrigerated foods, reduce your intake of sugary foods and increase your time outdoors.

Nose area

There is no clear idea why acne appears on the nose, but there are the most common factors that influence the presence of rashes in this area:

  1. problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract occur with acne on the upper part of the nose;
  2. If the tip of your nose is strewn with pimples, then you should look for answers in a reference book with cardiovascular diseases.

When acne appears on the nostrils, you should pay attention to the respiratory system. Diseases associated with the trachea or bronchi are possible.

Reduced blood circulation can also cause acne on the nose. The distinguishing factor is the redness of the tip of the nose and a constant burning sensation. Sometimes nasal acne appears due to hormonal imbalance caused by puberty, premenstrual syndrome, menopause or pregnancy.

The environmental situation in the region of residence plays an important role. The body can react in its own way to emissions and excessive gas pollution. Pimples on the neck and nose can form due to this factor.

It is necessary to take into account that the nose is completely covered with sebaceous hair follicles, which means it is more susceptible to oiliness. External pollutants are often concentrated on the nose. It is advisable to maintain careful hygiene and periodically moisturize your face - this will help protect your skin from harmful factors. Refusing to consume unhealthy fats in favor of healthy ones will also affect your appearance. A balanced diet is always aimed at maintaining health and strengthening the immune system. If pimples often appear on your nose, then it is advisable to monitor your blood pressure for 2 weeks.

The bridge of the nose (the area between the eyebrows)

If you have acne on the bridge of your nose, you should pay attention to the functioning of your liver. You can get hepatosis, hepatitis, or simply get a metabolic disorder. This is the first signal that the liver cannot cope with the food consumed, which means you will have to go on a strict diet, remove alcohol, medications and unhealthy foods from your diet. Such actions will help cleanse the liver, remove toxins and waste from the body, and cleanse the blood. Sleep should be at least 8 hours, and exercise should be repeated regularly!

Eye area

You can pay attention to 2 scenarios - kidney disease or dehydration (lack of water) of the body. To avoid consequences, you need to drink more fluids and spend more time outdoors.

The area around the lips

Pimples near the lips indicate a disruption in the production of hormones. If there is a rash above the upper lip, it can indicate problems of a cardiac nature, and above the lower lip, it can indicate problems of the small intestine. Pimples appear in the corners of the lips with diseases of the duodenum, and a little further along the edges - with diseases of the large intestine.

Touchy people develop acne due to stress and unspoken grievances. With profuse acne on the back, the cause should be sought in the psychological state of the patient. Frequent exposure to conflict situations is reflected in red lips and upper back. Don't be nervous - you should relax and spend more time sleeping.

Chin area

They are responsible for the functioning of the endocrine system; the appearance of acne can also indicate diseases affecting the female reproductive glands. When the level of male hormones in the body increases, rashes may appear. Often the cause is normal menstruation, when male hormones are produced in large quantities.

The neck is an extremely sensitive area, and acne can become inflamed - this indicates a cold. Immunity is reduced, and to get rid of acne on the neck you will have to block the inflammatory process.

Amina Pirmanova / article author